Can Anyone On This Board Name the Rightwing Terrorist Group

What's the name of his group? That's the question from the op.

And considering I know this inside and out, prove anti taxes survivalism and all the other bs you just posted.

Go slow, take deep breaths here and prove to me your story you just told.

Because knowing what I know, and I'm big into murder. Murder is actually my first love you see not politics, I really studied this murderer called Tim.

From a killing point of view.

So you prove to me all the shit you just spewed.

follow the links. stop acting as crazy as this love passion of yours called Tim.

No shit. It's creepy as hell that she calls him Tim.

I wonder if she calls Manson 'Chuck'?


I didn't bother to type McVeigh and now he's my toyboy? Wow, you people are sick.

Look how the left swing lock step behind Reno on this. Burn children alive is Option A?

First no one wants to "defend" it..then you say the person is "lockstep" with Janet Reno? many times you gonna move the goal posts.

And cheerleading a Terrorist/Pedophile? Good on you.

Prove he was either.

There is no proof. None whatsoever. The pedophile garbage is what Reno's crew was feeding to the press to justify her murder of American men, women and children.

Let's talk about what Janet did here? Take a minute out and remind yourself what her DOJ did.

Murdered. No slaughtered 70 plus men women and children. Slaughtered before our eyes.

And I guess if you're attempting to justify this, I guess you loved the screams as they died.

Did you?

The delusions of a sick mind.

Do you have a poster of 'Tim' on your bedroom wall, to kiss goodnight?
First no one wants to "defend" it..then you say the person is "lockstep" with Janet Reno? many times you gonna move the goal posts.

And cheerleading a Terrorist/Pedophile? Good on you.

Prove he was either.

There is no proof. None whatsoever. The pedophile garbage is what Reno's crew was feeding to the press to justify her murder of American men, women and children.

Let's talk about what Janet did here? Take a minute out and remind yourself what her DOJ did.

Murdered. No slaughtered 70 plus men women and children. Slaughtered before our eyes.

And I guess if you're attempting to justify this, I guess you loved the screams as they died.

Did you?

Oh spare the "emotional" crap about "slaughtering" innocent people. You folks lost that moral high ground after the invasion of Iraq..if you ever had it in the first place.

Koresh was a violent, delusional, child predator and terrorist. He set up a compound and broke laws. And it seems that most of these types of situations end up the exact same way. From Jones Town to Heaven's Gate..I don't have any idea why anyone would defend these religious fanatics.

She's a fellow traveler.
National Alliance, Aryran Brotherhood, Klu Klux Klan, Operation Rescue...

Need more?

Bullshit. Tim was not a member of any of those groups.

Look Sallow, I did murder way before I did politics. You can try to spin your shit on this but Tim was not a member of any of those groups.

Now you can whack off thinking he was. But McVeigh was not a member of any of them.

You are a sick individual.

Are you one of those who writes love letters to people like Scott Peterson?

Military Veterans against Clinton?


The chief conspirators, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, met in 1988 at Fort Benning during basic training for the U.S. Army.[17] Michael Fortier, McVeigh's accomplice, was his Army roommate.[18] The three shared interests in survivalism, opposed gun control, and supported the militia movement.[19][20] They expressed anger at the federal government...

The OKC bombing had every indication of a federal sting gone terribly wrong. Every ATF agent was out on the street before the bomb went off and a judge was told before the bombing not to hold court that day. McVeigh was apprehended in record time as if they knew what he was driving and what he looked like and the feds rounded up the usual suspects who had no direct connection to the bombing but they didn't seem interested in looking for "John Doe 2" even though McVeigh must have had an accomplice to pull it off. The ATF had an informant deep in the "Elohim" network that McVeigh belonged to so it's reasonable to assume they knew what was going on. Judging in retrospect the mess they made of Waco and Fast/furious it isn't surprising they would screw up OKC. It still isn't apparent what McVeigh's motivation was. The feds kept him in virtual isolation and executed him in a record 7 years.
Prove he was either.

