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Can Anyone Stop Hillary?

Uh Oh: FBI's Hillary Probe Expands Again, Now Investigating Public Corruption, Sources Say
Guy Benson | Jan 11, 2016


After lying mostly dormant for weeks amid intensive media focus on the Republican presidential race, Hillary Clinton's scandals have exploded back into the headlines over the past four days. On Friday, the State Department released a 2011 email that appeared to show then-Secretary Clinton instructing a colleague to strip an identifying heading -- which includes classification notices -- off of a sensitive memo and send it "nonsecure." The episode may prove criminal mishandling of classified material, and at the very least underscores the Democratic frontrunner's reckless and cavalier approach to safeguarding national secrets. More than 1,300 emails that passed through Clinton's unsecure, improper private email server contained classified information, including top secret intelligence. With Clinton lamely and misleadingly defending herself on that front over the weekend, Fox News' Chief Intelligence Correspondent Catherine Herridge breaks this significant news today:

The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email as secretary of state has expanded to look at whether the possible “intersection” of Clinton Foundation work and State Department business may have violated public corruption laws, three intelligence sources not authorized to speak on the record told Fox News. This track is in addition to the focus on classified material found on Clinton’s personal server. "The agents are investigating the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department contracts and whether regular processes were followed," one source said. The development follows press reports over the past year about the potential overlap of State Department and Clinton Foundation work, and questions over whether donors benefited from their contacts inside the administration.
Three separate sources, who point to several indications of major escalation -- including the overlapping of two high-profile Clinton controversies:

Inside the FBI, pressure is growing to pursue the case. One intelligence source told Fox News that FBI agents would be “screaming” if a prosecution is not pursued because “many previous public corruption cases have been made and successfully prosecuted with much less evidence than what is emerging in this investigation.” The FBI is particularly on edge in the wake of how the case of former CIA Director David Petraeus was handled...In the Petraeus case, the exposure of classified information was assessed to be limited......It is unclear which of the two lines of inquiry was opened first by the FBI and whether they eventually will be combined and presented before a special grand jury. One intelligence source said the public corruption angle dates back to at least April 2015. Fox News is told that about 100 special agents assigned to the investigations also were asked to sign non-disclosure agreements, with as many as 50 additional agents on “temporary duty assignment,” or TDY. The request to sign a new NDA could reflect that agents are handling the highly classified material in the emails, or serve as a reminder not to leak about the case, or both...Separately, a former high-ranking State Department official emphasized to Fox News that Clinton’s deliberate non-use of her government email address may be increasingly “significant.” “It is virtually automatic when one comes on board at the State Department to be assigned an email address,” the source said.
Much to unpack. At some point in the course of its probe, the FBI expanded its inquiry from simply examining possible large-scale and unlawful handling of classified material to also looking into a potential obstruction of justice element of Mrs. Clinton's dodgy arrangement. Today's news suggests a third, very serious, prong to the investigation that may date back as far as last spring. If Herridge's sources are correct, federal agents are also scrutinizing whether Clinton's work as America's top diplomat was unethically influenced by her personal and financial interests vis-a-vis the Clinton Foundation -- which charity watchdogs and former employees have described as a "slush fund," and something quite different from a bona fide charitable organization. Various deep dives into the Clinton Foundation's books and history have turned up serious questions involving national security-compromising deals, pay-to-play access-peddling, cronyist favoritism, unseemly greed, undisclosed and unvetted foreign donations (in violation of signed transparency agreements), and egregiously inaccurate tax filings.


Wow: The FBI's Hillary Investigation Just Got Much More Serious
She is going to stop herself...

Hillary: Look, My Latest Classified Email Problem is Just Another Fake Controversy
Guy Benson | Jan 11, 2016


Hillary Clinton is responding to last week's bombshell by scrupulously adhering to her scandal playbook: Downplay, deflect, deny. An email released late last week appeared to show then-Secretary Clinton instructing a subordinate to transmit classified materials through non-secure means in 2011. When a secure fax system failed to work properly, an impatient Clinton requested that the materials she needed be turned "into non paper w no identifying heading and [sent] nonsecure." The State Department reacted to this apparently incriminating exchange by calling into question whether the information was ever actually sent (which isn't exactly exculpatory for Hillary), and suggesting that it may not necessarily have been classified in the first place. One problem with this explanation is that in light of Hillary's, shall we say, less than assiduous approach to handling classified data, the notion that she'd be a stickler about sending sensitive, but unclassified, information through non-secure means strains credulity. Plus, the talking points she was seeking at the time have since been redacted, as has the subject matter of those talking points -- albeit under the 'internal deliberations' FOIA exemption. Are we to believe that their contents were not secret? Also, why else would she ask for identifying markings be stripped away before being 'sent nonsecure'? Appearing on CBS' Face the Nation on Sunday, Mrs. Clinton regurgitated State's explanations and declared her actions "common practice" and a non-issue:


