Can Anyone State Why to Vote for Biden Without Mentioning Trump?

Good question. I think it's a good question for both sides to ask. Personally I would never vote for either one, but I've always believed people should vote their conscience and FOR a candidate, rather than against the other candidate. All that said, I've gotten to the point where I think voting is pointless anyway, but that's another topic.

Can Anyone State Why to Vote for Biden Without Mentioning Trump? I mean anyone in America. Pretend Trump does not exist and answer the question.

P.S. I expect this to be the lonely thread on USMB. :(
Because he is gonna drain the swamp (racists, white supremacy, biotry....).
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." ~quoted from Joe Biden describing Barack Obama.

It is even possible to get much more bigoted than that? :dunno:

Don’t forget.....

“If you don’t vote for me then you are not Black.”

“Non-Orderly racial integration policies will cause my children to grow up in a racial jungle.”
Why vote for Biden?
  1. the nation is badly divided
  2. the economy is in the toilet
  3. 50,000,000 people are out of work
  4. a deadly pandemic is loose and out of control
  5. 130,000+ Americans are dead, caused in-part by public health and leadership failures at the national level
  6. the Constitution and the Rule of Law and a Free Press are currently at-risk
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is nobody's ideal political candidate, but he's the best that the Opposition IS going to field this year.

And, given our present state of affairs, a fence-post in the Oval Office would be a welcome change.

Uncle Joe will be a Placeholder President, spanning the gap between the Nation's present dire need and better leadership to come.
You just named 6 reasons to vote for Trump and congressional Republicans.
Can Anyone State Why to Vote for Biden Without Mentioning Trump? I mean anyone in America. Pretend Trump does not exist and answer the question.

P.S. I expect this to be the lonely thread on USMB. :(
Trump is the main reason.
This is a duplicate thread. We’ve had at least one just like it already. You freaks will read the replies and then pretend that nobody replied. One of your moron pals will post the same thread again in a day or two and you will repeat the process.

You are incapable of retaining the information because you are willfully ignorant and you don’t want to retain the information.

And that, my moron friend, is boring.
Our deficit spending is least worse with a Democrat as the president and the GOP in majority of the House.
He actually CARES about America and will try to be honest with us.
He will use science and logic for making decisions.
He will appoint people of intelligence and experience into important positions.
Why are you promoting rational responsible logical thinking?
He actually CARES about America and will try to be honest with us.
He will use science and logic for making decisions.
He will appoint people of intelligence and experience into important positions.

The first science question for Fingers Joe during the debates should be how many genders are there.
Can Anyone State Why to Vote for Biden Without Mentioning Trump?
The issues. Most intelligent adults can name those, and at least the general direction in which the candidate wants to go.

Not that tough at all.
Can Anyone State Why to Vote for Biden Without Mentioning Trump? I mean anyone in America. Pretend Trump does not exist and answer the question.

P.S. I expect this to be the lonely thread on USMB. :(
The left is for raising the minimum wage, healthcare reform, and solving simple poverty in our at-will employment States.
Vote blue not red!
This is a duplicate thread. We’ve had at least one just like it already. You freaks will read the replies and then pretend that nobody replied. One of your moron pals will post the same thread again in a day or two and you will repeat the process.

You are incapable of retaining the information because you are willfully ignorant and you don’t want to retain the information.

And that, my moron friend, is boring.
You just described every thread by SJW morons.
Can Anyone State Why to Vote for Biden Without Mentioning Trump? I mean anyone in America. Pretend Trump does not exist and answer the question.

P.S. I expect this to be the lonely thread on USMB. :(
Biden is a lost and senile man. Only triggered TDS people will vote for him.
You mentioned Trump. That violates the OP's terms.
Why vote for Biden?
  1. the nation is badly divided
  2. the economy is in the toilet
  3. 50,000,000 people are out of work
  4. a deadly pandemic is loose and out of control
  5. 130,000+ Americans are dead, caused in-part by public health and leadership failures at the national level
  6. the Constitution and the Rule of Law and a Free Press are currently at-risk
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is nobody's ideal political candidate, but he's the best that the Opposition IS going to field this year.

And, given our present state of affairs, a fence-post in the Oval Office would be a welcome change.

Uncle Joe will be a Placeholder President, spanning the gap between the Nation's present dire need and better leadership to come.

the nation is badly divided

Divided precisely because democrat leadership has incited a race war. Own it.

the economy is in the toilet

Precisely because the democratic party leaders of many states and cities forbade by executive edicts normal fucking business for tens of thousands of small and large businesses alike. Again, own it.

50,000,000 people are out of work

See above.

a deadly pandemic is loose and out of control

The democrats must own this one as well. Thank your democrat politician heroes at the state level for any plague issues you might be experiencing.

130,000+ Americans are dead, caused in-part by public health and leadership failures at the national level

See above.

the Constitution and the Rule of Law and a Free Press are currently at-risk

All because of democrat radical leftist action. Don't get me started. Man up (if at all possible) and own it.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is nobody's ideal political candidate, but he's the best that the Opposition IS going to field this year.

What opposition?

And, given our present state of affairs, a fence-post in the Oval Office would be a welcome change.

Thanks for making my point. You people would rather no capable man or woman lead our nation rather than the man you loathe continuing to do so and do so quite efficiently. You would rather this nation collapse than Donald Trump succeed in bettering all our lives. You are the enemy.

Uncle Joe will be a Placeholder President, spanning the gap between the Nation's present dire need and better leadership to come.

There's no such thing and you all know it. But once again, thank you for making my point. You'd rather the nation go leaderless and die rather than Trump win reelection. Pathetic.
You mentioned Trump which violates the OP's terms.
The Republicans dropped out of the election with no ideas regarding what to do about anything, even suggesting that Conservatives all want way deeper tax cuts, subsequent $3.0 tril. deficit spending. "Make America 2016 Again," is how they put it. Bring back the legacy of Obama-Biden, in office all that year. Republicans suggested voting for Biden, mostly: Without noting anything about the current presidency. The White House even Plagiarized the Obama-Biden Stimulus. RNC show how to vote for Biden without mentioning Trump!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(So GOP Is left with Matthew 25: 14-30, Trump having plagiarized the Obama-Biden Stimulus, just this year! The Stimulus is with the Biden legacy!).

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