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Can Anyone Stop Hillary?

Any female republican candidate would be trashed by the MSM. It's not a done deal, but Hillary has a better chance than probably anyone else of being the next POTUS.

No not now. Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage of being the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nation's history. Women rule today as the majority voting block, and they will be voting heavily for her. Trump and his supporters have chased off another 17% of the population, Hispanics, when the GOP nominee needed at least 46% of this block to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest voting block representing 40% of the entire electorate. She will win the Independent voter, and a lot of unhappy Republican voters also.

The Republican party is shattered into pieces with votes going everywhere. One group will vote for an Establishment candidate while the Tea Party will only vote for a non-establishment candidate that does not support any type of immigration reform. One side wants a 1000 mile wall that Mexico will supposedly pay for, the other side wants a moderate that is willing to work across party lines to get things done. One side always says NO--the other side will negotiate. So there is NO unity within the Republican Party.

The Republican debates have turned into an angry chimpanzee fest. None of them look Presidential--all of the 16 that entered, most dropped out and we're down to 4 now, and again the same separation exists. It's liar, liar--I am going to sue you--and all kinds of other things that have made this election cycle more than entertaining--but it's also cost Republicans another general election cycle.

The only thing that would change this outcome would be a Bernie Sanders nominee. Then you would have all of the above UNITE--and they would cast a vote for whomever the GOP nominee will be, and hold their noses while voting. But that seems highly unlikely at this point. This country would never vote for a socialist that was campaigning on free college tuition.

Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS. She looks calm, much more Presidential than anything the Republican party has produced this election cycle.

The youngsters wont vote for her, they'll sit at home/dorm get stoned and munch out, lol...
I have 5 grand kids and none of them are stoners? Majority youngsters of voting age are in school and working. You must be talking by experience.
And yet you wish socialism upon them...
It's a vast right/wing conspiracy, ROLMAO...


(Another leftist dyke...)
Sally Kohn: Distrust of Hillary Clinton Right-Wing's Fault

"This is a narrative that has been built up about Hillary Clinton."

Speaking on CNN's Carol Costello Monday, leftist Sally Kohn suggested that Democrats suddenly don't like Hillary Clinton because they've bought into right-wing lies against her.

Kohn rallied to Clinton's defense when Costello mentioned that only 12 percent of voters in Nevada found Hillary trustworthy, and Kohn replied as follows:

This is a story. This is a narrative that has been built up about Hillary Clinton. Largely by the right, absorbed by Democrats and the mainstream, including her critics and repeated by the media. And you know, listen, People believe Trump tells it like it is because they keep hearing from people like us that Trump tells it like it is, right? You know, we have to be careful in not sort of repeating these smears.


Sally Kohn: Distrust of Hillary Clinton Right-Wing's Fault
The Trashing of Bill's Accusers: What Did Hillary Do -- and Why Did She Do It?
Was Hillary the mastermind behind the campaign to destroy Bill's alleged rape victims?
February 26, 2016
Larry Elder

Hillary Clinton has never been asked whether she verbally intimidated alleged rape survivor Juanita Broaddrick. Nor has Clinton been asked whether she spearheaded the so-called "nuts and sluts" strategy to silence and intimidate women who alleged affairs with or sexual abuse by Bill Clinton.

The books "Hell to Pay" by Barbara Olson and "No One Left to Lie To" by Christopher Hitchens depict Hillary Clinton as the puppet master behind the hiring of lawyers and private detectives to dig up dirt on her husband's accusers. Bolstering the credibility of Hitchens' book is a foreword written by respected historian Douglas Brinkley, a frequent guest on CNN, MSNBC and other networks.

Is this true?

Attorney Larry Klayman, who worked in the U.S. Justice Department, runs Freedom Watch, a government watchdog group. He founded Judicial Watch, also a watchdog group, which was, at one time, known as Bill Clinton's "nemesis." But Judicial Watch also filed lawsuits against President George W. Bush's administration for its alleged improprieties.

Klayman has represented nearly all of Bill Clinton's best-known accusers, including Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers and Dolly Kyle Browning.

I recently asked him about Hillary's role, if any, in impugning these women.

