Can anyone tell me about Politics....

Okay, most able-bodied people on food stamps have a job in the first place so i highly doubt people skirted this. If you are unemployed and not a dependent, going on food stamps instead of having a job doesn’t make any economic sense.

Lol wow could you be more fascist? Now you do realize that if the government did this, that kid would still need to be taken care of right? That would end up being an overall much higher cost to tax payers because that kid would need food, housing and someone paid to take care of them. More importantly, the kid’s quality of life is more at risk if they aren’t raised by their biological parents. You should also consider the circumstances of why this single mom can’t support a kid. Did she get laid off? Did she become ill? Did kid’s father abruptly leave? Are you actually suggesting such a mother should be punished by having her kids taken away? That’s batshit crazy. Have some basic empathy dude.

Yes, because women having kids for the specific purpose of staying on the dole has worked out so well.

Do you really think you can fix a problem by pandering to it?

You have to start somewhere. If it were up to me, nobody applying for welfare would receive a dime until they were fixed first. That includes males as well as females. No more having kids while on welfare. That's where I would start.

The point is, you have to take away the incentive of being irresponsible and getting rewarded if you are. If you really care about kids, you'd want to stop future kids from being born into poverty by a welfare queen. As for food stamps, yes, many of them are working, but only enough hours to stay on the program. Trust me, some of our customers use temp services. When they ask the temps if they could work extra hours, most of them refuse. Why? Because it's like working for free to them since any additional income gets deducted from their stipend.
Lol man you and I have argued this specific point for years now on this board. I mean this goes back several times to at least a couple of years. Women do not have kids in order to get welfare. That economically does not make any goddamn sense. Their kid would get like $150 per month in food stamps. That’s it. You do know that the monthly cost of raising a kid is far more than that right? The overall cost itself of raising a kid til 18 is astronomical when you factor in other costs that don’t accumulate on a monthly basis but over the years. Also, that kid does eat, right? Therefore it stands to reason that $150 per month is spent on the kid’s food. How do we know this? Because the single mother would have to be dirt poor to even qualify for food stamps.

The problem is that you’re making welfare into this epidemic when you aren’t even paying attention the facts. Food stamps per year cost like 60 billion which is a fraction of the overall welfare budget that includes SS, Medicare, and Medicaid and other small programs in comparison like Section 8 or TANF. It’s not that people wouldn’t want to game the system if they had the chance, it’s that economically it really isn’t possible for most of the people on food stamps to attempt.

Food stamps is just one program they use. Trust me, they use others as well. Why is it when I'm grocery shopping, the people who don't use any government assistance usually have one or two children with them, but the people on food stamps usually have three to five?

Take the HUD people next door. Typical ghetto, home all day, four kids, yet thanks to government, they live in the suburbs next door to me. The more kids you have, the larger home you need. The larger home you need, the more money you get from HUD, and thats's how the government destroys neighborhoods and discourages getting ahead.

Now it's one thing that they are garbage, but as long as it's my tax dollars supporting them, you would think they'd have the curtesy to let me sleep at night so I can get up in the morning and create taxes for them to live on. No dice. They are coming home all hours of the night, laughing and talking loud, slamming their car doors, probably drunk or high, and setting their ten dollar car alarms so nobody steals one of their four $300.00 cars.

Then their children will grow up doing the same because there is no way children can get ample sleep enough to concentrate in school with parents and visitors up all morning in the house.
Minimum food stamp benefit is only $16 a month. Many people don't realize that benefits are steeply graduated as income increases. This is one of the reasons you often see people at the grocery store using both a SNAP card and a credit card.

Nor do most realize that 80% of those that receive foods stamps have jobs and half of food stamp benefits go to children.

Flopper, for one, if you need food stamps, you should have never had children in the first place. Two, you are correct that people who make more income see a decrease in their benefits. THAT'S WHY THEY ONLY WORK MINIMUM HOURS! Three, the reason you see people with SNAP's cards and credit cards is because we pay for their food, but they pay for their own beer and wine, flowers, greeting cards, gift certificates, cigarettes, and various other items I see at the store with SNAP's people.
So a prerequisite for having children is to be able to see the future, to know your husband of 10 years is not going run off leaving you with 3 young children to support on a part time job at the local Dairy Queen. Some of us are lucky and others aren't. Social safety nets help prevent a life shatter experience from becoming a disaster that destroys lives. 70% of SNAP participates are families and half of those are single parent families.
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I think I recall one or two continuing to push for UBI. Was it Andrew Yang?

Yeah, though, pretty much the entire "leftist" platform is stealing more property from people and giving it to others. Hilariously, the Economic Calculation Problem means that they're giving out less than they stole.

Well that's one issue I think needs some serious consideration IF UBI replaces all social programs. I think I could be more willing to accept that.
Why settle for some theft/extortion when you can opt for none? The Mafia can't steal from you if you work around it.
Wake up kid! Taxes are not theft or extortion and the government is not the mafia!

Making hyperbolic comparisons like this just makes you look silly.
Except it's not hyperbolic at all. The Government tells you how to live your life and sends hirelings after you if you don't follow their opinions written on paper.

They steal your property, and will send Road Pirates after you if you refuse. It's literally theft.

Saying that it isn't theft is inherently inconsistent, it means the Government can use force to take your property, but others can't. It's Special Pleading.
To an extent. I think that this statement is over used though as it really does not capture the whole picture. The government, by definition, has cornered the market on force but it is not entirely the same as the mafia.

The difference is in the manner that force is being used. With government, we all have a part to play and the government has legitimate charges. Essentially, stating taxation is theft is the same thing as stating murder and killing are the same. Both are violent acts but one is justified and the other is not.
Completely false, your assertion is based on the premise that the Government is always justified in its actions, or any of its action.

Governments around the world have murdered more people than any other force in existence, I really don't see how anyone can be so delusional as to believe every single one is completely legitimate solely on the basis that the Government calls itself Government.

Are we just going to totally ignore the times the Road Pirates murdered a kid holding a Wiimote, or a kid with a toy gun, or the time they shot a guy through their door without knowing what was even going on, or that time the Police murdered a guy pulling up their waistband? They're literally thieves, kidnappers, and murderers who extort us for the benefit of Government.