Hillary: Look, My Latest Classified Email Problem is Just Another Fake Controversy
Hillary Clinton’s Lead Over Bernie Sanders Slipping in New Poll
The New York Times
5 hrs ago


As the first nominating contest approaches, Hillary Clinton’s commanding lead nationally in the Democratic primary has largely melted away, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
The tightened race between Mrs. Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont is revealing a sharp generational divide within the Democratic Party, with primary voters under 45 favoring Mr. Sanders by a roughly 2-to-1 ratio.

Yet more than 7 in 10 Democratic voters — including most supporters of Mr. Sanders — still believe Mrs. Clinton will ultimately win the party’s nomination. Voters expressed deeper confidence in her ability to be an effective commander in chief and more of her supporters say their minds are made up compared with Mr. Sanders’s backers.

Over all, 48 percent of Democratic primary voters across the country support Mrs. Clinton, while 41 percent back Mr. Sanders, the poll found. Just a month ago, she led Mr. Sanders by 20 percentage points nationally.


Hillary Clinton’s Lead Over Bernie Sanders Slipping in New Poll
Hillary's Emails: Hating Israel
Released emails reveal just how deeply Clinton and her advisers despise the Jewish State.
January 14, 2016
Ari Lieberman


There are many reasons to dislike Hillary Clinton. For one, she’s an unrepentant liar, fabricating everything from her Brian Williamesque brush with death in Bosnia to her parent’s pedigree to her claim that she believed a video caused the deaths of four heroes in Benghazi.

She is also unethical, having accepted large sums of money to the Clinton Foundation from countries and entities working on behalf of foreign governments impacted by her decisions as secretary of state. There is some circumstantial evidence suggesting that she may have been influenced by these rather large contributions. In one well publicized case, Russia was able to acquire 20% of the United States’ uranium reserves in an energy deal that required State Department approval. A paper trail from that transaction reveals that the Clintons’ and their foundation benefited from substantial donations issued by entities with vested interests in ensuring the Russian acquisition of America’s strategic assets. Clinton was required to publicly disclose these contributions but never did. The FBI has now expanded its Emailgate probe of Clinton to include whether the possible “intersection” of Clinton Foundation work and State Department business violated public corruption laws.

Hillary Clinton, who fancies herself as the champion of human rights and women’s rights, is also a serial hypocrite. Records show that the Clinton Foundation accepted funds from countries with abysmal human rights records where misogyny is regularly practiced and the principles of due process are routinely trampled upon.

She gives new meaning to the term flip-flopper, changing her views on various issues on multiple occasions. On everything from gay marriage to NAFTA to the Keystone Pipeline, Hillary is all over the map. Depending on the prevailing winds and the target audience, she’s either for it or against it. With Hillary, it’s all about expediency while principle plays little if any role. When asked by Chris Matthews about the difference between a Socialist and a Democrat, Hillary, ever the professional panderer, sidestepped the issue and predictably, a pliant Matthews from the uber-left MSNBC, let the matter pass without protest. As an aside, there is no longer any difference. Both parties believe in big, intrusive government and “redistribution” of wealth.

She is more than likely a felon having committed numerous transgressions in connection with her usage of private, unsecured servers to send classified State Department emails which likely fell into the hands of the Russians, Chinese and God knows who else.

In fact, Hillary’s crimes are likely far greater in scope and scale than those committed by General David Petraeus. At least with Petraeus, the damage was limited and contained. Not so with Clinton’s malfeasance. We may never know the extent of the damage caused by her deliberate circumvention of law and government protocol but it is a virtual certainty that government secrets were compromised and national security was placed at risk.

Bob Woodward compared Hillary’s server scandal to that of Watergate, which brought down the Nixon administration. Woodward is not some far-right tea-bagger but an accomplished and well-respected Washington insider and investigative journalist who brought down an American president.

These examples by themselves should give pause for thought before one entertains the notion of pulling the lever for an unprincipled liar and possible, nay probable felon but unfortunately, there’s more, a lot more.

If you hate Israel and wish to see nothing but misfortune for the Jewish State, stop reading because Hillary is your candidate. If you care about Israel and its relationship with the United States, read on.