There is no proof. None whatsoever. The pedophile garbage is what Reno's crew was feeding to the press to justify her murder of American men, women and children.

Let's talk about what Janet did here? Take a minute out and remind yourself what her DOJ did.

Murdered. No slaughtered 70 plus men women and children. Slaughtered before our eyes.

And I guess if you're attempting to justify this, I guess you loved the screams as they died.

Did you?

Oh spare the "emotional" crap about "slaughtering" innocent people. You folks lost that moral high ground after the invasion of Iraq..if you ever had it in the first place.

Koresh was a violent, delusional, child predator and terrorist. He set up a compound and broke laws. And it seems that most of these types of situations end up the exact same way. From Jones Town to Heaven's Gate..I don't have any idea why anyone would defend these religious fanatics.

She's a fellow traveler.

I travel with no one.

Why couldn't Reno utilize a sniper? Why did you dems and liberals want to kill all those poor people who's only sin was that they lived in that compound.

Jonestown btw was democrat. All D. Koolaid and drinking the koolaid came from Jonestown.

Do we want to go down the Jonestown path as well? Oh I would so love for that.
First no one wants to "defend" it..then you say the person is "lockstep" with Janet Reno? many times you gonna move the goal posts.

And cheerleading a Terrorist/Pedophile? Good on you.

Prove he was either.

There is no proof. None whatsoever. The pedophile garbage is what Reno's crew was feeding to the press to justify her murder of American men, women and children.

Let's talk about what Janet did here? Take a minute out and remind yourself what her DOJ did.

Murdered. No slaughtered 70 plus men women and children. Slaughtered before our eyes.

And I guess if you're attempting to justify this, I guess you loved the screams as they died.

Did you?

Oh spare the "emotional" crap about "slaughtering" innocent people. You folks lost that moral high ground after the invasion of Iraq..if you ever had it in the first place.

Koresh was a violent, delusional, child predator and terrorist. He set up a compound and broke laws. And it seems that most of these types of situations end up the exact same way. From Jones Town to Heaven's Gate..I don't have any idea why anyone would defend these religious fanatics.

Maybe because Texas Child Services had repeatedly investigated them and NEVER filed a complaint. Because the Local Sheriff was on great terms with them, and could have defused the situation. Maybe because NONE of reasons the BATF was involved for EVER panned out. They HAD the BATF and the Local Sheriff come by to use their shooting range repeatedly.

And that dust--up with George Rodin??? I'll just use your tactics.

Three years later, resentful of Koresh's power over the Davidians, Roden challenged Koresh, saying that whoever could resurrect the dead was the true leader. While Roden prayed over the body of Ana Hughes, dead two decades earlier, Koresh reported Roden to the McLennan County sheriff's office for corpse abuse. The police told Koresh that he needed evidence to back up his accusation.[2]

On November 3, 1987, Koresh and seven followers returned to Mount Carmel heavily armed and wearing camouflage clothing. They stealthily entered the compound, allegedly to obtain a photograph. However they did not bring a camera, and carried military grade weaponry, and a map of the grounds with positions to occupy. They found Roden crouched behind a tree with an Uzi submachine gun and a gun battle ensued for several minutes. Roden fled the property with wounds to his hand and chest. Koresh's compatriots were found not guilty after a two week trial for attempted murder in Waco, and a mistrial was declared in Koresh's case.

Two years later in 1989, Roden killed his roommate (Wayman Dale Adair (56)) with an ax in Odessa, Texas, and claimed that the man had been sent by Koresh to kill him. Put on trial for murder, he was found not guilty by reason of insanity, and confined to a state mental hospital in North Texas

Doesn't matter what FORCE WAS USED (i learned that from you) George Roden was a corpse-abusing, psychotic MURDERER. Good thing Koresh took the advice of the cops and tried to get this moron put away before he hurt somebody..

Did I do that right Sallow??? I look up to your standards of compassion and understanding.

