Can GOP win if Trump isn't nominee?

For Whites in your scenario to "embrace" the "results of elections" will be for the largest ethnic group to embrace never having their interests considered in national policy again.

That has never happened before.

Do you really expect Whites to be fine with that?
That is a bigoted whine on your part, Correll. We will be entitled to that portion of results based on the numbers we can bring to the polls. And those results we will embrace.

Yes, we all have to accept the results of elections. But we do not have to "embrace" them or be happy about them, or cave in to beliefs that we disagree with.

Funny, but I don't think you would say what you said if conservatives controlled every aspect of government and media. Careful what you wish for, the shoe could be on the other foot.
If cons can get the government, they will rule as they wish. We would have to accept the results. The nice thing is the far right cons will never, ever have the government.

Grow up, the far right is a tiny stupid minority. It will never amount to anything. However, the far left controls the dem party and much of the media and entertainment industry. They are trying to indoctrinate americans with their liberal bullshit, but americans are not as stupid as the libs think they are.

Most of America is center right. That faction will decide the next election.
One, you are far right, not mainstream. At least 10% of America is like you, and that is bad. Your nonsense about the far left is meaningless. If that were so, we would have had a socialist single payer system in place si years ago.

You freaks are not going to rule.

Now come on subversive, thankfully less than 10% of America is like you!

For Whites in your scenario to "embrace" the "results of elections" will be for the largest ethnic group to embrace never having their interests considered in national policy again.

That has never happened before.

Do you really expect Whites to be fine with that?
That is a bigoted whine on your part, Correll. We will be entitled to that portion of results based on the numbers we can bring to the polls. And those results we will embrace.

Yes, we all have to accept the results of elections. But we do not have to "embrace" them or be happy about them, or cave in to beliefs that we disagree with.

Funny, but I don't think you would say what you said if conservatives controlled every aspect of government and media. Careful what you wish for, the shoe could be on the other foot.
If cons can get the government, they will rule as they wish. We would have to accept the results. The nice thing is the far right cons will never, ever have the government.

Grow up, the far right is a tiny stupid minority. It will never amount to anything. However, the far left controls the dem party and much of the media and entertainment industry. They are trying to indoctrinate americans with their liberal bullshit, but americans are not as stupid as the libs think they are.

Most of America is center right. That faction will decide the next election.

you keep mentioning "far" ... to be fair, you and I both know a "far" left or right candidate has never been elected POTUS .. ever

and it won't be any different in 2016.

Trump is too "far".
[QUOTE="Redfish, post: 12930733, member: A practicing muslim cannot adapt American culture without going against Islam. Your ignorance is also confirmed. Having spent many months in muslim countries I speak from experience.
That is a lie, an ignorant lie by Redfish. I know many Muslims and they adapt. The younger Muslims adapt very easily. They like America.

Sure they like America. They also support Islamic teachings which are contrary to the US constitution. Like the subjugation of women, sharia law, murder of non-believers, etc.

your ignorance is only exceeded by your arrogance.
Your ignorant, arrogant bigotry is showing. The great majority adapt very well. Yup, a few commit crimes. Just like Dylan Roof.

You freaks are not going to get your way, Redfish, because you and your ilk are not and won't ever be mainstream America.
The Koran is not compatible with the US constitution. They are in conflict on almost every area of human life. A devout muslim cannot swear loyalty to the US constitution without denouncing his/her faith. Ignorance like yours is why 9/11 happened, and why hundreds were murdered in Paris last month.
Your ignorance is monumental. Clinton's admin blew it, then Bush's admin blew it. Your bigotry is not only wrong and it is monumentally stupid. We are not shipping Hispanics to Mexico, we are not closing mosques, but we are going to have start building data bases on the far right like you. Oh, that's right: the Homeland folks already have them. That's good.
That is a bigoted whine on your part, Correll. We will be entitled to that portion of results based on the numbers we can bring to the polls. And those results we will embrace.

Yes, we all have to accept the results of elections. But we do not have to "embrace" them or be happy about them, or cave in to beliefs that we disagree with.

Funny, but I don't think you would say what you said if conservatives controlled every aspect of government and media. Careful what you wish for, the shoe could be on the other foot.
If cons can get the government, they will rule as they wish. We would have to accept the results. The nice thing is the far right cons will never, ever have the government.

Grow up, the far right is a tiny stupid minority. It will never amount to anything. However, the far left controls the dem party and much of the media and entertainment industry. They are trying to indoctrinate americans with their liberal bullshit, but americans are not as stupid as the libs think they are.

Most of America is center right. That faction will decide the next election.
One, you are far right, not mainstream. At least 10% of America is like you, and that is bad. Your nonsense about the far left is meaningless. If that were so, we would have had a socialist single payer system in place si years ago.

