Can Boehner be trusted

No, Republicans are the ones who think that after you lose an election, you still get to call the shots.

Even their wealthy supporters are telling them to knock it off. But the Tea Party has become like Frankenstein's monster, ravaging everything the Mad Scientist cares about.

Each House Republican WON their election just as Obama did this last election.

I know you liberals think the President is a dictator and should just get HIS way no matter what. Unfortunately for you the Constitution built in a little something called separation of powers.

So you believe that a small faction should be able to shut down the government over what they can't do legislatively? Somehow, I doubt you'd feel that way if it were a GOP President and it was the progressive caucus doing the hostage taking.

The minority, aka the house, have not shut the government down. Reid and Odummer have

To say the least, this question should apply to both sides. You have Boehner on one side, Reid and Obama on the other. One side wants to negotiate, while the other would rather the shutdown continue, doing further damage to it.

Funny, Republicans were the ones being accused of taking the government hostage, but it seems as if the Democrats are the ones holding the gun to it's head.

No, Republicans are the ones who think that after you lose an election, you still get to call the shots.

Even their wealthy supporters are telling them to knock it off. But the Tea Party has become like Frankenstein's monster, ravaging everything the Mad Scientist cares about.

A) Since the 2010 midterms, the people elected a majority of Republicans to the House. Guess what? As long as they're there, they can continue to call the shots. They are the fail safe mechanism, the Senate has to run anything it passes by the house.

B) Perhaps they are getting sick and tired of being told what to do by their "wealthy supporters" (ironic enough that Obama would rather meet with 18 CEO's than sit down at the table with them).
To say the least, this question should apply to both sides. You have Boehner on one side, Reid and Obama on the other. One side wants to negotiate, while the other would rather the shutdown continue, doing further damage to it.

Funny, Republicans were the ones being accused of taking the government hostage, but it seems as if the Democrats are the ones holding the gun to it's head.

No, Republicans are the ones who think that after you lose an election, you still get to call the shots.

Even their wealthy supporters are telling them to knock it off. But the Tea Party has become like Frankenstein's monster, ravaging everything the Mad Scientist cares about.

Each House Republican WON their election just as Obama did this last election.

I know you liberals think the President is a dictator and should just get HIS way no matter what. Unfortunately for you the Constitution built in a little something called separation of powers.

Separation of powers is fine, but frankly, the only reason why the TEA Party has the ability to bring the government to a halt is because of a lot of extra-constitutional nonsense like the Hastert Rule.

Democracy is not a small faction that only represents 8% of the voters being able to shut down the government.
No, Republicans are the ones who think that after you lose an election, you still get to call the shots.

Even their wealthy supporters are telling them to knock it off. But the Tea Party has become like Frankenstein's monster, ravaging everything the Mad Scientist cares about.

Each House Republican WON their election just as Obama did this last election.

I know you liberals think the President is a dictator and should just get HIS way no matter what. Unfortunately for you the Constitution built in a little something called separation of powers.

So you believe that a small faction should be able to shut down the government over what they can't do legislatively? Somehow, I doubt you'd feel that way if it were a GOP President and it was the progressive caucus doing the hostage taking.

So, how come Obama allows environmentalists to dictate his policies on the environment? Or unions on austerity measures? Why do these cultish factions of the democratic party get to run the show there? He said once that he would not allow special interest groups to dictate policy in Washington, but here he is, capitulating to them at every turn. Lets try not to go there.
To say the least, this question should apply to both sides. You have Boehner on one side, Reid and Obama on the other. One side wants to negotiate, while the other would rather the shutdown continue, doing further damage to it.

Funny, Republicans were the ones being accused of taking the government hostage, but it seems as if the Democrats are the ones holding the gun to it's head.

No, Republicans are the ones who think that after you lose an election, you still get to call the shots.

Even their wealthy supporters are telling them to knock it off. But the Tea Party has become like Frankenstein's monster, ravaging everything the Mad Scientist cares about.

