Can Atheists be Moral?

Ding: 'Thus objective truth or reality is eternal and unchanging.'

'From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once knew christ from a human point of view, we know him no longer in that way. So if anyone if in christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! ' (II Corinthians 5: 16-17)

Paul tells all of the rest what time it is and what to believe. Pauline toxic texts just keep on giving....fascism.

The Evolution of a Pauline Toxic Text
The Evolution of a Pauline Toxic Text
And yet at any point in time we can either be moving towards God, away from God or be static in our relationship with God.
Yes, at least one life form. defined as intelligent is it does not project its mythologies onto the cosmos.

'Nature is not opposed to invention, invention being part of nature itself. Nature is opposed to myth.' (Deleuze)
ding has nothing to say about the fascist asshole, Paul, who attempts to dupe the mesmerized prisoners.
d's last post shows that there has been serious theological molestations done to the scapegoat. This excerpt reveals the contradictions in d's reasoning of moving toward or away from, and why telescopes also fail:

'The absolutely infinite cannot be de-fined as standing-out in relation to other things, nor even conceived as a determinate entity over against finitude as a whole, for then it would be represented as finite, i.e., as limited or bounded by another entity or entities that it is not, in which case it would not be absolutely unlimited. In the case of christianity, this philosophical insight comes into conflict with religious belief in a god who is represented as an infinite Person in a determinate relation with a finite world that he has created and (at least part of which) he plants to redeem. Jewish and Muslim religious scholars have similar difficulties.'
(Shults, Iconoclastic Theology)
Shults, continued:

'christian theologians, like their counterparts in other monotheistic traditions that originated in west Asia, have developed a variety of strategies for dealing with this tension within their religious coalitions. I will try to illuminate the motivation for such strategies, and explain the sense in which their failure secretes atheism.

The main point at this stage is that many theologians would not at all be offended at the idea of their discipline deals with that which is "beyond being." The problem they will have with Deleuze is his a-theism; that is, his denial of the reality of a specific kind on non-existent Entity, a personal and transcendent god who establishes moralistic codes for a religious coalition. As we will see in the following chapters, Deleuze is not a big fan of religion. From his first (acknowledged) book on Hume, in which he equates religion with the fanciful and illegitimate use of extensive rules of association (Expressionism in Philosophy, 76), to his last book (with Guattari), in which he argues that monotheism and despotic, imperial States are intrinsically linked (What is Philosophy, 43), Deleuze rejected modes of argumentation that appeal to dogmatic images of an allegedly transcendent, morally relevant Entity.'
ding has nothing to say about the fascist asshole, Paul, who attempts to dupe the mesmerized prisoners.
d's last post shows that there has been serious theological molestations done to the scapegoat. This excerpt reveals the contradictions in d's reasoning of moving toward or away from, and why telescopes also fail:

'The absolutely infinite cannot be de-fined as standing-out in relation to other things, nor even conceived as a determinate entity over against finitude as a whole, for then it would be represented as finite, i.e., as limited or bounded by another entity or entities that it is not, in which case it would not be absolutely unlimited. In the case of christianity, this philosophical insight comes into conflict with religious belief in a god who is represented as an infinite Person in a determinate relation with a finite world that he has created and (at least part of which) he plants to redeem. Jewish and Muslim religious scholars have similar difficulties.'
(Shults, Iconoclastic Theology)
My world doesn’t revolve around Paul.
ding has nothing to say about the fascist asshole, Paul, who attempts to dupe the mesmerized prisoners.
d's last post shows that there has been serious theological molestations done to the scapegoat. This excerpt reveals the contradictions in d's reasoning of moving toward or away from, and why telescopes also fail:

'The absolutely infinite cannot be de-fined as standing-out in relation to other things, nor even conceived as a determinate entity over against finitude as a whole, for then it would be represented as finite, i.e., as limited or bounded by another entity or entities that it is not, in which case it would not be absolutely unlimited. In the case of christianity, this philosophical insight comes into conflict with religious belief in a god who is represented as an infinite Person in a determinate relation with a finite world that he has created and (at least part of which) he plants to redeem. Jewish and Muslim religious scholars have similar difficulties.'
(Shults, Iconoclastic Theology)
There are no errors in the possible state of relationships. There are logically only three possible states.
#2571 states 'Einstein said he saw god in the rules and order that governs the universe.'

