Can Anybody Stop Putin?

The generation of Russians you're talking about are long in their graves, the same as ours. This generation wants to be like the West and has shown they have little patience with another dictator.

Actually, Putin was elected into office by a majority of Russian voters. And as to Russians wanting to be like the West, does that apply to the hundred and fifty thousand Ukrainian-born ethnic Russian refugees pouring across the border into Russia? They're doing that because they want to throw their lot in with the West? Or how about the thousands of Ukrainian-born ethnic Russian "rebels" currently kicking the Ukrainian army's ass? They're doing that because they want to throw their lot in with the West? You realize that these people are every bit as much Ukrainian as the fascist rabble that murdered its way into power, yes? The same rabble that wants to eradicate their current ethnic Russian minorities just like they did the Jews and Poles.

I have no idea what the hell you're talking about....and you don't either. Who gives a shit about Putin being elected again by scamming the russian people by changing their constitution? You think that equates to popularity? Who dared run against him that isn't either in one of his prisons or dead? Are you a fucking bolshevic maybe? Listen, we made a deal with Ukraine to give up their nukes in exchange for protection from the bear. So they throw out Ivan's puppet and throw a kiss to NATO...which makes Putin all horny to pretend he's a military man and we abandon them. Sheeeit... If you believe they are somehow inferior to russians I won't waste another key-stroke on your ass.

Why don't you quit trying to come across as some fucking double digit IQ troglodyte, chickenshit? Everybody knows the USMC is the gayest institution on the planet. Now why don't you go and play in your pantie drawer for awhile, and stop bothering the MEN in this place, OK?
The generation of Russians you're talking about are long in their graves, the same as ours. This generation wants to be like the West and has shown they have little patience with another dictator.

Actually, Putin was elected into office by a majority of Russian voters. And as to Russians wanting to be like the West, does that apply to the hundred and fifty thousand Ukrainian-born ethnic Russian refugees pouring across the border into Russia? They're doing that because they want to throw their lot in with the West? Or how about the thousands of Ukrainian-born ethnic Russian "rebels" currently kicking the Ukrainian army's ass? They're doing that because they want to throw their lot in with the West? You realize that these people are every bit as much Ukrainian as the fascist rabble that murdered its way into power, yes? The same rabble that wants to eradicate their current ethnic Russian minorities just like they did the Jews and Poles.

I have no idea what the hell you're talking about....and you don't either. Who gives a shit about Putin being elected again by scamming the russian people by changing their constitution? You think that equates to popularity? Who dared run against him that isn't either in one of his prisons or dead? Are you a fucking bolshevic maybe? Listen, we made a deal with Ukraine to give up their nukes in exchange for protection from the bear. So they throw out Ivan's puppet and throw a kiss to NATO...which makes Putin all horny to pretend he's a military man and we abandon them. Sheeeit... If you believe they are somehow inferior to russians I won't waste another key-stroke on your ass.

Why don't you quit trying to come across as some fucking double digit IQ troglodyte, chickenshit? Everybody knows the USMC is the gayest institution on the planet. Now why don't you go and play in your pantie drawer for awhile, and stop bothering the MEN in this place, OK?

:lol: You give off too feminine an aura to be considered a "MAN". Did you get those buck teeth from sucking your thumb, missy?
Common, people... It's not serious to be so... addictive to exaggeration.
Putin is obviously being demonized by our media. And lots of drama queens picked this up and started whining around, comparing him to Stalin or Hitler.
It's not smart at all.
Common, people... It's not serious to be so... addictive to exaggeration.
Putin is obviously being demonized by our media. And lots of drama queens picked this up and started whining around, comparing him to Stalin or Hitler.
It's not smart at all.
It's because he is the first leader of a major nation in Europe to annex parts of a bordering nation to "protect" people of the same ethnicity as his own nation with the use of overpowering military advantage since Hitler and the NAZI's did it to start WWII seventy five years ago.
Common, people... It's not serious to be so... addictive to exaggeration.
Putin is obviously being demonized by our media. And lots of drama queens picked this up and started whining around, comparing him to Stalin or Hitler.
It's not smart at all.
It's because he is the first leader of a major nation in Europe to annex parts of a bordering nation to "protect" people of the same ethnicity as his own nation with the use of overpowering military advantage since Hitler and the NAZI's did it to start WWII seventy five years ago.

He'd never get past Kiev and he knows it. Putin's "rebels" in the east are his spetsnaz elite forces. I dropped one at 600 meters with an M-14 outside of Plei Me 46 years ago...they were teaching NVA how to disarm our claymores. I hate fucking whole life they've either tried to kill me through their proxies or threaten to kill millions of Americans with their nuclear forces..... other than the ten years after the Wall came down. Putin's regular army are poorly trained conscripts....his armored force is a joke against a real opponent. And although his air power is fairly competent, he dare not risk it at this point with his economy starting to reel. I believe his ambitions aren't matched by his abilities to achieve them. He stopped in Georgia and he'll stop in Ukraine.
Common, people... It's not serious to be so... addictive to exaggeration.
Putin is obviously being demonized by our media. And lots of drama queens picked this up and started whining around, comparing him to Stalin or Hitler.
It's not smart at all.
It's because he is the first leader of a major nation in Europe to annex parts of a bordering nation to "protect" people of the same ethnicity as his own nation with the use of overpowering military advantage since Hitler and the NAZI's did it to start WWII seventy five years ago.

