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Can Anyone Stop Hillary?

Hillary Clinton's Abuse of Classified Info Goes Back Decades
February 3, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Hillary Clinton's sense of political entitlement has always trumped any sense of responsibility, let alone national security. And Bill Clinton had even less responsibility and more entitlement than she did. So this shouldn't be too surprising.


The only problem with this story is that Hillary Clinton also made up all sorts of lies to bolster her credentials, including the infamous airport "under fire" lie and the claim that she brought peace to Northern Ireland. But in this case it's entirely plausible that she had access to information that she wasn't supposed to have in a White House where information was routinely being abused anyway.

And that would mean that Hillary Clinton has a history of abusing classified information going back decades.

Hillary Clinton's Abuse of Classified Info Goes Back Decades
Hillary Clinton’s Secret Weapon Is Bernie Sanders’ Colleagues
—By Tim Murphy

| Sat Feb. 6, 2016


Sen Al Franken (D-Minn.) opened for Hillary Clinton Saturday night in Portsmouth with one very important message: she's good enough, she's smart enough, and doggone it, she's a Paul Wellstone progressive.

Clinton's final pitch to New Hampshire voters is as much about the people she surrounds herself with as it is the former secretary of state herself. On Friday, four woman senators were there to co-opt Bernie Sanders by arguing that the "revolution" America needs is electing the first woman. Stefany Shaheen, daughter of the New Hampshire senator, warmed up the crowd in Portsmouth by name-dropping celebrity backers Lena Dunham, Gloria Steinem, Abby Wambach—proof she's not only experienced, but maybe cool. Franken was there to follow-up on a subject of intense debate over the last week—what it means to be a progressive.

"Let my clarify something: why they let a guy up here," Franken began, flanked by Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, Gov. Maggie Hassan, and the former secretary of state. He didn't waste any time invoking the legacy of the late Minnesota senator, a progressive icon who died in a plane crash in 2002 shortly before the midterm elections:

I'm Al Franken, I'm a Senator from Minnesota, and I hold the seat that Paul Wellstone once held. And I can point to someone on this stage whom I wouldn't be senator from Minnesota [without], and that is Hillary Clinton. My first election was kind of close. I won by 312 votes. Hillary Clinton came twice for me, once in October and then I got a call from her the Sunday before the election, she said "I'm coming out." And we did a big rally in Duluth and got more than 312 votes at that rally, I gotta tell you. I'm a Paul Wellstone progressive. And let me tell you what that means: Paul said, "We all do better when we all do better." Now if I knew what a haiku was, I'd say that was a haiku. But evidently I'm told it isn't. But Paul knew that we all do better when we all do better.

He launched into a personal story of growing up middle-class in Minnesota. And then he returned again to why they let the guy up there.


Hillary Clinton’s secret weapon is Bernie Sanders’ colleagues

Gloria Steinem and Madeleine Albright Scold Young Women Backing Bernie Sanders



“We can tell our story of how we climbed the ladder, and a lot of you younger women think it’s done. It’s not done,” Ms. Albright said of the broader fight for women’s equality. “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!”


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Hillary Fights to Keep Wall Street Speeches Secret
The Occupy Wall Street populist is terrified of being outed as a 1-percenter Wall Street elitist.
February 11, 2016
Matthew Vadum



Clinton's duplicitousness could end up being her undoing.

Politico reported in 2013 that Wall Street plutocrats felt reassured by a speech Hillary had delivered away from TV cameras. Sources in attendance paraphrased her saying that "the banker-bashing so popular within both political parties was unproductive and indeed foolish."

The article continued:

"Striking a soothing note on the global financial crisis, she told the audience, in effect: We all got into this mess together, and we’re all going to have to work together to get out of it. What the bankers heard her to [sic] say was just what they would hope for from a prospective presidential candidate: Beating up the finance industry isn’t going to improve the economy—it needs to stop. And indeed Goldman’s Tim O’Neill, who heads the bank’s asset management business, introduced Clinton by saying how courageous she was for speaking at the bank."

During another 2013 speech at a Goldman retreat in Arizona for which she pocketed $225,000, Mrs. Clinton was bursting with praise for the investment bank's capital-generating and job-creation efforts. She lauded Goldman for its workplace diversity and conspicuously left out any criticism of the company or of the financial sector for any role it may have played in the 2008 stock market collapse.

