Can Boehner be trusted

Can you trust this president?

Ranger: "We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It's disgusting"

Can we trust the Democrats who crafted this ACA that they gave themselves waivers for they wouldn't want the program for themselves?

Pelosi: "We need to pass this bill to see what is in it...."

That is the trust you can depend on?
Because I would like to be tentatively optimistic. On the other hand, he seems to frequently confuse his ass with a hole in the ground.

Or will he buckle to the TPM again.
No, he is a lying snake. Today in a press confrence he has already said he will demand a spending cut ransome for raising the debt ceiling.

Fucker. Talking out both sides his mouth, AND his ass.
The lying snake Boner repeated his threat to destroy the economy again today!

Boehner: U.S. Republicans will not pass 'clean' debt-limit increase - Yahoo Finance

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner said on Sunday that there is "no way" Republican lawmakers will agree to a measure to raise the nation's debt ceiling unless it includes conditions to rein in deficit spending.

Pressed on the ABC news program "This Week" on whether the Republican-led House would pass a "clean" debt ceiling increase that included no conditions, Boehner replied: "I told the president, there's no way we're going to pass one."

"We're not going down that path," he added. "It is time to deal with America's problems. How can you raise the debt limit and do nothing about the underlying problem?"

As the country moved into the sixth day of a government shutdown, Boehner was equally adamant that Republicans would demand concessions for any bill to reopen the government.
So you believe that a small faction should be able to shut down the government over what they can't do legislatively? Somehow, I doubt you'd feel that way if it were a GOP President and it was the progressive caucus doing the hostage taking.

The minority, aka the house, have not shut the government down. Reid and Odummer have


So despite the GOP telegraphing their intention to do just this you still believe it is the "big government" Democrats shutting it down? Where is your grasp on reality?

The reality is quite clear. Obama and the Senate have elected to shut the government down.

The minority, aka the house, have not shut the government down. Reid and Odummer have


So despite the GOP telegraphing their intention to do just this you still believe it is the "big government" Democrats shutting it down? Where is your grasp on reality?

The reality is quite clear. Obama and the Senate have elected to shut the government down.

The GOP have been planning the shutdown for many months, and that is Obama's fault. :cuckoo:
So despite the GOP telegraphing their intention to do just this you still believe it is the "big government" Democrats shutting it down? Where is your grasp on reality?

The reality is quite clear. Obama and the Senate have elected to shut the government down.

The GOP have been planning the shutdown for many months, and that is Obama's fault. :cuckoo:

The last line was Obama's Senate. They elected not to sign the bill. There are consequences for every decision in life. Obama just chose to let it shut down BASED on the Senate's refusal to sign the bill. Pretty simple concept.

Because I would like to be tentatively optimistic. On the other hand, he seems to frequently confuse his ass with a hole in the ground.

WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner has privately told Republican lawmakers anxious about fallout from the government shutdown that he would not allow a potentially more crippling federal default as the atmosphere on Capitol Hill turned increasingly tense on Thursday.

Mr. Boehner’s comments, recounted by multiple lawmakers, that he would use a combination of Republican and Democratic votes to increase the federal debt limit if necessary appeared aimed at reassuring his colleagues — and nervous financial markets — that he did not intend to let the economic crisis spiral further out of control.

They came even though he has so far refused to allow a vote on a Senate budget measure to end the shutdown that many believe could pass with bipartisan backing. They also reflect Mr. Boehner’s view that a default would have widespread and long-term economic consequences while the shutdown, though disruptive, had more limited impact.

With the mood in Congress already unsettled by the bitter sparring over the fiscal standoff, the Capitol was shaken anew Thursday afternoon when a high-speed chase beginning near the White House ended near the Senate office complex with Capitol Police shooting the driver to death.

Or will he buckle to the TPM again.

Can Boehner be trusted? Do bears use bidets?
The reality is quite clear. Obama and the Senate have elected to shut the government down.

The GOP have been planning the shutdown for many months, and that is Obama's fault. :cuckoo:

The last line was Obama's Senate. They elected not to sign the bill. There are consequences for every decision in life. Obama just chose to let it shut down BASED on the Senate's refusal to sign the bill. Pretty simple concept.

No, the Senate passed a clean CR and sent it to the House. Boner, knowing it will pass if brought to a vote in the House, has to date refused to bring it to the floor for a vote. Boner and the GOP own the shutdown they were planning on for months.
The GOP have been planning the shutdown for many months, and that is Obama's fault. :cuckoo:

The last line was Obama's Senate. They elected not to sign the bill. There are consequences for every decision in life. Obama just chose to let it shut down BASED on the Senate's refusal to sign the bill. Pretty simple concept.

