Can anyone name a Hillary Clinton accomplishment

First woman to be First Lady, sec of state , senator , and major party prez candidate .
None of those are accomplishments because no people are helped..............................

Well then Trump certainly has no accomplishments
Trump was not in Politics, but he does employ thousands of people. Hillary was Senator for 8 years and did nothing except duck snipers in Bosnia LOL and kill Ambassadors as SOS.

Seriously get a grip, Hillary has accomplished nothing positive.

Trump has done nothing other than line his pockets . Jobs for people is a mere side effect . He's no more qualified than Kim Kardashian .
Trump is not hiding Parkinson's disease, and Trump can answer a question without doing this.

Yea we need a diseased old lying fool
If you go to her webpage, her accomplishments are having a baby and bill losing re-election in AR :lol:

LOL- you right wing nut jobs and your silly lies....
7 of Hillary Clinton’s biggest accomplishments
Hillary worked with Republicans and Democrats to help create the Children’s Health Insurance Program. CHIP cut the uninsured rate of American children by half, and today it provides health care to more than 8 million kids.

When terrorists attacked just months after Hillary became U.S. senator from New York, she worked to make sure the 9/11 first responders who suffered lasting health effects from their time at Ground Zero got the care they needed.

Hillary worked across the aisle to expand health care access for members of the National Guard and reservists—making sure those who served and their families had access to health care when they returned home. And she worked to expand the Family Medical Leave Act, allowing families of those wounded in service to their country to take leave in order to care for their loved ones.
It wasn't a lie asswipe. It's on there
So if it;s there it's not a lie.


Retard alert
If you go to her webpage, her accomplishments are having a baby and bill losing re-election in AR :lol:

LOL- you right wing nut jobs and your silly lies....
7 of Hillary Clinton’s biggest accomplishments
Hillary worked with Republicans and Democrats to help create the Children’s Health Insurance Program. CHIP cut the uninsured rate of American children by half, and today it provides health care to more than 8 million kids.

When terrorists attacked just months after Hillary became U.S. senator from New York, she worked to make sure the 9/11 first responders who suffered lasting health effects from their time at Ground Zero got the care they needed.

Hillary worked across the aisle to expand health care access for members of the National Guard and reservists—making sure those who served and their families had access to health care when they returned home. And she worked to expand the Family Medical Leave Act, allowing families of those wounded in service to their country to take leave in order to care for their loved ones.
It wasn't a lie asswipe. It's on there
So if it;s there it's not a lie.


Retard alert
Accomplishment number 7: Hillary has actually gone 8 hours without using any curse words
Seriously get a grip, Hillary has accomplished nothing positive.


There is nothing in any of your posts that is serious.

Your blind partisanship doesn't allow you to acknowledge any accomplishments by Senator and Secretary Clinton.

Just one will do,

LOL, this thread is now dead

She has maintained a sense of humor and her dignity besides the ruthless, hateful attack by assholes like you, and other members of the echo chamber who posted above.

Of course if you weren't hiding behind a keyboard like the coward you are, and treated other adults in the manner that you and most right wing dirt bags do, I suspect your nose would be as flat as road kill on the only entrance/exit to a truck stop off an interstate.
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I can name her latest accomplishment. Today.

Proving, point by point fact by fact, that Donald Trump is the frontman of the alt right.
First woman to be First Lady, sec of state , senator , and major party prez candidate .
None of those are accomplishments because no people are helped..............................

Well then Trump certainly has no accomplishments
Trump was not in Politics, but he does employ thousands of people. Hillary was Senator for 8 years and did nothing except duck snipers in Bosnia LOL and kill Ambassadors as SOS.

Seriously get a grip, Hillary has accomplished nothing positive.

All you've done is prove what an asshole you are, and that you can echo the same bullshit posted dozens of times by other members of the echo chamber. Prove you are not a fool, post something new, fresh, original and substantive. Or continue to be the cowardly punk you are.
First woman to be First Lady, sec of state , senator , and major party prez candidate .
None of those are accomplishments because no people are helped..............................

Well then Trump certainly has no accomplishments
Trump was not in Politics, but he does employ thousands of people. Hillary was Senator for 8 years and did nothing except duck snipers in Bosnia LOL and kill Ambassadors as SOS.

Seriously get a grip, Hillary has accomplished nothing positive.

Trump has done nothing other than line his pockets . Jobs for people is a mere side effect . He's no more qualified than Kim Kardashian .
Trump is not hiding Parkinson's disease, and Trump can answer a question without doing this.