Georgia Cop Won't Be Charged in Shooting Death of Teen

Oh, let's not forget all these other murders: Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

You know what the real difference is? The Mafia at least has the honesty to tell us that they're the Mafia, while the Government tricks people like you into thinking murder, kidnapping, theft, extortion, and force in general are somehow justified just because Government is the organization committing those atrocities.

Are you somehow under the impression that theft isn't theft if someone calls themselves Government? Let me make it clearer for you; Theft is still theft if you give someone a moldy sandwich in exchange for what you stole. Theft is still theft regardless of who took the money. Your argument is LITERALLY special pleading.

This is all also completely ignoring that we have no part to play, we're literally just the Government's property:
We have no affect on whether legislation is passed or not, and even if we did, it's literally just the majority oppressing the minority. Not only all of this, but the idea of any of these liars, robbers, kidnappers, and murderers actually represent out interests is completely nonsensical. None of them know us, they're literally just a group of ruling-class liars pretending to give us the choice of lobbing off our arm or lopping off out leg.

They have even admitted that they don't work for us:
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia

So, yes, they, and people like you, apply different standards to them on the sole basis that they're Government.

Well that's one issue I think needs some serious consideration IF UBI replaces all social programs. I think I could be more willing to accept that.
Why settle for some theft/extortion when you can opt for none? The Mafia can't steal from you if you work around it.
Wake up kid! Taxes are not theft or extortion and the government is not the mafia!

Making hyperbolic comparisons like this just makes you look silly.
Except it's not hyperbolic at all. The Government tells you how to live your life and sends hirelings after you if you don't follow their opinions written on paper.

They steal your property, and will send Road Pirates after you if you refuse. It's literally theft.

Saying that it isn't theft is inherently inconsistent, it means the Government can use force to take your property, but others can't. It's Special Pleading.
To an extent. I think that this statement is over used though as it really does not capture the whole picture. The government, by definition, has cornered the market on force but it is not entirely the same as the mafia.

The difference is in the manner that force is being used. With government, we all have a part to play and the government has legitimate charges. Essentially, stating taxation is theft is the same thing as stating murder and killing are the same. Both are violent acts but one is justified and the other is not.
Completely false, your assertion is based on the premise that the Government is always justified in its actions, or any of its action.

Governments around the world have murdered more people than any other force in existence, I really don't see how anyone can be so delusional as to believe every single one is completely legitimate solely on the basis that the Government calls itself Government.

Are we just going to totally ignore the times the Road Pirates murdered a kid holding a Wiimote, or a kid with a toy gun, or the time they shot a guy through their door without knowing what was even going on, or that time the Police murdered a guy pulling up their waistband? They're literally thieves, kidnappers, and murderers who extort us for the benefit of Government.

Georgia Cop Won't Be Charged in Shooting Death of Teen

Oh, let's not forget all these other murders: Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

You know what the real difference is? The Mafia at least has the honesty to tell us that they're the Mafia, while the Government tricks people like you into thinking murder, kidnapping, theft, extortion, and force in general are somehow justified just because Government is the organization committing those atrocities.

Are you somehow under the impression that theft isn't theft if someone calls themselves Government? Let me make it clearer for you; Theft is still theft if you give someone a moldy sandwich in exchange for what you stole. Theft is still theft regardless of who took the money. Your argument is LITERALLY special pleading.

This is all also completely ignoring that we have no part to play, we're literally just the Government's property:
We have no affect on whether legislation is passed or not, and even if we did, it's literally just the majority oppressing the minority. Not only all of this, but the idea of any of these liars, robbers, kidnappers, and murderers actually represent out interests is completely nonsensical. None of them know us, they're literally just a group of ruling-class liars pretending to give us the choice of lobbing off our arm or lopping off out leg.

They have even admitted that they don't work for us:
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia

So, yes, they, and people like you, apply different standards to them on the sole basis that they're Government.

So have you gone completely anarchist now?
Why settle for some theft/extortion when you can opt for none? The Mafia can't steal from you if you work around it.
Wake up kid! Taxes are not theft or extortion and the government is not the mafia!

Making hyperbolic comparisons like this just makes you look silly.
Except it's not hyperbolic at all. The Government tells you how to live your life and sends hirelings after you if you don't follow their opinions written on paper.

They steal your property, and will send Road Pirates after you if you refuse. It's literally theft.

Saying that it isn't theft is inherently inconsistent, it means the Government can use force to take your property, but others can't. It's Special Pleading.
To an extent. I think that this statement is over used though as it really does not capture the whole picture. The government, by definition, has cornered the market on force but it is not entirely the same as the mafia.

The difference is in the manner that force is being used. With government, we all have a part to play and the government has legitimate charges. Essentially, stating taxation is theft is the same thing as stating murder and killing are the same. Both are violent acts but one is justified and the other is not.
Completely false, your assertion is based on the premise that the Government is always justified in its actions, or any of its action.

Governments around the world have murdered more people than any other force in existence, I really don't see how anyone can be so delusional as to believe every single one is completely legitimate solely on the basis that the Government calls itself Government.

Are we just going to totally ignore the times the Road Pirates murdered a kid holding a Wiimote, or a kid with a toy gun, or the time they shot a guy through their door without knowing what was even going on, or that time the Police murdered a guy pulling up their waistband? They're literally thieves, kidnappers, and murderers who extort us for the benefit of Government.

Georgia Cop Won't Be Charged in Shooting Death of Teen

Oh, let's not forget all these other murders: Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

You know what the real difference is? The Mafia at least has the honesty to tell us that they're the Mafia, while the Government tricks people like you into thinking murder, kidnapping, theft, extortion, and force in general are somehow justified just because Government is the organization committing those atrocities.

Are you somehow under the impression that theft isn't theft if someone calls themselves Government? Let me make it clearer for you; Theft is still theft if you give someone a moldy sandwich in exchange for what you stole. Theft is still theft regardless of who took the money. Your argument is LITERALLY special pleading.

