Can Atheists be Moral?

Many theists believe it is clear-cut. Humans can only have opinions about morality, and no one’s opinion is any more valid than anyone else’s. This leads them to the conclusion that an objective source of morality must stand apart from, and above, humans. That source, they say, is God. Since atheists, reject God, atheists can have no basis for morality.

This is really two separate arguments: (1) that God is the source of objective morality and humans can learn morality from God and (2) that humans on their own have no way to know what is moral and what is not.

Can atheists be moral? - Atheist Alliance International

The only truly moral people are Agnostics.
No, it's called being accurate (truthful). The term abortion really does apply to any animal capable of pregnancy. Don't like cows? Eat worms.
Sounds like fartsmoke to me. :lol:

The act of abortion by design is to end a life. In humans, which is what we are discussing, that life is a human life.
The act of abortion by design is to end a life. In humans, which is what we are discussing, that life is a human life.

that life is a human life ...


your remarks reflect an unconscionable forgery written in the 4th century christian religion that has served no purpose but self gratification for the selfish and illiterate.

the religion of antiquity encompasses the Garden and all its inhabitants - what is done to one is the same for all others. were the triumph the reasonable conclusion, not that of christianity.
Wrong. My comments reflect the Natural Law which is written in the hearts of all men.

If there had never been a bible or any religious texts for that matter the law of right and wrong would still be written in our hearts.
If there had never been a bible or any religious texts for that matter the law of right and wrong would still be written in our hearts.

no, you are a christian, it is not written in your heart it is replaced by your 10000 pg forged document - the persecution and victimization of the innocent is what is written in your heart.

and you have not answered if your priest gave you permission for the solution you chose.
The Natural Law is written into the hearts of everyone. Deal with it.
The Natural Law is written into the hearts of everyone. Deal with it.

not yours ...

that is not the teachings of the 4th century christian bible, christian in fact your book claims the opposite. self deception does make it easier to skirt moral standards, you make that readily obvious in your responses.

did your priest give his response in writing for your baby killing vasectomy.
Many theists believe it is clear-cut. Humans can only have opinions about morality, and no one’s opinion is any more valid than anyone else’s. This leads them to the conclusion that an objective source of morality must stand apart from, and above, humans. That source, they say, is God. Since atheists, reject God, atheists can have no basis for morality.

This is really two separate arguments: (1) that God is the source of objective morality and humans can learn morality from God and (2) that humans on their own have no way to know what is moral and what is not.

Can atheists be moral? - Atheist Alliance International

The only truly moral people are Agnostics.
A true moralist does what the Creator would have that one do and not what the individual believes is the correct course of action... Morality hinges on eternal truth.
But there is something else about the eye which impresses us still more than these wonderful features which we observed, viewing it from the standpoint of a physicist, merely as an optical instrument,—something which appeals to us more than its marvelous faculty of being directly affected by the vibrations of the medium, without interference of gross matter, and more than its inconceivable sensitiveness and discerning power. It is its significance in the processes of life. No matter what one’s views on nature and life may be, he must stand amazed when, for the first time in his, thoughts, he realizes the importance of the eye in the physical processes and mental performances of the human organism. And how could it be otherwise, when he realizes, that the eye is the means through which the human race has acquired the entire knowledge it possesses, that it controls all our motions, more still, and our actions. There is no way of acquiring knowledge except through the eye. What is the foundation of all philosophical systems of ancient and modern times, in fact, of all the philosophy of men? I am I think; I think, therefore I am. But how could I think and how would I know that I exist, if I had not the eye? For knowledge involves consciousness; consciousness involves ideas, conceptions; conceptions involve pictures or images, and images the sense of vision, and therefore the organ of sight. But how about blind men, will be asked?{etc}
Nikola Tesla. Over 100 years ago.
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Sounds like fartsmoke to me. :lol:

The act of abortion by design is to end a life. In humans, which is what we are discussing, that life is a human life.
The act of abortion by design is to end a life. In humans, which is what we are discussing, that life is a human life.

that life is a human life ...


your remarks reflect an unconscionable forgery written in the 4th century christian religion that has served no purpose but self gratification for the selfish and illiterate.

the religion of antiquity encompasses the Garden and all its inhabitants - what is done to one is the same for all others. were the triumph the reasonable conclusion, not that of christianity.
Wrong. My comments reflect the Natural Law which is written in the hearts of all men.

