Can Atheists be Moral?

How moral is it that anyone can do anything no matter how evil and even that person can become a member of Christianity and make it to heaven?
It isn't. But if you were deluded into thinking you could have eternal life, well, we're all just placeholders here anyway for a timy slice of time. So what's the significance?

See, I'm a well grounded atheist. I know that the Vegas shooter probably wasn't a Christian. Probably didn't believe in God. When I watch shows like Forensic Files or the First 48 I often find myself thinking that the person who murdered the victim probably could have used some religion growing up. But really religion is unnecessary. What he probably could have used was two good parents.

“I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking. The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.” – Carl Sagan
How moral is it that anyone can do anything no matter how evil and even that person can become a member of Christianity and make it to heaven?
It isn't. But if you were deluded into thinking you could have eternal life, well, we're all just placeholders here anyway for a timy slice of time. So what's the significance?
Ridiculous! You are giving the WRONG example in your suppression of the "CHRISTIAN MESSAGE". Yes, GOD does forgive but through CHRIST. When One accepts the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE --- one becomes a NEW CREATURE. SUCH an individual no longer hates his fellow man but wish them to be saved ALSO!. Repentance comes with the movement of the HOLY SPIRIT in the lives of those who make CHRIST LORD of their lives. The Atheist is the one suppressing the FACTS of TRUTH. They do not wish to see that suppression of the TRUTH is what bring us ignorance, and not seeing babies in the womb as people, and not seeing promiscuity as undermining marriage, and not seeing homosexuality as dysfunctional unity! And then proceed to an acceptance that gender is whatever one wishes it to be. Such are paving the way for the ANTICHRIST to fool the nations!
We see it. But are we free or not? You want to legislate morality? You will fail.
What he probably could have used was two good parents.
He may have had two good parents. Mental illness is not something you can "parent away", especially when it sets in late in life.
True. He may also have had religion.

But violence sanctified is deeply embedded in nearly every religion. Here are some examples:

In the Jewish bible, God kills innocent Egyptian children to teach the pharaoh a lesson.

Violence in the Name of God
How moral is it that anyone can do anything no matter how evil and even that person can become a member of Christianity and make it to heaven?
It isn't. But if you were deluded into thinking you could have eternal life, well, we're all just placeholders here anyway for a timy slice of time. So what's the significance?
Ridiculous! You are giving the WRONG example in your suppression of the "CHRISTIAN MESSAGE". Yes, GOD does forgive but through CHRIST. When One accept the life, the truth and the way, one becomes a NEW CREATURE. That one no longer hates his fellow man but wish them to be saved ALSO!. Repentance comes with the movement of the HOLY SPIRIT in the lives of those who make CHRIST LORD of their lives. The Atheist is the one suppressing the FACTS of TRUTH. They do not wish to see that suppression of the TRUTH is what bring us ignorance, and not seeing babies in the womb as people, and not seeing promiscuity as undermining marriage, and not seeing homosexuality as dysfunctional unity! And then proceed to an acceptance that gender is whatever one wishes it to be. Such are paving the way for the ANTICHRIST to fool the nations!
Sorry, none of that matters. Just pray to baby Jesus, and that all goes away, per the immoral religion you love.
We are reaching the end of this AGE. Jesus is KING of kings and LORD of lords, and your so-called "morality" will bring you only to the gates of hell.Your morality is one of --believe what you wish, say what you want, do what you will ----- but keep your opinions to yourself, will reap you nothing but confusion and a whirlwind.

Jesus is just one of many religious heads. Not the first and not even the last.

Christians in the years after Jesus believed the end days were near. Nothing happened in their lifetime. Martin Luther in the 1500's was sure the end days were upon us. Nothing.

Humans will be on this planet for millions of years. Thousands if Republicans are in charge.
We are reaching the end of this AGE.
Haha...okay shaman...put down the goat sacrifice and slowly back away....
JESUS paid it ALL ---- ALREADY!

You guys make such a big deal about one guy who was tortured 2000 years ago. You think that one sacrifice is impressive? It's so ridiculous to people on the outside of the cult looking in. But we can see how you were brainwashed.

"Jesus paid it all. LOL. Yea well so did Jeffrey Dahmer's victims. Jesus is the ultimate martyr.
We are reaching the end of this AGE.
Haha...okay shaman...put down the goat sacrifice and slowly back away....
JESUS paid it ALL ---- ALREADY!

You guys make such a big deal about one guy who was tortured 2000 years ago. You think that one sacrifice is impressive? It's so ridiculous to people on the outside of the cult looking in. But we can see how you were brainwashed.

"Jesus paid it all. LOL. Yea well so did Jeffrey Dahmer's victims. Jesus is the ultimate martyr.
You’re still talking about it. :lol:
We are reaching the end of this AGE.
Haha...okay shaman...put down the goat sacrifice and slowly back away....
JESUS paid it ALL ---- ALREADY!

You guys make such a big deal about one guy who was tortured 2000 years ago. You think that one sacrifice is impressive? It's so ridiculous to people on the outside of the cult looking in. But we can see how you were brainwashed.

"Jesus paid it all. LOL. Yea well so did Jeffrey Dahmer's victims. Jesus is the ultimate martyr.
You’re still talking about it. :lol:
I still talk about Zeus too so what?
We are reaching the end of this AGE.
Haha...okay shaman...put down the goat sacrifice and slowly back away....
JESUS paid it ALL ---- ALREADY!

You guys make such a big deal about one guy who was tortured 2000 years ago. You think that one sacrifice is impressive? It's so ridiculous to people on the outside of the cult looking in. But we can see how you were brainwashed.