Hillary’s email scandal has unleashed a treasure trove of information pertaining to the former secretary of state’s views on Israel as well as those of her closest advisors, Sidney Blumenthal, Anne Marie Slaughter and Thomas Pickering. The latest email exposé involves Thomas Pickering.


Should Clinton become president, it is safe to assume that she will disregard Petraeus’ advice and employ the same destructive policies championed by her predecessor, placing the final nail in the coffin of an alliance that has endured for 68 years and causing tremendous harm to the interests of two great democracies. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

Hillary's Emails: Hating Israel
Hillary Clinton: I Went Into Politics Because "People Wanted Me To"
January 14, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

No, really no.

Nobody wanted 20 more years of the Clintons after the impeachment mess. Even most Democrats wanted them to go away. But according to Hillary, she was just forced to go into politics by popular demand.

In one of her latest attempts to seem human, Hillary Clinton had one of those soft couch and softball question interviews, in which she said that, "I didn't go into politics until—other than through my husband's political career—until 1999 when I ran for the Senate. And I did that in part because I felt like people wanted me to..."

As Shoshana Weissman at Weekly Standard points out, that contradicts pretty much every other claim she's made in the past about her political involvement and career. But I'll just skip over that part since Hillary Clinton telling crazy lies also hasn't been news since 1999.


Hillary Clinton: I Went Into Politics Because "People Wanted Me To"
Hillary has been in the process of stopping herself for a long time. She has bent the truth for so long that she doesn't know the meaning of the word. Her mis-management of foreign affairs cost the lives of many Americans. Finally, regardless of what anyone tells you, Led Zeppelin did not write the song "Dazed and Confused" about Hillary Clinton. It just so happens that's the way she is, pure coincidence. And for those of you living in a dream, it's time for a reality check. All this hype about Hillary being the front runner, that's bullshit. That's the media talking, and they got it all wrong. Bernie Sanders will end up on top at the Democratic Convention, and in the White House when all is said and done.
Well, Hillary is trying to pay her debts. Planned Parenthood took some of the money they received from the taxpayers to support women's health (murdering babies and selling their body parts), and gave it as a campaign contribution to Hillary. Next, Planned Parenthood made a public endorsement of the women's rights champion. Now, in order to repay the murderous chop house, Hillary is wanting to increase taxpayer funding of the hideous organization. This from the woman who crucified a rape victim and called her sexual predator husband's victims "trailer trash" and liars.

Clinton calls for increased Planned Parenthood funding
True dat, never won a competitive election...

Can Anyone Stop Hillary? Why Not? Hillary has Never Won a Competitive Election

January 17, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


Can anyone stop Hillary, Time asks? Why not.

Forgotten in the reality distortion field surrounding Ready for Hillary is the simply fact that Hillary has never actually won a competitive election. Hillary’s senate seat in New York was handed to her after Giuliani came down with cancer. If he hadn’t gotten sick, Hillary Clinton would have tried to be the senator from her native Illinois instead and might have prevented Obama from ever getting started.

Hillary Clinton was so incredibly popular that her otherwise unknown Democratic primary opponent in 2000 managed to take a fifth of the vote.


The only ticket she’s running on is “First female president.” If the Republicans were to put up a female candidate, Hillary would literally have no platform, no slogan, no anything.

Take away the “It’s time for little girls to have a role model” and “It’s time to show a wife and a mother can run the country” spiel and there is nothing in the Hillary box. Zero.

Can anyone stop Hillary? Anyone can stop Hillary.

Can Anyone Stop Hillary? Why Not? Hillary has Never Won a Competitive Election | FrontPage Magazine

I think Hillary Clinton has won this election before the 1st primary vote was even cast.

Trump and his supporters have chased off 17% of the population (Hispanics) right into Hillary Clinton's lap. Historically since Reagan, the GOP nominee has to capture at least 40% of this group to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 75%, Now you can add American Muslims, Jews, people and families with disabilities and I have probably forgotten other groups he has insulted.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

In 2012, the Evangelical wing of the Republican party dragged the party into issues of abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape questions, which sent women running into Obama's corner. Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36 points. This secured a 2nd term for Obama.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong - CNNPolitics.com
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest party today, representing 40% of the entire electorate. Independents won't vote for far right candidates.

Women are the largest voting block at 54%. Add women & Hispanics and the 1st woman Presidential candidate in 200 years, and these numbers are already indicating a very blue election night. I don't think there is any Republican nominee that can defeat Hillary Clinton at this time. They also indicate Republicans will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. What the Trump supporter failed to realize is that Republicans in the entire southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to win elections. Without them they lose.

