Can Anybody Stop Putin?

I dropped one at 600 meters with an M-14 outside of Plei Me 46 years ago...they were teaching NVA how to disarm our claymores.

Why do I know you were some spoon in Da Nang who spent your tour peeling potatoes?

You again? :rolleyes-41:

I guess you'd know from my name being on the MACV RECONDO graduated roster at Nha Trang LRRP school, bitch.

Is that a fact? Only posers bullshit as much as you. You jerkoffs are as thick as cow turds on facebook. LRRP were you? In the Marines? Jarheads didn't call them "LRRPs" Go to Google images. Search "Vietnam Rangers". My team picture is second from left, top row (Lima Company Rangers, 101 Airborne Division). I'm the tall guy with a banana clip in my CAR-15. I spent two years in I Corps actually doing what you pretend you were doing. I know a bullshit artist when I hear one.
I'm a VNV myself and as far as remember only the US Army had teams referred to as LRRP's ..... :cool:

You better stick to playing with your Putin bobblehead, pedo-worshipper.
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Putin is very popular with the average Russian citizen.

He puts his country first and is a strong nationalist.

I wish we had a leader like him here in the U.S.

All the polls are rigged because he controls the media. Sanctions starting to bite the common people, oil prices tanking, body-bags coming home....they smell Afghanistan revisited.

Polls are rigged world wide. Sanctions haven't touched the average person, oil prices are hurting many countries (Saudi Arabia is cutting production to try to get them to bounce back) and body bags from freaking the Ukraine?

Step away from the computer and put down the bong :lol:

That's correct....russian troop are dying in eastern Ukraine. The ruble is in free-fall and the russian people are very aware Putin's big adventure isn't turning out like he told them it would. I don't smoke dope, missy...maybe you should stop so your mind can focus on world events.

I've been following the American/EU/NATO coup in the Ukraine and the civil war that arose from handing Kiev over to thugs intently for quite some time now.

It would not surprise me in the least if some Russian soldiers are involved in assisting pro Russian rebels and if some have died.

Kudos to them. Russia assisting pro Russian rebels is no worse than the US assisting in the arming of faux rebels in Syria to overthrow Assad or bombing the shit out of Libya to overthrow Gaddafi and hand the country over to Islamic militias who will now fight over who will control 1/5th of the worlds oil supply.
That's correct. The USMC had recon platoons. Rangers operated in 5 or 6 man teams. They were LRRPs. Marine recon units operated in larger units.
Were you MACV-SOG ?? ..... :cool:

We worked with them on occasion. The SOG and Ranger units in I Corps were fairly fluid. They were all-volunteer, and some people moved back and forth between the two units. We both worked a long way out there, in Laos, sometimes in North Vietnam. We shared radio relay stations, usually some godforsaken rat-infested collection of bunkers on top of some mountain top in the Chaine Anamatiques that ran along the Laotian border. stinkin fake.

Say that to my face sometime, Alice. You're probably some 385 lb. turd who can't even get out of his own chair. You're a liar and a poser, but mostly you're a fucking coward, as all posers are who try to parasite a pretend past they never had in reality, from men whose boots they couldn't shine. You're the lowest form of parasite. I use my real name online, asshole. Here's the web site I helped found 15 years ago: Everyone there knows me. All the old Ranger fraternity know me. My handle is "hobbit". Check me out. Then post some proofs of your own you gutless sack of offal.
Putin is very popular with the average Russian citizen.

He puts his country first and is a strong nationalist.

I wish we had a leader like him here in the U.S.

All the polls are rigged because he controls the media. Sanctions starting to bite the common people, oil prices tanking, body-bags coming home....they smell Afghanistan revisited.

Polls are rigged world wide. Sanctions haven't touched the average person, oil prices are hurting many countries (Saudi Arabia is cutting production to try to get them to bounce back) and body bags from freaking the Ukraine?

Step away from the computer and put down the bong :lol:

That's correct....russian troop are dying in eastern Ukraine. The ruble is in free-fall and the russian people are very aware Putin's big adventure isn't turning out like he told them it would. I don't smoke dope, missy...maybe you should stop so your mind can focus on world events.