“It was pretty glowing about us,” said one person who heard the speech. “It’s so far from what she sounds like as a candidate now. It was like a rah-rah speech. She sounded more like a Goldman Sachs managing director.”

Releasing the transcript "would bury her against Sanders,” the individual said. “It really makes her look like an ally of the firm.”

In a separate speech the same year to Goldman and some of its major clients Clinton refused to blame the banks alone for causing the market meltdown from which the U.S. economy has yet to fully recover.

Sounding like a Republican or a libertarian economist, Hillary said the landmark Dodd-Frank financial reform law of 2010 may have contributed to the financial crisis.


Hillary Fights to Keep Wall Street Speeches Secret
This far out anything can happen. Sometimes it's not good to be the front runner because of the big bull's eye on your back. Hillary has lots of baggage to go with that name recognition.

No one has as much baggage as Christie!!

All he needs is a trunk and he can be both candidate and mascot for the GOP.

Let the 2016 freak show for President begin. I can hardly wait..........NOT!!
I hope she gets run over by a bus.
Stopping Hillary will depend on the Republican in the debate throwing off the gloves and using plain language to call her a liar and illustrate her incompetence.

She knows the political dance as well or better than anyone. If you play her game by her rules, you lose.

Change the game. If Trump, or anyone else does to her on the stage what Trump's doing on the stump, they win.

If Romney had gone after Obama in the 3rd debate, he'd be president today.

Debates cannot win anything for you...you certainly can lose ground during them...ask Senator Rubio.
Yours is a recipe for disaster for the GOP.
Stopping Hillary will depend on the Republican in the debate throwing off the gloves and using plain language to call her a liar and illustrate her incompetence.

She knows the political dance as well or better than anyone. If you play her game by her rules, you lose.

Change the game. If Trump, or anyone else does to her on the stage what Trump's doing on the stump, they win.

If Romney had gone after Obama in the 3rd debate, he'd be president today.

Debates cannot win anything for you...you certainly can lose ground during them...ask Senator Rubio.
Yours is a recipe for disaster for the GOP.

No, they're not. Democrats won't give a shit if she slaughters children on live TV. They'll still vote for her no matter what.

You have to clearly illustrate what she is, and get her to show it. Push her hard, she will, she can't help it. That nasty streak she has is never far from the surface.
Stopping Hillary will depend on the Republican in the debate throwing off the gloves and using plain language to call her a liar and illustrate her incompetence.

She knows the political dance as well or better than anyone. If you play her game by her rules, you lose.

Change the game. If Trump, or anyone else does to her on the stage what Trump's doing on the stump, they win.

If Romney had gone after Obama in the 3rd debate, he'd be president today.

Debates cannot win anything for you...you certainly can lose ground during them...ask Senator Rubio.
Yours is a recipe for disaster for the GOP.

No, they're not. Democrats won't give a shit if she slaughters children on live TV. They'll still vote for her no matter what.

You have to clearly illustrate what she is, and get her to show it. Push her hard, she will, she can't help it. That nasty streak she has is never far from the surface.

You have her confused with Mr. Trump

Ask Trey Gowdy about aggressively questioning Sec. Clinton.
Hillary Clinton: Socialists Love Me
February 15, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


The funny thing about the Hillary Clinton vs Bernie Sanders race is the way that Hillary Clinton will...

1. Claim that Bernie Sanders' positions are way too radical and outside the mainstream

2. Once they're popular with the radical leftist Dem base, adopt them

Socialism? Too radical. Outside the mainstream. Americans won't vote for a Socialist. But Democrats will? Okay, Hillary Clinton will put on her red pantsuit and jacket and do the Socialism thing. Hillary Clinton will be the best Socialist ever.


Hillary Clinton: Socialists Love Me
True dat, never won a competitive election...

Can Anyone Stop Hillary? Why Not? Hillary has Never Won a Competitive Election

January 17, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


Can anyone stop Hillary, Time asks? Why not.

Forgotten in the reality distortion field surrounding Ready for Hillary is the simply fact that Hillary has never actually won a competitive election. Hillary’s senate seat in New York was handed to her after Giuliani came down with cancer. If he hadn’t gotten sick, Hillary Clinton would have tried to be the senator from her native Illinois instead and might have prevented Obama from ever getting started.

Hillary Clinton was so incredibly popular that her otherwise unknown Democratic primary opponent in 2000 managed to take a fifth of the vote.