The Tea Party has effectively rino'd themselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency.

If anyone, it's Sean Penn....After all look what an interview with El Chapo did for that TERRORIST!


BUT it seems that she's beating herself...62% say she is dishonest!

Last edited:
Top Google debate question: Will Hillary be prosecuted?

The Hill

Jonathan Swan
1 hr ago

Some of the top trending questions on Google during Sunday's Democratic presidential debate related to Hillary Clinton's legal troubles.

"Will Hillary Clinton get prosecuted?" is the top question being asked on Google searches concerning the Democratic front-runner during the debate, in Charleston, S.C.

Two of the top five questions relating to Clinton implicitly concern the FBI investigation into the private email server she used as secretary of State.


Top Google debate question: Will Hillary be prosecuted?
Hillary Clinton Readies for a Long Slog Against Bernie Sanders

The New York Times

By AMY CHOZICK 2 hrs ago


Facing a tougher than expected challenge from Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is preparing for a primary fight that could stretch into late April or early May and require a sprawling field operation in states and territories from Pennsylvania to Guam.

With the Iowa caucuses in two weeks and Mr. Sanders’s insurgent candidacy chipping away at Mrs. Clinton’s once formidable lead there, Clinton aides are acknowledging that the road to the party’s July convention could be an expensive slog. “Remember, I campaigned all the way into June last time,” Mrs. Clinton told CNN last week.

Even though the Clinton team has sought to convey that it has built a national operation, the campaign has invested much of its resources in the Feb. 1 caucuses in Iowa, hoping that a victory there could marginalize Mr. Sanders and set Mrs. Clinton on the path to the nomination. As much as 90 percent of the campaign’s resources are now split between Iowa and the Brooklyn headquarters, according to an estimate provided by a person with direct knowledge of the spending.

The campaign denied that figure.


Mr. Sanders’s campaign has also been crunching the delegate math. It says he can outperform Mrs. Clinton with white voters and voters under 45, who favor Mr. Sanders two to one, and pick up delegates in states that have caucuses rather than primaries.

His campaign is optimistic in states like Colorado, Minnesota and Wyoming — which hold caucuses, a system that favors the party’s most liberal voters — as well as in other states with relatively small and mostly white populations of Democrats.

“To be a Democrat in Oklahoma, you’ve got to be real liberal,” said Michael Briggs, a spokesman for Mr. Sanders.

Hillary Clinton Readies for a Long Slog Against Bernie Sanders
Is Hillary Too Paranoid to be President?

Fear, hate and conspiracy theories are destroying Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

January 22, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Hillary Clinton’s political future is caught between an old hippie and the FBI.

Under fire, her collapsing campaign is retreating into paranoia and conspiracy theories. The Intelligence Community Inspector General, an Obama appointee, is being accused of conspiring with Republicans. The rise of Bernie Sanders is being attributed to “dark money” and political enemies by Clintonworld.

Hillary Clinton has a longstanding tendency to turn to a dark conspiratorial mindset when things don’t go her way. She blamed her husband’s affair with Monica Lewinsky on a “vast right-wing conspiracy”.

Her close friend’s papers reveal that Hillary thought Bill had been “driven” to the affair by his “political adversaries”. It was easier for Hillary to blame her husband’s misbehavior on Republicans than to deal with reality. And her campaign is showing that her worldview hasn’t changed any since then.

The real story is that Hillary Clinton’s paranoia preemptively trashed her own campaign.

The entire FBI investigation would not exist if Hillary Clinton had just followed the law. Instead she chose to engage in a preemptive cover-up of her emails as preparation for her presidential campaign. The job of Secretary of State had never meant anything to her except as a stepping stone to the White House. She took it to fundraise and build up her resume while maintaining total control over her emails, in violation of the law, while displaying no regard for national security by storing highly classified materials on her own server. But instead of protecting her campaign, the cover-up created its biggest challenge.

The revelation that emails containing beyond top secret intelligence from "special access programs" ended up on her server, which according to a former CIA officer placed the lives of intelligence sources in danger, shows that Hillary’s paranoia not only endangered national security, but even risked lives.

The same thing happened once again with Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton was so determined to avoid a contested primary that she raised obscene amounts of money to intimidate potential rivals. This desperate fundraising strategy instead backfired by creating controversies around some of her donors and alienating the voters that she was raising money to influence.

Instead of running a normal campaign, Hillary Clinton was surrounded by corporate branding experts who wanted to market her just like Coca Cola. Meanwhile Hillary, who had famously insisted that anyone appearing in a photo with her had to pose and then wait for her to show up, not only avoided interviews, but had a rope line to keep reporters away. Hillary’s corporate campaign was boring and controlling. The Bernie Sanders campaign was a novelty and it didn’t try to rope off reporters.