He'd never get past Kiev and he knows it. Putin's "rebels" in the east are his spetsnaz elite forces. I dropped one at 600 meters with an M-14 outside of Plei Me 46 years ago...they were teaching NVA how to disarm our claymores. I hate fucking whole life they've either tried to kill me through their proxies or threaten to kill millions of Americans with their nuclear forces..... other than the ten years after the Wall came down. Putin's regular army are poorly trained conscripts....his armored force is a joke against a real opponent. And although his air power is fairly competent, he dare not risk it at this point with his economy starting to reel. I believe his ambitions aren't matched by his abilities to achieve them. He stopped in Georgia and he'll stop in Ukraine.
Little known but important fact about the area's of Ukraine currently be fought over. There are over fifty weapons factories in that region, all were built and created to make weapons for Russia. It is the industry region of Ukraine and possess's the mines and steel mills needed for these industries. It has been the major region of Russian weapons production since USSR days. Eighty percent of Russia's ballistic missiles were being serviced in Ukraine. All of Russia's helicopter motor's were built in Ukraine. The list goes on and on. Ukraine is a major exporter of military hardware and always has been.
Common, people... It's not serious to be so... addictive to exaggeration.
Putin is obviously being demonized by our media. And lots of drama queens picked this up and started whining around, comparing him to Stalin or Hitler.
It's not smart at all.
It's because he is the first leader of a major nation in Europe to annex parts of a bordering nation to "protect" people of the same ethnicity as his own nation with the use of overpowering military advantage since Hitler and the NAZI's did it to start WWII seventy five years ago.

He'd never get past Kiev and he knows it. Putin's "rebels" in the east are his spetsnaz elite forces. I dropped one at 600 meters with an M-14 outside of Plei Me 46 years ago...they were teaching NVA how to disarm our claymores. I hate fucking whole life they've either tried to kill me through their proxies or threaten to kill millions of Americans with their nuclear forces..... other than the ten years after the Wall came down. Putin's regular army are poorly trained conscripts....his armored force is a joke against a real opponent. And although his air power is fairly competent, he dare not risk it at this point with his economy starting to reel. I believe his ambitions aren't matched by his abilities to achieve them. He stopped in Georgia and he'll stop in Ukraine.
Little known but important fact about the area's of Ukraine currently be fought over. There are over fifty weapons factories in that region, all were built and created to make weapons for Russia. It is the industry region of Ukraine and possess's the mines and steel mills needed for these industries. It has been the major region of Russian weapons production since USSR days. Eighty percent of Russia's ballistic missiles were being serviced in Ukraine. All of Russia's helicopter motor's were built in Ukraine. The list goes on and on. Ukraine is a major exporter of military hardware and always has been.

You're correct and it seems all the more reason Putin should have touched base with the new government in Kiev and tried to iron things out before all this started. I believe he panicked thinking they'd toss him out of Crimea. Maybe they misunderstood the consequences of him believing that. And maybe they want to be their own master and rid themselves of the Ivans. I believe he's lost a valuable ally in the Ukes....they'll never allow themselves to become russians again.
Common, people... It's not serious to be so... addictive to exaggeration.
Putin is obviously being demonized by our media. And lots of drama queens picked this up and started whining around, comparing him to Stalin or Hitler.
It's not smart at all.
It's because he is the first leader of a major nation in Europe to annex parts of a bordering nation to "protect" people of the same ethnicity as his own nation with the use of overpowering military advantage since Hitler and the NAZI's did it to start WWII seventy five years ago.

He'd never get past Kiev and he knows it. Putin's "rebels" in the east are his spetsnaz elite forces. I dropped one at 600 meters with an M-14 outside of Plei Me 46 years ago...they were teaching NVA how to disarm our claymores. I hate fucking whole life they've either tried to kill me through their proxies or threaten to kill millions of Americans with their nuclear forces..... other than the ten years after the Wall came down. Putin's regular army are poorly trained conscripts....his armored force is a joke against a real opponent. And although his air power is fairly competent, he dare not risk it at this point with his economy starting to reel. I believe his ambitions aren't matched by his abilities to achieve them. He stopped in Georgia and he'll stop in Ukraine.
Little known but important fact about the area's of Ukraine currently be fought over. There are over fifty weapons factories in that region, all were built and created to make weapons for Russia. It is the industry region of Ukraine and possess's the mines and steel mills needed for these industries. It has been the major region of Russian weapons production since USSR days. Eighty percent of Russia's ballistic missiles were being serviced in Ukraine. All of Russia's helicopter motor's were built in Ukraine. The list goes on and on. Ukraine is a major exporter of military hardware and always has been.