The only ticket she’s running on is “First female president.” If the Republicans were to put up a female candidate, Hillary would literally have no platform, no slogan, no anything.

Take away the “It’s time for little girls to have a role model” and “It’s time to show a wife and a mother can run the country” spiel and there is nothing in the Hillary box. Zero.

Can anyone stop Hillary? Anyone can stop Hillary.

Can Anyone Stop Hillary? Why Not? Hillary has Never Won a Competitive Election | FrontPage Magazine
she won her second run for Senator against a republican and won every single county in New York, but the one county.... the repub candidate's county that he lived in, and upstate new york is NOT liberal....

plus, she won the State primary elections for president in 2008 against the very popular Obama 18.1 million to Obama's 17.6 million...
Any female republican candidate would be trashed by the MSM. It's not a done deal, but Hillary has a better chance than probably anyone else of being the next POTUS.

No not now. Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage of being the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nation's history. Women rule today as the majority voting block, and they will be voting heavily for her. Trump and his supporters have chased off another 17% of the population, Hispanics, when the GOP nominee needed at least 46% of this block to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest voting block representing 40% of the entire electorate. She will win the Independent voter, and a lot of unhappy Republican voters also.

The Republican party is shattered into pieces with votes going everywhere. One group will vote for an Establishment candidate while the Tea Party will only vote for a non-establishment candidate that does not support any type of immigration reform. One side wants a 1000 mile wall that Mexico will supposedly pay for, the other side wants a moderate that is willing to work across party lines to get things done. One side always says NO--the other side will negotiate. So there is NO unity within the Republican Party.

The Republican debates have turned into an angry chimpanzee fest. None of them look Presidential--all of the 16 that entered, most dropped out and we're down to 4 now, and again the same separation exists. It's liar, liar--I am going to sue you--and all kinds of other things that have made this election cycle more than entertaining--but it's also cost Republicans another general election cycle.

The only thing that would change this outcome would be a Bernie Sanders nominee. Then you would have all of the above UNITE--and they would cast a vote for whomever the GOP nominee will be, and hold their noses while voting. But that seems highly unlikely at this point. This country would never vote for a socialist that was campaigning on free college tuition.

Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS. She looks calm, much more Presidential than anything the Republican party has produced this election cycle.

Any female republican candidate would be trashed by the MSM. It's not a done deal, but Hillary has a better chance than probably anyone else of being the next POTUS.

No not now. Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage of being the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nation's history. Women rule today as the majority voting block, and they will be voting heavily for her. Trump and his supporters have chased off another 17% of the population, Hispanics, when the GOP nominee needed at least 46% of this block to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest voting block representing 40% of the entire electorate. She will win the Independent voter, and a lot of unhappy Republican voters also.

The Republican party is shattered into pieces with votes going everywhere. One group will vote for an Establishment candidate while the Tea Party will only vote for a non-establishment candidate that does not support any type of immigration reform. One side wants a 1000 mile wall that Mexico will supposedly pay for, the other side wants a moderate that is willing to work across party lines to get things done. One side always says NO--the other side will negotiate. So there is NO unity within the Republican Party.

The Republican debates have turned into an angry chimpanzee fest. None of them look Presidential--all of the 16 that entered, most dropped out and we're down to 4 now, and again the same separation exists. It's liar, liar--I am going to sue you--and all kinds of other things that have made this election cycle more than entertaining--but it's also cost Republicans another general election cycle.

The only thing that would change this outcome would be a Bernie Sanders nominee. Then you would have all of the above UNITE--and they would cast a vote for whomever the GOP nominee will be, and hold their noses while voting. But that seems highly unlikely at this point. This country would never vote for a socialist that was campaigning on free college tuition.

Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS. She looks calm, much more Presidential than anything the Republican party has produced this election cycle.

The youngsters wont vote for her, they'll sit at home/dorm get stoned and munch out, lol...
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Hillary's Ugly Racism and Sexism Campaign
Can we afford eight more years of divisive identity politics?
February 18, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

If a state doesn’t vote for Hillary Clinton, it’s racist.

That’s the label that poor New Hampshire, the state just too white to appreciate the virtues of a white woman with dyed blonde hair who occasionally puts on a bad fake southern accent and switches from loving the Yankees to hating them, was stuck with after turning her down.

