Can anyone name a main stream news organization that wasn't helping hilary?

CNN...MSNBC, NBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post........more and more of these Wikileaks are showing outright collusion between these news organizations and the clinton campaign.......

of course george snuffleupagus at ABC news is a long time minion of the clintons......
Oh those dirty bastards, reporting every word that Trump says. Showing videos of Trump saying them. How absolutely terrible. They should be showing beautiful women disrobing while singing praises of Trump. Golly gee whiz, the papers should not be allowed to do direct quotes of candidates.

You fools, it is the words of Trump, and the stupidity of his statements that have been the destruction of Trump.

Hey....asswipe....if they cover Trump, no the fucking OP.........they aren't covering hilary and they are actually helping her campaign...actively helping her campaign....

Global warming is a hoax, Blacks deserve stop and frisk, all Muslims should be deported, privatize Social Security, repeal the ACA, homosexuals don't deserve equal rights, bigots should be protected by law, roll back EPA regulations in favor of polluters, women don't deserve control of their uterus, eliminate food stamps, roll back workplace safety regulations, roll back banking regulations, roll back Wall Street regulations, cut taxes on the rich, build pipelines without regard to environmental impact.

Should I go on?

Global warming is a hoax. Global temps have cooled in the last 20 years. Before that it was global cooling. Which set of liberal "sky is falling" environmental bullshit am I supposed to believe? And if warming is true, prove its man that did it. You can't. End of discussion.

ACA is a joke. It needs to be repealed. Even Hillary herself says its broken.

When did conservatives say homos shouldn't have equal rights? Right to do what? Marry?

Women can control their uterus by controlling their vagina first. Someone has to speak for the innocent unborn. Apparently it won't be you liberals.

No conservative wants to eliminate food stamps. This is your bullshit. No basis in truth.

Safety regulation rollback? Again, your bullshit.

Banking, wall street regs? Your bullshit.

Cut taxes on the rich? how about cut taxes for everyone?

Build pipelines to put gas in your god damned tank you fucking liberal. WTF do you drive anyway? I drive to work in a motorcycle that gets 70mpg. WTF do you get?
He wants you to walk.
He wants you to walk.

Until I see a single fucking liberal who thinks gas is evil walking down the highway I'm going to take my bike if the weather is good and car if its not. Oh yea, my car gets 42mpg and it's not a hybrid so the battery didn't harm the environment being made or will harm it being disposed of.
Here is the nice example from Michigan primaries, how media shilling for Hillary.

Check it out, 99% chance she'll win MI primaries. Vote for the projected winner.


And here is the outcome.

He wants you to walk.

Until I see a single fucking liberal who thinks gas is evil walking down the highway I'm going to take my bike if the weather is good and car if its not. Oh yea, my car gets 42mpg and it's not a hybrid so the battery didn't harm the environment being made or will harm it being disposed of.

Well you suck!!! Mh truck only gets around 12 mpg .....of course I have a hard time staying off the pedal with damn near 400hp.......

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