Can Atheists be Moral?

So what about that horseshoe magnet? What I was trying to lead Grumblenuts to was that it was a rock from a rock layer magnetized by Earth's magnetic field. Thus, it has + and - polarity and while its magnetism is slowly decaying, it remains strong enough to lift the small metal bar from the surface. '

Earth's magnetic field is caused by normal freely decaying electrons in water. Their polarity was aligned by God, in the beginning, so it caused a jump start mechanism for Earth's magnetic field. Yet, like the horseshoe magnet, creation scientists know that Earth's magnetic field is decaying; they've known this since the 1800s. However, secular/atheist scientists think Earth is billions of years old due to evolution. We all know that Earth's magnetic field would decay to nothing in long time, so they came up with the dynamo theory. No such thing.

More evidence for a young Earth and that it backs up the Bible. I suppose being right is the truth, so one has to try to be as right as possible or truthful to be moral.
So what about that horseshoe magnet? What I was trying to lead Grumblenuts to was that it was a rock from a rock layer magnetized by Earth's magnetic field. Thus, it has + and - polarity and while its magnetism is slowly decaying, it remains strong enough to lift the small metal bar from the surface. '

Earth's magnetic field is caused by normal freely decaying electrons in water. Their polarity was aligned by God, in the beginning, so it caused a jump start mechanism for Earth's magnetic field. Yet, like the horseshoe magnet, creation scientists know that Earth's magnetic field is decaying; they've known this since the 1800s. However, secular/atheist scientists think Earth is billions of years old due to evolution. We all know that Earth's magnetic field would decay to nothing in long time, so they came up with the dynamo theory. No such thing.

More evidence for a young Earth and that it backs up the Bible. I suppose being right is the truth, so one has to try to be as right as possible or truthful to be moral.

It’s a sad thing that ID’iot creationists are duped by the charlatans at fundamentalist cults.
Congratulations. A child is not a fetus.
Lord have mercy. At long last. Praise the lord! Some lord or other. Lord Kelvin?
Now if you will only recognize that abortions are explicitly designed to terminate a human life.
I'll grant you "designed to terminate" and "life" in general, but too many other useful purposes to presume "explicitly" and certainly not limited to "human life." The main purposes regarding humans (pregnant women) are made much clearer here:
Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus.[note 1] An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is called an induced abortion, or less frequently "induced miscarriage". The unmodified word abortion generally refers to an induced abortion.[1][2] A similar procedure after the fetus has potential to survive outside the womb is known as a "late termination of pregnancy" or less accurately as a "late term abortion".[3]
No. Abortion is the termination of a human life.

Why do you keep dehumanizing human life?

Can your conscience not take you believing you are ending a human life?
Why are you such a dumbass?
Induction of abortion in cattle is a common procedure and is done for a variety of reasons. Heifer calves may become pregnant at a very early age, predisposing them to dystocia as well as retarded growth during pregnancy and during the subsequent lactation.
Saying that abortion is the termination of pregnancy sounds better to you than saying abortion is designed to terminate a human life.

Your conscience needs to see it that way.
So what about that horseshoe magnet? What I was trying to lead Grumblenuts to was that it was a rock from a rock layer magnetized by Earth's magnetic field. Thus, it has + and - polarity and while its magnetism is slowly decaying, it remains strong enough to lift the small metal bar from the surface. '

Earth's magnetic field is caused by normal freely decaying electrons in water. Their polarity was aligned by God, in the beginning, so it caused a jump start mechanism for Earth's magnetic field. Yet, like the horseshoe magnet, creation scientists know that Earth's magnetic field is decaying; they've known this since the 1800s. However, secular/atheist scientists think Earth is billions of years old due to evolution. We all know that Earth's magnetic field would decay to nothing in long time, so they came up with the dynamo theory. No such thing.

More evidence for a young Earth and that it backs up the Bible. I suppose being right is the truth, so one has to try to be as right as possible or truthful to be moral.
Well to this point you're failing miserably at the being "right as possible" part and your truthfulness doesn't look great either.. must be immoral. But incredibly dumb is what stands out most. You and ding make quite the pair.
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Congratulations. A child is not a fetus.
Lord have mercy. At long last. Praise the lord! Some lord or other. Lord Kelvin?
Now if you will only recognize that abortions are explicitly designed to terminate a human life.
I'll grant you "designed to terminate" and "life" in general, but too many other useful purposes to presume "explicitly" and certainly not limited to "human life." The main purposes regarding humans (pregnant women) are made much clearer here:
Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus.[note 1] An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is called an induced abortion, or less frequently "induced miscarriage". The unmodified word abortion generally refers to an induced abortion.[1][2] A similar procedure after the fetus has potential to survive outside the womb is known as a "late termination of pregnancy" or less accurately as a "late term abortion".[3]
No. Abortion is the termination of a human life.

