Can Boehner be trusted

it all depends on these republicans if they want to be stonewalled as you say the fine the stonewalling results will be on the republicans heads for not doing the right thing ... you see if these repub-lie-clowns are stupid enough to put in defunding OBAMA care, you can bet your life we won't sign on ... these repub-lie-clowns will take the fall of the popularity cliff big time and I hope they do ... them we liberals will be rid of repub-lie-clowns for the next 40 0r 50 years

Its funny how you Obama knob slobberers keep telling us Republicans will get destroyed each election. Yet Republicans took the majority of the House AGAIN in the last election.

Keep trying to convince yourself that the GOP only represents a small fraction of America.

GOP won the House, GET OVER IT.

Hi. I'm a 55 year-old grandmother of six. This "knob slobberer" you keep referencing; what's that about?

its repub-lie-tards infatuation with blow jobs ....
Each House Republican WON their election just as Obama did this last election.

I know you liberals think the President is a dictator and should just get HIS way no matter what. Unfortunately for you the Constitution built in a little something called separation of powers.

So you believe that a small faction should be able to shut down the government over what they can't do legislatively? Somehow, I doubt you'd feel that way if it were a GOP President and it was the progressive caucus doing the hostage taking.

The minority, aka the house, have not shut the government down. Reid and Odummer have


And you keep believing that as you see repub-lie-tard, after repub-lie-tard, after repub-lie-tard, after repub-lie-tard, lose their reelection ... and the whining begin ... illegals voted, black voted twice, and all the mexicans and orentals voted three time .... WINE WINE WINE WINE !!!! we need special voter Id so these bastard Libtards won't win
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So you believe that a small faction should be able to shut down the government over what they can't do legislatively? Somehow, I doubt you'd feel that way if it were a GOP President and it was the progressive caucus doing the hostage taking.

The minority, aka the house, have not shut the government down. Reid and Odummer have


So despite the GOP telegraphing their intention to do just this you still believe it is the "big government" Democrats shutting it down? Where is your grasp on reality?
he's a repub-lie-tard ...they don't grasp any kind of reality when it comes to helping the people...
Can you trust this president?

Ranger: "We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It's disgusting"

Can we trust the Democrats who crafted this ACA that they gave themselves waivers for they wouldn't want the program for themselves?

Pelosi: "We need to pass this bill to see what is in it...."

That is the trust you can depend on?

the president wasn't the question here...I sure there are post out ther asking that question ... where your expertise in these matters are needed ... so take your words of wisdom there ... I sure there are answers to all your concerns in these matters in other post ... for now this post is about boehner ... can you stay with the subject at hand
Because I would like to be tentatively optimistic. On the other hand, he seems to frequently confuse his ass with a hole in the ground.

WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner has privately told Republican lawmakers anxious about fallout from the government shutdown that he would not allow a potentially more crippling federal default as the atmosphere on Capitol Hill turned increasingly tense on Thursday.

Mr. Boehner’s comments, recounted by multiple lawmakers, that he would use a combination of Republican and Democratic votes to increase the federal debt limit if necessary appeared aimed at reassuring his colleagues — and nervous financial markets — that he did not intend to let the economic crisis spiral further out of control.

They came even though he has so far refused to allow a vote on a Senate budget measure to end the shutdown that many believe could pass with bipartisan backing. They also reflect Mr. Boehner’s view that a default would have widespread and long-term economic consequences while the shutdown, though disruptive, had more limited impact.

With the mood in Congress already unsettled by the bitter sparring over the fiscal standoff, the Capitol was shaken anew Thursday afternoon when a high-speed chase beginning near the White House ended near the Senate office complex with Capitol Police shooting the driver to death.

Or will he buckle to the TPM again.

Isn't he a politician?

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