Can Donald Trump be trusted with what he says or tweets anymore?

Can Donald Trump be trusted with what he says or tweets?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • No

    Votes: 19 79.2%

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Can Donald Trump be trusted with what he says or tweets anymore?

Isn't it hilarious how little oreo tries to fool everyone into thinking he used to trust what Trump said (or tweeted) , and only recently found reasons to change his mind?

And is NOT basing his post on his mindless 100% hatred of all things Trump and/or Republican that he has consistently shown for years?

Now that's funny! I always appreciate a sense of the ridiculous. :rofl:
This is a question for everyone, that needs to be answered HONESTLY. Regardless of your political ideology or who you voted for.

This is regarding Trump's tweet accusation that Obama had wiretapped the Trump Tower.

1. Trump tweeted out several comments about Barack Obama wiretapping the Trump Tower. The house gave him a week to PROVE that it actually happened.
2. FBI director Comey was incited by this accusation and demanded that the DOJ deny this accusation.
3. Both leaders of the intelligence committee in the Senate and the House state there is no evidence that the Trump tower was wiretapped.
4. Now Trump and Sean Spicer, his White House Press Secretary are backtracking stating that since he put "wiretapping" in quotes it really meant survellance. Of course wiretapping has a very specific definition in the Meridan Webster dictionary. (to mean tapping of phones and or telegraph to get information)
Definition of WIRETAP

It got very heated during the White House Press briefing today 3/16/2017 between Spicer & Acosta over this matter. Acosta accused Spicer of quoting "Sean Hannity" Trump's mouthpiece, and again we see Spicer desperately trying to twist and turn and wrap Trump's own words around being the media's fault in this country.

I know that this nation is very used to Trump saying things that are not to be taken literally. However, this one puts a former President in danger, which has caused a serious reaction by both parties. If a nutcase can walk into a Pizza Place in New York City loaded to the hilt--because he believed Hillary Clinton was running a child sex operation out of there, some nutcase could believe Trump's story also, and take action against the former President.
Man opens fire in restaurant targeted by anti-Clinton "PizzaGate" fake news conspiracy - CBS News

We saw this political board go wild over this accusation. Trump supporters were outraged that Obama had wiretapped the Trump Tower. So Trump supporters clearly believed it.

We have always expected our Presidents to speak clearly with their words. They went to great efforts to make certain that the meaning of those words were clear and that we understood them. They didn't try to redefine words to make them mean something else other than what they were.

So plucking your cell phone conversation out of thin air, isn't really wiretapping, because no one actually tapped a wire?

Trump claimed that Obama had wiretapped the Trump Tower. He didn't say someone snatched his cell phone conversation out of thin air.

You used a 1960's definition of wiretap. A bureaucrat can tap your phone and never leave his desk, they don't have to physically tap a wire. They can clone your cell phone and hear every conversation and see every message you send or receive. We know the NSA are tracking everything and I could tell you other ways to listen to folks, but then I'd have to kill you. LOL
Try being POTUS with the mess left behind you have to try to fix and find time to tweet. Go ahead. Do it.
That is not Trump tweeting. Its some schmuck doing it for him and Trump probably has no clue half of what is being tweeted, nor cares. More important things need to be done and hes trying to do it.
Can Donald Trump be trusted with what he says or tweets anymore?

Does it really matter whether he tweets whatever it is he says? Tweet, talk, write, whisper....The mode he choose to share his thoughts really doesn't matter. It's damn near always nothing but lies, mischaracterizations, half-truths and utter nonsense. It's gotten to the point that what one can rely on from Trump is that one cannot rely on what he says. The notion that a man's word should be his bond just doesn't register with him.
This is a question for everyone, that needs to be answered HONESTLY. Regardless of your political ideology or who you voted for.

This is regarding Trump's tweet accusation that Obama had wiretapped the Trump Tower.

1. Trump tweeted out several comments about Barack Obama wiretapping the Trump Tower. The house gave him a week to PROVE that it actually happened.
2. FBI director Comey was incited by this accusation and demanded that the DOJ deny this accusation.
3. Both leaders of the intelligence committee in the Senate and the House state there is no evidence that the Trump tower was wiretapped.
4. Now Trump and Sean Spicer, his White House Press Secretary are backtracking stating that since he put "wiretapping" in quotes it really meant survellance. Of course wiretapping has a very specific definition in the Meridan Webster dictionary. (to mean tapping of phones and or telegraph to get information)
Definition of WIRETAP

It got very heated during the White House Press briefing today 3/16/2017 between Spicer & Acosta over this matter. Acosta accused Spicer of quoting "Sean Hannity" Trump's mouthpiece, and again we see Spicer desperately trying to twist and turn and wrap Trump's own words around being the media's fault in this country.