A) Since the 2010 midterms, the people elected a majority of Republicans to the House. Guess what? As long as they're there, they can continue to call the shots. They are the fail safe mechanism, the Senate has to run anything it passes by the house.

B) Perhaps they are getting sick and tired of being told what to do by their "wealthy supporters" (ironic enough that Obama would rather meet with 18 CEO's than sit down at the table with them).

A- The only reason the Republicans stll control the house is because they gerrymandered the seats. They LOST the national House vote by 1.4 million votes.

And a "fail-safe" is something that is supposed to keep things working, not something that threatens to bring down the whole country.

B- Oh, I think Obama figures that there's no point talking to the GOP, he's going to talk to their masters.

The problem is, of course, is that no one is really in control. Boehner and McConnel are shittng their pants over being "Primaried" by the 10% of people who show up for off year elections.

But here's the thing. Eventually, they are going to cave and vote for a continuing resolution.

ObamaCare will go on and there will be a gnashing of teeth, but the GOP will have lost any good reputation it had.
No, Republicans are the ones who think that after you lose an election, you still get to call the shots.

Even their wealthy supporters are telling them to knock it off. But the Tea Party has become like Frankenstein's monster, ravaging everything the Mad Scientist cares about.

Each House Republican WON their election just as Obama did this last election.

I know you liberals think the President is a dictator and should just get HIS way no matter what. Unfortunately for you the Constitution built in a little something called separation of powers.

Separation of powers is fine, but frankly, the only reason why the TEA Party has the ability to bring the government to a halt is because of a lot of extra-constitutional nonsense like the Hastert Rule.

Democracy is not a small faction that only represents 8% of the voters being able to shut down the government.

Oh? So was it democracy when the Democrats rammed this bill down Republicans and Americans throats in 2009? You know how well that worked out.

So, how come Obama allows environmentalists to dictate his policies on the environment? .

You mean people who KNOW about the environment making policy on the "environment"?


OMG, what a totally crazy idea.

Environmental policies should be made by big greedy corporations and people who believe the world was created in 6 days. Not people who understand stuff known as "Science".

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son!
No, Republicans are the ones who think that after you lose an election, you still get to call the shots.

Even their wealthy supporters are telling them to knock it off. But the Tea Party has become like Frankenstein's monster, ravaging everything the Mad Scientist cares about.

A) Since the 2010 midterms, the people elected a majority of Republicans to the House. Guess what? As long as they're there, they can continue to call the shots. They are the fail safe mechanism, the Senate has to run anything it passes by the house.

B) Perhaps they are getting sick and tired of being told what to do by their "wealthy supporters" (ironic enough that Obama would rather meet with 18 CEO's than sit down at the table with them).

A- The only reason the Republicans stll control the house is because they gerrymandered the seats. They LOST the national House vote by 1.4 million votes.

And a "fail-safe" is something that is supposed to keep things working, not something that threatens to bring down the whole country.

B- Oh, I think Obama figures that there's no point talking to the GOP, he's going to talk to their masters.

The problem is, of course, is that no one is really in control. Boehner and McConnel are shittng their pants over being "Primaried" by the 10% of people who show up for off year elections.

But here's the thing. Eventually, they are going to cave and vote for a continuing resolution.

ObamaCare will go on and there will be a gnashing of teeth, but the GOP will have lost any good reputation it had.

A- its like the safety on a gun (oops I said gun). It can ensure smooth movement, or prevent further damage from an erroneous course of action. Read a dictionary Joe. And how exactly did they gerrymander those seats? Or are you forgetting that some of these representatives are from BLUE STATES?

B - Do what now? Can you honestly tell me if that made any sense to you?
Can Boehner be trusted?
Simple Answer, Absolutely not. Boehner is a politician and we all know that you can never trust a politician.

So, how come Obama allows environmentalists to dictate his policies on the environment? .

You mean people who KNOW about the environment making policy on the "environment"?


OMG, what a totally crazy idea.

Environmental policies should be made by big greedy corporations and people who believe the world was created in 6 days. Not people who understand stuff known as "Science".

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son!