Yea we need a diseased old lying fool

Trump is hiding his taxes, his relationship with the Russian Oligarchs and his indebtedness to the Chinese Government. If those questionable non acts do not disturb you, you are one of the dumber members of the echo chamber - and that is really dumb.
None of those are accomplishments because no people are helped..............................

Well then Trump certainly has no accomplishments
Trump was not in Politics, but he does employ thousands of people. Hillary was Senator for 8 years and did nothing except duck snipers in Bosnia LOL and kill Ambassadors as SOS.

Seriously get a grip, Hillary has accomplished nothing positive.

Trump has done nothing other than line his pockets . Jobs for people is a mere side effect . He's no more qualified than Kim Kardashian .
Trump is not hiding Parkinson's disease, and Trump can answer a question without doing this.

Yea we need a diseased old lying fool

Trump is hiding his taxes, his relationship with the Russian Oligarchs and his indebtedness to the Chinese Government. If those questionable non acts do not disturb you, you are one of the dumber members of the echo chamber - and that is really dumb.

But Trump can walk a straight line without falling, Hillary is an alcoholic fer sure
Just one will do,

LOL, this thread is now dead

You can read all about them here--there's really too many to list. But you may not want to read it, because it's coming from REPUBLICANS. WARNING: If you are afflicted with OCDD (Obsessive Clinton Derangement Disorder) YOU'RE GOING TO HATE IT. Republicans tend to like her--and like working with her, when they're not campaigning against her--LOL.

Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise

She worked with Bush Senior in putting a major dent into AIDS in Africa. Without her, Osama Bin Laden would be alive and well. Leon Panetta highly praises Hillary Clinton in his book.

And what she did for poor children and their health care in this country has been astronomical.
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First woman to be First Lady, sec of state , senator , and major party prez candidate .

First woman to be First Lady? We've had other women Senators. The only reason she was able to become a Senator or run for president is the fact that she's married to Bill. Riding on her husband's coattails isn't an accomplishment.
Hillary has survived 18 man-killing diseases and physical ailments and is still alive, and looking in better shape than the racist.
  • “First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College. Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School. Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic. Former civil litigation attorney. Former Law Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law. Former First Lady of Arkansas. Former First Lady of the United States, and the first FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree. First ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate. Elected by the… State of New York to serve two terms in the United States Senate. Former US Secretary of State. GRAMMY Award Winner. Author. Self proclaimed Pantsuit Aficionado. Married to a man named Bill, who plays the saxophone.”

  • Even though her major initiative, the Clinton healthcare plan, failed (due to Republican obstruction), you cannot deny that it laid ground for what we have today, the Affordable Healthcare Act, something Clinton supports and would continue.
  • She played a leading role in the development of State Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provides the much-needed state support for children whose parents cannot afford nor provide them with adequate healthcare coverage.
  • She was also instrumental in the creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act.
  • Successfully fought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and asthma at the National Institute of Health (NIH).
  • She spearheaded investigations into mental illness plaguing veterans of the Gulf War; we now have a term for it – Gulf War Syndrome.
  • At the Department of Justice, she helped create the office on Violence Against Women.
  • She was instrumental in securing over $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.
  • Took a leading role in the investigation of health consequences of first responders and drafted the first bill to compensate and offer the health services our first responders deserve (Clinton’s successor in the Senate, Kirsten Gillibrand, passed the bill).
  • Was instrumental in working out a bi-partisan compromise to address civil liberty abuses for the renewal of the U.S. Patriot Act.
  • Proposed a revival of the New Deal-era Home Owners’ Loan Corporation to help homeowners refinance their mortgages in the wake of the 2008 financial disaster.
  • Was a major proponent of sensible diplomacy which brought about a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, and brokered human rights with Burma.
  • Oversaw free trade agreements with our allies such as Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.
  • Was the most traveled Secretary of State to date.
  • The Clinton Foundation, founded by her and her husband, has improved the living conditions for nearly 400 million people in over 180 countries through its Initiative program.
These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women a childrenacross the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage and combating climate change is stellar. You do not have to support what she does or stands for. But do not say she doesn’t have any accomplishments. The conservatives who say this are the one’s who are pushing for Ted Cruz – who brought on a $24 billion shut down. That, to them, is an accomplishment?

These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women a childrenacross the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage andcombating climate change is stellar


Combating climate change and raising the minimum wage?


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