You're correct and it seems all the more reason Putin should have touched base with the new government in Kiev and tried to iron things out before all this started. I believe he panicked thinking they'd toss him out of Crimea. Maybe they misunderstood the consequences of him believing that. And maybe they want to be their own master and rid themselves of the Ivans. I believe he's lost a valuable ally in the Ukes....they'll never allow themselves to become russians again.
Putin misjudged how the ethnic Russian's would react. He thought the Russian speakers would be overwhelmingly in favor of separating from Ukraine. He sent instigators into the Donetsk and Luhanks regions with bags of money and promises of power and wealth, but beyond those locals getting the cash and guarantees of power, the majority called bs and saw through the scam. Ukraine rallied and united, including the Russian speakers. The Russian speakers or ethnics hate having to fight their brothers from Russia, but they are doing it. And the Russian soldiers hate coming to Ukraine to fight their brothers. Unlike their brothers in Ukraine, they have no choice in Russia.
The separatist are being held together with the constant influx of manpower, cash and weapons from Russia. That is Putin's Achilles heel. When that process meets resistance and difficulties his strategy will fall apart.
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Common, people... It's not serious to be so... addictive to exaggeration.
Putin is obviously being demonized by our media. And lots of drama queens picked this up and started whining around, comparing him to Stalin or Hitler.
It's not smart at all.
It's because he is the first leader of a major nation in Europe to annex parts of a bordering nation to "protect" people of the same ethnicity as his own nation with the use of overpowering military advantage since Hitler and the NAZI's did it to start WWII seventy five years ago.

He'd never get past Kiev and he knows it. Putin's "rebels" in the east are his spetsnaz elite forces. I dropped one at 600 meters with an M-14 outside of Plei Me 46 years ago...they were teaching NVA how to disarm our claymores. I hate fucking whole life they've either tried to kill me through their proxies or threaten to kill millions of Americans with their nuclear forces..... other than the ten years after the Wall came down. Putin's regular army are poorly trained conscripts....his armored force is a joke against a real opponent. And although his air power is fairly competent, he dare not risk it at this point with his economy starting to reel. I believe his ambitions aren't matched by his abilities to achieve them. He stopped in Georgia and he'll stop in Ukraine.
Putin is very smart and calculating, also he is happy to wait. Russian geopolitical planning is long term, meaning he will be up against Ukraine for a few years, then the Baltics. His plan is to make big cracks in Eastern Europe, starting with Ukraine. Putin was entirely successful, and probably he is quite happy to keep the Ukraine crisis going on for several more years.
I'm hoping Putin can stop obama. Which might have to mean no mock attacks.

Putin doesn't care about America, but he sure likes to support his propaganda arm RT America here though. In fact RT America leans 'liberal', 'left wing' and at times libertarian. Putin might be against Obama, but no more than he is against a Republican.
The population of the Crimea is around 90% Russian and they wanted to be absorbed into Russia.

So I fail to see the problem? ..... :cool:
The population of Crimea has been 100% Ukrainian since 1954. It didn't become Russian until it was recently invaded and Russia decided all the people with Russian ancestry living in Ukraine would be considered Russian instead of Ukrainian.
The population of the Crimea is around 90% Russian and they wanted to be absorbed into Russia.

So I fail to see the problem? ..... :cool:
The population of Crimea has been 100% Ukrainian since 1954. It didn't become Russian until it was recently invaded and Russia decided all the people with Russian ancestry living in Ukraine would be considered Russian instead of Ukrainian.
I should have said that around 90% of the citizens in the Crimea are of Russian ancestry.

Anyway, they overwhelmingly wanted to be a part of Russia.

So I fail to see why this is of any concern to America? ... :cool:
The population of the Crimea is around 90% Russian and they wanted to be absorbed into Russia.

So I fail to see the problem? ..... :cool:
The population of Crimea has been 100% Ukrainian since 1954. It didn't become Russian until it was recently invaded and Russia decided all the people with Russian ancestry living in Ukraine would be considered Russian instead of Ukrainian.
I should have said that around 90% of the citizens in the Crimea are of Russian ancestry.

Anyway, they overwhelmingly wanted to be a part of Russia.

So I fail to see why this is of any concern to America? ... :cool:
First, the election was deemed illegal and not accepted by the international community, including the United Nations. Crimea is not recognized as being part of Russia by the international community. People who campaigned against that illegal election were being murdered and kidnapped.
America's interest is that Ukraine borders NATO nations and what is of concern to NATO is of concern to America. They get in a fight, we get in a fight.
During WWII the Russian soldiers fought fierce pitched battles against highly skilled and dedicated German soldiers in the Crimea with great loss of life.

I have no doubt that the average Russian citizen views the Crimea as bought and paid for in Russian blood. ..... :cool-45:

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