This is all also completely ignoring that we have no part to play, we're literally just the Government's property:
We have no affect on whether legislation is passed or not, and even if we did, it's literally just the majority oppressing the minority. Not only all of this, but the idea of any of these liars, robbers, kidnappers, and murderers actually represent out interests is completely nonsensical. None of them know us, they're literally just a group of ruling-class liars pretending to give us the choice of lobbing off our arm or lopping off out leg.

They have even admitted that they don't work for us:
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia

So, yes, they, and people like you, apply different standards to them on the sole basis that they're Government.

So have you gone completely anarchist now?
Yes, I have. It's the only fully consistent ideology.
Wake up kid! Taxes are not theft or extortion and the government is not the mafia!

Making hyperbolic comparisons like this just makes you look silly.
Except it's not hyperbolic at all. The Government tells you how to live your life and sends hirelings after you if you don't follow their opinions written on paper.

They steal your property, and will send Road Pirates after you if you refuse. It's literally theft.

Saying that it isn't theft is inherently inconsistent, it means the Government can use force to take your property, but others can't. It's Special Pleading.
To an extent. I think that this statement is over used though as it really does not capture the whole picture. The government, by definition, has cornered the market on force but it is not entirely the same as the mafia.

The difference is in the manner that force is being used. With government, we all have a part to play and the government has legitimate charges. Essentially, stating taxation is theft is the same thing as stating murder and killing are the same. Both are violent acts but one is justified and the other is not.
Completely false, your assertion is based on the premise that the Government is always justified in its actions, or any of its action.

Governments around the world have murdered more people than any other force in existence, I really don't see how anyone can be so delusional as to believe every single one is completely legitimate solely on the basis that the Government calls itself Government.

Are we just going to totally ignore the times the Road Pirates murdered a kid holding a Wiimote, or a kid with a toy gun, or the time they shot a guy through their door without knowing what was even going on, or that time the Police murdered a guy pulling up their waistband? They're literally thieves, kidnappers, and murderers who extort us for the benefit of Government.

Georgia Cop Won't Be Charged in Shooting Death of Teen

Oh, let's not forget all these other murders: Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

You know what the real difference is? The Mafia at least has the honesty to tell us that they're the Mafia, while the Government tricks people like you into thinking murder, kidnapping, theft, extortion, and force in general are somehow justified just because Government is the organization committing those atrocities.

Are you somehow under the impression that theft isn't theft if someone calls themselves Government? Let me make it clearer for you; Theft is still theft if you give someone a moldy sandwich in exchange for what you stole. Theft is still theft regardless of who took the money. Your argument is LITERALLY special pleading.

This is all also completely ignoring that we have no part to play, we're literally just the Government's property:
We have no affect on whether legislation is passed or not, and even if we did, it's literally just the majority oppressing the minority. Not only all of this, but the idea of any of these liars, robbers, kidnappers, and murderers actually represent out interests is completely nonsensical. None of them know us, they're literally just a group of ruling-class liars pretending to give us the choice of lobbing off our arm or lopping off out leg.

They have even admitted that they don't work for us:
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia

So, yes, they, and people like you, apply different standards to them on the sole basis that they're Government.

So have you gone completely anarchist now?
Yes, I have. It's the only fully consistent ideology.

It's the only one that leads to...anarchy! Total fail if one wishes to live in a civilized society.
Except it's not hyperbolic at all. The Government tells you how to live your life and sends hirelings after you if you don't follow their opinions written on paper.

They steal your property, and will send Road Pirates after you if you refuse. It's literally theft.

Saying that it isn't theft is inherently inconsistent, it means the Government can use force to take your property, but others can't. It's Special Pleading.
To an extent. I think that this statement is over used though as it really does not capture the whole picture. The government, by definition, has cornered the market on force but it is not entirely the same as the mafia.

The difference is in the manner that force is being used. With government, we all have a part to play and the government has legitimate charges. Essentially, stating taxation is theft is the same thing as stating murder and killing are the same. Both are violent acts but one is justified and the other is not.
Completely false, your assertion is based on the premise that the Government is always justified in its actions, or any of its action.

Governments around the world have murdered more people than any other force in existence, I really don't see how anyone can be so delusional as to believe every single one is completely legitimate solely on the basis that the Government calls itself Government.

Are we just going to totally ignore the times the Road Pirates murdered a kid holding a Wiimote, or a kid with a toy gun, or the time they shot a guy through their door without knowing what was even going on, or that time the Police murdered a guy pulling up their waistband? They're literally thieves, kidnappers, and murderers who extort us for the benefit of Government.

Georgia Cop Won't Be Charged in Shooting Death of Teen

Oh, let's not forget all these other murders: Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

You know what the real difference is? The Mafia at least has the honesty to tell us that they're the Mafia, while the Government tricks people like you into thinking murder, kidnapping, theft, extortion, and force in general are somehow justified just because Government is the organization committing those atrocities.

Are you somehow under the impression that theft isn't theft if someone calls themselves Government? Let me make it clearer for you; Theft is still theft if you give someone a moldy sandwich in exchange for what you stole. Theft is still theft regardless of who took the money. Your argument is LITERALLY special pleading.

This is all also completely ignoring that we have no part to play, we're literally just the Government's property:
We have no affect on whether legislation is passed or not, and even if we did, it's literally just the majority oppressing the minority. Not only all of this, but the idea of any of these liars, robbers, kidnappers, and murderers actually represent out interests is completely nonsensical. None of them know us, they're literally just a group of ruling-class liars pretending to give us the choice of lobbing off our arm or lopping off out leg.

They have even admitted that they don't work for us:
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia

So, yes, they, and people like you, apply different standards to them on the sole basis that they're Government.

So have you gone completely anarchist now?
Yes, I have. It's the only fully consistent ideology.

It's the only one that leads to...anarchy! Total fail if one wishes to live in a civilized society.
I didn't realize giving a specific organization a monopoly on violence, allowing them to murder, steal, kidnap, and extort as they please was somehow civilized. Then again, it makes sense that you'd think that, given the model of education used by the Government is meant to create obedient slaves, not to educate. Maybe you should consider that.
To an extent. I think that this statement is over used though as it really does not capture the whole picture. The government, by definition, has cornered the market on force but it is not entirely the same as the mafia.

