Can Anyone On This Board Name the Rightwing Terrorist Group

I'll say this much....I think that both parties equally try to gain support by instilling fear. It's just that the Republicans are better at it.

Republican fearmongering:

Terrorists! Commies! Death panels! Dictators!

Democratic fearmongering:

Rich people! Low taxes! Dead polar bears!

Let's be honest, both parties try it, the Democrats just really suck at it. :lol:

Maybe it's just that from where you are seated, it might seem that way.

You mean to tell me that you find rich people, low taxes, and dead polar bears to be scary stuff? :lol: Moreso than terrorists and death panels? C'mon!
Seems to me that most of the islamic terror groups are technically right wingers.
I'll say this much....I think that both parties equally try to gain support by instilling fear. It's just that the Republicans are better at it.

Republican fearmongering:

Terrorists! Commies! Death panels! Dictators!

Democratic fearmongering:

Rich people! Low taxes! Dead polar bears!

Let's be honest, both parties try it, the Democrats just really suck at it. :lol:

It works for the republicans because their supporters are complete imbeciles that believe anything their masters tell them. Democrats think for themselves, that's why trying to push any kind of nonsense on them like the GOP does is ineffective.

Please!! Spare us the false sanctimony! Inthemiddle is absolutely correct, and if you had an honest bone in your body you would readily admit it.

I'm not going to hold my breath...

Inthemiddle is right that the republicans do a much better job of fear mongering and spreading lies, because of the fact GOP voters are less intelligent and with that far more easily to be misled.

For example when a right winger hears some kind of made up lie like "Obama is a muslim!" they will believe it without question, even when it's been proven time and time again they are wrong, they will say everyone else is lying and fox is the only one telling the truth etc,...GOP supporters are the perfect sheep for the machine. Obedient, parrot whatever they are told, never question, and always obey.

Democrats, independents, liberals, libertarians etc, to hear facts and don't just parrot whatever they are told. If they heard the same "Obama is a muslim!" first they would do their research to see if this accusation was factual, become informed on the report, then come up to a conclusion when the real facts have been found, or debunked.

Another perfect example of why the right has their Beck's, Limbaugh's, and Hannity's, which are very popular with them, but there is no equivalent on the left. The reason why is the left doesn't want to hear nothing but partisan nonsense and fabricated lies.

We on the left like the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth :up:
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He wasn't right wing. He wasn't anything except a scared kid who really believed that the government murdered innocent men, women and children at WACO.

Now Tim was correct in his premise. He just went about his vengeance the wrong way. I still want Reno to pay. And all that helped her kill all of those innocents on American soil.

But to blow up other innocents is not the way. Many say he was advised by ME radicals. Who knows?

Bottom line though we all know Reno and Clinton murdered with forethought Americans on American soil.

And Dems would do it again in a heartbeat.

Which hardly fits the definition of "terrorist"

Inthemiddle is right that the republicans do a much better job of fear mongering and spreading lies, because of the fact GOP voters are less intelligent and with that far more easily to be misled.

Are you kidding me? You're really making yourself out to be completely ignorant here. First of all, "GOP voters" don't have to be led, or misled, into voting Republican. THEY'RE ALREADY GOING TO VOTE REPUBLICAN! The GOP base is going to vote the party ticket no matter what. Reagan could have been caught fucking a Soviet mule under date rape, and the "GOP voters" would have still supported him just the same as the "Democratic voters" rallied behind Clinton. Winning elections is about convincing the UNAFFILIATED and UNDECIDED voters. The people who will go either which way because they don't care about the party so much as the particular candidate. I'm sure you've forgotten, but there's a whole armada of us out here in this country who still refuse to view the world in terms of cookie cutters.

Second, there are plenty of intelligent people who are religious supporters of the GOP. When do you think was the last time that George Will, for instance, voted for a Democrat? How about Mary Madalin? Two very intelligent people right there who, no doubt, vote a straight GOP ticket every single time.