(no laughing face on this one).
There is a difference between a terrorist network dedicated to the overthrow of the government and a bunch of nut case citizens who decide to barricade themselves against armageddon. Bill Ayers was a member (leader?) of a terrorist network designed to terrorize Americans and bring down the American government. Koresch was the leader of a quasi-religious organization that feared the might of the government. See the difference? Ayers walks among us and Koresch was burned to death in a federal assault. It should be noted that the initial reason for the ATF search warrant centered around the Branch Dividians (legally) purchasing old hunks of junk that had been British WW2 automatic weapons and purchasing (legally) booklets of how to re-assemble the demilled hunks of junk. It was never proved that a single weapon was ever assembled.
First no one wants to "defend" it..then you say the person is "lockstep" with Janet Reno? many times you gonna move the goal posts.

And cheerleading a Terrorist/Pedophile? Good on you.

Prove he was either.

There is no proof. None whatsoever. The pedophile garbage is what Reno's crew was feeding to the press to justify her murder of American men, women and children.

Let's talk about what Janet did here? Take a minute out and remind yourself what her DOJ did.

Murdered. No slaughtered 70 plus men women and children. Slaughtered before our eyes.

And I guess if you're attempting to justify this, I guess you loved the screams as they died.

Did you?

The delusions of a sick mind.

Do you have a poster of 'Tim' on your bedroom wall, to kiss goodnight?

You are one sick puppy.

I post about the deaths of so many innocents and now I've got the hots for McVeigh?

Bite me. That's freaking sidk.
Which hardly fits the definition of "terrorist"


What I find appalling is that no left winger will engage over WACO or RUBY RIDGE. None. None will discuss these really appalling situations and now emblazoned parts of American History, they fucking (pardon my french but they really piss me off on this)refuse to engage situations that killed dozens of American citizens on American soil by American law officers.

That's a lie. I'll refute all your bullshit. Randy Weaver got his family killed. No one else.

Really? Mrs. Weaver is holding a baby in her arms as a sniper from the government murders her, and we are blaming Randy for that shot?

You are one sick puppy.
I hope that the last conscious thoughts your brain processes are ----

Why is there a military assault on my home? Why did they shoot the family dogs? Why is my family dying?

Got bomb-making materials in your compound? OF COURSE YOU DO...
There is a difference between a terrorist network dedicated to the overthrow of the government and a bunch of nut case citizens who decide to barricade themselves against armageddon. Bill Ayers was a member (leader?) of a terrorist network designed to terrorize Americans and bring down the American government. Koresch was the leader of a quasi-religious organization that feared the might of the government. See the difference? Ayers walks among us and Koresch was burned to death in a federal assault. It should be noted that the initial reason for the ATF search warrant centered around the Branch Dividians (legally) purchasing old hunks of junk that had been British WW2 automatic weapons and purchasing (legally) booklets of how to re-assemble the demilled hunks of junk. It was never proved that a single weapon was ever assembled.

Ayers? :rofl: What terrorism did he and his ragged group of misfits commit long ago, as opposed to what religious and conservative whackos have recently done?

Want to start with religious kooks? Koolaid. Abortion clinics, providers, and elderly security guards. Gay bars down south. Minorites walking the streets of America (Jews, blacks, immigrants, gays...), Children in day care centers, average Americans working in federal buildings? I could go on...'

now list what Ayers has done
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Yeah, we can't have children being abused, so lets kill them by burning them alive!

Liberals sure come up with great solutions to problems, don't they?

Furthermore, the only people flouting the laws of the United States were the FBI and the BATF.

Who in American government advocated burning anyone alive?

Who put children at risk while listening to an imaginary god?

Abraham, Jim Jones, David Koresh... :eusa_shhh:
There is a difference between a terrorist network dedicated to the overthrow of the government and a bunch of nut case citizens who decide to barricade themselves against armageddon. Bill Ayers was a member (leader?) of a terrorist network designed to terrorize Americans and bring down the American government. Koresch was the leader of a quasi-religious organization that feared the might of the government. See the difference? Ayers walks among us and Koresch was burned to death in a federal assault. It should be noted that the initial reason for the ATF search warrant centered around the Branch Dividians (legally) purchasing old hunks of junk that had been British WW2 automatic weapons and purchasing (legally) booklets of how to re-assemble the demilled hunks of junk. It was never proved that a single weapon was ever assembled.