The difference is in the manner that force is being used. With government, we all have a part to play and the government has legitimate charges. Essentially, stating taxation is theft is the same thing as stating murder and killing are the same. Both are violent acts but one is justified and the other is not.
Completely false, your assertion is based on the premise that the Government is always justified in its actions, or any of its action.

Governments around the world have murdered more people than any other force in existence, I really don't see how anyone can be so delusional as to believe every single one is completely legitimate solely on the basis that the Government calls itself Government.

Are we just going to totally ignore the times the Road Pirates murdered a kid holding a Wiimote, or a kid with a toy gun, or the time they shot a guy through their door without knowing what was even going on, or that time the Police murdered a guy pulling up their waistband? They're literally thieves, kidnappers, and murderers who extort us for the benefit of Government.

Georgia Cop Won't Be Charged in Shooting Death of Teen

Oh, let's not forget all these other murders: Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

You know what the real difference is? The Mafia at least has the honesty to tell us that they're the Mafia, while the Government tricks people like you into thinking murder, kidnapping, theft, extortion, and force in general are somehow justified just because Government is the organization committing those atrocities.

Are you somehow under the impression that theft isn't theft if someone calls themselves Government? Let me make it clearer for you; Theft is still theft if you give someone a moldy sandwich in exchange for what you stole. Theft is still theft regardless of who took the money. Your argument is LITERALLY special pleading.

This is all also completely ignoring that we have no part to play, we're literally just the Government's property:
We have no affect on whether legislation is passed or not, and even if we did, it's literally just the majority oppressing the minority. Not only all of this, but the idea of any of these liars, robbers, kidnappers, and murderers actually represent out interests is completely nonsensical. None of them know us, they're literally just a group of ruling-class liars pretending to give us the choice of lobbing off our arm or lopping off out leg.

They have even admitted that they don't work for us:
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia

So, yes, they, and people like you, apply different standards to them on the sole basis that they're Government.

So have you gone completely anarchist now?
Yes, I have. It's the only fully consistent ideology.

It's the only one that leads to...anarchy! Total fail if one wishes to live in a civilized society.
I didn't realize giving a specific organization a monopoly on violence, allowing them to murder, steal, kidnap, and extort as they please was somehow civilized. Then again, it makes sense that you'd think that, given the model of education used by the Government is meant to create obedient slaves, not to educate. Maybe you should consider that.

Have you had a logic class yet? :rolleyes:
Completely false, your assertion is based on the premise that the Government is always justified in its actions, or any of its action.

Governments around the world have murdered more people than any other force in existence, I really don't see how anyone can be so delusional as to believe every single one is completely legitimate solely on the basis that the Government calls itself Government.

Are we just going to totally ignore the times the Road Pirates murdered a kid holding a Wiimote, or a kid with a toy gun, or the time they shot a guy through their door without knowing what was even going on, or that time the Police murdered a guy pulling up their waistband? They're literally thieves, kidnappers, and murderers who extort us for the benefit of Government.

Georgia Cop Won't Be Charged in Shooting Death of Teen

Oh, let's not forget all these other murders: Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

You know what the real difference is? The Mafia at least has the honesty to tell us that they're the Mafia, while the Government tricks people like you into thinking murder, kidnapping, theft, extortion, and force in general are somehow justified just because Government is the organization committing those atrocities.

Are you somehow under the impression that theft isn't theft if someone calls themselves Government? Let me make it clearer for you; Theft is still theft if you give someone a moldy sandwich in exchange for what you stole. Theft is still theft regardless of who took the money. Your argument is LITERALLY special pleading.

This is all also completely ignoring that we have no part to play, we're literally just the Government's property:
We have no affect on whether legislation is passed or not, and even if we did, it's literally just the majority oppressing the minority. Not only all of this, but the idea of any of these liars, robbers, kidnappers, and murderers actually represent out interests is completely nonsensical. None of them know us, they're literally just a group of ruling-class liars pretending to give us the choice of lobbing off our arm or lopping off out leg.

They have even admitted that they don't work for us:
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia

So, yes, they, and people like you, apply different standards to them on the sole basis that they're Government.

So have you gone completely anarchist now?
Yes, I have. It's the only fully consistent ideology.

It's the only one that leads to...anarchy! Total fail if one wishes to live in a civilized society.
I didn't realize giving a specific organization a monopoly on violence, allowing them to murder, steal, kidnap, and extort as they please was somehow civilized. Then again, it makes sense that you'd think that, given the model of education used by the Government is meant to create obedient slaves, not to educate. Maybe you should consider that.

Have you had a logic class yet? :rolleyes:
Yes, and one of the things that was taught was the Special Pleading fallacy, something you, and people like you, use to justify the Government's use of theft, murder, and kidnapping. Hilariously, you're pretending to use logic, yet justification for the Government violates the Consistency Principle and Law of Non-contradiction. If you believe that people should not steal from each other, you're necessarily against Government, because it requires theft to fund itself.

How many people do you think would fund the Government willingly? If your answer is "Enough", then it can be done voluntarily. If your answer is "Not enough", then it's not needed.

If you believe people are bad, then what are they doing forcing people to serve them? If you believe people are good, then why do you believe the Government is needed?

Probably things you've likely never considered because you're so incredibly complacent.

So have you gone completely anarchist now?
Yes, I have. It's the only fully consistent ideology.

It's the only one that leads to...anarchy! Total fail if one wishes to live in a civilized society.
I didn't realize giving a specific organization a monopoly on violence, allowing them to murder, steal, kidnap, and extort as they please was somehow civilized. Then again, it makes sense that you'd think that, given the model of education used by the Government is meant to create obedient slaves, not to educate. Maybe you should consider that.