Third, and finally, stupid people can often times be very difficult to mislead, often times more difficult than intelligent people. You know why? Because stupid people are unpredictable! You never know what they're going to come up with out of left field. At least with smart people you can usually reasonably predict the things they're likely to consider. But try lying to a stupid person to sell them a bill of goods and most of the time you'll end up with "Well wait a second, I don't think I really believe you, because back in the days of JFK, there was the whole grassy knoell...." and all you'll be able to think is "WTF does that have to do with whether my magical elixir will make your penis grow?!?"
Well I think this has gotten about as stupid as humanly possible and yet someone will find a way to go even lower.
I knew one of the lefties would make a Tea Party reference it was just a question of who. LMAO.

they have the "head up the ass" syndrome.

I didn't think so. The guy with the head up his ass is blowing smoke.

I think WillowTree is warmin' up to you Black_Label ;)

Tell me about it :puke3: It's like that extremely obese girl in elementary school that always smelt like rotten cheese, and kept leaving love letters in your desk.
You would keep throwing it in the trash and giving them the :puke: face gesture, but they would think that means you like them back.

Now Willow on the other hand seems to have some kind of obsession with sticking things up their ass. Sure what you do in your private time is your business, but they need to keep it there,...
who bombed the Oklahoma City building! I just want the name of the group!

McVeigh was one of those demented loner types with giant holes in his personality who are often attracted to right wing extremism movements. He appears to have only observed from the edges of these movements, picking bits and pieces from them. As Chris alluded, he was fascinated by The Turner Diaries, a favorite of extreme right wing groups like the nazi Aryan Nations and the Christian Identity movement.

But McVeigh did not hold a club card with any of these groups.

Why do you ask?
He wasn't right wing. He wasn't anything except a scared kid who really believed that the government murdered innocent men, women and children at WACO.

Now Tim was correct in his premise. He just went about his vengeance the wrong way. I still want Reno to pay. And all that helped her kill all of those innocents on American soil.

But to blow up other innocents is not the way. Many say he was advised by ME radicals. Who knows?

Bottom line though we all know Reno and Clinton murdered with forethought Americans on American soil.

And Dems would do it again in a heartbeat.

Which hardly fits the definition of "terrorist"


What I find appalling is that no left winger will engage over WACO or RUBY RIDGE. None. None will discuss these really appalling situations and now emblazoned parts of American History, they fucking (pardon my french but they really piss me off on this)refuse to engage situations that killed dozens of American citizens on American soil by American law officers.
He wasn't right wing. He wasn't anything except a scared kid who really believed that the government murdered innocent men, women and children at WACO.

Now Tim was correct in his premise. He just went about his vengeance the wrong way. I still want Reno to pay. And all that helped her kill all of those innocents on American soil.

But to blow up other innocents is not the way. Many say he was advised by ME radicals. Who knows?

Bottom line though we all know Reno and Clinton murdered with forethought Americans on American soil.

And Dems would do it again in a heartbeat.

Which hardly fits the definition of "terrorist"


What I find appalling is that no left winger will engage over WACO or RUBY RIDGE. None. None will discuss these really appalling situations and now emblazoned parts of American History, they fucking (pardon my french but they really piss me off on this)refuse to engage situations that killed dozens of American citizens on American soil by American law officers.

It's because it was 2 of the Dem's favorite men

Clinton & Reno

Inthemiddle is right that the republicans do a much better job of fear mongering and spreading lies, because of the fact GOP voters are less intelligent and with that far more easily to be misled.

Are you kidding me? You're really making yourself out to be completely ignorant here. First of all, "GOP voters" don't have to be led, or misled, into voting Republican. THEY'RE ALREADY GOING TO VOTE REPUBLICAN! The GOP base is going to vote the party ticket no matter what. Reagan could have been caught fucking a Soviet mule under date rape, and the "GOP voters" would have still supported him just the same as the "Democratic voters" rallied behind Clinton. Winning elections is about convincing the UNAFFILIATED and UNDECIDED voters. The people who will go either which way because they don't care about the party so much as the particular candidate. I'm sure you've forgotten, but there's a whole armada of us out here in this country who still refuse to view the world in terms of cookie cutters.

Second, there are plenty of intelligent people who are religious supporters of the GOP. When do you think was the last time that George Will, for instance, voted for a Democrat? How about Mary Madalin? Two very intelligent people right there who, no doubt, vote a straight GOP ticket every single time.