Elder: "Why do you suppose has Hillary never -- to my knowledge -- been asked, point-blank, 'Did you or did you not verbally intimidate an alleged rape survivor by the name Juanita Broaddrick, as she alleges you did?'"

Klayman: "I don't think anybody's had the guts to do it. ... But the hard reality here is ... Hillary Clinton started what was called the 'war room.' ... This is ... in the campaign of 1992, which elected her husband. George Stephanopoulos was part of that. James Carville was part of it. And the purpose of the war room -- and Stephanopoulos ... of course ... doesn't want to discuss this -- was to destroy any woman that would challenge Bill Clinton, because she knew, undoubtedly, that if her husband didn't make it to the White House, that someday she wouldn't make it to the White House, either. ... She wanted to protect her own interests, and to do that she had to destroy the women who she knew were going to come forward and reveal the alleged sexual harassment and rape, and the intimidation that was about ready to be leveled against these women to keep them quiet."


The Trashing of Bill's Accusers: What Did Hillary Do -- and Why Did She Do It?
Hillary Clinton Only Decided Trump was "Offensive" When He Went Republican
February 26, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

This is really about the double standard, in which a Hillary Clinton or Harry Reid can crack racist jokes about Indians, in which it's okay for media figures to claim that Cruz and Rubio aren't Latino (but when Ben Carson mentioned that Obama was raised white, that was an outrage), and in which you generally get a pass for saying offensive and awful things. Cases in point include Al Sharpton and Don Imus.

Is there any universe in which liberal presidential candidates would meet up with people who say things like, "White folks was in caves while we were building empires…. We taught philosophy and astrology [sic] and mathematics before Socrates and those Greek Homos ever got around to it".

Trump wasn't offensive back when he was giving her and other Dems money. Now he's suddenly 'offensive'.


Hillary Clinton Only Decided Trump was "Offensive" When He Went Republican


Hillary Clinton’s Career Could Be Over After She Was Caught Endorsing The KKK [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton’s Career Could Be Over After She Was Caught Endorsing The KKK [VIDEO]

American News Mar 2, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Career Could Be Over After She Was Caught Endorsing The KKK [VIDEO]



This past week, Donald Trump has been under fire for being endorsed by former Ku Klux Klan member David Duke. In a recent interview, Trump was asked whether he would tell Duke that he didn’t want his support—to which he responded that he didn’t even know who Duke was.

Now, something in Hillary’s past is proving just how hypocritical the Democratic Party is. In fact, Hillary Clinton once praised ex-KKK member Robert Byrd as a “friend and mentor.”

Senator Robert Byrd first joined the KKK when he was 24-years-old. Byrd didn’t want to fight alongside “race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds” during World War II, according to his own writings.

“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side,” Byrd wrote in a 1944 letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo.


Hillary Clinton’s Career Could Be Over After She Was Caught Endorsing The KKK [VIDEO]
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Cruz I hope on who are stronger than Trump.

Trump win only against Sanders if I know right.
"For a Couple of Hundred Thousand a Speech, It Must Be a Great Speech"
March 7, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


SANDERS: "Now, I kind of think if you get paid a couple hundred thousand dollars for a speech, it must be a great speech. I think we should release it and let the American people see what that transcript was."

Of course Hillary Clinton is not only refusing to release the transcripts, while claiming to be the most transparent modern politician, but her arrangement for those speeches required video to be pulled once the campaign began.

"For a Couple of Hundred Thousand a Speech, It Must Be a Great Speech"
The Elian Gonzalez Travesty: Where Was Hillary?
Marco Rubio should remind the world.
March 13, 2016
Paul Kengor

Reprinted from The American Spectator.

It was 16 years ago this spring that the Clinton administration handed over a six-year-old boy named Elian Gonzalez. Elian, his mother, and a dozen others had escaped the communist tyranny of Fidel Castro and his brother Raul. They attempted to do what an estimated 100,000-plus Cubans have risked since the Castro brothers began destroying that beautiful island nearly 60 years ago: they headed into treacherous, shark-infested waters in search of freedom. Tens of thousands have perished in that process.

