Can Atheists be Moral?

No. Abortion is the termination of a human life.
Edwards says the majority of feedlots feeding heifers palpate incoming heifers. Some feedlots forego palpation and simply mass abort all heifers upon arrival with a prostaglandin. However, pregnancies over 120 days of gestation may not be affected by prostaglandin alone. "Most feedlots would prefer to feed open heifers, but due to location, timing or lack of willing veterinarians to perform the pregnancy exam, they may or may not get them palpated," he says.
Do you seriously think either "Keith L. Moore" or "Dr Jerome LeJeune" would argue with Edwards there and say "No. Abortion is {limited to} the termination of a human life"?
Apparently so. Because you're such a dumbass.

And "After fertilization has taken place a new cow has come into being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence...." - Dr Jerome LeJeune, Professor of Genetics at the University of Descartes, Paris, discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down's Syndrome, and Nobel Prize Winner

Why do you hate cows? I guess anti-choice nuts don't care about cows even if they can vote.

I can’t say I’m surprised at the Keith Moore copy and paste.

Keith Moore is a quack.

Embryology in the Quran - Professor Keith Moore
Seriously, the mother is given no consideration, nor is the baby once born. The fetus is all anyone's supposed to give a shit about. Fuck that!

We’ve had nearly 50 years of Roe v. Wade as a reasonable compromise that most Americans agree with. I can’t help but notice that the religious extremists are the ones attempting to force their beliefs on all others.
How did the horseshoe magnet come to be?
How magnet is made - material, manufacture, making, history, used, dimensions, machine, History, Raw Materials
Are you saying that one has to have electricity in order to have magnetic force?
There does not appear to be any electricity in the horseshoe magnet.

Why can't you explain in your own words, so I know what you are getting at? Are you incapable of explaining basic concepts such as how a horseshoe magnet came to be so we can discuss? An intelligent person can express their ideas so others can understand.

Well, what I read from your Dollard example was there was electricity flowing so that an electromagnetic field was created. With your magnet how is the magnetic force being generated? Are you saying Dollard is wrong now since there is no electricity haha?

I'm also trying to lead you to a larger magnetic field.
Your responses indicate you've read little and comprehended nothing. It's abstract stuff. You may begin to get it in ten years IF you start actually studying now..
How did the horseshoe magnet come to be?
How magnet is made - material, manufacture, making, history, used, dimensions, machine, History, Raw Materials
Are you saying that one has to have electricity in order to have magnetic force?
There does not appear to be any electricity in the horseshoe magnet.

Why can't you explain in your own words, so I know what you are getting at? Are you incapable of explaining basic concepts such as how a horseshoe magnet came to be so we can discuss? An intelligent person can express their ideas so others can understand.

Well, what I read from your Dollard example was there was electricity flowing so that an electromagnetic field was created. With your magnet how is the magnetic force being generated? Are you saying Dollard is wrong now since there is no electricity haha?

I'm also trying to lead you to a larger magnetic field.

How a horseshoe magnet came to be?

Well, once upon a time there was iron ore mined from the earth and then a talking snake convinced a young lady that fruit theft was a good idea.
Have been. There's a practical limit. I've given you plenty to study, chew on, and find your own answers. Do it.. or don't.. whatevs..

All right, I won't waste my time. You're not very convincing or interesting. Did that guy on youtube, some store owner or businessman, you believe in do an experiment? Where is his aether? We know that any useless concept with no evidence supporting it will be ignored. There's your DUH.

I presented you with my car as example of a closed system of thermodynamics. Heat transfer occurs and the car does work. The same with a boat. Your duh stuff is obviously lacking and I was right about the hole in your head. Good day, sir.
Your responses indicate you've read little and comprehended nothing. It's abstract stuff. You may begin to get it in ten years IF you start actually studying now..

Haha. I just showed from our back-and-forth that you've read little and did not comprehended anything. You cannot explain what you believe to others. Did you graduate high school? I'm serious.