I've been following the American/EU/NATO coup in the Ukraine and the civil war that arose from handing Kiev over to thugs intently for quite some time now.

It would not surprise me in the least if some Russian soldiers are involved in assisting pro Russian rebels and if some have died.

Kudos to them. Russia assisting pro Russian rebels is no worse than the US assisting in the arming of faux rebels in Syria to overthrow Assad or bombing the shit out of Libya to overthrow Gaddafi and hand the country over to Islamic militias who will now fight over who will control 1/5th of the worlds oil supply.

Where you got this point of view isn't important....what is important is that it's ridiculous. The "rebels" are clearly russian special forces (spetnaz)'s why they wear masks when there are cameras around. There is no "independence" movement in eastern's all a set up for Putin to keep his dirty paws on Crimea. They bragged about shooting down a Malaysian airliner! Shame on you for standing up for that asshole.
That's correct. The USMC had recon platoons. Rangers operated in 5 or 6 man teams. They were LRRPs. Marine recon units operated in larger units.
Were you MACV-SOG ?? ..... :cool:

We worked with them on occasion. The SOG and Ranger units in I Corps were fairly fluid. They were all-volunteer, and some people moved back and forth between the two units. We both worked a long way out there, in Laos, sometimes in North Vietnam. We shared radio relay stations, usually some godforsaken rat-infested collection of bunkers on top of some mountain top in the Chaine Anamatiques that ran along the Laotian border. stinkin fake.

Say that to my face sometime, Alice. You're probably some 385 lb. turd who can't even get out of his own chair. You're a liar and a poser, but mostly you're a fucking coward, as all posers are who try to parasite a pretend past they never had in reality, from men whose boots they couldn't shine. You're the lowest form of parasite. I use my real name online, asshole. Here's the web site I helped found 15 years ago: Everyone there knows me. All the old Ranger fraternity know me. My handle is "hobbit". Check me out. Then post some proofs of your own you gutless sack of offal.

I busted you like a soap bubble, bitch. And I won't get suckered into threatening you and you snitching me out. You ain't worth the effort to correct more of your comic book fantasies. No Ranger would ever praise a stinkin russian dictator....never happen.....go Robin Williams....I'll lend you a belt.
Putin is very popular with the average Russian citizen.

He puts his country first and is a strong nationalist.

I wish we had a leader like him here in the U.S.

All the polls are rigged because he controls the media. Sanctions starting to bite the common people, oil prices tanking, body-bags coming home....they smell Afghanistan revisited.

Polls are rigged world wide. Sanctions haven't touched the average person, oil prices are hurting many countries (Saudi Arabia is cutting production to try to get them to bounce back) and body bags from freaking the Ukraine?

Step away from the computer and put down the bong :lol:

That's correct....russian troop are dying in eastern Ukraine. The ruble is in free-fall and the russian people are very aware Putin's big adventure isn't turning out like he told them it would. I don't smoke dope, missy...maybe you should stop so your mind can focus on world events.

I've been following the American/EU/NATO coup in the Ukraine and the civil war that arose from handing Kiev over to thugs intently for quite some time now.

It would not surprise me in the least if some Russian soldiers are involved in assisting pro Russian rebels and if some have died.

Kudos to them. Russia assisting pro Russian rebels is no worse than the US assisting in the arming of faux rebels in Syria to overthrow Assad or bombing the shit out of Libya to overthrow Gaddafi and hand the country over to Islamic militias who will now fight over who will control 1/5th of the worlds oil supply.

Where you got this point of view isn't important....what is important is that it's ridiculous. The "rebels" are clearly russian special forces (spetnaz)'s why they wear masks when there are cameras around. There is no "independence" movement in eastern's all a set up for Putin to keep his dirty paws on Crimea. They bragged about shooting down a Malaysian airliner! Shame on you for standing up for that asshole.

So sad. Too bad. You obviously are unaware of exactly who we in the west handed the Ukraine over to in Kiev. Thugs.

If you believe that there are no such people as "pro Russian Ukrainians" you are truly ignorant. They detest Kiev with a passion. The Ukraine is as divided as America.