Have you had a logic class yet? :rolleyes:
Yes, and one of the things that was taught was the Special Pleading fallacy, something you, and people like you, use to justify the Government's use of theft, murder, and kidnapping. Hilariously, you're pretending to use logic, yet justification for the Government violates the Consistency Principle and Law of Non-contradiction. If you believe that people should not steal from each other, you're necessarily against Government, because it requires theft to fund itself.

How many people do you think would fund the Government willingly? If your answer is "Enough", then it can be done voluntarily. If your answer is "Not enough", then it's not needed.

If you believe people are bad, then what are they doing forcing people to serve them? If you believe people are good, then why do you believe the Government is needed?

Probably things you've likely never considered because you're so incredibly complacent.

But if people voluntarily fund the government, it's no longer anarchy. :eek:
Yes, I have. It's the only fully consistent ideology.

It's the only one that leads to...anarchy! Total fail if one wishes to live in a civilized society.
I didn't realize giving a specific organization a monopoly on violence, allowing them to murder, steal, kidnap, and extort as they please was somehow civilized. Then again, it makes sense that you'd think that, given the model of education used by the Government is meant to create obedient slaves, not to educate. Maybe you should consider that.

Have you had a logic class yet? :rolleyes:
Yes, and one of the things that was taught was the Special Pleading fallacy, something you, and people like you, use to justify the Government's use of theft, murder, and kidnapping. Hilariously, you're pretending to use logic, yet justification for the Government violates the Consistency Principle and Law of Non-contradiction. If you believe that people should not steal from each other, you're necessarily against Government, because it requires theft to fund itself.

How many people do you think would fund the Government willingly? If your answer is "Enough", then it can be done voluntarily. If your answer is "Not enough", then it's not needed.

If you believe people are bad, then what are they doing forcing people to serve them? If you believe people are good, then why do you believe the Government is needed?

Probably things you've likely never considered because you're so incredibly complacent.

But if people voluntarily fund the government, it's no longer anarchy. :eek:

Actually, involuntary interaction is exactly what makes a Government, it's what authority is. If people are signing contracts to consent to a business fulfilling what uneducated people consider "The job of Government", not only would there be competition in that market, thus making it cheaper and more efficient, but it would also mean that force is no longer being initiated against innocent people in order to run it, thus it's no longer a Government. If there's a demand for anything the Government does, people are willing to pay for it, and if people aren't willing to pay for it, it isn't needed.

re you aware that even if we ignore how unethical the actions of Government are, it's still not an efficient method of doing things? The Government suffers from something called The Economic Calculation Problem. It means that any money that the Government steals in order to fund its various activities actually results in LESS than he money that was taken in, due to its inability to measure supply and demand curves, and consequentially its misalocation of resources. If businesses were providing these services, it would be completely voluntary, it would be cheaper, it would be more efficient, there would be competition, unlike with the Government, where the actions are unethical, and it's a monopoly.

I also just want to point out, you've failed to address most of the points I'm making, a solid 90% of them in fact, and you're not even making arguments. Are you just here to shitpost, rather than have honest exchanges of ideas?
Wake up kid! Taxes are not theft or extortion and the government is not the mafia!

Making hyperbolic comparisons like this just makes you look silly.
Except it's not hyperbolic at all. The Government tells you how to live your life and sends hirelings after you if you don't follow their opinions written on paper.

They steal your property, and will send Road Pirates after you if you refuse. It's literally theft.

Saying that it isn't theft is inherently inconsistent, it means the Government can use force to take your property, but others can't. It's Special Pleading.
To an extent. I think that this statement is over used though as it really does not capture the whole picture. The government, by definition, has cornered the market on force but it is not entirely the same as the mafia.

The difference is in the manner that force is being used. With government, we all have a part to play and the government has legitimate charges. Essentially, stating taxation is theft is the same thing as stating murder and killing are the same. Both are violent acts but one is justified and the other is not.
Completely false, your assertion is based on the premise that the Government is always justified in its actions, or any of its action.

Governments around the world have murdered more people than any other force in existence, I really don't see how anyone can be so delusional as to believe every single one is completely legitimate solely on the basis that the Government calls itself Government.

Are we just going to totally ignore the times the Road Pirates murdered a kid holding a Wiimote, or a kid with a toy gun, or the time they shot a guy through their door without knowing what was even going on, or that time the Police murdered a guy pulling up their waistband? They're literally thieves, kidnappers, and murderers who extort us for the benefit of Government.

Georgia Cop Won't Be Charged in Shooting Death of Teen

Oh, let's not forget all these other murders: Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

You know what the real difference is? The Mafia at least has the honesty to tell us that they're the Mafia, while the Government tricks people like you into thinking murder, kidnapping, theft, extortion, and force in general are somehow justified just because Government is the organization committing those atrocities.

Are you somehow under the impression that theft isn't theft if someone calls themselves Government? Let me make it clearer for you; Theft is still theft if you give someone a moldy sandwich in exchange for what you stole. Theft is still theft regardless of who took the money. Your argument is LITERALLY special pleading.

This is all also completely ignoring that we have no part to play, we're literally just the Government's property:
We have no affect on whether legislation is passed or not, and even if we did, it's literally just the majority oppressing the minority. Not only all of this, but the idea of any of these liars, robbers, kidnappers, and murderers actually represent out interests is completely nonsensical. None of them know us, they're literally just a group of ruling-class liars pretending to give us the choice of lobbing off our arm or lopping off out leg.

They have even admitted that they don't work for us:
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia

So, yes, they, and people like you, apply different standards to them on the sole basis that they're Government.

So have you gone completely anarchist now?
Yes, I have. It's the only fully consistent ideology.
Are you saying you are an anarchist? I ask that because few people will actually admit that. Most people will just rave and rant about their hatred for government.
Except it's not hyperbolic at all. The Government tells you how to live your life and sends hirelings after you if you don't follow their opinions written on paper.

They steal your property, and will send Road Pirates after you if you refuse. It's literally theft.

Saying that it isn't theft is inherently inconsistent, it means the Government can use force to take your property, but others can't. It's Special Pleading.
To an extent. I think that this statement is over used though as it really does not capture the whole picture. The government, by definition, has cornered the market on force but it is not entirely the same as the mafia.

