Can anyone demonstrate one lie Trump told?

I'm gonna start with one you can't possibly refute.
It's not an opinion.

I was voted Man of the Year, in Michigan.

Michigan folks have come out and said, this award has never been given to trump from the State of Michigan.

Man of the year, by who?, by what organization?

I think that your dumb ass was just duped.
Trump’s own Secretary of State called him a fucking moron.

What’s worse is he’s too arrogant to even know it. There’s nothing more dangerous than a fucking moron who thinks they’re brilliant.
BHO told news crews “ Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up “
Where shall we start?
There is no record of thousands of Muslims celebrating in Jersey City as the towers fell, Trump was not in Jersey City at the time, there was no TV footage on any network of Muslims in Jersey City celebrating “as the towers fell”, No police reports, no civilians recording and posting on YouTube.

Trump LIED

Your turn
I checked your post 114 and after reading what Political fact says, Trump did not mention Muslims the time he said that to some person that interviewed him.
Another easy one you can't refute, but you will anyway.
Good Luck, looking forward to the spin from Roy C

Trumps LIE about giving the Military their only raise in a Decade.
And a 10% raise, which it wasn't.
Military has received a raise (most, I say most because I don't have a record of every year dating back to the start of our Military) every year.

Spin away.

You didn't demonstrate he lied.

And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down

I watched” not I heard. Trump said he saw “thousands” not some, but thousands
He said he saw them cheering “as that building was coming down”. No Network would cut away from the towers falling to show people in Jersey City

He did not say he saw Muslims cheering, he said he saw Jersey City Muslims cheering

Trump’s own Secretary of State called him a fucking moron.

What’s worse is he’s too arrogant to even know it. There’s nothing more dangerous than a fucking moron who thinks they’re brilliant.
It is very likely that the same guy said that about Biden. Yet Biden is fine with you.
And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down

I watched” not I heard. Trump said he saw “thousands” not some, but thousands
He said he saw them cheering “as that building was coming down”. No Network would cut away from the towers falling to show people in Jersey City

He did not say he saw Muslims cheering, he said he saw Jersey City Muslims cheering

Trump did not say Muslims. You lied.
And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down

I watched” not I heard. Trump said he saw “thousands” not some, but thousands
He said he saw them cheering “as that building was coming down”. No Network would cut away from the towers falling to show people in Jersey City

He did not say he saw Muslims cheering, he said he saw Jersey City Muslims cheering

Not if he thought he was watching Jersey! Try again, Biff. :laughing0301:

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