And ad hominem is not an argument, you dolt. Now address the principle of the analogy, not my character.
Each House Republican WON their election just as Obama did this last election.

I know you liberals think the President is a dictator and should just get HIS way no matter what. Unfortunately for you the Constitution built in a little something called separation of powers.

Separation of powers is fine, but frankly, the only reason why the TEA Party has the ability to bring the government to a halt is because of a lot of extra-constitutional nonsense like the Hastert Rule.

Democracy is not a small faction that only represents 8% of the voters being able to shut down the government.

Oh? So was it democracy when the Democrats rammed this bill down Republicans and Americans throats in 2009? You know how well that worked out.

Um, yeah, you mean the party that had 59 votes in the Senate and 250 votes in the house, clear majorities, voted in a law that they had promised to pass, and that Republicans used to support until the Black Guy Did It.

So let's look at the process.

Obama runs on Health Care Reform. He wins by the biggest margin since Reagan.
Congress passes two different version, but Senate Republicans filibuster after taking advantage of the death of Ted Kennedy.
So they use a parlimentary gimmick to accept one version instead of reconcling the two.

They bring it to the courts, SCOTUS upholds it.

They hold another election, Obama wins again.

We have a small faction willing to wreck the economy because they simply cannot stand the thought of poor people getting health coverage. If this isn't the definition of insanity, I don't know what is.
Can Boehner be trusted?
Simple Answer, Absolutely not. Boehner is a politician and we all know that you can never trust a politician.

The nine words come to mind


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Separation of powers is fine, but frankly, the only reason why the TEA Party has the ability to bring the government to a halt is because of a lot of extra-constitutional nonsense like the Hastert Rule.

Democracy is not a small faction that only represents 8% of the voters being able to shut down the government.

Oh? So was it democracy when the Democrats rammed this bill down Republicans and Americans throats in 2009? You know how well that worked out.

Um, yeah, you mean the party that had 59 votes in the Senate and 250 votes in the house, clear majorities, voted in a law that they had promised to pass, and that Republicans used to support until the Black Guy Did It.

So let's look at the process.

Obama runs on Health Care Reform. He wins by the biggest margin since Reagan.
Congress passes two different version, but Senate Republicans filibuster after taking advantage of the death of Ted Kennedy.
So they use a parlimentary gimmick to accept one version instead of reconcling the two.

They bring it to the courts, SCOTUS upholds it.

They hold another election, Obama wins again.

We have a small faction willing to wreck the economy because they simply cannot stand the thought of poor people getting health coverage. If this isn't the definition of insanity, I don't know what is.

It's really kind of interesting, seeing how other people perceive situations that I think can't possibility be perceived any other way.
Each House Republican WON their election just as Obama did this last election.

I know you liberals think the President is a dictator and should just get HIS way no matter what. Unfortunately for you the Constitution built in a little something called separation of powers.

So you believe that a small faction should be able to shut down the government over what they can't do legislatively? Somehow, I doubt you'd feel that way if it were a GOP President and it was the progressive caucus doing the hostage taking.

The minority, aka the house, have not shut the government down. Reid and Odummer have


So despite the GOP telegraphing their intention to do just this you still believe it is the "big government" Democrats shutting it down? Where is your grasp on reality?
Because I would like to be tentatively optimistic. On the other hand, he seems to frequently confuse his ass with a hole in the ground.

WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner has privately told Republican lawmakers anxious about fallout from the government shutdown that he would not allow a potentially more crippling federal default as the atmosphere on Capitol Hill turned increasingly tense on Thursday.

Mr. Boehner’s comments, recounted by multiple lawmakers, that he would use a combination of Republican and Democratic votes to increase the federal debt limit if necessary appeared aimed at reassuring his colleagues — and nervous financial markets — that he did not intend to let the economic crisis spiral further out of control.

They came even though he has so far refused to allow a vote on a Senate budget measure to end the shutdown that many believe could pass with bipartisan backing. They also reflect Mr. Boehner’s view that a default would have widespread and long-term economic consequences while the shutdown, though disruptive, had more limited impact.

