Can anyone demonstrate one lie Trump told?

one of the more recent lies...

“The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA, through our TOTALLY OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER, at Record Numbers.”

its a lie because there isnt any terrorists coming thru our southern border.
Where's the lie?
Where's the lie?
He did not win the 2020 election. He lied about mocking a handicapped reporter. He lied about paying off Stormy to keep her quiet. The documents show he got Cohen to pay her.

He was found liable for sexual abuse, which the judge actually called rape. He lied about that.

This liar should never be near the WH again. And you are beyond stupid if you believe a word he says.
Start where? Where's the lie?
Where shall we start?
There is no record of thousands of Muslims celebrating in Jersey City as the towers fell, Trump was not in Jersey City at the time, there was no TV footage on any network of Muslims in Jersey City celebrating “as the towers fell”, No police reports, no civilians recording and posting on YouTube.

Trump LIED

Your turn
He did not win the 2020 election. He lied about mocking a handicapped reporter. He lied about paying off Stormy to keep her quiet. The documents show he got Cohen to pay her.

He was found liable for sexual abuse, which the judge actually called rape. He lied about that.

This liar should never be near the WH again. And you are beyond stupid if you believe a word he says.
Uh, sorry, but you'll have to prove that. Continue your furious internet searching! :laugh2: :laughing0301:
Where shall we start?
There is no record of thousands of Muslims celebrating in Jersey City as the towers fell, Trump was not in Jersey City at the time, there was no TV footage on any network of Muslims in Jersey City celebrating “as the towers fell”, No police reports, no civilians recording and posting on YouTube.

Trump LIED

Your turn
When you make such claims, include links. Otherwise you appear as merely a guy defending Muslims, and that includes all Muslims even when they murder 3000 humans.
Where's the lie?
  • A central tenet of Hamas, which is classified as a terrorist group by the U.S. State Department, is to destroy Israel.
  • Terrorism experts say there is no proof that Hamas militants have been "pouring" across the U.S. southern border, and the Department of Homeland Security said there's no intelligence to back up the claim.
  • People aren’t crossing the southern border to conduct terrorist attacks or take over parts of the United States, an expert told us. A small percentage may commit crimes, such as selling drugs, but most come for jobs and political freedom.
Where shall we start?
There is no record of thousands of Muslims celebrating in Jersey City as the towers fell, Trump was not in Jersey City at the time, there was no TV footage on any network of Muslims in Jersey City celebrating “as the towers fell”, No police reports, no civilians recording and posting on YouTube.

Trump LIED

Your turn
He saw Palis celebrating and thought they were in New Jersey? I've seen people celebrating much worse. so not a stretch.

"your turn"
It's 100% a LIE.

Your only defense is....well, did trump think it was a lie.

You're not NEW.
Mods need to do a better job monitoring people with multiple accounts.
"100%" lmao

It's either a lie or it isn't.

Trump said he would lock up Hillary

He did not.

Now they will lock him up.

He had his chance and blew it.

He never seriously stated that he would have his DOJ take the steps necessary to do it.
He like everyone with a brain, understands that she is a criminal, but that the US does not imprison political opponents.
He saw Palis celebrating and thought they were in New Jersey? I've seen people celebrating much worse. so not a stretch.

"your turn"

Sorry Skippy…..but Palestine is a LONG way from Jersey City
Are you now claiming Trump did not lie, he is just Stupid?

And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down
Buddy, you voted for a pygmy in brain power.
Trump’s own Secretary of State called him a fucking moron.

What’s worse is he’s too arrogant to even know it. There’s nothing more dangerous than a fucking moron who thinks they’re brilliant.

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