You freaks are not going to rule.

Now come on subversive, thankfully less than 10% of America is like you!

WSC would have despised Trump. If Trump did not toe his line in WWII in Great Britain, Trump would have been interned.
Time to go to the gym.

Watching the arguments of the morons like Redfish and Vigilante deteriorate the last two weeks gives me great hope for America. Neither Trump nor Cruz will be on the GOP ticket.
For Whites in your scenario to "embrace" the "results of elections" will be for the largest ethnic group to embrace never having their interests considered in national policy again.

That has never happened before.

Do you really expect Whites to be fine with that?
That is a bigoted whine on your part, Correll. We will be entitled to that portion of results based on the numbers we can bring to the polls. And those results we will embrace.

Yes, we all have to accept the results of elections. But we do not have to "embrace" them or be happy about them, or cave in to beliefs that we disagree with.

Funny, but I don't think you would say what you said if conservatives controlled every aspect of government and media. Careful what you wish for, the shoe could be on the other foot.
If cons can get the government, they will rule as they wish. We would have to accept the results. The nice thing is the far right cons will never, ever have the government.

Grow up, the far right is a tiny stupid minority. It will never amount to anything. However, the far left controls the dem party and much of the media and entertainment industry. They are trying to indoctrinate americans with their liberal bullshit, but americans are not as stupid as the libs think they are.

Most of America is center right. That faction will decide the next election.
One, you are far right, not mainstream. At least 10% of America is like you, and that is bad. Your nonsense about the far left is meaningless. If that were so, we would have had a socialist single payer system in place si years ago.

You freaks are not going to rule.

Your characterization of me is totally wrong, but that's what libs do, demonize anyone who does not agree with their left wing bullshit.

I am center right, Christian, and believe that the founders had it right when they wrote the constitution.

As to which ideology is dominant in the US. 40% self identify as conservative, 20% as liberal, and 40% as I don't know.

Why won't you answer if you are a minority female?
Yes, we all have to accept the results of elections. But we do not have to "embrace" them or be happy about them, or cave in to beliefs that we disagree with.

Funny, but I don't think you would say what you said if conservatives controlled every aspect of government and media. Careful what you wish for, the shoe could be on the other foot.
If cons can get the government, they will rule as they wish. We would have to accept the results. The nice thing is the far right cons will never, ever have the government.

Grow up, the far right is a tiny stupid minority. It will never amount to anything. However, the far left controls the dem party and much of the media and entertainment industry. They are trying to indoctrinate americans with their liberal bullshit, but americans are not as stupid as the libs think they are.

Most of America is center right. That faction will decide the next election.
One, you are far right, not mainstream. At least 10% of America is like you, and that is bad. Your nonsense about the far left is meaningless. If that were so, we would have had a socialist single payer system in place si years ago.

You freaks are not going to rule.

Now come on subversive, thankfully less than 10% of America is like you!

WSC would have despised Trump. If Trump did not toe his line in WWII in Great Britain, Trump would have been interned.

Trump was born AFTER WW II you asshole! This low IQ moron thinks people actually believe what he writes! ROTFLMFAO!!!!
For Whites in your scenario to "embrace" the "results of elections" will be for the largest ethnic group to embrace never having their interests considered in national policy again.

That has never happened before.

Do you really expect Whites to be fine with that?
That is a bigoted whine on your part, Correll. We will be entitled to that portion of results based on the numbers we can bring to the polls. And those results we will embrace.

Yes, we all have to accept the results of elections. But we do not have to "embrace" them or be happy about them, or cave in to beliefs that we disagree with.

Funny, but I don't think you would say what you said if conservatives controlled every aspect of government and media. Careful what you wish for, the shoe could be on the other foot.
If cons can get the government, they will rule as they wish. We would have to accept the results. The nice thing is the far right cons will never, ever have the government.

Grow up, the far right is a tiny stupid minority. It will never amount to anything. However, the far left controls the dem party and much of the media and entertainment industry. They are trying to indoctrinate americans with their liberal bullshit, but americans are not as stupid as the libs think they are.

Most of America is center right. That faction will decide the next election.

you keep mentioning "far" ... to be fair, you and I both know a "far" left or right candidate has never been elected POTUS .. ever

and it won't be any different in 2016.

Trump is too "far".

Wrong. Trump is merely saying what a majority of americans are thinking.

America tried liberalism, it failed miserably. Its over, you failed. Your Kenyan messiah was a fraud and a failure. Time to move back to sensible government.
Time to go to the gym.

Watching the arguments of the morons like Redfish and Vigilante deteriorate the last two weeks gives me great hope for America. Neither Trump nor Cruz will be on the GOP ticket.