With the mood in Congress already unsettled by the bitter sparring over the fiscal standoff, the Capitol was shaken anew Thursday afternoon when a high-speed chase beginning near the White House ended near the Senate office complex with Capitol Police shooting the driver to death.

Or will he buckle to the TPM again.

He’ll cave in to the TPM again.

And no, he can’t be trusted.
Because I would like to be tentatively optimistic. On the other hand, he seems to frequently confuse his ass with a hole in the ground.

WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner has privately told Republican lawmakers anxious about fallout from the government shutdown that he would not allow a potentially more crippling federal default as the atmosphere on Capitol Hill turned increasingly tense on Thursday.

Mr. Boehner’s comments, recounted by multiple lawmakers, that he would use a combination of Republican and Democratic votes to increase the federal debt limit if necessary appeared aimed at reassuring his colleagues — and nervous financial markets — that he did not intend to let the economic crisis spiral further out of control.

They came even though he has so far refused to allow a vote on a Senate budget measure to end the shutdown that many believe could pass with bipartisan backing. They also reflect Mr. Boehner’s view that a default would have widespread and long-term economic consequences while the shutdown, though disruptive, had more limited impact.

With the mood in Congress already unsettled by the bitter sparring over the fiscal standoff, the Capitol was shaken anew Thursday afternoon when a high-speed chase beginning near the White House ended near the Senate office complex with Capitol Police shooting the driver to death.

Or will he buckle to the TPM again.

He’ll cave in to the TPM again.

And no, he can’t be trusted.

But would he have to if the Democrats said they'd vote for him for Speaker?
Because I would like to be tentatively optimistic. On the other hand, he seems to frequently confuse his ass with a hole in the ground.

WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner has privately told Republican lawmakers anxious about fallout from the government shutdown that he would not allow a potentially more crippling federal default as the atmosphere on Capitol Hill turned increasingly tense on Thursday.

Mr. Boehner’s comments, recounted by multiple lawmakers, that he would use a combination of Republican and Democratic votes to increase the federal debt limit if necessary appeared aimed at reassuring his colleagues — and nervous financial markets — that he did not intend to let the economic crisis spiral further out of control.

They came even though he has so far refused to allow a vote on a Senate budget measure to end the shutdown that many believe could pass with bipartisan backing. They also reflect Mr. Boehner’s view that a default would have widespread and long-term economic consequences while the shutdown, though disruptive, had more limited impact.

With the mood in Congress already unsettled by the bitter sparring over the fiscal standoff, the Capitol was shaken anew Thursday afternoon when a high-speed chase beginning near the White House ended near the Senate office complex with Capitol Police shooting the driver to death.

Or will he buckle to the TPM again.
No, he is a lying snake. Today in a press confrence he has already said he will demand a spending cut ransome for raising the debt ceiling.
Because I would like to be tentatively optimistic. On the other hand, he seems to frequently confuse his ass with a hole in the ground.

WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner has privately told Republican lawmakers anxious about fallout from the government shutdown that he would not allow a potentially more crippling federal default as the atmosphere on Capitol Hill turned increasingly tense on Thursday.

Mr. Boehner’s comments, recounted by multiple lawmakers, that he would use a combination of Republican and Democratic votes to increase the federal debt limit if necessary appeared aimed at reassuring his colleagues — and nervous financial markets — that he did not intend to let the economic crisis spiral further out of control.

They came even though he has so far refused to allow a vote on a Senate budget measure to end the shutdown that many believe could pass with bipartisan backing. They also reflect Mr. Boehner’s view that a default would have widespread and long-term economic consequences while the shutdown, though disruptive, had more limited impact.

With the mood in Congress already unsettled by the bitter sparring over the fiscal standoff, the Capitol was shaken anew Thursday afternoon when a high-speed chase beginning near the White House ended near the Senate office complex with Capitol Police shooting the driver to death.

Or will he buckle to the TPM again.
No, he is a lying snake. Today in a press confrence he has already said he will demand a spending cut ransome for raising the debt ceiling.

Fucker. Talking out both sides his mouth, AND his ass.

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