The difference is in the manner that force is being used. With government, we all have a part to play and the government has legitimate charges. Essentially, stating taxation is theft is the same thing as stating murder and killing are the same. Both are violent acts but one is justified and the other is not.
Completely false, your assertion is based on the premise that the Government is always justified in its actions, or any of its action.

Governments around the world have murdered more people than any other force in existence, I really don't see how anyone can be so delusional as to believe every single one is completely legitimate solely on the basis that the Government calls itself Government.

Are we just going to totally ignore the times the Road Pirates murdered a kid holding a Wiimote, or a kid with a toy gun, or the time they shot a guy through their door without knowing what was even going on, or that time the Police murdered a guy pulling up their waistband? They're literally thieves, kidnappers, and murderers who extort us for the benefit of Government.

Georgia Cop Won't Be Charged in Shooting Death of Teen

Oh, let's not forget all these other murders: Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

You know what the real difference is? The Mafia at least has the honesty to tell us that they're the Mafia, while the Government tricks people like you into thinking murder, kidnapping, theft, extortion, and force in general are somehow justified just because Government is the organization committing those atrocities.

Are you somehow under the impression that theft isn't theft if someone calls themselves Government? Let me make it clearer for you; Theft is still theft if you give someone a moldy sandwich in exchange for what you stole. Theft is still theft regardless of who took the money. Your argument is LITERALLY special pleading.

This is all also completely ignoring that we have no part to play, we're literally just the Government's property:
We have no affect on whether legislation is passed or not, and even if we did, it's literally just the majority oppressing the minority. Not only all of this, but the idea of any of these liars, robbers, kidnappers, and murderers actually represent out interests is completely nonsensical. None of them know us, they're literally just a group of ruling-class liars pretending to give us the choice of lobbing off our arm or lopping off out leg.

They have even admitted that they don't work for us:
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia

So, yes, they, and people like you, apply different standards to them on the sole basis that they're Government.

So have you gone completely anarchist now?
Yes, I have. It's the only fully consistent ideology.
Are you saying you are an anarchist? I ask that because few people will actually admit that. Most people will just rave and rant about their hatred for government.
Yes, I am an Anarchist.
Yes, because women having kids for the specific purpose of staying on the dole has worked out so well.

Do you really think you can fix a problem by pandering to it?

You have to start somewhere. If it were up to me, nobody applying for welfare would receive a dime until they were fixed first. That includes males as well as females. No more having kids while on welfare. That's where I would start.

The point is, you have to take away the incentive of being irresponsible and getting rewarded if you are. If you really care about kids, you'd want to stop future kids from being born into poverty by a welfare queen. As for food stamps, yes, many of them are working, but only enough hours to stay on the program. Trust me, some of our customers use temp services. When they ask the temps if they could work extra hours, most of them refuse. Why? Because it's like working for free to them since any additional income gets deducted from their stipend.
Lol man you and I have argued this specific point for years now on this board. I mean this goes back several times to at least a couple of years. Women do not have kids in order to get welfare. That economically does not make any goddamn sense. Their kid would get like $150 per month in food stamps. That’s it. You do know that the monthly cost of raising a kid is far more than that right? The overall cost itself of raising a kid til 18 is astronomical when you factor in other costs that don’t accumulate on a monthly basis but over the years. Also, that kid does eat, right? Therefore it stands to reason that $150 per month is spent on the kid’s food. How do we know this? Because the single mother would have to be dirt poor to even qualify for food stamps.

The problem is that you’re making welfare into this epidemic when you aren’t even paying attention the facts. Food stamps per year cost like 60 billion which is a fraction of the overall welfare budget that includes SS, Medicare, and Medicaid and other small programs in comparison like Section 8 or TANF. It’s not that people wouldn’t want to game the system if they had the chance, it’s that economically it really isn’t possible for most of the people on food stamps to attempt.

Food stamps is just one program they use. Trust me, they use others as well. Why is it when I'm grocery shopping, the people who don't use any government assistance usually have one or two children with them, but the people on food stamps usually have three to five?

Take the HUD people next door. Typical ghetto, home all day, four kids, yet thanks to government, they live in the suburbs next door to me. The more kids you have, the larger home you need. The larger home you need, the more money you get from HUD, and thats's how the government destroys neighborhoods and discourages getting ahead.

Now it's one thing that they are garbage, but as long as it's my tax dollars supporting them, you would think they'd have the curtesy to let me sleep at night so I can get up in the morning and create taxes for them to live on. No dice. They are coming home all hours of the night, laughing and talking loud, slamming their car doors, probably drunk or high, and setting their ten dollar car alarms so nobody steals one of their four $300.00 cars.

Then their children will grow up doing the same because there is no way children can get ample sleep enough to concentrate in school with parents and visitors up all morning in the house.
Minimum food stamp benefit is only $16 a month. Many people don't realize that benefits are steeply graduated as income increases. This is one of the reasons you often see people at the grocery store using both a SNAP card and a credit card.

Nor do most realize that 80% of those that receive foods stamps have jobs and half of food stamp benefits go to children.

Flopper, for one, if you need food stamps, you should have never had children in the first place. Two, you are correct that people who make more income see a decrease in their benefits. THAT'S WHY THEY ONLY WORK MINIMUM HOURS! Three, the reason you see people with SNAP's cards and credit cards is because we pay for their food, but they pay for their own beer and wine, flowers, greeting cards, gift certificates, cigarettes, and various other items I see at the store with SNAP's people.
So a prerequisite for having children is to be able to see the future, to know your husband of 10 years is not going run off leaving you with 3 young children to support on a part time job at the local Dairy Queen. Some of us are lucky and others aren't. Social safety nets help prevent a life shatter experience from becoming a disaster that destroys lives. 70% of SNAP participates are families and half of those are single parent families.

So do you really believe that's the typical situation of a welfare recipient? They had this strong, loving, unbreakable relationship, and then like a thief in the night, the guy runs out and leaves her?

Where do you think the term Baby Daddies comes from; those loving relationships? But this all reminds me of an old joke.