I know that this nation is very used to Trump saying things that are not to be taken literally. However, this one puts a former President in danger, which has caused a serious reaction by both parties. If a nutcase can walk into a Pizza Place in New York City loaded to the hilt--because he believed Hillary Clinton was running a child sex operation out of there, some nutcase could believe Trump's story also, and take action against the former President.
Man opens fire in restaurant targeted by anti-Clinton "PizzaGate" fake news conspiracy - CBS News

We saw this political board go wild over this accusation. Trump supporters were outraged that Obama had wiretapped the Trump Tower. So Trump supporters clearly believed it.

We have always expected our Presidents to speak clearly with their words. They went to great efforts to make certain that the meaning of those words were clear and that we understood them. They didn't try to redefine words to make them mean something else other than what they were.

"Anymore"? Jeez, when could he ever be trusted?
Can Donald Trump be trusted with what he says or tweets anymore?

What do you mean with "anymore", does that mean the orange tweet in chief could be trusted before?

But he's probably right about the "wiretapping" since the NSA spies on everyone

This is a question for everyone, that needs to be answered HONESTLY. Regardless of your political ideology or who you voted for.

This is regarding Trump's tweet accusation that Obama had wiretapped the Trump Tower.

1. Trump tweeted out several comments about Barack Obama wiretapping the Trump Tower. The house gave him a week to PROVE that it actually happened.
2. FBI director Comey was incited by this accusation and demanded that the DOJ deny this accusation.
3. Both leaders of the intelligence committee in the Senate and the House state there is no evidence that the Trump tower was wiretapped.
4. Now Trump and Sean Spicer, his White House Press Secretary are backtracking stating that since he put "wiretapping" in quotes it really meant survellance. Of course wiretapping has a very specific definition in the Meridan Webster dictionary. (to mean tapping of phones and or telegraph to get information)
Definition of WIRETAP

It got very heated during the White House Press briefing today 3/16/2017 between Spicer & Acosta over this matter. Acosta accused Spicer of quoting "Sean Hannity" Trump's mouthpiece, and again we see Spicer desperately trying to twist and turn and wrap Trump's own words around being the media's fault in this country.

I know that this nation is very used to Trump saying things that are not to be taken literally. However, this one puts a former President in danger, which has caused a serious reaction by both parties. If a nutcase can walk into a Pizza Place in New York City loaded to the hilt--because he believed Hillary Clinton was running a child sex operation out of there, some nutcase could believe Trump's story also, and take action against the former President.
Man opens fire in restaurant targeted by anti-Clinton "PizzaGate" fake news conspiracy - CBS News

We saw this political board go wild over this accusation. Trump supporters were outraged that Obama had wiretapped the Trump Tower. So Trump supporters clearly believed it.

We have always expected our Presidents to speak clearly with their words. They went to great efforts to make certain that the meaning of those words were clear and that we understood them. They didn't try to redefine words to make them mean something else other than what they were.

Of course wiretapping is referring to surveillance. This isn't the 1950's, we don't need a spook to plant a physical bug in the receiver of a phone. Intercepts are done at telecom hubs.

We know Flynn was recorded, and that information was illegally passed around government officials and then leaked. The proof is in the pudding.
Trust Trump?

Well, it's like Reagan once said about the Russians,

Trust, but verify.
We have some Breitbart bitch with his hands on our nuclear launch codes and we're talking about trusting his Tweets?
Can Donald Trump be trusted with what he says or tweets anymore?
What do you mean "anymore"? Who in their right mind was "trusting" anything he tweeted before now?

He's like a teenage girl with an unlimited data plan and a strong penchant for sharing whatever random thought comes into her head with the rest of the world.:eek:
This is a question for everyone, that needs to be answered HONESTLY. Regardless of your political ideology or who you voted for.

This is regarding Trump's tweet accusation that Obama had wiretapped the Trump Tower.

1. Trump tweeted out several comments about Barack Obama wiretapping the Trump Tower. The house gave him a week to PROVE that it actually happened.
2. FBI director Comey was incited by this accusation and demanded that the DOJ deny this accusation.
3. Both leaders of the intelligence committee in the Senate and the House state there is no evidence that the Trump tower was wiretapped.
4. Now Trump and Sean Spicer, his White House Press Secretary are backtracking stating that since he put "wiretapping" in quotes it really meant survellance. Of course wiretapping has a very specific definition in the Meridan Webster dictionary. (to mean tapping of phones and or telegraph to get information)
Definition of WIRETAP

It got very heated during the White House Press briefing today 3/16/2017 between Spicer & Acosta over this matter. Acosta accused Spicer of quoting "Sean Hannity" Trump's mouthpiece, and again we see Spicer desperately trying to twist and turn and wrap Trump's own words around being the media's fault in this country.

I know that this nation is very used to Trump saying things that are not to be taken literally. However, this one puts a former President in danger, which has caused a serious reaction by both parties. If a nutcase can walk into a Pizza Place in New York City loaded to the hilt--because he believed Hillary Clinton was running a child sex operation out of there, some nutcase could believe Trump's story also, and take action against the former President.
Man opens fire in restaurant targeted by anti-Clinton "PizzaGate" fake news conspiracy - CBS News

We saw this political board go wild over this accusation. Trump supporters were outraged that Obama had wiretapped the Trump Tower. So Trump supporters clearly believed it.

