Can Anyone On This Board Name the Rightwing Terrorist Group

If Janet Napalitano posts here, she will be along in a moment, I am sure she will think of something
Remember the Gabrielle Giffords shooting the left could not claim fast enough that the shooter Jared Loughner was a radical right wing Tea Party member of course when the facts proved otherwise you could practically hear the far left crying from coast to coast those dam facts can really mess up people's talking points.
He wasn't right wing. He wasn't anything except a scared kid who really believed that the government murdered innocent men, women and children at WACO.

Now Tim was correct in his premise. He just went about his vengeance the wrong way. I still want Reno to pay. And all that helped her kill all of those innocents on American soil.

But to blow up other innocents is not the way. Many say he was advised by ME radicals. Who knows?

Bottom line though we all know Reno and Clinton murdered with forethought Americans on American soil.

And Dems would do it again in a heartbeat.

Which was true....
Links are not needed.
Fear of Obama, fear of Islamofascists, mushroom clouds in 45 minutes, They are gonna take our guns away, fear of gayness infecting them, etc.
You name it fear is their primary motivator.


oh bite me.

Alcee Hastings actually said that Sarah Palin would hunt down Jews and Blacks. Don't try lily white shit with me.
Well the republican party is motivated primarially by fear.


And although this doesn’t mean republicans are ‘terrorists,’ it does demonstrate a common theme among the right in general: fear of change, of diversity, fear of ‘losing’ America, that does indeed extent to extreme right terrorists groups.
He wasn't right wing. He wasn't anything except a scared kid who really believed that the government murdered innocent men, women and children at WACO.

Now Tim was correct in his premise. He just went about his vengeance the wrong way. I still want Reno to pay. And all that helped her kill all of those innocents on American soil.

But to blow up other innocents is not the way. Many say he was advised by ME radicals. Who knows?

Bottom line though we all know Reno and Clinton murdered with forethought Americans on American soil.

And Dems would do it again in a heartbeat.

Which was true....

And it was true. We don't imagine this. I watched this day after day after day live on CNN. It was unreal.

It was like a bizarre moment out of Road Warrior except the people on the outside were government agents.

And horrid evil government agents and I mean this with all my heart. I still can't beleive I'm typing this but that's what they were.

They wanted everyone in that compound dead.
Links are not needed.
Fear of Obama, fear of Islamofascists, mushroom clouds in 45 minutes, They are gonna take our guns away, fear of gayness infecting them, etc.
You name it fear is their primary motivator.

Fear is a most powerful motivator..
He wasn't right wing. He wasn't anything except a scared kid who really believed that the government murdered innocent men, women and children at WACO.

Now Tim was correct in his premise. He just went about his vengeance the wrong way. I still want Reno to pay. And all that helped her kill all of those innocents on American soil.

But to blow up other innocents is not the way. Many say he was advised by ME radicals. Who knows?

Bottom line though we all know Reno and Clinton murdered with forethought Americans on American soil.

And Dems would do it again in a heartbeat.

Hmmmmmm, let us see.... The Terrorist was anti-taxes, was into survivalism, opposed gun control, and supported the militia movement, hated the big bad government and especially the Clintons?

yeah, you're correct. He couldn't be right wing. Nah, naw, no way. :eusa_clap:

What's the name of his group? That's the question from the op.

And considering I know this inside and out, prove anti taxes survivalism and all the other bs you just posted.

Go slow, take deep breaths here and prove to me your story you just told.

Because knowing what I know, and I'm big into murder. Murder is actually my first love you see not politics, I really studied this murderer called Tim.

From a killing point of view.

So you prove to me all the shit you just spewed.

follow the links. stop acting as crazy as this love passion of yours called Tim.

Military Veterans against Clinton?


The chief conspirators, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, met in 1988 at Fort Benning during basic training for the U.S. Army.[17] Michael Fortier, McVeigh's accomplice, was his Army roommate.[18] The three shared interests in survivalism, opposed gun control, and supported the militia movement.[19][20] They expressed anger at the federal government...

link 1 Motivation


Ruby Ridge Revenge Militia?!

One of America's heroes?

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While in the military, McVeigh used much of his spare time to read about firearms, sniper tactics, and explosives.[13] McVeigh was reprimanded by the military for purchasing a "White Power" T-shirt at a Ku Klux Klan protest against black servicemen who wore what he viewed as "Black Power" T-shirts around the army base.

McVeigh was awarded a Bronze Star for his service in the first Gulf War.

