Can anyone explain to me why people credit Obama with getting us out of Iraq?


VIP Member
Oct 31, 2012
He left on Bush's timetable.
He sent Biden over to Iraq to try and get the combat troops to stay in Iraq longer but the Iraqi government said please fuck off.
We still have troops in Iraq.

I'm confused?

Please don't read this as me giving thanks to GWB who was just as bad as Obama if not worse.
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Anyway you slice it.....Bush gets ZERO credit for Iraq

He never should have gotten us in there in the first place
He abandoned the war on terror to invade
He misread the political climate after the fall of Saddam
He misread how the US forces would be treated
He blundered the occupation
He cost 5000 American lives
Well, technically he gets a lot of credit since you can't withdrawal from a place you've never been lol.

As for there being no troops in Iraq, all I can do is laugh.
Well, technically he gets a lot of credit since you can't withdrawal from a place you've never been lol.

As for there being no troops in Iraq, all I can do is laugh.

:laugh2: still unclear on concepts.

people of the www world...beware...this can happen to you too. :eek:
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So let's review this thread so far:

I ask how people give Obama credit for something he didn't do.
People bad mouth bush and hurl insults in reply instead of answering the question.
Yep, another day on the internet.
We still have troops in Iraq.

I'm confused?


You certainly are and Wikipedia may help Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

31 December 2011 U.S. forces complete their withdrawal from Iraq. No U.S. troops in Iraq. All security responsibilities assumed by the Iraqi Armed Forces and other security agencies, including the Ministry of Interior (Iraq).–_Iraq
So let's review this thread so far:

I ask how people give Obama credit for something he didn't do.
People bad mouth bush and hurl insults in reply instead of answering the question.
Yep, another day on the internet.

nope. you can't grasp the concept: US troops were pulled out of Iraq


Well, technically he gets a lot of credit since you can't withdrawal from a place you've never been lol.

As for there being no troops in Iraq, all I can do is laugh.

:laugh2: still unclear on concepts.

people of the www world...beware...this can happen to you too. :eek:
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We still have troops in Iraq.

I'm confused?


You certainly are and Wikipedia may help Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

31 December 2011 U.S. forces complete their withdrawal from Iraq. No U.S. troops in Iraq. All security responsibilities assumed by the Iraqi Armed Forces and other security agencies, including the Ministry of Interior (Iraq). United States Forces ? Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So let's review this thread so far:

I ask how people give Obama credit for something he didn't do.
People bad mouth bush and hurl insults in reply instead of answering the question.
Yep, another day on the internet.

nope. you can't grasp the concept: US troops were pulled out of Iraq

Even if there are no troops in Iraq, which is false, but lets pretend it isn't, it still isn't answering my question of why Obama is getting the credit? He wanted to keep thousands upon thousands of troops there beyond Bush's withdrawal date but was told to fuck off by the Iraqi Government.
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He left on Bush's timetable.
Who left?

The bulk of the combat troops. My bad on the pronouns.


He left on Bush's timetable.
He sent Biden over to Iraq to try and get the combat troops to stay in Iraq longer but the Iraqi government said please fuck off.
We still have troops in Iraq.

really means

The bulk of the combat troops left on Bush's timetable.
The bulk of the combat troops sent Biden over to Iraq to try and get the combat troops to stay in Iraq longer but the Iraqi government said please fuck off.
We still have troops in Iraq.

Combat troops can order the Vice President to Iraq? Really? I had no idea, where does it say that in the Constitution?
Who left?

The bulk of the combat troops. My bad on the pronouns.


He left on Bush's timetable.
He sent Biden over to Iraq to try and get the combat troops to stay in Iraq longer but the Iraqi government said please fuck off.
We still have troops in Iraq.

really means

The bulk of the combat troops left on Bush's timetable.
The bulk of the combat troops sent Biden over to Iraq to try and get the combat troops to stay in Iraq longer but the Iraqi government said please fuck off.
We still have troops in Iraq.