We have always expected our Presidents to speak clearly with their words. They went to great efforts to make certain that the meaning of those words were clear and that we understood them. They didn't try to redefine words to make them mean something else other than what they were.

I don't see how this helps them.
Wouldn't any type of surveillance also require a warrant?
Another libtardo shows up too stupid to connect the dots which clearly shows Obamakov had his mole in the NSA leak wiretaps of Trump's headquarters and phone taps of Trump's conversations of the President of Mexico and Australia's Prime Minister.

We're draining the swamp and you should get ahead of the rush along with Rachael Maddcow.

Anything negative about Trump is immediately shifted into increasingly ridiculous claims of Obama conspiracy.

While annoying, it is certainly interesting to see damaged minds at work.
Trumps own staff has fallen back on the defense of "Don't take the President literally"

Wire tap does not mean wire means surveillance
Obama does not mean Obama, means any one in his administration
Obama tapped my phone....... means his administration was involved in surveillance of the Russians
He is a "bad (sick) man" ....means he was just doing his job
Quotation marks...mean I am lying out my ass
This is a question for everyone, that needs to be answered HONESTLY. Regardless of your political ideology or who you voted for.

This is regarding Trump's tweet accusation that Obama had wiretapped the Trump Tower.

1. Trump tweeted out several comments about Barack Obama wiretapping the Trump Tower. The house gave him a week to PROVE that it actually happened.
2. FBI director Comey was incited by this accusation and demanded that the DOJ deny this accusation.
3. Both leaders of the intelligence committee in the Senate and the House state there is no evidence that the Trump tower was wiretapped.
4. Now Trump and Sean Spicer, his White House Press Secretary are backtracking stating that since he put "wiretapping" in quotes it really meant survellance. Of course wiretapping has a very specific definition in the Meridan Webster dictionary. (to mean tapping of phones and or telegraph to get information)
Definition of WIRETAP

It got very heated during the White House Press briefing today 3/16/2017 between Spicer & Acosta over this matter. Acosta accused Spicer of quoting "Sean Hannity" Trump's mouthpiece, and again we see Spicer desperately trying to twist and turn and wrap Trump's own words around being the media's fault in this country.

I know that this nation is very used to Trump saying things that are not to be taken literally. However, this one puts a former President in danger, which has caused a serious reaction by both parties. If a nutcase can walk into a Pizza Place in New York City loaded to the hilt--because he believed Hillary Clinton was running a child sex operation out of there, some nutcase could believe Trump's story also, and take action against the former President.
Man opens fire in restaurant targeted by anti-Clinton "PizzaGate" fake news conspiracy - CBS News

We saw this political board go wild over this accusation. Trump supporters were outraged that Obama had wiretapped the Trump Tower. So Trump supporters clearly believed it.

We have always expected our Presidents to speak clearly with their words. They went to great efforts to make certain that the meaning of those words were clear and that we understood them. They didn't try to redefine words to make them mean something else other than what they were.

So plucking your cell phone conversation out of thin air, isn't really wiretapping, because no one actually tapped a wire?

Trump claimed that Obama had wiretapped the Trump Tower. He didn't say someone snatched his cell phone conversation out of thin air.

You used a 1960's definition of wiretap. A bureaucrat can tap your phone and never leave his desk, they don't have to physically tap a wire. They can clone your cell phone and hear every conversation and see every message you send or receive. We know the NSA are tracking everything and I could tell you other ways to listen to folks, but then I'd have to kill you. LOL

intel committee on trump wiretap - Google Search
This is a question for everyone, that needs to be answered HONESTLY. Regardless of your political ideology or who you voted for.
No. The man has communicated almost exclusively in hyperbole since the minute he got off the escalator.

His supporters know this, and this is where the phrase "take him seriously but not literally" comes from. They gave up trying to defend him and came up with a snappy phrase to do it.

All you can do is look for clues within the hyperbole as to his opinions and intentions.

Not a good situation when dealing with the most powerful person on the planet, but it is what it is.
This is a question for everyone, that needs to be answered HONESTLY. Regardless of your political ideology or who you voted for.
No. The man has communicated almost exclusively in hyperbole since the minute he got off the escalator.

His supporters know this, and this is where the phrase "take him seriously but not literally" comes from. They gave up trying to defend him.

All you can do is look for clues within the hyperbole as to his opinions and intentions.

Not a good situation when dealing with the most powerful person on the planet, but it is what it is.

Describing it as simple hyperbole is being generous. It's not as innocuous as you make it sound. This behavior undermines the confidence in, creates dysfunction and damages the effectiveness of our govt.
Ultimately, this crap will become untenable for the admin as Congress will be forced to act. That would be an epic and historic failure for no good reason other than humoring a lunatic.

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