Now Hillary Clinton will do just about any press, chasing after the reporters whom she had been keeping at arm’s length, but it’s already too late. Hillary Clinton’s attempt to avoid a competitive primary created the very conditions that made it into a competitive primary. Her paranoia has been creating these self-fulfilling prophecies and sabotaging her political ambitions all along.

The same thing happened with the debates. To avoid a competitive primary, the debates were rigged to take place when they would be least likely to be seen. Now the Clinton camp is desperately trying to add more debates in which to attack Bernie Sanders. By trying to avoid the debates, Hillary Clinton lost the opportunity to take the fight to him. Now she is desperately trying to undo her own manufactured crisis.

By trying to avoid a competitive primary, Hillary Clinton actually ended up creating one. Her real issue isn’t Bernie Sanders. It’s her own paranoia. Instead of using her huge advantages in money and name recognition to better compete, she tried to use them to completely shut down the process.

With both her emails and the campaign, Hillary Clinton’s actions were unnecessary; they drew attention to the things she was trying to conceal and brought about the very outcome that she had tried to avoid.

And Hillary’s uncontrollable paranoia raises more troubling questions about her fitness for the job.


Is Hillary Too Paranoid to be President?
At Iowa town hall, Clinton is challenged on honesty and unexpected primary struggle

The Washington Post
John Wagner, Abby Phillip, David A. Fahrenthold
14 mins ago

DES MOINES — Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton was challenged about her honesty and her unexpected struggles in the primary during CNN’s “town hall” for Democratic candidates Monday.

Clinton spoke last of the three candidates, and her session began with an awkward inquiry from moderator Chris Cuomo: How are you in a close race with a socialist?

Clinton laughed, loud and long and without any trace of actual mirth. “Look, it’s a great country. Despite what one of the Republicans says. And we are all, on the Democratic side, having a spirited debate.”

It did not get much easier: later, a young man in the audience — who supported that “democratic socialist,” Bernie Sanders — questioned Clinton’s honesty, an implicit reference to Clinton’s use of a private email server to hold government emails. She responded by saying, essentially: You haven’t been paying attention very long, have you?

“They throw all these things at me, and I’m still standing,” Clinton said of her foes, noting that she’s been targeted in past scandals, but has never been knocked down. But some people who are new to politics — “They go, ‘Oh my gosh, look at all of that” — and don’t understand the context, Clinton said, waiving her arms in mock panic. The real reason for the attacks, she said: “I’ve been on the front lines of change and progress since I was your age.”

Clinton was the final Democratic presidential contender to take the stage Monday in Des Moines, exactly one week ahead of the Iowa caucuses. Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) went first, and former governor Martin O’Malley followed.

The forum comes at a key juncture in the race, with recent polls showing Clinton’s once-formidable lead over Sanders, the “democratic socialist” senator from Vermont, having vanished.


At Iowa town hall, Clinton attacks Trump without ever mentioning his name
True dat, never won a competitive election...

Can Anyone Stop Hillary? Why Not? Hillary has Never Won a Competitive Election

January 17, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


Can anyone stop Hillary, Time asks? Why not.

Forgotten in the reality distortion field surrounding Ready for Hillary is the simply fact that Hillary has never actually won a competitive election. Hillary’s senate seat in New York was handed to her after Giuliani came down with cancer. If he hadn’t gotten sick, Hillary Clinton would have tried to be the senator from her native Illinois instead and might have prevented Obama from ever getting started.

Hillary Clinton was so incredibly popular that her otherwise unknown Democratic primary opponent in 2000 managed to take a fifth of the vote.


The only ticket she’s running on is “First female president.” If the Republicans were to put up a female candidate, Hillary would literally have no platform, no slogan, no anything.

Take away the “It’s time for little girls to have a role model” and “It’s time to show a wife and a mother can run the country” spiel and there is nothing in the Hillary box. Zero.

Can anyone stop Hillary? Anyone can stop Hillary.

Can Anyone Stop Hillary? Why Not? Hillary has Never Won a Competitive Election | FrontPage Magazine

Only Marco Rubio can stop Hillary. Don't waste your vote on anyone else because we'll wind up with a Democrat for president AGAIN.
Hillary has beaten herself. The next POTUS will be Bernie Sanders. It's time for a real change.
If it can happen, it will be in the primaries. The GOP doesn't have anyone that can beat her.

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