If there had never been a bible or any religious texts for that matter the law of right and wrong would still be written in our hearts.
If there had never been a bible or any religious texts for that matter the law of right and wrong would still be written in our hearts.

no, you are a christian, it is not written in your heart it is replaced by your 10000 pg forged document - the persecution and victimization of the innocent is what is written in your heart.

and you have not answered if your priest gave you permission for the solution you chose.
The Natural Law is written into the hearts of everyone. Deal with it.
The Natural Law is written into the hearts of everyone. Deal with it.

not yours ...

that is not the teachings of the 4th century christian bible, christian in fact your book claims the opposite. self deception does make it easier to skirt moral standards, you make that readily obvious in your responses.

did your priest give his response in writing for your baby killing vasectomy.
Vasectomies don’t kill babies. Learn some science.

The law of right and wrong is written into the hearts of everyone.
No, it's called being accurate (truthful). The term abortion really does apply to any animal capable of pregnancy. Don't like cows? Eat worms.

How can that be truthful? Are you really trying to be as right as you can? We do euthanize sick animals or when there are too many animals, it is fine to hunt them, but not humans. Are you suggesting that we euthanize humans and that it's fine to kill killers? I'm for both. It should be legal to euthanize sick humans who are not capable of living on their own or surviving in pain. As for the murders and killers, bring back hanging. Bring back the electric chair. They do not deserve mercy killings like euthanisation for sick humans. Humans and animals are different.
Nikola Tesla. Over 100 years ago.

Did he think the electricity flowed outside the wire? The path of less resistance? What we find in that electrical wire is in strands and not a solid copper wire. What does this do?

So far, this is the only interesting thing you brought up. At least you could explain it unless you're going to bring in aether lol.

ETA: IOW, are you being as truthful as you can be in what you believe as observational science? That would be the moral thing.
It is the conscience which requires dehumanization to rationalize the unnecessary and unjustified taking of a human life.

You don’t need to throw momma in jail. The doctor will do.

We can't toss the doctor in jail for doing something legal. Abortion up to a certain time is legal. That said, I don't believe in throwing people in jail for capital murder over this. There has to be a better way if abortion is made illegal to an extent, overturning Roe v. Wade, and deciding over the rights of the fetus v. the rights of the mother.
No, it's called being accurate (truthful). The term abortion really does apply to any animal capable of pregnancy. Don't like cows? Eat worms.

How can that be truthful?
  1. 1.
    (of information, measurements, statistics, etc.) correct in all details; exact.
    "accurate information about the illness is essential"
    synonyms: correct, precise, exact, right, errorless, error-free, without error, faultless, perfect, valid, specific, detailed, minute, explicit, clear-cut, word for word, unambiguous, meticulous, authoritative, reliable, canonical;
    informalspot on, bang on;
    informalon the money
    "accurate information"
    factual, fact-based, literal, correct, faithful, exact, close, true, truthful, veracious, true to life, telling it like it is, as it really happened, lifelike, authentic, realistic, fair;
    convincing, careful, word-perfect, strict, conscientious, punctilious, painstaking, thorough, scrupulous, rigorous;
    informalon the mark, on the beam, on the nail, on the button;
    informal spot on, bang on;
    rare verisimilar, veristic, veridical
    "an accurate description"
Humans and animals are different.
Humans differ from other animals. All humans are animals. People are all human. A legal definition of "person" obviously differs from that of "human being." Seemingly careless or ignorant use of "human being" is also an insult to our Native "Indians," the Inuit in particular.
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Many theists believe it is clear-cut. Humans can only have opinions about morality, and no one’s opinion is any more valid than anyone else’s. This leads them to the conclusion that an objective source of morality must stand apart from, and above, humans. That source, they say, is God. Since atheists, reject God, atheists can have no basis for morality.

