Can Anyone Really Trust Hillary Clinton With The Power to Put Americans into Forced Labor?

Can you trust Hillary Clinton to not abuse this EO authority to force Americans to labor for no pay?

  • Yes, she is such a nice person

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, she is a closet NAzi

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • I dunno, when is the football game?

    Votes: 3 33.3%

  • Total voters
Bitches gonna bitch

When does the bloodshed start?
Maybe when people realize their kid is being raped in the nearest bathrooms, or schools. Might smack of reality of this is real and not a joke.

I hate to say this MindWars
but I know a man who doesn't see a problem with the legal system
telling his daughter who was raped that she had no chance of prosecution,
where that opposing lawyers basically counseled a 14 year old to give up her rights, accept the rape and not pursue charges.

I nearly lost it when I heard this and his attitude toward it.
He basically saw it as the guy unloading himself in his daughter,
as if she is an object of the act he frames from a male perspective
and not an equal person with equal rights.

So just because rape happens to your own kid
doesn't mean that changes the attitude toward women as objects.
I couldn't believe it, but that's how he saw it.
Blames her for being at the wrong place at the wrong time
with the wrong guy, and that's what happens so deal with it.


P.S. about prisons, I ran into a similar "that's what you get" attitude
where I confronted coworkers asking why would they expect to force
taxpayers to pay for health care "just because they earn more income"
and not require people in prisons to pay for the costs of their damages
or their debts from stealing the money or resources of other people they should pay back.

The answer I got was "those people don't have any money"

So I asked, so it's JUSTIFIED to go after people who do have money although
the committed no crime,
and not go after people who actually commit a crime and incur costs???

But that's what our prison system is based on.
Charging the taxpayer and not the people actually racking up
expenses, est 50K a year per person in a TX prison.

So you wonder why the system is bankrupt,
and the easier "nonviolent" offenders are kept, like warehousing
people in public schools or public housing "to get the contract money coming in"
while releasing the dangerous ones they don't want responsibility for.

It's easier to go after taxpayers than it is to collect from the wrongdoers
actually responsible.

It's not just an issue of public vs private, because even the public
institutions get corrupted over bureaucrats wanting the contract money.

It's a matter of investing in corrective and preventative treatments, therapy
and rehab/restitution that WORKS for the person to recover from patterns of criminal abuse,
addiction or disorder, and start contributing back instead of being a burden.

Ironically, that approach may best come from private programs, proven to work effectively,
and then model the public institutions after such programs that would cut costs the right way!

Hell they are already slipping " Child marriage into the system of being legal". they already did it in Germany. As some will say so did Russia no Russia did not.
Those same rules are going to be pushed here. Sharia law will make sure if it.
Bend over and comply or else is what we will see.
Bitches gonna bitch

When does the bloodshed start?
Maybe when people realize their kid is being raped in the nearest bathrooms, or schools. Might smack of reality of this is real and not a joke.

I hate to say this MindWars
but I know a man who doesn't see a problem with the legal system
telling his daughter who was raped that she had no chance of prosecution,
where that opposing lawyers basically counseled a 14 year old to give up her rights, accept the rape and not pursue charges.

I nearly lost it when I heard this and his attitude toward it.
He basically saw it as the guy unloading himself in his daughter,
as if she is an object of the act he frames from a male perspective
and not an equal person with equal rights.

So just because rape happens to your own kid
doesn't mean that changes the attitude toward women as objects.
I couldn't believe it, but that's how he saw it.
Blames her for being at the wrong place at the wrong time
with the wrong guy, and that's what happens so deal with it.


P.S. about prisons, I ran into a similar "that's what you get" attitude
where I confronted coworkers asking why would they expect to force
taxpayers to pay for health care "just because they earn more income"
and not require people in prisons to pay for the costs of their damages
or their debts from stealing the money or resources of other people they should pay back.

The answer I got was "those people don't have any money"

So I asked, so it's JUSTIFIED to go after people who do have money although
the committed no crime,
and not go after people who actually commit a crime and incur costs???

But that's what our prison system is based on.
Charging the taxpayer and not the people actually racking up
expenses, est 50K a year per person in a TX prison.

So you wonder why the system is bankrupt,
and the easier "nonviolent" offenders are kept, like warehousing
people in public schools or public housing "to get the contract money coming in"
while releasing the dangerous ones they don't want responsibility for.

It's easier to go after taxpayers than it is to collect from the wrongdoers
actually responsible.

It's not just an issue of public vs private, because even the public
institutions get corrupted over bureaucrats wanting the contract money.

It's a matter of investing in corrective and preventative treatments, therapy
and rehab/restitution that WORKS for the person to recover from patterns of criminal abuse,
addiction or disorder, and start contributing back instead of being a burden.

Ironically, that approach may best come from private programs, proven to work effectively,
and then model the public institutions after such programs that would cut costs the right way!
The system is not good and it is for MAKING MONEY that is it.
People shouldn't be sent up the river ten years for a few joints, the Gov. themselves bring the drugs in.
Take note those illegals who have been caught raping get let lose, but an American gets caught he seems to get twenty, so Mm k an illegal gets off makes a few more rapes.
Where is the logic.

Social justice seems to mean
* if you are poor and don't have money, you are owed by govt and taxpayers should help you. you have rights.
* if you are rich and can generate money, then you owe it to govt and the public to help others, you have responsibilities.
people aren't being treated equally, but judged by class

the flow of resources is no longer trusted to be a free choice like charity or free market for people to invest in what works best.
it becomes a govt duty to redistribute the resources,
and this is not trusted to people to give freely.

some people want to force it through govt.
it's not a matter of guilt or innocence for committing crimes or abuses and 'owing" restitution for wrongs.

it's a matter of having more than the next person so you should be required to help.
forced through govt, instead of having the free choice to invest by free market and charity based on what you feel is the most effective use of
the money and resources from your own labor.

so the difference betwe en the two beliefs
* some people trust individuals to make these decisions by free market choices
* others trust govt to make this fair and equally accessible
some people blame either the govt or the free market for why the waste abuse and corruption is happening,
so they don't agree with the other person's solution they see as the problem!

Instead of bullying to force one way or another on people,
why not give people a CHOICE which avenue they believe in investing in.
And hold groups responsible for the policy and path of their choice.

Maybe for different areas, people will cho ose different approaches.
So what? Does it have to be all one way or another? Why can't we offer all choices
as option and let people decide? and only if duly convicted of a crime
can anyone be forced into investing their labor or resources into restitution proportional to what they did wrong and how much
debt or damage they caused that requires such resources to repair.

What happened to justice based on one's actions
instead of how much money you make determining if you are held responsible or not?
The choice to in to government welfare is much easier than choosing to get out of it.

It is like an Opiod; once you are hooked you tend to stay hooked except with great will power.
This is not something most Americans are aware of but the POTUS can force people to work without compensation anywhere in the the world.

This is right off the White House website

Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness

Sec. 502. Consultants. The head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations.
What do you say?

Just more lies from Jimmie the liar.

Doesn't mention one word of forcing anyone to work- with or without compensation. This merely allows unpaid consultants to be used- say a real billionaire like Warren Buffet.

Sec. 502. Consultants. The head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations. The authority delegated by this section may not be redelegated.

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