For Einstein's theory of relativity as a symbol for a fiction, see Deleuze, Bergsonism.
Bergsonism : Gilles Deleuze : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
That was before the Hubble telescope showed so many galaxies which we thought were stars.

We should expect one intelligent life form in each galaxy.

"We should expect one intelligent life form in each galaxy."

I wonder if there is any intelligent life in OUR galaxy.....?
#2571 states 'Einstein said he saw god in the rules and order that governs the universe.'

For Einstein's theory of relativity as a symbol for a fiction, see Deleuze, Bergsonism.
Bergsonism : Gilles Deleuze : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
That was before the Hubble telescope showed so many galaxies which we thought were stars.

We should expect one intelligent life form in each galaxy.

"We should expect one intelligent life form in each galaxy."

I wonder if there is any intelligent life in OUR galaxy.....?
"We should expect one intelligent life form in each galaxy."

The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy with a diameter between 150,000 and 200,000 light-years (ly). It is estimated to contain 100–400 billion stars and more than 100 billion planets.

you don't think you might be overstating the possibility do you ... 100 billion to 1.

the physiology that sustains life on planet Earth is not native to the planet but developed as a substance long after the planets formation. that might conclude, anywhere the conditions are favorable life will evolve - from the metaphysical. and potentially in abundance.
#2571 states 'Einstein said he saw god in the rules and order that governs the universe.'

For Einstein's theory of relativity as a symbol for a fiction, see Deleuze, Bergsonism.
Bergsonism : Gilles Deleuze : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
That was before the Hubble telescope showed so many galaxies which we thought were stars.

We should expect one intelligent life form in each galaxy.

"We should expect one intelligent life form in each galaxy."

I wonder if there is any intelligent life in OUR galaxy.....?
"We should expect one intelligent life form in each galaxy."

The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy with a diameter between 150,000 and 200,000 light-years (ly). It is estimated to contain 100–400 billion stars and more than 100 billion planets.

you don't think you might be overstating the possibility do you ... 100 billion to 1.

the physiology that sustains life on planet Earth is not native to the planet but developed as a substance long after the planets formation. that might conclude, anywhere the conditions are favorable life will evolve - from the metaphysical. and potentially in abundance.

I was making a joke......suggesting that, so far, including earth, we have found NO INTELLIGENT life....

just a joke....
Many theists believe it is clear-cut. Humans can only have opinions about morality, and no one’s opinion is any more valid than anyone else’s. This leads them to the conclusion that an objective source of morality must stand apart from, and above, humans. That source, they say, is God. Since atheists, reject God, atheists can have no basis for morality.

This is really two separate arguments: (1) that God is the source of objective morality and humans can learn morality from God and (2) that humans on their own have no way to know what is moral and what is not.

Can atheists be moral? - Atheist Alliance International
How moral is it that anyone can do anything no matter how evil and even that person can become a member of Christianity and make it to heaven?

They say it doesn’t work that way but it does. They just don’t realize.
Many theists believe it is clear-cut. Humans can only have opinions about morality, and no one’s opinion is any more valid than anyone else’s. This leads them to the conclusion that an objective source of morality must stand apart from, and above, humans. That source, they say, is God. Since atheists, reject God, atheists can have no basis for morality.

This is really two separate arguments: (1) that God is the source of objective morality and humans can learn morality from God and (2) that humans on their own have no way to know what is moral and what is not.

Can atheists be moral? - Atheist Alliance International
How moral is it that anyone can do anything no matter how evil and even that person can become a member of Christianity and make it to heaven?

They say it doesn’t work that way but it does. They just don’t realize.
They say it doesn’t work that way but it does. They just don’t realize.