A woman goes to the welfare office and applies. She gets called up to the desk and the social worker said she had to ask some questions. How many children do you have asked the worker?

Applicant: I have seven kids.
Worker: Very well, I will need their names starting with the youngest one first. What is your youngest's name?
Applicant: Leroy.
Worker: and the second youngest?
Applicant: Leroy.
Worker: The third youngest. '
Applicant: Leroy.

At that point the worker puts down her pen and says, let's cut to the chase, are all seven of your kids named Leroy?

Yes they is!

The worker continued to fill out the form, but puts her pen down once again and said: This isn't part of the application, but to satisfy my own curiosity, how do the children know which one of them you are calling?

The applicant said: That's easy, I just call them by their last name.
Is that what it is, me feeling like a man? How about this: I work to support myself. I buy all my own food, pay my own utilities, pay for my own cell phone, pay my own mortgages. Why would I not be upset when I'm paying for other people's too? Especially when I see my country 22 trillion in debt and growing?

And where did I say "making a profit?" It's not profit that I'm talking about. It's skating by in life using other people's money to do it instead of being responsible and taking care of yourself. Sitting at home watching your big screen while those of us working wake up at 5:25 am to support these people. And to add insult to injury, then move into my neighborhood to bring down my property value.

It has nothing to do with feeling like a man. It has everything to do with feeling used.
Lol this is what I am talking about. You building yourself up as some hard working macho man because you have a mortgage and wake up early in the morning. Yes, it’s good to be independent. Of course it is, but you know, a lot of people are like you. The unemployment rate is what like 3%? You’re making this into being some epidemic because it makes you feel validated. I too work 40 hours a week and support myself. I don’t want or need food stamps, but I do know that some people really do need them.

It's not an epidemic? Care to see the statistics? I have them you know.

Yes, a lot of people are like me, and many of them feel the same way I do. I have very serious illnesses. Yet I get my sick ass up to go to work every day while some able-bodied healthy people sit home living off of the money I work for. How can I not be pissed off about it?

If anybody should be supported, it's me. The healthy people should be working so I can stay home and tend to my medical problems, not the other way around. So why do I do it? It's called pride. It's called integrity; something liberals have been stripping out of our society for many years now.
Lol I mean trust me I agree it’s for the best you are so independent and to some degree that should feel good, but you just aren’t as special as you like to think you are I hate to say it. Again the unemployment rate is 3% under Trump. You have statistics that say this is an epidemic under the supposedly tough businessman who is really just a complete sack of shit.

Since the unemployment rate hit record lows (the lowest in nearly 50 years) shouldn't everybody who is physically and mentally capable of working be working?

Where do you get "I'm special" in my argument? I never said nor Implied that.

And let me tell you, if not for Republican Governors who instituted requirements for receiving food stamps, the usage would be much higher today.
Lol are you implying that all that 3% are on food stamps? No. Again, most able bodied adults on food stamps have jobs. They just can’t support the dependents they have with their dirt income. Also consider who MOST of the people on food stamps are; kids, disabled adults such as veterans, and the elderly. Those people make up 2/3 of all of those on food stamps. These are the facts you are willfully ignoring.

Really? My father is 87, and he's never been on food stamps. Neither has my mother. Neither have my late grandparents.

Correct, it is tough to support children when you have no trade or career. That's why you shouldn't have children unless you are secure financially and will be in the future.

Disability pays enough so you don't need food stamps. One of my tenants who has been with me eight years is on disability, and he can't even receive food stamps because he makes over the maximum income with his SS check.
It could be said American politics is for the wealthy. They are the ones who get the nominations. Not so much for lower middle class or working poor. So it is about money in many respects.
Read the Constitution or at least the Bill of Rights. That will give you an anchor in the complicated mess politics has become. Study the main political parties and try to determine which party comes closest to adhering to the Constitution. That's a start.
I'm willing to learn about politics basic theory. I'm going to study it. Can you explain what is the politics...
/——/ This sums it up.
Lol this is what I am talking about. You building yourself up as some hard working macho man because you have a mortgage and wake up early in the morning. Yes, it’s good to be independent. Of course it is, but you know, a lot of people are like you. The unemployment rate is what like 3%? You’re making this into being some epidemic because it makes you feel validated. I too work 40 hours a week and support myself. I don’t want or need food stamps, but I do know that some people really do need them.

It's not an epidemic? Care to see the statistics? I have them you know.

Yes, a lot of people are like me, and many of them feel the same way I do. I have very serious illnesses. Yet I get my sick ass up to go to work every day while some able-bodied healthy people sit home living off of the money I work for. How can I not be pissed off about it?

If anybody should be supported, it's me. The healthy people should be working so I can stay home and tend to my medical problems, not the other way around. So why do I do it? It's called pride. It's called integrity; something liberals have been stripping out of our society for many years now.
Lol I mean trust me I agree it’s for the best you are so independent and to some degree that should feel good, but you just aren’t as special as you like to think you are I hate to say it. Again the unemployment rate is 3% under Trump. You have statistics that say this is an epidemic under the supposedly tough businessman who is really just a complete sack of shit.

Since the unemployment rate hit record lows (the lowest in nearly 50 years) shouldn't everybody who is physically and mentally capable of working be working?

Where do you get "I'm special" in my argument? I never said nor Implied that.

And let me tell you, if not for Republican Governors who instituted requirements for receiving food stamps, the usage would be much higher today.
Lol are you implying that all that 3% are on food stamps? No. Again, most able bodied adults on food stamps have jobs. They just can’t support the dependents they have with their dirt income. Also consider who MOST of the people on food stamps are; kids, disabled adults such as veterans, and the elderly. Those people make up 2/3 of all of those on food stamps. These are the facts you are willfully ignoring.

Really? My father is 87, and he's never been on food stamps. Neither has my mother. Neither have my late grandparents.

Correct, it is tough to support children when you have no trade or career. That's why you shouldn't have children unless you are secure financially and will be in the future.

Disability pays enough so you don't need food stamps. One of my tenants who has been with me eight years is on disability, and he can't even receive food stamps because he makes over the maximum income with his SS check.
Dude I didn’t say most old people were on food stamps. I said that most people on food stamps are elderly, kids, and the disabled.