Maybe if you explained and it sounded interesting, then I may have read what you linked.
I like this idea:

Let’s say we have a few hundred gods to choose from and a few thousand religions.
Do you have evidence that hundreds of thousands to billions of lines of genetic code wrote themselves in the mud one day, just because?
So my point is, the Earth is surrounded by a powerful magnetic field. This magnetic field is due to electric currents in its metallic core. (Not aether as some wacktards here believe haha). Anyway, we have learned that Earth's surface is covered with rock plates moving on magma underneath. This plate tectonic action helps to generate the electric currents in the metallic core. Without Earth's magnetic field to shield us from the harsh solar wind, we would not last very long. However, the Earth's magnetic field is decaying. This decay of the magnetic field is one of the strongest evidence for Bible's young earth creation theory. If Earth was 4.6 billions years old, then we'd be toast as the magnetic field would be gone. Science backs up the Bible. There you go.

Earth's Magnetic Field
So my point is, the Earth is surrounded by a powerful magnetic field. This magnetic field is due to electric currents in its metallic core. (Not aether as some wacktards here believe haha). Anyway, we have learned that Earth's surface is covered with rock plates moving on magma underneath. This plate tectonic action helps to generate the electric currents in the metallic core. Without Earth's magnetic field to shield us from the harsh solar wind, we would not last very long. However, the Earth's magnetic field is decaying. This decay of the magnetic field is one of the strongest evidence for Bible's young earth creation theory. If Earth was 4.6 billions years old, then we'd be toast as the magnetic field would be gone. Science backs up the Bible. There you go.

Earth's Magnetic Field

The only way we can determine the true age of the earth is for God to tell us what it is. And since He has told us, very plainly, in the Holy Scriptures that it is several thousand years in age, and no more, that ought to settle all basic questions of terrestrial chronology.

Henry M. Morris
as before bing how does that religion construe a vasectomy as any different than an abortion. in application as a solution. the solution you choose - did you ask your priests permission.
Only you would take exception with someone saying that you don’t need to follow a religion to know that ending the life of a defenseless child is wrong.
Only you would take exception with someone saying that you don’t need to follow a religion to know that ending the life of a defenseless child is wrong.

did you get permission to have your vasectomy ...
Why would I? I'm not hung up on the form of religion like you are.
Why would I? I'm not hung up on the form of religion like you are.

the 1st century religion of antiquity is only 6 words long - the triumph of good vs evil.

you did not answer the question, did you receive permission for your vasectomy ...
I did answer the question. Why would I?
I did answer the question. Why would I?

you did not answer the question whether you received permission from your priest to have a vasectomy ...

there is no difference between a vasectomy and an abortion - is why, sinner.
So my point is, the Earth is surrounded by a powerful magnetic field. This magnetic field is due to electric currents in its metallic core. (Not aether as some wacktards here believe haha). Anyway, we have learned that Earth's surface is covered with rock plates moving on magma underneath. This plate tectonic action helps to generate the electric currents in the metallic core. Without Earth's magnetic field to shield us from the harsh solar wind, we would not last very long. However, the Earth's magnetic field is decaying. This decay of the magnetic field is one of the strongest evidence for Bible's young earth creation theory. If Earth was 4.6 billions years old, then we'd be toast as the magnetic field would be gone. Science backs up the Bible. There you go.

Earth's Magnetic Field
This decay of the magnetic field is one of the strongest evidence for Bible's young earth creation theory. If Earth was 4.6 billions years old, then we'd be toast as the magnetic field would be gone. Science backs up the Bible. There you go.

since it is not gone you obviously are wrong - there was not a magnetic field before a solid surface ... molten metallic core not withstanding being its own source for electrical impulses.

The sun's magnetic field has two poles, like a bar magnet. The poles flip at the peak of the solar activity cycle, every 11 years. A solar wind composed of charged particles carries the magnetic field away from the sun's surface and through the solar system. The sun is not a solid ball, but rather like a fluid -
Plate tectonics have had precious little influence on the Earth's magnetic field, so forget all that crap. The pertinent Wikipedia page sure makes for great reading compared to the "creation science" nonsense. Still a bit of a mess however. For example, what we intuitively sense to be a "magnetic field" is beautifully represented by this image:


The Wiki captions that "An artist's rendering of the structure of a magnetosphere. 1) Bow shock. 2) Magnetosheath. 3) Magnetopause. 4) Magnetosphere. 5) Northern tail lobe. 6) Southern tail lobe. 7) Plasmasphere." {note image is cropped because the one actually shown won't show here}

If you imagine a bar magnet there instead of the Earth, it's easy to see the influence of the two opposing poles travelling through space with one lobe in the lead fighting off the solar wind while the trailing one gets inflated due to the drag. Now if you also picture a thin flat disc bisecting the Earth, or any magnet (with linearly opposed poles, a "dipole") taking its place, and extending well beyond its surface, that disc represents the dielectric plane.