No, the Senate passed a clean CR and sent it to the House. Boner, knowing it will pass if brought to a vote in the House, has to date refused to bring it to the floor for a vote. Boner and the GOP own the shutdown they were planning on for months.

Sounds like he learned from Harry Reid aka, not bringing up prior years budgets for vote

I support the House reeling in an unlawful POTUS by power of the purse

Good on them

So despite the GOP telegraphing their intention to do just this you still believe it is the "big government" Democrats shutting it down? Where is your grasp on reality?

The reality is quite clear. Obama and the Senate have elected to shut the government down.

The GOP have been planning the shutdown for many months, and that is Obama's fault. :cuckoo:

Naw. They're just doing echo chamber reverb.

It's not working.

Nobody buys it but the far right. :thup:
Looks like it's "Grand Bargain" time again.

If Dems Negotiate Grand Bargain With GOP, It's Full Capitulation | Crooks and Liars

Is grand bargain the only way out? -

Boehner, who has longed for a massive budget agreement, has spoken about it with members in recent days, according to sources. And an aide described him as “aggressively open-minded” about how to solve the CR and debt ceiling. Boehner and Ryan have both publicly and privately talked about using sequester spending levels as a negotiating tool to entice Obama to negotiate.
The collision of a number of factors has sparked renewed Republican talk of a grand bargain.
Privately, a healthy number of pragmatic Republicans understand that Obamacare is not going to be defunded — or even touched — in the debt ceiling and government-funding negotiations. At this point, the strong stand against funding government is more about standing firm against Democrats than actually stripping money from Obamacare.
Obama isn’t running for office again, and few Republicans think Boehner will remain in the top post for much longer. Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) — who has longed for a rewrite of the Tax Code — is nearing the end of his chairmanship. Ryan — who some see as the speaker-in-waiting — is desperate for a budget agreement.
So with the government shut down and the debt ceiling rapidly approaching in the next two weeks, a large number of Republicans see a grand deficit compromise as the only plausible way out.
Because I would like to be tentatively optimistic. On the other hand, he seems to frequently confuse his ass with a hole in the ground.

WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner has privately told Republican lawmakers anxious about fallout from the government shutdown that he would not allow a potentially more crippling federal default as the atmosphere on Capitol Hill turned increasingly tense on Thursday.

Mr. Boehner’s comments, recounted by multiple lawmakers, that he would use a combination of Republican and Democratic votes to increase the federal debt limit if necessary appeared aimed at reassuring his colleagues — and nervous financial markets — that he did not intend to let the economic crisis spiral further out of control.

They came even though he has so far refused to allow a vote on a Senate budget measure to end the shutdown that many believe could pass with bipartisan backing. They also reflect Mr. Boehner’s view that a default would have widespread and long-term economic consequences while the shutdown, though disruptive, had more limited impact.

With the mood in Congress already unsettled by the bitter sparring over the fiscal standoff, the Capitol was shaken anew Thursday afternoon when a high-speed chase beginning near the White House ended near the Senate office complex with Capitol Police shooting the driver to death.

Or will he buckle to the TPM again.

Why did the filthy obama admin shut down Code Amber but keep that twatty Michelles rise up shit funded?


Can boner be trusted not to cave to such evil people is a better question
To say the least, this question should apply to both sides. You have Boehner on one side, Reid and Obama on the other. One side wants to negotiate, while the other would rather the shutdown continue, doing further damage to it.

Funny, Republicans were the ones being accused of taking the government hostage, but it seems as if the Democrats are the ones holding the gun to it's head.

nooooooooooo one side wants to hold you hostage ... that would be the republican side ... once that shit starts everything you repub-lie-tards don't like, come time for the budget to be passed or the debt ceiling to be passed you repub-lie-tards think you can hold us hostage to remove some bill that's law that you repub-lie-tards you don't like ... it ain't gona' happen... what has happen is you repub-lie-tards are soooooooooooooooooo stupid sooooooo dysfunctional, disorientated, that you have lost every chance to get reelected this next election and we dems will run wild over your conservative ways we'll watch you whine about Pelosi did this Pelosi did that whine, whine, whine, Pelosi, Pelosi, Pelosi, Pelosi, Pelosi, Pelosi, Pelosi, Pelosi, Pelosi, Pelosi, Pelosi, Pelosi, I'll be loving it
The debt limit is going to be raised, I don't think anyone can realistically hope for otherwise. It's just a matter of how many cuts they can get with it. Unless of course the Dems do their stonewalling and refuse to negotiate then it will default.

