Can Atheists be Moral?

see what - your cartoon ... good idea.

The cartoon shows how Satan influences us. If you tell it to get lost when he tempts you, then you will be better off for it.

Our conscience, our sense of justice is tied to our morals and that is evidence of God. He made us in his image. Deep down we know that there is a God. What disrupts this is Satan's temptations. Now, you may prefer to discuss things with Grumblenuts, but you end up with me.
see what - your cartoon ... good idea.

The cartoon shows how Satan influences us. If you tell it to get lost when he tempts you, then you will be better off for it.

Our conscience, our sense of justice is tied to our morals and that is evidence of God. He made us in his image. Deep down we know that there is a God. What disrupts this is Satan's temptations. Now, you may prefer to discuss things with Grumblenuts, but you end up with me.
Satan doesn’t influence “us”. That you spend your life in fear of ancient myth and superstition is your nightmare to deal with. Don’t presume your irrational fears and superstitions are shared by others.
For more than 30 years I worked to overturn Roe v. Wade. As an evangelical minister, I was deeply engaged in the world of the religious right, beginning with my vote for Ronald Reagan for president in 1980. I believed he would appoint Supreme Court justices committed to protecting unborn children, and Antonin Scalia, appointed in 1986, fulfilled my expectations. Later, when President George Bush nominated to the court another strong pro-lifer, Clarence Thomas, I led a vigil at our church to pray for his confirmation.
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For more than 30 years I worked to overturn Roe v. Wade. As an evangelical minister, I was deeply engaged in the world of the religious right, beginning with my vote for Ronald Reagan for president in 1980. I believed he would appoint Supreme Court justices committed to protecting unborn children, and Antonin Scalia, appointed in 1986, fulfilled my expectations. Later, when President George Bush nominated to the court another strong pro-lifer, Clarence Thomas, I led a vigil at our church to pray for his confirmation.
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They should overturn Roe v. Wade and make abortion illegal. That will save the infant. However, there has to be more done such as making the father pay in raising the child such as child support to a orphanage or mother, or else forced vasectomy. The mother has contribute, too, unless she raises the child herself, or else forced sterilization. Raising one child is not going to bankrupt you. If it happens again with her of her free will, then she should be sterilized. Same with the father. It's stupid to put them in jail for murder.

That solves the argument against the poor having harder lives due to unwanted pregnancies.
The grown ups have done their talking. It's just you and BW left with your whispers to each other.
For more than 30 years I worked to overturn Roe v. Wade. As an evangelical minister, I was deeply engaged in the world of the religious right, beginning with my vote for Ronald Reagan for president in 1980. I believed he would appoint Supreme Court justices committed to protecting unborn children, and Antonin Scalia, appointed in 1986, fulfilled my expectations. Later, when President George Bush nominated to the court another strong pro-lifer, Clarence Thomas, I led a vigil at our church to pray for his confirmation.
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They should overturn Roe v. Wade and make abortion illegal. That will save the infant. However, there has to be more done such as making the father pay in raising the child such as child support to a orphanage or mother, or else forced vasectomy. The mother has contribute, too, unless she raises the child herself, or else forced sterilization. Raising one child is not going to bankrupt you. If it happens again with her of her free will, then she should be sterilized. Same with the father. It's stupid to put them in jail for murder.

That solves the argument against the poor having harder lives due to unwanted pregnancies.

Ahh, government sterilization. Good plan.

You bump into things and fall down a lot, right?
Congratulations. A child is not a fetus.
Lord have mercy. At long last. Praise the lord! Some lord or other. Lord Kelvin?
Now if you will only recognize that abortions are explicitly designed to terminate a human life.
I'll grant you "designed to terminate" and "life" in general, but too many other useful purposes to presume "explicitly" and certainly not limited to "human life." The main purposes regarding humans (pregnant women) are made much clearer here:
Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus.[note 1] An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is called an induced abortion, or less frequently "induced miscarriage". The unmodified word abortion generally refers to an induced abortion.[1][2] A similar procedure after the fetus has potential to survive outside the womb is known as a "late termination of pregnancy" or less accurately as a "late term abortion".[3]
No. Abortion is the termination of a human life.

Why do you keep dehumanizing human life?