Combat troops can order the Vice President to Iraq? Really? I had no idea, where does it say that in the Constitution?

Guess you don't know what delegation means. If the President (commander in chief) says to his VP go to Iraq and deal with this troop withdrawal, yes he can. I didn't say the combat troops ordered Biden, you made that one up all on your own. Aren't you the same nerd who wants to force people to buy healthcare and take away peoples guns? Those things aren't in the Constitution either. Please quit using the Constitution when it is convenient and ignoring it when it isnt.

You still have not answered the question in the title of this thread.
The bulk of the combat troops. My bad on the pronouns.


really means

The bulk of the combat troops left on Bush's timetable.
The bulk of the combat troops sent Biden over to Iraq to try and get the combat troops to stay in Iraq longer but the Iraqi government said please fuck off.
We still have troops in Iraq.

Combat troops can order the Vice President to Iraq? Really? I had no idea, where does it say that in the Constitution?

Guess you don't know what delegation means. If the President (commander in chief) says to his VP go to Iraq and deal with this troop withdrawal, yes he can. I didn't say the combat troops ordered Biden, you made that one up all on your own. Aren't you the same nerd who wants to force people to buy healthcare and take away peoples guns? Those things aren't in the Constitution either. Please quit using the Constitution when it is convenient and ignoring it when it isnt.

You said "he" means "The bulk of the combat troops" - that's what you said. Now you're saying you didn't say that. You flip flop almost every time you post.

You still have not answered the question in the title of this thread.

You answered it yourself jackass, when you said "He left"
We still have troops in Iraq.

I'm confused?


You certainly are and Wikipedia may help Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

31 December 2011 U.S. forces complete their withdrawal from Iraq. No U.S. troops in Iraq. All security responsibilities assumed by the Iraqi Armed Forces and other security agencies, including the Ministry of Interior (Iraq). United States Forces ? Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are still some military there doing the're link is wrong when it says all troops are gone from there! This link is from October 2012......

Despite claims by the Obama administration about “ending the Iraq war” and bringing our troops home, the US is still very much involved in Iraq, in training the abusive security forces, in propping up the corrupt and dictatorial Maliki government, and in trying to slowly slip more US forces into the country.
US May Keep American Troops in Iraq, Despite Lack of Congressional Authority | Global Research

I think you should do a little investigating before flying off at the mouth :)
We still have troops in Iraq.

I'm confused?


You certainly are and Wikipedia may help Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

31 December 2011 U.S. forces complete their withdrawal from Iraq. No U.S. troops in Iraq. All security responsibilities assumed by the Iraqi Armed Forces and other security agencies, including the Ministry of Interior (Iraq). United States Forces ? Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are still some military there doing the're link is wrong when it says all troops are gone from there! This link is from October 2012......

Despite claims by the Obama administration about “ending the Iraq war” and bringing our troops home, the US is still very much involved in Iraq, in training the abusive security forces, in propping up the corrupt and dictatorial Maliki government, and in trying to slowly slip more US forces into the country.
US May Keep American Troops in Iraq, Despite Lack of Congressional Authority | Global Research

I think you should do a little investigating before flying off at the mouth :)

see? We have military at every embassy in the using your logic we have troops in almost every single country in the world.

:lol: When people speak of 'troops' being in a country we are speaking (All except you who failed to read the memo) of combat troops and troops with a military fighting mission.

Every Embassy has military men and women in uniform. Almost every nation we are friendly with has military advisers one with a brain considers this as 'having troops' in a nation
Can anyone explain to me why people credit Obama with getting us out of Iraq?

All I have on it is that most of these sycophants are so delusional and brainwashed, they 1) actually think Obama ended the war (Bush timetable) 2) Deny that Obama pursued keeping troops there past the formal "withdraw" and 3) that all troops have been removed.

These people are delusional. You're not going to get any straight answer. Just look at the troller Poopahbrains, for instance. Obfuscate obfuscate obfuscate.

These people lie to themsleves so it should be no surprise they lie to everyone else.

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