Boehner has said if we don't give up parts of health care they will not raise the debt ceiling ... so can we say BYE, BYE repub-lie-tards ????
Ya betcha !!!!
The Bohner is worried about his Speakership position. My question is, why can't the Dems agree to support him as Speaker if he just allows a House vote on a clean CR?

correct me If I'm wrong but the house majority is only allowed to vote for speaker
The debt limit is going to be raised, I don't think anyone can realistically hope for otherwise. It's just a matter of how many cuts they can get with it. Unless of course the Dems do their stonewalling and refuse to negotiate then it will default.

it all depends on these republicans if they want to be stonewalled as you say the fine the stonewalling results will be on the republicans heads for not doing the right thing ... you see if these repub-lie-clowns are stupid enough to put in defunding OBAMA care, you can bet your life we won't sign on ... these repub-lie-clowns will take the fall of the popularity cliff big time and I hope they do ... them we liberals will be rid of repub-lie-clowns for the next 40 0r 50 years

Its funny how you Obama knob slobberers keep telling us Republicans will get destroyed each election. Yet Republicans took the majority of the House AGAIN in the last election.

Keep trying to convince yourself that the GOP only represents a small fraction of America.

GOP won the House, GET OVER IT.

in case you didn't notice last election republicans did lose some of their seats and not one democrat lost their seat .... in case you haven't notice the last election there wasn't a debt ceiling in question ... there wasn't a budget in question ... there wasn't a sequester in question ... all caused by republicans not getting their way ... so as you can see here three strikes and your out buddy .... you can take this to the bank ... republicans will lose the house this next election ...
To say the least, this question should apply to both sides. You have Boehner on one side, Reid and Obama on the other. One side wants to negotiate, while the other would rather the shutdown continue, doing further damage to it.

Funny, Republicans were the ones being accused of taking the government hostage, but it seems as if the Democrats are the ones holding the gun to it's head.

No, Republicans are the ones who think that after you lose an election, you still get to call the shots.

Even their wealthy supporters are telling them to knock it off. But the Tea Party has become like Frankenstein's monster, ravaging everything the Mad Scientist cares about.

Each House Republican WON their election just as Obama did this last election.

I know you liberals think the President is a dictator and should just get HIS way no matter what. Unfortunately for you the Constitution built in a little something called separation of powers.

actually it you repub-lie-tards that think hes a dictator ... just because he won't fold under with your lying repub-lie-tards demands... he's, how you say, standing his ground ... so are all the dems... while your repub-lie tards have one foot nailed to the ground and are running in circles like a chicken with its head chopped off ...

Its funny how you Obama knob slobberers keep telling us Republicans will get destroyed each election. Yet Republicans took the majority of the House AGAIN in the last election.

Keep trying to convince yourself that the GOP only represents a small fraction of America.

GOP won the House, GET OVER IT.

They only retained the house because they gerrymandered districts to protect as many seats as they could. Democrats got 1.4 million more votes in House races. And they lost the Senate and Presidency.

But eventually, demagraphics won't be their friend.

Of course, it isn't just about the GOP. It's about that tiny fraction of the GOP known as the TEA Party that is holding the rest of the party and the country hostage because the sensible GOP congressmen who know shutting down the government and defaulting on the debt are bad ideas don't want to get challenged in a primary by a teabagging nut.

The system is broken.

Oh of course, gerrymandering. Yea, like that's not done in blue districts either. :eusa_boohoo:

if you call letting the polls stay open until midnight monday through sunday along with all the early voting and letting every buddy sign up on the final day to vote gerrymandering ??? ok ya caugth us ...
Perhaps you guys forgot about this. Just who is it willing to negotiate here? Why are the Republicans being accused of not wanting to negotiate? Let this picture speak for itself:


one doesn't negotiate with a person or person who are holding you hostage ... its a picture that we dems/liberals are proud of... our dem/liberal leaders are finally saying to you repub-lie-tards fuck you ... its no more my way or the highway mentality TemplarKormac ... those days are over ... either you repub-lie-tars start listing to us dems/liberals or its stonewall all the way ... i for one am proud of these dems/liberals for finally6 saying fuck you repub-lie-tards
NO, people were only upset when Ray-Gun came to help because he'd usually fuck it up.

ain't that the truth ray-gun fuck up everything he touched the Raygun administration had more of its administration go to jail then any administration ... he's the repub-lie-tards biggest hero too figures ...

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