Can your conscience not take you believing you are ending a human life?
Why are you such a dumbass?
Induction of abortion in cattle is a common procedure and is done for a variety of reasons. Heifer calves may become pregnant at a very early age, predisposing them to dystocia as well as retarded growth during pregnancy and during the subsequent lactation.
Saying that abortion is the termination of pregnancy sounds better to you than saying abortion is designed to terminate a human life.

Your conscience needs to see it that way.
No, it's called being accurate (truthful). The term abortion really does apply to any animal capable of pregnancy. Don't like cows? Eat worms.
Sounds like fartsmoke to me. :lol:

The act of abortion by design is to end a life. In humans, which is what we are discussing, that life is a human life.
Saying that abortion is the termination of pregnancy sounds better to you than saying abortion is designed to terminate a human life.

Your conscience needs to see it that way.

I doubt this has anything to do with conscience as it's legal up to a certain point. Life begins from that point on. In ancient times, babies and children were routinely killed.

To play devil's advocate, what is moral about putting a mother to jail for murder?
So what about that horseshoe magnet? What I was trying to lead Grumblenuts to was that it was a rock from a rock layer magnetized by Earth's magnetic field. Thus, it has + and - polarity and while its magnetism is slowly decaying, it remains strong enough to lift the small metal bar from the surface. '

Earth's magnetic field is caused by normal freely decaying electrons in water. Their polarity was aligned by God, in the beginning, so it caused a jump start mechanism for Earth's magnetic field. Yet, like the horseshoe magnet, creation scientists know that Earth's magnetic field is decaying; they've known this since the 1800s. However, secular/atheist scientists think Earth is billions of years old due to evolution. We all know that Earth's magnetic field would decay to nothing in long time, so they came up with the dynamo theory. No such thing.

More evidence for a young Earth and that it backs up the Bible. I suppose being right is the truth, so one has to try to be as right as possible or truthful to be moral.
Well to this point you're failing miserably at the being "right as possible" part and your truthfulness doesn't look great either.. must be immoral. But incredibly dumb is what stands out most. You and ding make quite the pair.

You're the one who posted a pic of a horseshoe magnet, but could not tell us in simple terms how it was created. What a simpleton you are. I doubt you graduated high school.

Next, you post how magnetism works according to Eric Dollard and cannot answer questions about it. More evidence of you being a simpleton and why you cannot explain what Dollard is teaching in his figure.

Moreover, I can't even discuss Earth's magnetic field with you, but somehow you know by the aether (which you do not know how to get, nor explain what it is, nor explain anything basically) that you can criticize other people.

The intelligent people here should have gotten that secular/atheist scientists are wrong about the dynamo theory and Earth's magnetic field because they assume long-time. OTOH creation scientists understand that Earth's magnetic field will decay away in around 2800 years. That will cause problems, so it isn't a bad idea to see if we can find another planet to colonize. Can we be multiplanetary? That said, what is NASA more concerned about? Finding aliens on Mars lol.
It is the conscience which requires dehumanization to rationalize the unnecessary and unjustified taking of a human life.

You don’t need to throw momma in jail. The doctor will do.
The grown ups have done their talking. It's just you and BW left with your whispers to each other.
I don't see the angry bible thumpers as being the grownups. In fact, considering the history of angry bible thumpers and the horrific acts of cruelty they have inflicted in humanity, I would think the angry bible thumpers are the last people who should be spewing their cheap moralizing.
Lord have mercy. At long last. Praise the lord! Some lord or other. Lord Kelvin?
I'll grant you "designed to terminate" and "life" in general, but too many other useful purposes to presume "explicitly" and certainly not limited to "human life." The main purposes regarding humans (pregnant women) are made much clearer here:
No. Abortion is the termination of a human life.

Why do you keep dehumanizing human life?

Can your conscience not take you believing you are ending a human life?
Why are you such a dumbass?
Induction of abortion in cattle is a common procedure and is done for a variety of reasons. Heifer calves may become pregnant at a very early age, predisposing them to dystocia as well as retarded growth during pregnancy and during the subsequent lactation.
Saying that abortion is the termination of pregnancy sounds better to you than saying abortion is designed to terminate a human life.