Yes, we have established that the woman should have never have had kids she couldn’t afford. The kid still exists either way right? Something must be spent on taking care of the kid. Also, like me and Flopper have already explained to you, mothers can’t always foresee the future. Perhaps she had the kid when she was financially stable, but she got ill or she got laid off. Maybe the father left her high and dry. You know, life happens. Unexpected shit can happen. Have some basic empathy in that regard. She isn’t some terrible person just because shit goes wrong.
It's not an epidemic? Care to see the statistics? I have them you know.

Yes, a lot of people are like me, and many of them feel the same way I do. I have very serious illnesses. Yet I get my sick ass up to go to work every day while some able-bodied healthy people sit home living off of the money I work for. How can I not be pissed off about it?

If anybody should be supported, it's me. The healthy people should be working so I can stay home and tend to my medical problems, not the other way around. So why do I do it? It's called pride. It's called integrity; something liberals have been stripping out of our society for many years now.
Lol I mean trust me I agree it’s for the best you are so independent and to some degree that should feel good, but you just aren’t as special as you like to think you are I hate to say it. Again the unemployment rate is 3% under Trump. You have statistics that say this is an epidemic under the supposedly tough businessman who is really just a complete sack of shit.

Since the unemployment rate hit record lows (the lowest in nearly 50 years) shouldn't everybody who is physically and mentally capable of working be working?

Where do you get "I'm special" in my argument? I never said nor Implied that.

And let me tell you, if not for Republican Governors who instituted requirements for receiving food stamps, the usage would be much higher today.
Lol are you implying that all that 3% are on food stamps? No. Again, most able bodied adults on food stamps have jobs. They just can’t support the dependents they have with their dirt income. Also consider who MOST of the people on food stamps are; kids, disabled adults such as veterans, and the elderly. Those people make up 2/3 of all of those on food stamps. These are the facts you are willfully ignoring.

Really? My father is 87, and he's never been on food stamps. Neither has my mother. Neither have my late grandparents.

Correct, it is tough to support children when you have no trade or career. That's why you shouldn't have children unless you are secure financially and will be in the future.

Disability pays enough so you don't need food stamps. One of my tenants who has been with me eight years is on disability, and he can't even receive food stamps because he makes over the maximum income with his SS check.
Dude I didn’t say most old people were on food stamps. I said that most people on food stamps are elderly, kids, and the disabled.

Yes, we have established that the woman should have never have had kids she couldn’t afford. The kid still exists either way right? Something must be spent on taking care of the kid. Also, like me and Flopper have already explained to you, mothers can’t always foresee the future. Perhaps she had the kid when she was financially stable, but she got ill or she got laid off. Maybe the father left her high and dry. You know, life happens. Unexpected shit can happen. Have some basic empathy in that regard. She isn’t some terrible person just because shit goes wrong.

I'm sure there are people like that. And if that's the only people that got food stamps or any kind of welfare, it wouldn't be a problem. But I would say people that get benefits from a situation like that are like what, about one or two percent of recipients?

However it is a problem when we see able bodied people who are not working and receiving benefits, or we see how the system is being abused.

A former coworker of mine told us a story about his wife. They were in need for more family income so she got a job working at a convenience store. She was chatting with some of her new coworkers about why she took the job. One of her coworkers replied that she's doing it all wrong.

She said she went to welfare and told them her husband had left her and she was left with the kids cold and dry. They furnished her with all kinds of government goodies. Why is that a scam? Because her husband never went anywhere. He was an employee at the GM plant and made a great income. However free goodies are as good as any goodies, and they got this plan from one of their closest friends. They said they've been doing it for years, and the government never checks up or investigates any of their stories.
To an extent. I think that this statement is over used though as it really does not capture the whole picture. The government, by definition, has cornered the market on force but it is not entirely the same as the mafia.

The difference is in the manner that force is being used. With government, we all have a part to play and the government has legitimate charges. Essentially, stating taxation is theft is the same thing as stating murder and killing are the same. Both are violent acts but one is justified and the other is not.
Completely false, your assertion is based on the premise that the Government is always justified in its actions, or any of its action.

Governments around the world have murdered more people than any other force in existence, I really don't see how anyone can be so delusional as to believe every single one is completely legitimate solely on the basis that the Government calls itself Government.

Are we just going to totally ignore the times the Road Pirates murdered a kid holding a Wiimote, or a kid with a toy gun, or the time they shot a guy through their door without knowing what was even going on, or that time the Police murdered a guy pulling up their waistband? They're literally thieves, kidnappers, and murderers who extort us for the benefit of Government.

Georgia Cop Won't Be Charged in Shooting Death of Teen

Oh, let's not forget all these other murders: Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

You know what the real difference is? The Mafia at least has the honesty to tell us that they're the Mafia, while the Government tricks people like you into thinking murder, kidnapping, theft, extortion, and force in general are somehow justified just because Government is the organization committing those atrocities.

Are you somehow under the impression that theft isn't theft if someone calls themselves Government? Let me make it clearer for you; Theft is still theft if you give someone a moldy sandwich in exchange for what you stole. Theft is still theft regardless of who took the money. Your argument is LITERALLY special pleading.

This is all also completely ignoring that we have no part to play, we're literally just the Government's property:
We have no affect on whether legislation is passed or not, and even if we did, it's literally just the majority oppressing the minority. Not only all of this, but the idea of any of these liars, robbers, kidnappers, and murderers actually represent out interests is completely nonsensical. None of them know us, they're literally just a group of ruling-class liars pretending to give us the choice of lobbing off our arm or lopping off out leg.

They have even admitted that they don't work for us:
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia

So, yes, they, and people like you, apply different standards to them on the sole basis that they're Government.

So have you gone completely anarchist now?
Yes, I have. It's the only fully consistent ideology.
Are you saying you are an anarchist? I ask that because few people will actually admit that. Most people will just rave and rant about their hatred for government.
Yes, I am an Anarchist.
In that case, would you please explain what you think would happen if all government in the US was eliminated.

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