Why do you keep dehumanizing human life?

Can your conscience not take you believing you are ending a human life?
Why are you such a dumbass?
Induction of abortion in cattle is a common procedure and is done for a variety of reasons. Heifer calves may become pregnant at a very early age, predisposing them to dystocia as well as retarded growth during pregnancy and during the subsequent lactation.
Saying that abortion is the termination of pregnancy sounds better to you than saying abortion is designed to terminate a human life.

Your conscience needs to see it that way.
No, it's called being accurate (truthful). The term abortion really does apply to any animal capable of pregnancy. Don't like cows? Eat worms.
It’s a sad thing that ID’iot creationists are duped by the charlatans at fundamentalist cults.
It is sad seeing almost anyone get duped. Not funny. Hard enough as it is with the military / industrial / prison complex, the Koch brothers, MSNBC, FOX, CNN, Trump, all fundies, money lenders.. doing their damnedest to dupe as many as possible every day. Keep pulling some gullible in while pitting all against one another. Divide and conquer. Damn the environment, ill gotten gains full speed ahead...
Now, here’s what you’ll hear on this week’s State of Belief Radio. The last time our host and our guest met was some thirty years ago. The Rev. C. Welton Gaddy, President Emeritus of Interfaith Alliance and host of State of Belief Radio had walked away from the increasingly radicalized and politicized religious right that had long been his home. The Rev. Robert Leonard Schenck was a leader in that political takeover of White American Evangelical Christianity.

The fruits of that takeover are everywhere today. A woman’s right to choose has all but disappeared in a growing number of states, and Roe v. Wade is in the political religious right’s crosshairs. Extraordinary new interpretations of “religious liberty” are being used to codify every form of anti-gay discrimination you could think of. And guns are worshipped as a divine right, with rhetoric that would make the golden calf blush.

At the same time, persons of faith and of no faith are uniting as they haven’t since the Civil Rights Era to resist, in moral and ethical terms, assaults on the most vulnerable and marginalized among us. The stories are so inspiring that even mainstream media has begun to acknowledge a resurgent “religious left.”
there is no difference between a vasectomy and an abortion - is why, sinner.

The subject was abortion, not a vasectomy. It goes to show the wacktards have come out the woodwork in this thread. You need to have your penis removed immediately due to oft chance of breeding..
The subject was abortion, not a vasectomy. It goes to show the wacktards have come out the woodwork in this thread. You need to have your penis removed immediately due to oft chance of breeding..

that is a very poor reply understandable from a forged christian, the question whether they had asked their priests permission was also relevant for the sociopath, misogynistic bing.

vasectomy is the same as abortion as the same as birth control, one is not superseded by another the illicit morals are encountered by the pretentious ... your disguised 10000 pg document is incomplete and you know it.
Saying that abortion is the termination of pregnancy sounds better to you than saying abortion is designed to terminate a human life.

Your conscience needs to see it that way.

I doubt this has anything to do with conscience as it's legal up to a certain point. Life begins from that point on. In ancient times, babies and children were routinely killed.

To play devil's advocate, what is moral about putting a mother to jail for murder?
So what about that horseshoe magnet? What I was trying to lead Grumblenuts to was that it was a rock from a rock layer magnetized by Earth's magnetic field. Thus, it has + and - polarity and while its magnetism is slowly decaying, it remains strong enough to lift the small metal bar from the surface. '

Earth's magnetic field is caused by normal freely decaying electrons in water. Their polarity was aligned by God, in the beginning, so it caused a jump start mechanism for Earth's magnetic field. Yet, like the horseshoe magnet, creation scientists know that Earth's magnetic field is decaying; they've known this since the 1800s. However, secular/atheist scientists think Earth is billions of years old due to evolution. We all know that Earth's magnetic field would decay to nothing in long time, so they came up with the dynamo theory. No such thing.