Third, and finally, stupid people can often times be very difficult to mislead, often times more difficult than intelligent people. You know why? Because stupid people are unpredictable! You never know what they're going to come up with out of left field. At least with smart people you can usually reasonably predict the things they're likely to consider. But try lying to a stupid person to sell them a bill of goods and most of the time you'll end up with "Well wait a second, I don't think I really believe you, because back in the days of JFK, there was the whole grassy knoell...." and all you'll be able to think is "WTF does that have to do with whether my magical elixir will make your penis grow?!?"

Again you're "sorta" correct. GOP voters are going to vote straight ticket (R) no matter what. Bin laden himself could have run for office after 9/11 and if he ran (R) you can bet the GOP supporters would be out bright and early to vote for him.
Democrats on the other hand don't just obediently hit straight (D) without a care like the R's do. They want to be informed with a candidate and support their views. If they don't, will not be accepted nor receive their votes.
04' is a perfect example of this where Dean was the clear democratic frontrunner and domination W in the polls. Then after simply yelling "yaa" in excitement at a rally, had his own party completely turn on him.
Yes, the dems chose a candidate that best fits them over a sure win,..and by doing so cost them the election.

Though back the premise of what the main issue was is propaganda and how it works well for the R's and not the D's. Again, it's because the GOP thugs are easily mislead and believe anything they are told, where the democrats do not.

In the world of politics, you do need to be at least somewhat intelligence to understand and debate it, but fox and the right has dumbed it down significantly to appeal to those of low intelligence, to make them "think" they know what they are talking about.
Beck and fox use simple catch phrases to appeal to them "marxist" "socialist" "communist" etc,.. on top of the common "da libs" Beck and fox make these fools think they are learning some kind of "secret" which is just distorted lies that simply reading a book could have taught them, rather sitting on their lazy rears being programmed what to think is far easier.
Links are not needed.
Fear of Obama, fear of Islamofascists, mushroom clouds in 45 minutes, They are gonna take our guns away, fear of gayness infecting them, etc.
You name it fear is their primary motivator.

Fear of people blindly following an elitist who brainwashed them by using the words "hope and change", that those same brainwashed followers who parrot their masters ideology and blindly toss away their Freedoms while at the same time trying to toss away mine. The fear is what will become of this nation if people are allowed to run amok with their destructive ideologies and trample other people's Constitutional Rights, simply because those Rights don't jive with that misguided ideology.

Fear and hate are some of the most basic and simpleton of human emotions which the GOP plays off of. Beck has made a career out pandering to the most ignorant among us with "the sky is falling, the world is going to blow up,..but by my books and food insurance and you will be safe" garbage

The GOP did just that with the patriot act, crapping all over the constitution by pushing the fear mongering that if we didn't rip up the constitution, we would have another terror attack and that the mushroom clouds were coming,..

You just got your ass pounded into the ground for trying to rewrite the Patriot Act history this morning and here you are doing it again..

What part of 98 to 1 in the Senate didn't you understand?

What part of Dick Armey REPUBLICAN insisting on sunsetting clauses didn't you understand?

What part of Debbie Wasserman Schultz the current CHAIR OF YOUR PARTY having a perfect record in support of the Patriot Act renewals didn't you understand?

What part of HARRY REID jamming the Renewal up your ass by hiding it and blocking discussion in the Senate didn't you understand?

Obviously --- you're not deterred by lying because you didn't refute any of these facts.
So much for whatever OTHER misconceptions are included in your posts -- this one is indefensible.
Another perfect example of why the right has their Beck's, Limbaugh's, and Hannity's, which are very popular with them, but there is no equivalent on the left.

Maddow, Olbermann, Huffington, Stewart.

Maddow = does not have a radio show

Olbermann = not even on anywhere

Huffington = ?

Stewart = does not have a radio show, just a political comedy show.

Again, there is no one on the left that flocks to a talking head like those on the right do.

We on the left like the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth :up:

Funniest falsehood of the week!

Thinking for yourself and not letting the propaganda masters do it for you is something unheard of to those on the radical right.
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