Can Atheists be Moral?

You wouldn’t have understood it
Understood...what? The laughably bad book you referenced in the other thread? Haha..that book is garbage.
Now let’s talk about the use of proxies in science shall we?

Do you know what a proxy is and why it is used in science?
No ding. I am not your assistant. If you have a point to make, you can make it all by your big boy self.
The point was pretty obvious. I’m sure even you got it. Do you need for me to explain it to you so you can understand?
Note that pastor Phil Harrington is expressing the colors of the nazi fylfot (red, white, black) as he argues for direct, in-your-face copulation of church and state.
No one I know wants a theocracy.

But the Nazis were far left.
That's why they left religion intact.
What are you yammering about?
Ecclesiastical elongation affermation
That was even more than less than helpful.
You wouldn’t have understood it
Understood...what? The laughably bad book you referenced in the other thread? Haha..that book is garbage.
Now let’s talk about the use of proxies in science shall we?

Do you know what a proxy is and why it is used in science?
No ding. I am not your assistant. If you have a point to make, you can make it all by your big boy self.
The point was pretty obvious. I’m sure even you got it. Do you need for me to explain it to you so you can understand?
You made no point. Except for that one dumb thing you said about quadrupeds.
You wouldn’t have understood it
Understood...what? The laughably bad book you referenced in the other thread? Haha..that book is garbage.
Now let’s talk about the use of proxies in science shall we?

Do you know what a proxy is and why it is used in science?
No ding. I am not your assistant. If you have a point to make, you can make it all by your big boy self.
The point was pretty obvious. I’m sure even you got it. Do you need for me to explain it to you so you can understand?
You made no point. Except for that one dumb thing you said about quadrupeds.
They used what they learned from the fossils from the evolution of mammals to fill in the gaps of the evolution of tetrapods.

I still talk about Zeus too so what?
No you don’t.
Sure I do. He's another ancient God man made up because instinctively primitive man invented an invisible actor because to them "there must be a god". My dad basically lays out all the fatally flawed arguments every time we discuss. Is he listening to logic, science and reason? Nope. Like you he cherry picks from science.

Jesus is just the current hip new religion. Proof you don't get how long evolution takes is you don't see the evolution of religion. Although slowly dying you don't realize Jesus wasn't the first and isn't even the last martyr. We should all be talking about Joseph Smith and his myths about talking to God too.

See if you had the truth religion wouldn't need to lie.
Can’t say I have seen post about him before.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
Cool story, bro.

I don’t have to disagree with everything every religion believes. You do.

If you don't agree with the main premise???

You're sugar coating the fact they are man made up lies. And you believe this is evidence for God. Clearly it's evidence that we made him up.
No you don’t.
Sure I do. He's another ancient God man made up because instinctively primitive man invented an invisible actor because to them "there must be a god". My dad basically lays out all the fatally flawed arguments every time we discuss. Is he listening to logic, science and reason? Nope. Like you he cherry picks from science.

Jesus is just the current hip new religion. Proof you don't get how long evolution takes is you don't see the evolution of religion. Although slowly dying you don't realize Jesus wasn't the first and isn't even the last martyr. We should all be talking about Joseph Smith and his myths about talking to God too.

See if you had the truth religion wouldn't need to lie.
Can’t say I have seen post about him before.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
Cool story, bro.

I don’t have to disagree with everything every religion believes. You do.

If you don't agree with the main premise???

You're sugar coating the fact they are man made up lies. And you believe this is evidence for God. Clearly it's evidence that we made him up.
I couldn’t disagree more. The evidence at our disposal says different. You’ve never examined the evidence.
Moonglow @ post 2641 says 'wrong question.' Harrington is duping the people for his photo-op (post #2635), and Freedom From Religion exposes this exclusive xian attempt to confiscate the rule of law. The nazi colors Harrington is wearing serve an important purpose.

'There's not much sense in making a moral case against nazism. Nazism is morality itself.'
(Nick Land, Making it with Death: Remarks on Thanatos and Desiring Production)

Harrington chose the wardrobe carefully and feels safe hiding behind the nazi fylfot colors, red, white and black, colors most easily seen on the open sea, the open sea of media politics. Does the reader actually have the cringing desire to live in one of these Texas towns? Good luck, Einstein.
There's this latest study.

New Study Shows Atheists Just Want To Sin

New Study Shows Atheists Just Want To Sin
Atheists just want to worship created things.
No, that's embarrasingly stupid.

On the other hand, theists want to worship --even be enslaved by -- madeup gods and fairies and sky daddies.
It’s totally true. Read my signature.
Nah,it's crap you use to soothe yourwelf and to troll. Which shows that your faith is pretty shaky.
There's this latest study.

New Study Shows Atheists Just Want To Sin

New Study Shows Atheists Just Want To Sin
Atheists just want to worship created things.
No, that's embarrasingly stupid.

On the other hand, theists want to worship --even be enslaved by -- madeup gods and fairies and sky daddies.
It’s totally true. Read my signature.
Nah,it's crap you use to soothe yourwelf and to troll. Which shows that your faith is pretty shaky.
Read my signature.

Nah,it's crap you use to soothe yourwelf and to troll. Which shows that your faith is pretty shaky.

his signature is also how christians win elections, "they are socialists" - scaring the same people that need to read their book to believe in something, for them to vote in the same manner ... out of fear. and they have succeeded for centuries.

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