More evidence for a young Earth and that it backs up the Bible. I suppose being right is the truth, so one has to try to be as right as possible or truthful to be moral.
Well to this point you're failing miserably at the being "right as possible" part and your truthfulness doesn't look great either.. must be immoral. But incredibly dumb is what stands out most. You and ding make quite the pair.

You're the one who posted a pic of a horseshoe magnet, but could not tell us in simple terms how it was created. What a simpleton you are. I doubt you graduated high school.

Next, you post how magnetism works according to Eric Dollard and cannot answer questions about it. More evidence of you being a simpleton and why you cannot explain what Dollard is teaching in his figure.

Moreover, I can't even discuss Earth's magnetic field with you, but somehow you know by the aether (which you do not know how to get, nor explain what it is, nor explain anything basically) that you can criticize other people.

The intelligent people here should have gotten that secular/atheist scientists are wrong about the dynamo theory and Earth's magnetic field because they assume long-time. OTOH creation scientists understand that Earth's magnetic field will decay away in around 2800 years. That will cause problems, so it isn't a bad idea to see if we can find another planet to colonize. Can we be multiplanetary? That said, what is NASA more concerned about? Finding aliens on Mars lol.
abortion as the same as birth control

What kind of beyond wacktard are you? Explain yourself in front of all these people. Birth control is preventing conception or pregnancy.

It just goes to prove what I have been saying about you being a wacktard, atheist, and immoral. Birth control is preventing conception or pregnancy. If one has to get an abortion, then it is too late.
abortion as the same as birth control

What kind of beyond wacktard are you? Explain yourself in front of all these people. Birth control is preventing conception or pregnancy.

It just goes to prove what I have been saying about you being a wacktard, atheist, and immoral. Birth control is preventing conception or pregnancy. If one has to get an abortion, then it is too late.
Birth control is preventing conception or pregnancy.

abstinence is yet a choice and a distinction humans may have over other species otherwise the physical interventions are all the same including abortion - your half dead brain is lacking, have you received permission from a priest for any remark you have made in reference to reproductive hegemony ... because it is not written in your forged christian bible the christian has no other recourse than their corrupt clergy for their "moral" guidance.

1st century jesus did not use abstinence ... the priests are heretics.

the atheists are the misogynists. christians.
Just to be clear, you're saying instead of blaming atheists James should be blaming the Christian Bible and their corrupt clergy's "moral" guidance?
Misogynistic Christians are James's atheist?

Well, I gather that's part of what you're saying anyway. If you get a chance to listen to this
I'd love to hear your thoughts. It's way better than it seems at first..
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abstinence is yet a choice and a distinction humans may have over other species otherwise the physical interventions are all the same including abortion - your half dead brain is lacking, have you received permission from a priest for any remark you have made in reference to reproductive hegemony ... because it is not written in your forged christian bible the christian has no other recourse than their corrupt clergy for their "moral" guidance.

1st century jesus did not use abstinence ... the priests are heretics.

the atheists are the misogynists. christians.

For birth control, I think you have the right idea in vasectomy for men. Not for abortion.

With abortion, it has to only to do with the woman. The man gets off scot-free. We should make the man responsible for the child, too. That usually mean money from both sides in raising the child in a care home. We take care of our stray dogs and cats better. My idea would be to sterilize the male if they cannot pay, i.e. won't support the child. If the woman gets into another unwed pregnancy of her free will, then she would be sterilized. Bringing a second parentless child into the world has its consequences.

This avoids the stupid murder argument against abortion.
Just to be clear, you're saying instead of blaming atheists James should be blaming the Christian Bible and their corrupt clergy's "moral" guidance?
Misogynistic Christians are James's atheist?

Well, I gather that's part of what you're saying anyway. If you get a chance to listen to this
I'd love to hear your thoughts. It's way better than it seems at first..

Like I said earlier, you two should get a room together to whisper these nothings haha.
Just to be clear, you're saying instead of blaming atheists James should be blaming the Christian Bible and their corrupt clergy's "moral" guidance?
Misogynistic Christians are James's atheist?

Well, I gather that's part of what you're saying anyway. If you get a chance to listen to this
I'd love to hear your thoughts. It's way better than it seems at first..

Like I said earlier, you two should get a room together to whisper these nothings haha.
you two should get a room together

is that you and bing praying to your made up 4th century jesus, messiah - no wonder they have not returned, they never existed.

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