McVeigh wrote letters to local newspapers complaining about taxes:

Taxes are a joke. Regardless of what a political candidate "promises," they will increase. More taxes are always the answer to government mismanagement. They mess up. We suffer. Taxes are reaching cataclysmic levels, with no slowdown in sight. [...] Is a Civil War Imminent? Do we have to shed blood to reform the current system? I hope it doesn't come to that. But it might.[19]

link 2 Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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National Alliance, Aryran Brotherhood, Klu Klux Klan, Operation Rescue...

Need more?

Bullshit. Tim was not a member of any of those groups.

Look Sallow, I did murder way before I did politics. You can try to spin your shit on this but Tim was not a member of any of those groups.

Now you can whack off thinking he was. But McVeigh was not a member of any of them.
who bombed the Oklahoma City building! I just want the name of the group!

It wasn't done by a group, but he had connections with a few groups. They even have witnesses who put McVeigh up here before the bombing, and with one of the Kehoe brothers.
A motel manager here even made a statement that Kehoe knew about the bombing.
National Alliance, Aryran Brotherhood, Klu Klux Klan, Operation Rescue...

Need more?

Bullshit. Tim was not a member of any of those groups.

Look Sallow, I did murder way before I did politics. You can try to spin your shit on this but Tim was not a member of any of those groups.

Now you can whack off thinking he was. But McVeigh was not a member of any of them.

In 1993, he drove to Waco, Texas during the Waco Siege to show his support. At the scene, he distributed pro-gun rights literature and bumper stickers, such as "When guns are outlawed, I will become an outlaw." He told a student reporter:

For the five months following the Waco Siege, McVeigh worked at gun shows and handed out free cards printed up with Lon Horiuchi's name and address, "in the hope that somebody in the Patriot movement would assassinate the sharpshooter." (Horiuchi is an FBI sniper and some of his official actions have drawn controversy) He wrote hate mail to the sniper, suggesting that "what goes around, comes around," and later considered putting aside his plan to target the Murrah Building to target Horiuchi, or a member of his family instead.[25]

McVeigh spent more time on the gun show circuit,[when?] traveling to 40 of the 50 states and visiting about 80 gun shows in all. McVeigh found that the further west he went, the more anti-government sentiment he encountered, at least until he got to what he called "The People's Socialist Republic of California."[26] McVeigh sold survival items and copies of The Turner Diaries. One author said:

The government is afraid of the guns people have because they have to have control of the people at all times. Once you take away the guns, you can do anything to the people. You give them an inch and they take a mile. I believe we are slowly turning into a socialist government. The government is continually growing bigger and more powerful and the people need to prepare to defend themselves against government control.[24]
Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the gun show culture, McVeigh found a home. Though he remained skeptical of some of the most extreme ideas being bandied around, he liked talking to people there about the United Nations, the federal government and possible threats to American liberty.[27]
Hmmmmmm, let us see.... The Terrorist was anti-taxes, was into survivalism, opposed gun control, and supported the militia movement, hated the big bad government and especially the Clintons?

yeah, you're correct. He couldn't be right wing. Nah, naw, no way. :eusa_clap:

What's the name of his group? That's the question from the op.

And considering I know this inside and out, prove anti taxes survivalism and all the other bs you just posted.

Go slow, take deep breaths here and prove to me your story you just told.

Because knowing what I know, and I'm big into murder. Murder is actually my first love you see not politics, I really studied this murderer called Tim.

From a killing point of view.

So you prove to me all the shit you just spewed.

follow the links. stop acting as crazy as this love passion of yours called Tim.

link 1 Motivation


One of America's heroes?

McVeigh wrote letters to local newspapers complaining about taxes:

Taxes are a joke. Regardless of what a political candidate "promises," they will increase. More taxes are always the answer to government mismanagement. They mess up. We suffer. Taxes are reaching cataclysmic levels, with no slowdown in sight. [...] Is a Civil War Imminent? Do we have to shed blood to reform the current system? I hope it doesn't come to that. But it might.[19]

link 2 Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prove membership. You can't. McVeigh was a lone wolf.
Tim wasn't even the leader, according to Bill Cooper.

For those who don't know, Bill Cooper was the guy in June 2001 who claimed on radio that there would be a terrorist attack soon and it would be blamed on Osama Bin Laden.

He died in November of that year, killed by 'law enforcement'.
Links are not needed.
Fear of Obama, fear of Islamofascists, mushroom clouds in 45 minutes, They are gonna take our guns away, fear of gayness infecting them, etc.
You name it fear is their primary motivator.

Fear of people blindly following an elitist who brainwashed them by using the words "hope and change", that those same brainwashed followers who parrot their masters ideology and blindly toss away their Freedoms while at the same time trying to toss away mine. The fear is what will become of this nation if people are allowed to run amok with their destructive ideologies and trample other people's Constitutional Rights, simply because those Rights don't jive with that misguided ideology.

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