Ayers? :rofl: What terrorism did he and his ragged group of misfits commit long ago, as opposed to what religious and conservative whackos have recently done?

Want to start with religious kooks? Koolaid. Abortion clinics, providers, and elderly security guards. Gay bars down south. Minorites walking the streets of America (Jews, blacks, immigrants, gays...), Children in day care centers, average Americans working in federal buildings? I could go on...'

now list what Ayers has done

You're kidding right? I suspected you didn't have a good grasp of history, or economics but you just copped to MASSIVE IGNORANCE about something you SHOULD know..

As opinionated as you are --- of course.. Tell ya what -- Instead of embarrassing the CRAP out of you -- why don't you slink away and educate yourself.. If I'm out of bounds here. Come back and tell me... If not -- thank me for not responding to your ignorance. :mad:
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Should we mention Ted Kazinsky? Or EarthFirst? Nawwww..... That wouldn't be productive..
Links are not needed.
Fear of Obama, fear of Islamofascists, mushroom clouds in 45 minutes, They are gonna take our guns away, fear of gayness infecting them, etc.
You name it fear is their primary motivator.

Fear of people blindly following an elitist who brainwashed them by using the words "hope and change", that those same brainwashed followers who parrot their masters ideology and blindly toss away their Freedoms while at the same time trying to toss away mine. The fear is what will become of this nation if people are allowed to run amok with their destructive ideologies and trample other people's Constitutional Rights, simply because those Rights don't jive with that misguided ideology.

Fear and hate are some of the most basic and simpleton of human emotions which the GOP plays off of. Beck has made a career out pandering to the most ignorant among us with "the sky is falling, the world is going to blow up,..but by my books and food insurance and you will be safe" garbage

The GOP did just that with the patriot act, crapping all over the constitution by pushing the fear mongering that if we didn't rip up the constitution, we would have another terror attack and that the mushroom clouds were coming,..

Last I checked your hero Obama has done nothing to repeal the Patriot Act Mr. Sheeple.
Some FACTS about the Sheriff:

At the time, in Texas, the age of parental consent for a minor to marry was 14, as was the age for consent to engage in sexual relations.[citation needed] In the documentary film, Waco: The Rules of Engagement (long version), Jack Harwell, Sheriff of McLennan County, stated: "You have to have proof to go into court . . . Keep in mind, too, that most of the girls who were involved were at least 14 years old and 14 year olds get married with parental consent. So if their parents were there and letting things happen in the way of sexual activities and what have you with their 14 year old kids, you have common law husbands and wives. Uh, I don’t say that I agree with that and that I approve of it. But at the same time, if parents are there and they’re giving parental consent, we have a problem with that in making a case."

More on those "poor innocent Davidians, they threatened to WIPE OUT any law enforcement near their 'command':

Transcript | Waco - The Inside Story | FRONTLINE | PBS
Should we mention Ted Kazinsky? Or EarthFirst? Nawwww..... That wouldn't be productive..

Want to start with religious kooks? Koolaid. Abortion clinics, providers, and elderly security guards. Gay bars down south. Minorites walking the streets of America (Jews, blacks, immigrants, gays...), Children in day care centers, average Americans working in federal buildings? I could go on...'


Okay, name an issue Kazinsky rambled on about that is a liberal Democrat issue.

Now name the issues right wing terrorists rant about that are mainstream GOP issues.

Should we mention Ted Kazinsky? Or EarthFirst? Nawwww..... That wouldn't be productive..

Want to start with religious kooks? Koolaid. Abortion clinics, providers, and elderly security guards. Gay bars down south. Minorites walking the streets of America (Jews, blacks, immigrants, gays...), Children in day care centers, average Americans working in federal buildings? I could go on...'


Okay, name an issue Kazinsky rambled on about that is a liberal Democrat issue.

Now name the issues right wing terrorists rant about that are mainstream GOP issues.

That's supposed to be 'NEXT!!!'

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