This is really two separate arguments: (1) that God is the source of objective morality and humans can learn morality from God and (2) that humans on their own have no way to know what is moral and what is not.

Can atheists be moral? - Atheist Alliance International

The only truly moral people are Agnostics.
A true moralist does what the Creator would have that one do and not what the individual believes is the correct course of action... Morality hinges on eternal truth.
A true moralist does what the Creator would have that one do and not what the individual believes is the correct course of action... Morality hinges on eternal truth.

if their beliefs are unsound they will not triumph as prescribed by the Almighty, something christianity is incapable of accomplishing relying instead on a madeup forged document.
It is the conscience which requires dehumanization to rationalize the unnecessary and unjustified taking of a human life.

You don’t need to throw momma in jail. The doctor will do.

We can't toss the doctor in jail for doing something legal. Abortion up to a certain time is legal. That said, I don't believe in throwing people in jail for capital murder over this. There has to be a better way if abortion is made illegal to an extent, overturning Roe v. Wade, and deciding over the rights of the fetus v. the rights of the mother.

Roe vs. Wade already establishes reasonable compromises between the rights of the mother and the rights of the State to intercede on behalf of the fetus.

The majority of Americans do not support the extremist views of you hyper-religious types.
Yes, the hyper-religious minority are convinced they are the only moral ones or hyper-moral. This moral superiority grants them licence to incessantly judge and preach down to everyone else in circular reasoned, crybaby fashion. The beauty of this fantasy is that it requires no actual learning, self-reflection, critical thought, shame, etc, and so conveniently privileges the already loud mouthed and most privileged. Wealthy white men of little conscience. So what is morality?
People are all human.

And a fetus is human according to God's objective moral values. Thus, we overturn Roe v. Wade and the people responsible get a chance to start over, but it comes at a price. People need to be responsible and free. I'm not like ding putting doctors in jail as murderers. I can't believe I am saying this, but it even fits evolution haha. Survival of those who can and are willing to support their breeding. If you can't and won't support your breeding, then you get sterilized (vasectomy or tubal, both outpatient procedures).

Wealthy white men of little conscience. So what is morality?

Come now, you don't have to be wealthy to support one child. It's more than one where it starts to dent your wallet.
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It seems to me that the one stuck bearing the little pisser for nine months, the one far more likely to provide the milk it will initially demand, the bulk of the butt maintenance, nurturing,.. the vast majority of work, responsibility, and sacrifice in other words.. that person alone should decide what's best for the both of them. Now if that person wants to involve or consult someone else, a loved one, a doctor, a religious person or institution... fine. But short of that no fucking man should ever be allowed to decide for a woman what she does with her internal fetus. Her fetus. It should be considered her personal property* until born or otherwise expelled from her body. Providing the sperm is nothing but a pleasure by comparison. Not work. Not being responsible. Not sacrifice. It should count for nothing.

*{Part of her body actually, but perhaps in more legal terms..}
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Yes, the hyper-religious minority are convinced they are the only moral ones or hyper-moral. This moral superiority grants them licence to incessantly judge and preach down to everyone else in circular reasoned, crybaby fashion. The beauty of this fantasy is that it requires no actual learning, self-reflection, critical thought, shame, etc, and so conveniently privileges the already loud mouthed and most privileged. Wealthy white men of little conscience. So what is morality?
Good thing you aren’t being morally indignant. :lol:

Yet again proving God does exist.
It is the conscience which requires dehumanization to rationalize the unnecessary and unjustified taking of a human life.

You don’t need to throw momma in jail. The doctor will do.

We can't toss the doctor in jail for doing something legal. Abortion up to a certain time is legal. That said, I don't believe in throwing people in jail for capital murder over this. There has to be a better way if abortion is made illegal to an extent, overturning Roe v. Wade, and deciding over the rights of the fetus v. the rights of the mother.
If they violate the law, you can almost guarantee the doctor will go to jail.

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