Wanna bet?

You KNOW how those deranged Hildebeast supporters are... even the ones that try to say they are moderate Republican's...but aren't!
For Whites in your scenario to "embrace" the "results of elections" will be for the largest ethnic group to embrace never having their interests considered in national policy again.

Just one question.........what "interests" of whites do you think will not be addressed?

NOt being discriminated against is a big one.


For Whites in your scenario to "embrace" the "results of elections" will be for the largest ethnic group to embrace never having their interests considered in national policy again.

That has never happened before.

Do you really expect Whites to be fine with that?

I'm sorry...... but not having the best jobs, political seats and salaries reserved for you is not discrimination

In case you haven't noticed. White, male, christians will still have a vote...they will just not have the majority they are accustomed to

Now if in your world, White, male christians will revolt if they don't get to call all the shots anymore....maybe we never should have allowed them control in the first part

RW, your spin doesn't change the facts.

AA, especially combined with Disparate Impact Theory will in your scenario lead to mandated discrimination against Whites, as it has already done so, and been narrowly overrule in the New Haven Firefighter case.

It is not about "not being able to call the shots" it is about never having their interests considered in national policy again.

YOur hostility to our position is just an example of the vast and ever growing gulf between the majority rule and the majority of the largest single ethnic group in your scenario.

Are you now telling me that you really have never considered the obvious results of your sides polices?

How do you think Whites will react to this and more?

Affirmative Action has been in place for 45 years. It has been hugely successful and almost every American has benefitted from it.

We had the same threats back then about what will happen if white males no longer get all the positions of responsibility

Hate to tell you, but most whites have already accepted it

No, they have not. THat is why there has been so much roll back as with

Ricci v. DeStefano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rollback which will be reversed as soon as the Court gets one more lib on it.

So, you have been living in a fantasy land where the majority of Whites will be Permanently Disenfranchised and being completely fine with that...



The majority of WHites do NOT agree with you, that's why they vote GOP.

They are not going to be happy about being second class citizens for the rest of their lives.

All that gap you feel when you consider my words? That is what the majority of WHites will be feeling when they are told that they are not being discriminated against, they are just not calling the shots anymore.

But they will be just as certain as you are now, that they are right and they are not goin to be happy.

You need to start checking your assumptions.

I don't think you understand what disenfranchised means

When blacks were blocked from voting....they were disenfranchised
Just because the vote goes against you does not amount to disenfranchisement

Last edited:
[QUOTE="Redfish, post: 12930733, member: A practicing muslim cannot adapt American culture without going against Islam. Your ignorance is also confirmed. Having spent many months in muslim countries I speak from experience.
That is a lie, an ignorant lie by Redfish. I know many Muslims and they adapt. The younger Muslims adapt very easily. They like America.

Sure they like America. They also support Islamic teachings which are contrary to the US constitution. Like the subjugation of women, sharia law, murder of non-believers, etc.

your ignorance is only exceeded by your arrogance.
Your ignorant, arrogant bigotry is showing. The great majority adapt very well. Yup, a few commit crimes. Just like Dylan Roof.

You freaks are not going to get your way, Redfish, because you and your ilk are not and won't ever be mainstream America.

The Koran is not compatible with the US constitution. They are in conflict on almost every area of human life.

A devout muslim cannot swear loyalty to the US constitution without denouncing his/her faith.

Ignorance like yours is why 9/11 happened, and why hundreds were murdered in Paris last month.

Neither is the Torah or the Bible

That is why we maintain a seperation of church and state
NOt being discriminated against is a big one.


For Whites in your scenario to "embrace" the "results of elections" will be for the largest ethnic group to embrace never having their interests considered in national policy again.

That has never happened before.

Do you really expect Whites to be fine with that?

I'm sorry...... but not having the best jobs, political seats and salaries reserved for you is not discrimination

In case you haven't noticed. White, male, christians will still have a vote...they will just not have the majority they are accustomed to

Now if in your world, White, male christians will revolt if they don't get to call all the shots anymore....maybe we never should have allowed them control in the first part

RW, your spin doesn't change the facts.

AA, especially combined with Disparate Impact Theory will in your scenario lead to mandated discrimination against Whites, as it has already done so, and been narrowly overrule in the New Haven Firefighter case.

It is not about "not being able to call the shots" it is about never having their interests considered in national policy again.

YOur hostility to our position is just an example of the vast and ever growing gulf between the majority rule and the majority of the largest single ethnic group in your scenario.

Are you now telling me that you really have never considered the obvious results of your sides polices?

How do you think Whites will react to this and more?

Affirmative Action has been in place for 45 years. It has been hugely successful and almost every American has benefitted from it.