In November 1999, Elian’s group pushed off in a shaky aluminum craft. It was the best thing they could find in this surreal island without boats. Boats are banned by the communist regime.

Like a scene right out of Hollywood, a storm hit, waves began crashing, the motor failed, the escapees profusely bailed water, and Elian’s mom clutched her son as the boat sank. Elian was placed in some sort of inner tube before passing out from exhaustion.

Elian awoke to be spotted by two fishermen. He was brought safely to American shores, vindicating the sacrifice his mother made. She literally gave her life for him. He was free at last.

Or so he hoped.

Elian was taken in by relatives honoring his mother’s wishes. The story immediately made international headlines, and then Fidel descended, holding a staged press conference in Havana with Elian’s (divorced) father. Obviously not free to speak his mind, Elian’s dad demanded the child’s return.

What would the Clinton administration do? What would President Bill Clinton, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Attorney General Janet Reno, do?

As the media assembled in profusion outside the tiny Florida home in Little Havana where Elian was staying, we got our answer. Reno issued an edict to the family to surrender the boy by April 13. The family refused.

And so, late at night on Good Friday 2000, while most of America slept, as did Elian, armed federal agents from the INS grabbed their gear and guns and got ready. As the night grew late, they stormed the one-story house before dawn, broke down the door, and seized the screaming Elian, whisking away the terrified child.

The Clinton gang was handing over Elian. They were sending the boy back to communist Cuba. His late mother’s wishes be damned.

Another great victory for Fidel.

The incident perfectly symbolized the warped political prejudices of the American left: the child is rescued from the menacing hands of the anti-communists (the bad guys), turned over instead to the communists, the side where enlightened “progressives” rarely discern any great evil.


The Elian Gonzalez Travesty: Where Was Hillary?
If Hillary utters one more claim to have mis-spoken when outed in some disingenuous scheme to garner undeserved political profit, I will puke!
She lied about her experiences in Bosnia all those years ago, she has been caught out lying about her political record time and again, about financial support she received, and she lied about her current political rival Bernie Sanders, and along with that she has stayed silent or waffled about other serious political misjudgements along the way. She continues to hoodwink her silly supporters - or they continue to forgive her. For me though, that crocodile smile, toss of stylish $400 hair-do, not to mention the boringly bland, unchanging mumbled apology, just doesn't cut it in the grown up world of economics and ISIL.
Re those (for anyone else, career detonating) emails she so sorely wants forgotten - If she is claiming that without being 'officially' advised that the obviously sensitive data being thrown hither and thither was 'highly confidential', if not 'top secret', so how could she have been expected to understand that dire fact simply using her own judgement, then such an appalling deficiency has to preclude her from any government decision-making process.
If Hillary utters one more claim to have mis-spoken when outed in some disingenuous scheme to garner undeserved political profit, I will puke!
She lied about her experiences in Bosnia all those years ago, she has been caught out lying about her political record time and again, about financial support she received, and she lied about her current political rival Bernie Sanders, and along with that she has stayed silent or waffled about other serious political misjudgements along the way. She continues to hoodwink her silly supporters - or they continue to forgive her. For me though, that crocodile smile, toss of stylish $400 hair-do, not to mention the boringly bland, unchanging mumbled apology, just doesn't cut it in the grown up world of economics and ISIL.
Re those (for anyone else, career detonating) emails she so sorely wants forgotten - If she is claiming that without being 'officially' advised that the obviously sensitive data being thrown hither and thither was 'highly confidential', if not 'top secret', so how could she have been expected to understand that dire fact simply using her own judgement, then such an appalling deficiency has to preclude her from any government decision-making process.

You mean like her comment noted by the Fox News article listed below?

Clinton commits Benghazi gaffe, saying US 'didn't lose a single person' in Libya | Fox News
Based on the inept, cowardly, corrupt, criminal and treasonous nature of TheDonald and his groupies, it looks like Hillary will take 34 states and 412 EV. I mean, a third of the Republicans will be staying home, disgusted with what their party has devolved into.

That is, Hillary gets all the Obama 2012 states, and also flips
North Carolina
Nope...nobody's gonna stop her now.

What's sad is I honestly think the primary is going to be the bigger challenge for her compared to the General Election, lol.

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