"Jesus paid it all. LOL. Yea well so did Jeffrey Dahmer's victims. Jesus is the ultimate martyr.
You’re still talking about it. :lol:
I still talk about Zeus too so what?
No you don’t.
Haha...okay shaman...put down the goat sacrifice and slowly back away....
JESUS paid it ALL ---- ALREADY!

You guys make such a big deal about one guy who was tortured 2000 years ago. You think that one sacrifice is impressive? It's so ridiculous to people on the outside of the cult looking in. But we can see how you were brainwashed.

"Jesus paid it all. LOL. Yea well so did Jeffrey Dahmer's victims. Jesus is the ultimate martyr.
You’re still talking about it. :lol:
I still talk about Zeus too so what?
No you don’t.
Sure I do. He's another ancient God man made up because instinctively primitive man invented an invisible actor because to them "there must be a god". My dad basically lays out all the fatally flawed arguments every time we discuss. Is he listening to logic, science and reason? Nope. Like you he cherry picks from science.

Jesus is just the current hip new religion. Proof you don't get how long evolution takes is you don't see the evolution of religion. Although slowly dying you don't realize Jesus wasn't the first and isn't even the last martyr. We should all be talking about Joseph Smith and his myths about talking to God too.

See if you had the truth religion wouldn't need to lie.
JESUS paid it ALL ---- ALREADY!

You guys make such a big deal about one guy who was tortured 2000 years ago. You think that one sacrifice is impressive? It's so ridiculous to people on the outside of the cult looking in. But we can see how you were brainwashed.

"Jesus paid it all. LOL. Yea well so did Jeffrey Dahmer's victims. Jesus is the ultimate martyr.
You’re still talking about it. :lol:
I still talk about Zeus too so what?
No you don’t.
Sure I do. He's another ancient God man made up because instinctively primitive man invented an invisible actor because to them "there must be a god". My dad basically lays out all the fatally flawed arguments every time we discuss. Is he listening to logic, science and reason? Nope. Like you he cherry picks from science.

Jesus is just the current hip new religion. Proof you don't get how long evolution takes is you don't see the evolution of religion. Although slowly dying you don't realize Jesus wasn't the first and isn't even the last martyr. We should all be talking about Joseph Smith and his myths about talking to God too.

See if you had the truth religion wouldn't need to lie.
Can’t say I have seen post about him before.
Christians in the years after Jesus believed the end days were near. Nothing happened in their lifetime. Martin Luther in the 1500's was sure the end days were upon us. Nothing.

How do you know nothing would happen? I suppose things were so bad that people thought the end times would come. Sir Isaac Newton predicted 2060, but we do not know.

The atheists have their own catastrophic ending. It doesn't make sense to me because on one hand they state it will come by AGW. However, that is not the catastrophe. They believe that an asteroid will hit the Earth. I think that will come first. I mean we see articles all the time of how close a gigantic asteroid came millions of miles close to Earth. We also have supervolcanoes to worry about. This is second, and the coup de gras is AGW. Thus, it's the old evolutionary tale of how the dinosaurs were wiped off the face of the planet applied to humans.

The Bible theory says that we will die via a gamma ray explosion from deep space and the whole Earth will be engulfed in fire. That will kill everybody. However, the giant asteroid, supervolcano, and AGW won't get everyone. There you go.
Christians in the years after Jesus believed the end days were near. Nothing happened in their lifetime. Martin Luther in the 1500's was sure the end days were upon us. Nothing.

How do you know nothing would happen? I suppose things were so bad that people thought the end times would come. Sir Isaac Newton predicted 2060, but we do not know.

The atheists have their own catastrophic ending. It doesn't make sense to me because on one hand they state it will come by AGW. However, that is not the catastrophe. They believe that an asteroid will hit the Earth. I think that will come first. I mean we see articles all the time of how close a gigantic asteroid came millions of miles close to Earth. We also have supervolcanoes to worry about. This is second, and the coup de gras is AGW. Thus, it's the old evolutionary tale of how the dinosaurs were wiped off the face of the planet applied to humans.

The Bible theory says that we will die via a gamma ray explosion from deep space and the whole Earth will be engulfed in fire. That will kill everybody. However, the giant asteroid, supervolcano, and AGW won't get everyone. There you go.

There is no such thing as "bible theory".

Secondly, nowhere do any of the bibles say "we will die via a gamma ray explosion from deep space and the whole Earth will be engulfed in fire."

Since that is your fraud, kindly provide the exact citation for the above or just acknowledge your fraud and misrepresentation.

BTW, the events you describe above obviously contradict the fraud of a "fine tuned universe".
You guys make such a big deal about one guy who was tortured 2000 years ago. You think that one sacrifice is impressive? It's so ridiculous to people on the outside of the cult looking in. But we can see how you were brainwashed.

"Jesus paid it all. LOL. Yea well so did Jeffrey Dahmer's victims. Jesus is the ultimate martyr.
You’re still talking about it. :lol:
I still talk about Zeus too so what?
No you don’t.
Sure I do. He's another ancient God man made up because instinctively primitive man invented an invisible actor because to them "there must be a god". My dad basically lays out all the fatally flawed arguments every time we discuss. Is he listening to logic, science and reason? Nope. Like you he cherry picks from science.

Jesus is just the current hip new religion. Proof you don't get how long evolution takes is you don't see the evolution of religion. Although slowly dying you don't realize Jesus wasn't the first and isn't even the last martyr. We should all be talking about Joseph Smith and his myths about talking to God too.

See if you had the truth religion wouldn't need to lie.
Can’t say I have seen post about him before.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
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