Sensing trouble up the road in Nevada, Clintonworld tried to accuse Nevada, a state with a sizable Latino population, of also being too white for Hillary. If a state that is a quarter Latino is not diverse enough for Hillary Clinton, where can she win except in her imaginary village based on a fake African proverb?

Ex-Salon boss Joan Walsh suggested that Hillary Clinton was losing white voters because of second-hand racism from her time working for Obama. She’s losing men because they’re sexist and she’s losing women because, according to Gloria Steinem, they’re going ”where the boys are”. It won’t be long before the handful of black people who vote for Bernie Sanders are accused of “acting white”.

Hillary Clinton has turned into Tonya Harding; an obnoxious criminal who can’t stop making excuses, while towing around Bill Clinton as her Jeff Gillooly to kneecap her opponents with awkward attacks. After trying and failing to run on experience, the only thing she’s running on now is identity politics. And her campaign has tapped into the most repugnant and obnoxious politically correct smears.

If you don’t vote for Hillary Clinton, you’re a racist. If you’re a woman who doesn’t vote for her, you’re going to hell. If you ask her about her illegal email server or her speaking fees, you’re sexist.

Senator Shaheen, a Clinton proxy, claimed that questions about the huge pile of speaking fees paid to the Clintons by special interests and even foreign governments were sexist because, “How many men who are running for president have been asked about the speaking fees they’ve taken?”

The Clintons pulled in $153 million in speaking fees. Nobody in this election is anywhere close.

If criticizing Hillary Clinton for taking millions of dollars from special interests is sexist, there is no such thing as a legitimate non-sexist criticism of her. And that’s the whole ridiculously cynical idea.

Any and every criticism of Hillary Clinton is racist or sexist. Clinton supporters now shout sexism or racism first and ask questions later. Salon’s Amanda Marcotte accused a female Hillary Clinton supporter of being a “male Clinton hater” who has “issues with women” because of an unflattering painting. That type of casual smear has become the engine of a desperate and paranoid political identity campaign.


Hillary Clinton is the most powerful and the most admired woman in America who claims that everything is unfair and that everyone is prejudiced against her. The country is in the throes of the final term of a man who thinks the same way and abuses others with that self-serving justification. Hillary and Obama always have excuses for why they are the victims and everything is someone else’s fault.

Can the country really afford eight more years of the same thing?

Hillary's Ugly Racism and Sexism Campaign
I believe Sanders will get the nomination because he has the Hispanic vote. Hillary has the old folks votes.
She and Obama has done nothing for minorities. Handed out tokens but nothing substantial. Nothing for human rights,
“But I listen to her, she’s been there forever,” Trump said on Fox News’s “Hannity.” “She’s talking about how she’s going to help African Americans. What has she been doing for the last 25 years?
Any female republican candidate would be trashed by the MSM. It's not a done deal, but Hillary has a better chance than probably anyone else of being the next POTUS.

No not now. Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage of being the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nation's history. Women rule today as the majority voting block, and they will be voting heavily for her. Trump and his supporters have chased off another 17% of the population, Hispanics, when the GOP nominee needed at least 46% of this block to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest voting block representing 40% of the entire electorate. She will win the Independent voter, and a lot of unhappy Republican voters also.

The Republican party is shattered into pieces with votes going everywhere. One group will vote for an Establishment candidate while the Tea Party will only vote for a non-establishment candidate that does not support any type of immigration reform. One side wants a 1000 mile wall that Mexico will supposedly pay for, the other side wants a moderate that is willing to work across party lines to get things done. One side always says NO--the other side will negotiate. So there is NO unity within the Republican Party.

The Republican debates have turned into an angry chimpanzee fest. None of them look Presidential--all of the 16 that entered, most dropped out and we're down to 4 now, and again the same separation exists. It's liar, liar--I am going to sue you--and all kinds of other things that have made this election cycle more than entertaining--but it's also cost Republicans another general election cycle.

The only thing that would change this outcome would be a Bernie Sanders nominee. Then you would have all of the above UNITE--and they would cast a vote for whomever the GOP nominee will be, and hold their noses while voting. But that seems highly unlikely at this point. This country would never vote for a socialist that was campaigning on free college tuition.

Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS. She looks calm, much more Presidential than anything the Republican party has produced this election cycle.

The youngsters wont vote for her, they'll sit at home/dorm get stoned and munch out, lol...
I have 5 grand kids and none of them are stoners? Majority youngsters of voting age are in school and working. You must be talking by experience.

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