they do realize their dreadful history with a zeal to do more, not a remorseful one among them. their forged book is a magnet for mischievousness.
How moral is it that anyone can do anything no matter how evil and even that person can become a member of Christianity and make it to heaven?
It isn't. But if you were deluded into thinking you could have eternal life, well, we're all just placeholders here anyway for a timy slice of time. So what's the significance?
How moral is it that anyone can do anything no matter how evil and even that person can become a member of Christianity and make it to heaven?
It isn't. But if you were deluded into thinking you could have eternal life, well, we're all just placeholders here anyway for a timy slice of time. So what's the significance?
Ridiculous! You are giving the WRONG example in your suppression of the "CHRISTIAN MESSAGE". Yes, GOD does forgive but through CHRIST. When One accepts the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE --- one becomes a NEW CREATURE. SUCH an individual no longer hates his fellow man but wish them to be saved ALSO!. Repentance comes with the movement of the HOLY SPIRIT in the lives of those who make CHRIST LORD of their lives. The Atheist is the one suppressing the FACTS of TRUTH. They do not wish to see that suppression of the TRUTH is what bring us ignorance, and not seeing babies in the womb as people, and not seeing promiscuity as undermining marriage, and not seeing homosexuality as dysfunctional unity! And then proceed to an acceptance that gender is whatever one wishes it to be. Such are paving the way for the ANTICHRIST to fool the nations!
How moral is it that anyone can do anything no matter how evil and even that person can become a member of Christianity and make it to heaven?
It isn't. But if you were deluded into thinking you could have eternal life, well, we're all just placeholders here anyway for a timy slice of time. So what's the significance?
Ridiculous! You are giving the WRONG example in your suppression of the "CHRISTIAN MESSAGE". Yes, GOD does forgive but through CHRIST. When One accept the life, the truth and the way, one becomes a NEW CREATURE. That one no longer hates his fellow man but wish them to be saved ALSO!. Repentance comes with the movement of the HOLY SPIRIT in the lives of those who make CHRIST LORD of their lives. The Atheist is the one suppressing the FACTS of TRUTH. They do not wish to see that suppression of the TRUTH is what bring us ignorance, and not seeing babies in the womb as people, and not seeing promiscuity as undermining marriage, and not seeing homosexuality as dysfunctional unity! And then proceed to an acceptance that gender is whatever one wishes it to be. Such are paving the way for the ANTICHRIST to fool the nations!
Sorry, none of that matters. Just pray to baby Jesus, and that all goes away, per the immoral religion you love.
How moral is it that anyone can do anything no matter how evil and even that person can become a member of Christianity and make it to heaven?
It isn't. But if you were deluded into thinking you could have eternal life, well, we're all just placeholders here anyway for a timy slice of time. So what's the significance?
Ridiculous! You are giving the WRONG example in your suppression of the "CHRISTIAN MESSAGE". Yes, GOD does forgive but through CHRIST. When One accept the life, the truth and the way, one becomes a NEW CREATURE. That one no longer hates his fellow man but wish them to be saved ALSO!. Repentance comes with the movement of the HOLY SPIRIT in the lives of those who make CHRIST LORD of their lives. The Atheist is the one suppressing the FACTS of TRUTH. They do not wish to see that suppression of the TRUTH is what bring us ignorance, and not seeing babies in the womb as people, and not seeing promiscuity as undermining marriage, and not seeing homosexuality as dysfunctional unity! And then proceed to an acceptance that gender is whatever one wishes it to be. Such are paving the way for the ANTICHRIST to fool the nations!
Sorry, none of that matters. Just pray to baby Jesus, and that all goes away, per the immoral religion you love.
I see the attention seeking troll just cant help himself,,,
How moral is it that anyone can do anything no matter how evil and even that person can become a member of Christianity and make it to heaven?
It isn't. But if you were deluded into thinking you could have eternal life, well, we're all just placeholders here anyway for a timy slice of time. So what's the significance?
Ridiculous! You are giving the WRONG example in your suppression of the "CHRISTIAN MESSAGE". Yes, GOD does forgive but through CHRIST. When One accept the life, the truth and the way, one becomes a NEW CREATURE. That one no longer hates his fellow man but wish them to be saved ALSO!. Repentance comes with the movement of the HOLY SPIRIT in the lives of those who make CHRIST LORD of their lives. The Atheist is the one suppressing the FACTS of TRUTH. They do not wish to see that suppression of the TRUTH is what bring us ignorance, and not seeing babies in the womb as people, and not seeing promiscuity as undermining marriage, and not seeing homosexuality as dysfunctional unity! And then proceed to an acceptance that gender is whatever one wishes it to be. Such are paving the way for the ANTICHRIST to fool the nations!
Sorry, none of that matters. Just pray to baby Jesus, and that all goes away, per the immoral religion you love.
We are reaching the end of this AGE. Jesus is KING of kings and LORD of lords, and your so-called "morality" will bring you only to the gates of hell.Your morality is one of --believe what you wish, say what you want, do what you will ----- but keep your opinions to yourself, will reap you nothing but confusion and a whirlwind.

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