Instead, what they caption "Computer simulation of the Earth's field {etc}" is really simply depicting lines of force, not a field.


This is repeating the same error we were all taught, that sprinkling iron filings around a magnet will show you the field. It doesn't. All you get is a two dimensional slice of the "lines of force" which {like the image above} are actually three dimensional but the inverse of the field supposedly being illustrated. Virtually useless.

So, to best quickly witness what magnetism really looks like and how it actually works, I recommend the undisputed champion of obsession with magnets, Ken Wheeler. No one has worked harder to understand magnetic forces and visually convey that knowledge. He's compiled a massive volume of images that are compelling and incredibly beautiful. He has some great quotes as well. Unfortunately his writing is often less than coherent, self-aggrandizing, and acerbic, especially in regard to Einstein. So far over the top it really gets annoying in many sections of his free book here. So read at your own risk. If you can make it all the way through, like I forced myself to once, you deserve a medal and will gain much for the effort. He also has an interesting short video up now.. with stupid background music.. so turn the sound off if you want to see his detailed, computer generated model.
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No. Abortion is the termination of a human life.
Edwards says the majority of feedlots feeding heifers palpate incoming heifers. Some feedlots forego palpation and simply mass abort all heifers upon arrival with a prostaglandin. However, pregnancies over 120 days of gestation may not be affected by prostaglandin alone. "Most feedlots would prefer to feed open heifers, but due to location, timing or lack of willing veterinarians to perform the pregnancy exam, they may or may not get them palpated," he says.
Do you seriously think either "Keith L. Moore" or "Dr Jerome LeJeune" would argue with Edwards there and say "No. Abortion is {limited to} the termination of a human life"?
Apparently so. Because you're such a dumbass.

And "After fertilization has taken place a new cow has come into being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence...." - Dr Jerome LeJeune, Professor of Genetics at the University of Descartes, Paris, discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down's Syndrome, and Nobel Prize Winner

Why do you hate cows? I guess anti-choice nuts don't care about cows even if they can vote.

I can’t say I’m surprised at the Keith Moore copy and paste.

Keith Moore is a quack.

Embryology in the Quran - Professor Keith Moore
Seriously, the mother is given no consideration, nor is the baby once born. The fetus is all anyone's supposed to give a shit about. Fuck that!

We’ve had nearly 50 years of Roe v. Wade as a reasonable compromise that most Americans agree with. I can’t help but notice that the religious extremists are the ones attempting to force their beliefs on all others.
Yeah, you'd swear abortions must have increased or something instead of decreasing. As I've related before, what really cemented my atheism was prolonged verbal abuse from a minister when I was like 12 years old at most, pissed that I refused to "accept the Lord Jesus Christ as" my "personal" something and "savior" or similar malarkey.. at that very instant.. because he had grown impatient.. I was taking too long to decide in his opinion.. he wouldn't be driving me to Christian Brigades any more.. even though he would still be picking up some of my neighbors.. "Well thanks, fuck it then!" I told myself and haven't lost a wink of sleep over it since.
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there is no difference between a vasectomy and an abortion - is why, sinner.

The subject was abortion, not a vasectomy. It goes to show the wacktards have come out the woodwork in this thread. You need to have your penis removed immediately due to oft chance of breeding..
Or.. you can try to follow this:


What a wacktard you are. I tried to listen to you, but you cannot explain what you believe. Now, you are attempting and failing miserably at trying to explain your position. You still can't in your own words. You, sir, are an official looney tunes wacktard. I would believe you are a product of two monkeys hahahaha.
Seriously, the mother is given no consideration, nor is the baby once born. The fetus is all anyone's supposed to give a shit about. Fuck that!

STOP GIVING US YOUR STUPID PREACHING!!! Both are given consideration. How is the baby given any if they are terminated before birth?

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