Your conscience needs to see it that way.
No, it's called being accurate (truthful). The term abortion really does apply to any animal capable of pregnancy. Don't like cows? Eat worms.
Sounds like fartsmoke to me. :lol:

The act of abortion by design is to end a life. In humans, which is what we are discussing, that life is a human life.
The act of abortion by design is to end a life. In humans, which is what we are discussing, that life is a human life.

that life is a human life ...


your remarks reflect an unconscionable forgery written in the 4th century christian religion that has served no purpose but self gratification for the selfish and illiterate.

the religion of antiquity encompasses the Garden and all its inhabitants - what is done to one is the same for all others. were the triumph the reasonable conclusion, not that of christianity.
No. Abortion is the termination of a human life.

Why do you keep dehumanizing human life?

Can your conscience not take you believing you are ending a human life?
Why are you such a dumbass?
Induction of abortion in cattle is a common procedure and is done for a variety of reasons. Heifer calves may become pregnant at a very early age, predisposing them to dystocia as well as retarded growth during pregnancy and during the subsequent lactation.
Saying that abortion is the termination of pregnancy sounds better to you than saying abortion is designed to terminate a human life.

Your conscience needs to see it that way.
No, it's called being accurate (truthful). The term abortion really does apply to any animal capable of pregnancy. Don't like cows? Eat worms.
Sounds like fartsmoke to me. :lol:

The act of abortion by design is to end a life. In humans, which is what we are discussing, that life is a human life.
The act of abortion by design is to end a life. In humans, which is what we are discussing, that life is a human life.

that life is a human life ...


your remarks reflect an unconscionable forgery written in the 4th century christian religion that has served no purpose but self gratification for the selfish and illiterate.

the religion of antiquity encompasses the Garden and all its inhabitants - what is done to one is the same for all others. were the triumph the reasonable conclusion, not that of christianity.
Wrong. My comments reflect the Natural Law which is written in the hearts of all men.

If there had never been a bible or any religious texts for that matter the law of right and wrong would still be written in our hearts.
For more than 30 years I worked to overturn Roe v. Wade. As an evangelical minister, I was deeply engaged in the world of the religious right, beginning with my vote for Ronald Reagan for president in 1980. I believed he would appoint Supreme Court justices committed to protecting unborn children, and Antonin Scalia, appointed in 1986, fulfilled my expectations. Later, when President George Bush nominated to the court another strong pro-lifer, Clarence Thomas, I led a vigil at our church to pray for his confirmation.
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They should overturn Roe v. Wade and make abortion illegal. That will save the infant. However, there has to be more done such as making the father pay in raising the child such as child support to a orphanage or mother, or else forced vasectomy. The mother has contribute, too, unless she raises the child herself, or else forced sterilization. Raising one child is not going to bankrupt you. If it happens again with her of her free will, then she should be sterilized. Same with the father. It's stupid to put them in jail for murder.

That solves the argument against the poor having harder lives due to unwanted pregnancies.

Why make abortion illegal? That would tend to negatively impact the availability of young boys used by the Catholic Church for their pedophilia syndicate.
Over the last decade, I have changed my view on Roe. I’ve come to believe that overturning Roe would not be “pro-life”; rather, it would be destructive of life. I have witnessed firsthand and now appreciate the full significance of the terrible poverty, social marginalization and baldfaced racism that persists in many of the states whose legislators are now essentially banning abortion. If Roe is overturned, middle- and upper-class white women will still secure access to abortions by traveling to states where abortion is not banned, but members of minorities and poor whites will too often find themselves forced to bear children for whom they cannot adequately care.

What is “pro-life” about putting a woman in a situation where she must risk pregnancy without proper medical, social and emotional support? What is “pro-life” about forcing the birth of a child, if that child will enter a world of rejection, deprivation and insecurity, to say nothing of the fear, anxiety and danger that comes with poverty, crime and a lack of educational and employment opportunities?
Any reliance on a deity, with basis in the Western Holy Bible or Koran, fails at simple arithmetic. The relevance right now is the threat of the new tariffs against Mexico as a sanction regarding Immigration policies. The tariff is a regressive tax, aka usury.

The widely unknown Moses Atrocity was in fact the Sanctification of Usury. Israel could not use it against one another, (usury is lethal, and commonplace(?)). Israel could only screw foreigners instead, (Deut 23:19-2). It appears elsewhere, and so is even in the Bible(?). Now it is a Current Events, policy and news: And directly so applied. There appears to be Jews in the Trump family, no clergy so-state this Sunday morning.