The western backed coup threw out a duly elected President and his duly elected party. The President that the East put in power. The party members that the East put in power.

By the way, it was completely illegal by the Ukraine's Constitution to remove the President the way they did.

Of course there are overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the East who want nothing to do with Kiev and the thugs that rule now illegally and wish to separate from this farce of a government.

I would too.
All the polls are rigged because he controls the media. Sanctions starting to bite the common people, oil prices tanking, body-bags coming home....they smell Afghanistan revisited.

Polls are rigged world wide. Sanctions haven't touched the average person, oil prices are hurting many countries (Saudi Arabia is cutting production to try to get them to bounce back) and body bags from freaking the Ukraine?

Step away from the computer and put down the bong :lol:

That's correct....russian troop are dying in eastern Ukraine. The ruble is in free-fall and the russian people are very aware Putin's big adventure isn't turning out like he told them it would. I don't smoke dope, missy...maybe you should stop so your mind can focus on world events.

I've been following the American/EU/NATO coup in the Ukraine and the civil war that arose from handing Kiev over to thugs intently for quite some time now.

It would not surprise me in the least if some Russian soldiers are involved in assisting pro Russian rebels and if some have died.

Kudos to them. Russia assisting pro Russian rebels is no worse than the US assisting in the arming of faux rebels in Syria to overthrow Assad or bombing the shit out of Libya to overthrow Gaddafi and hand the country over to Islamic militias who will now fight over who will control 1/5th of the worlds oil supply.

Where you got this point of view isn't important....what is important is that it's ridiculous. The "rebels" are clearly russian special forces (spetnaz)'s why they wear masks when there are cameras around. There is no "independence" movement in eastern's all a set up for Putin to keep his dirty paws on Crimea. They bragged about shooting down a Malaysian airliner! Shame on you for standing up for that asshole.

So sad. Too bad. You obviously are unaware of exactly who we in the west handed the Ukraine over to in Kiev. Thugs.

If you believe that there are no such people as "pro Russian Ukrainians" you are truly ignorant. They detest Kiev with a passion. The Ukraine is as divided as America.

The western backed coup threw out a duly elected President and his duly elected party. The President that the East put in power. The party members that the East put in power.

By the way, it was completely illegal by the Ukraine's Constitution to remove the President the way they did.

Of course there are overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the East who want nothing to do with Kiev and the thugs that rule now illegally and wish to separate from this farce of a government.

I would too.

Listen, the Ukes had every right to overthrow Yanukovych....he was Putin's puppet and living like a KING while Putin held up his people with outrageous NG prices. Since when can't a bum be overthrown? What country hasn't overthrown corrupt leaders? We broke every Brit law on the books by revolting against Britain right? Did the French care whether their king was "legitimate" when they starting lopping off heads? You and I agree the duly elected Barry Hussein Barack Soetoro should be impeached don't we?
For those who might not realize how divided the Ukraine is all one has to do is to look at the election results from 2010.

To attempt to believe that the Eastern Ukraine could ever support a government in Kiev that with the backing of the west overthrew the President and his party they put in power is pure folly.

2010 Election
Ukraine's 2010 presidential election results show a divide between the largely Ukrainian speaking west and largely Russian speaking east of the country. Viktor Yanukovych was declared the winner of the election, with 48.95% of the vote, compared to 45.47% for Yulia Tymoshenko.

MAP PAGE Ukraine Crisis

The blue of course in the East and in some northern states are the votes for Yanukovych. Of course the East feels betrayed by the west because they overthrew their man.

Why on earth would they want to stay with fellow countrymen who took over their duly elected government in a coup?

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That's correct. The USMC had recon platoons. Rangers operated in 5 or 6 man teams. They were LRRPs. Marine recon units operated in larger units.
Were you MACV-SOG ?? ..... :cool:

We worked with them on occasion. The SOG and Ranger units in I Corps were fairly fluid. They were all-volunteer, and some people moved back and forth between the two units. We both worked a long way out there, in Laos, sometimes in North Vietnam. We shared radio relay stations, usually some godforsaken rat-infested collection of bunkers on top of some mountain top in the Chaine Anamatiques that ran along the Laotian border. stinkin fake.

