Can Dems Find A Candidate Who Can Beat Trump?

I see a trump victory but it will be very close. I like it that way, it's almost as fun was watching a sporting event but alot less interesting.

Republicans can only win very close elections
That is what happens when you lose the popular vote
Currently no one in their 2020 clown car has the juice to unseat the incumbent and as we saw in 2016, Trump's coattails (combined with general Dem lameness) can carry both houses of congress. We are looking at an increasingly likely red tsunami that will install more America-firsters, giving us a very real shot at destroying what the self-serving WashDC swampers have spent decades building.

Drain the swamp, America!!!
If the Democrats were to nominate a centrist, they could win. However, the radical left mob is in charge of the lemmings at this point in time. Hiccuplooper was chastised for even hinting he might go to the center.
I see a trump victory but it will be very close. I like it that way, it's almost as fun was watching a sporting event but alot less interesting.

Republicans can only win very close elections
That is what happens when you lose the popular vote
The only thing about this election that is a sure thing is that republicans are going to use every dirty trick in the book. We were especially caught flat-footed by Trump's embrace of Russian hacking and republicans not caring.
Republicans can only win very close elections. That is what happens when you lose the popular vote
The only thing about this election that is a sure thing is that republicans are going to use every dirty trick in the book. We were especially caught flat-footed by Trump's embrace of Russian hacking and republicans not caring.
Sounds like you are already working on your excuses for losing and the election is still 17 months away. No point in procrastinating, I suppose. Get ahead of the rush.
You hardcore Trumpbots need to come to the realization that your inexplicable opinions are not representative of enough voters for Trump to win.

Ahahahahaha Trump voters kicked your ass in 30 states winning over 300 EC votes. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
2020 is a whole new election where your emperor will have to run on his record. Not an easy thing for a perpetual failure.
Indeed Trump will have to run on his record and I'd hate to be the Democrat Socialist Party roadkill who must convince voters that undoing all the winning we've enjoyed is a good idea:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder our bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans they consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Those 263,000 jobs in April has been revised down by 36,000 and the March numbers were revised down by 39,000 and in May only 75,000 jobs have been added. So far the monthly average for 2019 is the lowest since 2010
I see a trump victory but it will be very close. I like it that way, it's almost as fun was watching a sporting event but alot less interesting.

Republicans can only win very close elections
That is what happens when you lose the popular vote
The only thing about this election that is a sure thing is that republicans are going to use every dirty trick in the book. We were especially caught flat-footed by Trump's embrace of Russian hacking and republicans not caring.
Their only concern is.....we won
Republicans can only win very close elections. That is what happens when you lose the popular vote
The only thing about this election that is a sure thing is that republicans are going to use every dirty trick in the book. We were especially caught flat-footed by Trump's embrace of Russian hacking and republicans not caring.
Sounds like you are already working on your excuses for losing and the election is still 17 months away. No point in procrastinating, I suppose. Get ahead of the rush.
Will Trump whine about illegal aliens being the reason he lost?
Republicans can only win very close elections. That is what happens when you lose the popular vote
The only thing about this election that is a sure thing is that republicans are going to use every dirty trick in the book. We were especially caught flat-footed by Trump's embrace of Russian hacking and republicans not caring.
Sounds like you are already working on your excuses for losing and the election is still 17 months away. No point in procrastinating, I suppose. Get ahead of the rush.
Way back in 2016 I had this crazy idea that republican voters cared if their nominee was a Russian stooge, not going to make that mistake again.
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Take a look at Trump's net approval (approval minus disapproval) ratings in last year's exit polls:
  • Michigan: net approval rating of -12 points.
  • Pennsylvania: net approval rating of -10 points.
  • Texas: net approval rating of 0 points.
  • Nationally: net approval rating of -9 points.

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