Post-Hellenic New Testament opines the usury problem and a remedy of usury. That comes along maybe 1500 years later. Matthew 25:14-30 is about the Foreclosure Crisis, and how deeply hated Las Vegas real estate agents really were(?). People provided less to start with cannot possibly keep up with provided more: In the context of the usury at the Exchangers, generally a fixed percentage. People unable to keep up tend to be cast out even of any Market Place. In Matthew 20: 1-16, an equal amount Cost-of-Living Adjustment is shown. Regardless of any amount originally provided, the Living Wage amount for the day is paid to everyone equally.

Instead of a depleted marketplace, everyone has something to take to the marketplace, just like everyone else.

So the Deity-Sanctified method is actually condemned, remedied, and never so-stated.

Koran merely condemns wealth from Riba.

Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and Keynes and Friedman take note of the stories at all.

Subsequent McGovern-Nixon, Republicans created the per child equal amount tax credit as a remedy for the regressive Payroll Tax. In the 1986 US Tax Reform, Reagan signed on to raising and indexing the personal exemptions and standard deduction. Clinton Expanded the Child Credit. Obama made the Make Work Pay Equal Amount tax credit refundable. That Bush had relied on the outdated arithmetic of tax cuts to relieve a recession. In the foregoing years, more and more filers actually had zero income tax liability, and so the economy failed.

Even today and yesterday and so on: No clergy anywhere will make the report.

Accepting Deity existence is accepting of the horror of the sanctified method only. The Republicans took the Obama plan away.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many find solace now in Holy Smoke!)
The widely unknown Moses Atrocity was in fact the Sanctification of Usury.
That fits the bill. Explains why chucking the "Old Testament" was really deemed necessary. The new, improved Jesus model. Stuffing the old, angry "God" safely away, out of potential reach, etc.

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Why are you such a dumbass?
Saying that abortion is the termination of pregnancy sounds better to you than saying abortion is designed to terminate a human life.

Your conscience needs to see it that way.
No, it's called being accurate (truthful). The term abortion really does apply to any animal capable of pregnancy. Don't like cows? Eat worms.
Sounds like fartsmoke to me. :lol:

The act of abortion by design is to end a life. In humans, which is what we are discussing, that life is a human life.
The act of abortion by design is to end a life. In humans, which is what we are discussing, that life is a human life.

that life is a human life ...


your remarks reflect an unconscionable forgery written in the 4th century christian religion that has served no purpose but self gratification for the selfish and illiterate.

the religion of antiquity encompasses the Garden and all its inhabitants - what is done to one is the same for all others. were the triumph the reasonable conclusion, not that of christianity.
Wrong. My comments reflect the Natural Law which is written in the hearts of all men.

If there had never been a bible or any religious texts for that matter the law of right and wrong would still be written in our hearts.
If there had never been a bible or any religious texts for that matter the law of right and wrong would still be written in our hearts.

no, you are a christian, it is not written in your heart it is replaced by your 10000 pg forged document - the persecution and victimization of the innocent is what is written in your heart.

and you have not answered if your priest gave you permission for the solution you chose.
Saying that abortion is the termination of pregnancy sounds better to you than saying abortion is designed to terminate a human life.

Your conscience needs to see it that way.
No, it's called being accurate (truthful). The term abortion really does apply to any animal capable of pregnancy. Don't like cows? Eat worms.
Sounds like fartsmoke to me. :lol:

The act of abortion by design is to end a life. In humans, which is what we are discussing, that life is a human life.
The act of abortion by design is to end a life. In humans, which is what we are discussing, that life is a human life.

that life is a human life ...


your remarks reflect an unconscionable forgery written in the 4th century christian religion that has served no purpose but self gratification for the selfish and illiterate.

the religion of antiquity encompasses the Garden and all its inhabitants - what is done to one is the same for all others. were the triumph the reasonable conclusion, not that of christianity.
Wrong. My comments reflect the Natural Law which is written in the hearts of all men.

If there had never been a bible or any religious texts for that matter the law of right and wrong would still be written in our hearts.
If there had never been a bible or any religious texts for that matter the law of right and wrong would still be written in our hearts.

no, you are a christian, it is not written in your heart it is replaced by your 10000 pg forged document - the persecution and victimization of the innocent is what is written in your heart.

and you have not answered if your priest gave you permission for the solution you chose.
The Natural Law is written into the hearts of everyone. Deal with it.

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