Say that to my face sometime, Alice. You're probably some 385 lb. turd who can't even get out of his own chair. You're a liar and a poser, but mostly you're a fucking coward, as all posers are who try to parasite a pretend past they never had in reality, from men whose boots they couldn't shine. You're the lowest form of parasite. I use my real name online, asshole. Here's the web site I helped found 15 years ago: Everyone there knows me. All the old Ranger fraternity know me. My handle is "hobbit". Check me out. Then post some proofs of your own you gutless sack of offal.

I busted you like a soap bubble, bitch. And I won't get suckered into threatening you and you snitching me out. You ain't worth the effort to correct more of your comic book fantasies. No Ranger would ever praise a stinkin russian dictator....never happen.....go Robin Williams....I'll lend you a belt.

As if some poser sack of shit like you speaks for the US Army Ranger fraternity.

Tom Sweetnam
Lima Company Rangers
75th Infantry
101st Airborne Division 1970-1972

Tom Sweetnam.jpg
Somewhere on the Bong Son.....My back is to the camera, boy....notice the tiger stripes? And if I'd known that pic was being taken, it would have ended up his ass.....there were bounties on us.

Polls are rigged world wide. Sanctions haven't touched the average person, oil prices are hurting many countries (Saudi Arabia is cutting production to try to get them to bounce back) and body bags from freaking the Ukraine?

Step away from the computer and put down the bong :lol:

That's correct....russian troop are dying in eastern Ukraine. The ruble is in free-fall and the russian people are very aware Putin's big adventure isn't turning out like he told them it would. I don't smoke dope, missy...maybe you should stop so your mind can focus on world events.

I've been following the American/EU/NATO coup in the Ukraine and the civil war that arose from handing Kiev over to thugs intently for quite some time now.

It would not surprise me in the least if some Russian soldiers are involved in assisting pro Russian rebels and if some have died.

Kudos to them. Russia assisting pro Russian rebels is no worse than the US assisting in the arming of faux rebels in Syria to overthrow Assad or bombing the shit out of Libya to overthrow Gaddafi and hand the country over to Islamic militias who will now fight over who will control 1/5th of the worlds oil supply.

Where you got this point of view isn't important....what is important is that it's ridiculous. The "rebels" are clearly russian special forces (spetnaz)'s why they wear masks when there are cameras around. There is no "independence" movement in eastern's all a set up for Putin to keep his dirty paws on Crimea. They bragged about shooting down a Malaysian airliner! Shame on you for standing up for that asshole.

So sad. Too bad. You obviously are unaware of exactly who we in the west handed the Ukraine over to in Kiev. Thugs.

If you believe that there are no such people as "pro Russian Ukrainians" you are truly ignorant. They detest Kiev with a passion. The Ukraine is as divided as America.

The western backed coup threw out a duly elected President and his duly elected party. The President that the East put in power. The party members that the East put in power.

By the way, it was completely illegal by the Ukraine's Constitution to remove the President the way they did.

Of course there are overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the East who want nothing to do with Kiev and the thugs that rule now illegally and wish to separate from this farce of a government.

I would too.

Listen, the Ukes had every right to overthrow Yanukovych....he was Putin's puppet and living like a KING while Putin held up his people with outrageous NG prices. Since when can't a bum be overthrown? What country hasn't overthrown corrupt leaders? We broke every Brit law on the books by revolting against Britain right? Did the French care whether their king was "legitimate" when they starting lopping off heads? You and I agree the duly elected Barry Hussein Barack Soetoro should be impeached don't we?

That so called bum was duly elected. And so was his party. They could have been voted out if any of the corruption charges were proved.

But there's a big whoopsie with the timeline of the overthrowing of the President and his party.

You see corruption charges were never laid. They were never investigated and had absolutely no bearing on the overthrow of the government. No one even brought up corruption until they attempted to justify removing the President from power.

Illegally I might add. They did not adhere to their own Constitution to remove him from office.

Now to Putin's puppet. He ran on a pro Russian platform. He was elected by the Russian speaking east. He was overthrown by anti Russian thugs in the West.

Primarily the muscle was Svoboda and the Right Sector.

