Can Atheists be Moral?

the metaphysical is responsible for life, there is no material that is not living
Now that makes sense to me. Requires a non-standard or redefinition of life, but I'm game. All dink's appeals to "space time" and so-called "laws of thermodynamics" aside, what kills me most is the name dropping of famous physicists who would never describe biblical time frames of "creation" as accurate if even possible, GIVEN they accepted and argued for any of the universe beginning theories discussed. Desperate, wishful thinking induced crap.
Really? That makes sense to you?
Historically true as well since Christianity apparently began with three travelling "wise men" or "magi" {hucksters} "bearing" magical magnet fragments from a fallen "star" [meteor], wowing people along the way by demonstrating their properties with intertwined fantastic fables and pagan wisdom. Happen upon some poor woman having a baby in a manger and the rest is recorded history, ahem, fantasy. Perhaps literally the first snake oil salesmen.

Except magnets are of actual practical use beyond a placebo effect. But I digress, LOL!

Your first paragraph is pretty wacko. It's difficult enough dealing with the false teachers placed in the church, but you're a pagan. At least, ding is bringing your true self out more.

I have some magnet stories such as atheist/secular scientists think that gravity is weak because of it or they're wrong about what causes the magnetic field (different topic for another day and in the s&t forum).
No. Science does not back up the bibles.

Wrong again. Real science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. I've checked. Can I help it your worldview precludes you from true religion? Atheism isn't a true religion. It is based on false religion and false science. For example, God does not exist.

I've said it many times ad nauseum. You do not have the intellectual capacity to separate ID and creation science, so that is why I consider you looney. They are separate groups. Religious groups have separate groups, many which are cults, so it's difficult enough to keep those separate.
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I have some magnet stories such as atheist/secular scientists think that gravity is weak because of it or they're wrong about what causes the magnetic field (different topic for another day and in the s&t forum).
Oh, "what causes the magnetic field", Einstein?
I have some magnet stories such as atheist/secular scientists think that gravity is weak because of it or they're wrong about what causes the magnetic field (different topic for another day and in the s&t forum).
Oh, "what causes the magnetic field", Einstein?
It originates in the core of the earth. Some believe it is an iron core. Others believe it is a nuclear reactor core. The main difference to us is how much longer it will continue to create a magnetic field. If it is nuclear it has a much shorter remaining life. But we’ll all be gone long before it plays out.
I have some magnet stories such as atheist/secular scientists think that gravity is weak because of it or they're wrong about what causes the magnetic field (different topic for another day and in the s&t forum).
Oh, "what causes the magnetic field", Einstein?
It originates in the core of the earth. Some believe it is an iron core. Others believe it is a nuclear reactor core. The main difference to us is how much longer it will continue to create a magnetic field. If it is nuclear it has a much shorter remaining life. But we’ll all be gone long before it plays out.
Not you. The other moron.
Hmm...seeing him create a planet and then, explaining to me how he did it. Then, doing it again, while I watched. A small request. That would be fairly persuasive. But still, I woild suspect I was hallucinating or delusional (a foreign concept to you, no doubt). So he would then have to do it again for me and a panel of scientists, at least 10 or 20 more times.

But that still wouldn't mean I would worship him or even like him. If the nasty rag that is the bible is to be believed, he has a lot of explaining to do before i even think about not considering him to be a vile, nasty little god.

He already explained it, but you missed it.
I have some magnet stories such as atheist/secular scientists think that gravity is weak because of it or they're wrong about what causes the magnetic field (different topic for another day and in the s&t forum).
Oh, "what causes the magnetic field", Einstein?
It originates in the core of the earth. Some believe it is an iron core. Others believe it is a nuclear reactor core. The main difference to us is how much longer it will continue to create a magnetic field. If it is nuclear it has a much shorter remaining life. But we’ll all be gone long before it plays out.
Not you. The other moron.
^ dunning effect
the metaphysical is responsible for life, there is no material that is not living
Now that makes sense to me. Requires a non-standard or redefinition of life, but I'm game. All dink's appeals to "space time" and so-called "laws of thermodynamics" aside, what kills me most is the name dropping of famous physicists who would never describe biblical time frames of "creation" as accurate if even possible, GIVEN they accepted and argued for any of the universe beginning theories discussed. Desperate, wishful thinking induced crap.

LMAO. BW thinks atoms are living matter. Boy, do I have a bridge to sell to you.
The magnetic field is caused by plate tectonics which was explained by creation scientist, Alfred Wegener.
Thanks. Hilarious!


Hmm, "caused by plate tectonics"?
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