Take time out one day and read Svoboda's party platform and you'll see why Crimea bailed immediately. And why the Russian speaking east wants to get as far away from Kiev as possible.

I personally have had it up to here with our governments interfering in every nations business on this planet. As a matter of fact I'm maxxed at the bullshit I'm witnessing.

The Ukraine is near and dear to my heart because I am third generation Ukrainian living in the most populace region in the world of Ukrainians outside of the Ukraine and Russia. I take this one personally.

I'm pissed off that our leaders backed a coup when we have NO business handing the Ukraine over to the EU. No right. None, zip, nada. There is no justification for our involvement.

And now there is a civil war.
That's correct....russian troop are dying in eastern Ukraine. The ruble is in free-fall and the russian people are very aware Putin's big adventure isn't turning out like he told them it would. I don't smoke dope, missy...maybe you should stop so your mind can focus on world events.

I've been following the American/EU/NATO coup in the Ukraine and the civil war that arose from handing Kiev over to thugs intently for quite some time now.

It would not surprise me in the least if some Russian soldiers are involved in assisting pro Russian rebels and if some have died.

Kudos to them. Russia assisting pro Russian rebels is no worse than the US assisting in the arming of faux rebels in Syria to overthrow Assad or bombing the shit out of Libya to overthrow Gaddafi and hand the country over to Islamic militias who will now fight over who will control 1/5th of the worlds oil supply.

Where you got this point of view isn't important....what is important is that it's ridiculous. The "rebels" are clearly russian special forces (spetnaz)'s why they wear masks when there are cameras around. There is no "independence" movement in eastern's all a set up for Putin to keep his dirty paws on Crimea. They bragged about shooting down a Malaysian airliner! Shame on you for standing up for that asshole.

So sad. Too bad. You obviously are unaware of exactly who we in the west handed the Ukraine over to in Kiev. Thugs.

If you believe that there are no such people as "pro Russian Ukrainians" you are truly ignorant. They detest Kiev with a passion. The Ukraine is as divided as America.

The western backed coup threw out a duly elected President and his duly elected party. The President that the East put in power. The party members that the East put in power.

By the way, it was completely illegal by the Ukraine's Constitution to remove the President the way they did.

Of course there are overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the East who want nothing to do with Kiev and the thugs that rule now illegally and wish to separate from this farce of a government.

I would too.

Listen, the Ukes had every right to overthrow Yanukovych....he was Putin's puppet and living like a KING while Putin held up his people with outrageous NG prices. Since when can't a bum be overthrown? What country hasn't overthrown corrupt leaders? We broke every Brit law on the books by revolting against Britain right? Did the French care whether their king was "legitimate" when they starting lopping off heads? You and I agree the duly elected Barry Hussein Barack Soetoro should be impeached don't we?

That so called bum was duly elected. And so was his party. They could have been voted out if any of the corruption charges were proved.

But there's a big whoopsie with the timeline of the overthrowing of the President and his party.

You see corruption charges were never laid. They were never investigated and had absolutely no bearing on the overthrow of the government. No one even brought up corruption until they attempted to justify removing the President from power.

Illegally I might add. They did not adhere to their own Constitution to remove him from office.

Now to Putin's puppet. He ran on a pro Russian platform. He was elected by the Russian speaking east. He was overthrown by anti Russian thugs in the West.

Primarily the muscle was Svoboda and the Right Sector.

Take time out one day and read Svoboda's party platform and you'll see why Crimea bailed immediately. And why the Russian speaking east wants to get as far away from Kiev as possible.

I personally have had it up to here with our governments interfering in every nations business on this planet. As a matter of fact I'm maxxed at the bullshit I'm witnessing.

The Ukraine is near and dear to my heart because I am third generation Ukrainian living in the most populace region in the world of Ukrainians outside of the Ukraine and Russia. I take this one personally.

I'm pissed off that our leaders backed a coup when we have NO business handing the Ukraine over to the EU. No right. None, zip, nada. There is no justification for our involvement.

And now there is a civil war.

So enlightening to see all the 'Conservatives' on this board lining up to take the part of a Russian dictator against that of the US. Really shows where the mind of our 'Conservatives' actually are.

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