We had the same threats back then about what will happen if white males no longer get all the positions of responsibility

Hate to tell you, but most whites have already accepted it

No, they have not. THat is why there has been so much roll back as with

Ricci v. DeStefano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rollback which will be reversed as soon as the Court gets one more lib on it.

So, you have been living in a fantasy land where the majority of Whites will be Permanently Disenfranchised and being completely fine with that...



The majority of WHites do NOT agree with you, that's why they vote GOP.

They are not going to be happy about being second class citizens for the rest of their lives.

All that gap you feel when you consider my words? That is what the majority of WHites will be feeling when they are told that they are not being discriminated against, they are just not calling the shots anymore.

But they will be just as certain as you are now, that they are right and they are not goin to be happy.

You need to start checking your assumptions.

I don't think you understand what disenfranchised means

When blacks were blocked from voting....they were disenfranchised
Just because the vote goes against you does not amount to disenfranchisement

Jim Crow was a DemocRAT!


NOt being discriminated against is a big one.


For Whites in your scenario to "embrace" the "results of elections" will be for the largest ethnic group to embrace never having their interests considered in national policy again.

That has never happened before.

Do you really expect Whites to be fine with that?

I'm sorry...... but not having the best jobs, political seats and salaries reserved for you is not discrimination

In case you haven't noticed. White, male, christians will still have a vote...they will just not have the majority they are accustomed to

Now if in your world, White, male christians will revolt if they don't get to call all the shots anymore....maybe we never should have allowed them control in the first part

RW, your spin doesn't change the facts.

AA, especially combined with Disparate Impact Theory will in your scenario lead to mandated discrimination against Whites, as it has already done so, and been narrowly overrule in the New Haven Firefighter case.

It is not about "not being able to call the shots" it is about never having their interests considered in national policy again.

YOur hostility to our position is just an example of the vast and ever growing gulf between the majority rule and the majority of the largest single ethnic group in your scenario.

Are you now telling me that you really have never considered the obvious results of your sides polices?

How do you think Whites will react to this and more?

Affirmative Action has been in place for 45 years. It has been hugely successful and almost every American has benefitted from it.

We had the same threats back then about what will happen if white males no longer get all the positions of responsibility

Hate to tell you, but most whites have already accepted it

No, they have not. THat is why there has been so much roll back as with

Ricci v. DeStefano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rollback which will be reversed as soon as the Court gets one more lib on it.

So, you have been living in a fantasy land where the majority of Whites will be Permanently Disenfranchised and being completely fine with that...



The majority of WHites do NOT agree with you, that's why they vote GOP.

They are not going to be happy about being second class citizens for the rest of their lives.

All that gap you feel when you consider my words? That is what the majority of WHites will be feeling when they are told that they are not being discriminated against, they are just not calling the shots anymore.

But they will be just as certain as you are now, that they are right and they are not goin to be happy.

You need to start checking your assumptions.

I don't think you understand what disenfranchised means

When blacks were blocked from voting....they were disenfranchised
Just because the vote goes against you does not amount to disenfranchisement

IF the system has been gamed so that the vote ALWAYS goes against you, it does amount to disenfranchisement.

And that is what you have been gloating about, with your talk of Demographic Shift and "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

How angry would you be if my side had managed to game the system to shut you and yours out forever? So that every President and Congress and Court was, from your viewpoint, the Far Right?

Would you "embrace that"?
I'm sorry...... but not having the best jobs, political seats and salaries reserved for you is not discrimination

In case you haven't noticed. White, male, christians will still have a vote...they will just not have the majority they are accustomed to

Now if in your world, White, male christians will revolt if they don't get to call all the shots anymore....maybe we never should have allowed them control in the first part

RW, your spin doesn't change the facts.

AA, especially combined with Disparate Impact Theory will in your scenario lead to mandated discrimination against Whites, as it has already done so, and been narrowly overrule in the New Haven Firefighter case.

It is not about "not being able to call the shots" it is about never having their interests considered in national policy again.

YOur hostility to our position is just an example of the vast and ever growing gulf between the majority rule and the majority of the largest single ethnic group in your scenario.

Are you now telling me that you really have never considered the obvious results of your sides polices?

How do you think Whites will react to this and more?

Affirmative Action has been in place for 45 years. It has been hugely successful and almost every American has benefitted from it.

We had the same threats back then about what will happen if white males no longer get all the positions of responsibility

Hate to tell you, but most whites have already accepted it

No, they have not. THat is why there has been so much roll back as with

Ricci v. DeStefano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rollback which will be reversed as soon as the Court gets one more lib on it.

So, you have been living in a fantasy land where the majority of Whites will be Permanently Disenfranchised and being completely fine with that...



The majority of WHites do NOT agree with you, that's why they vote GOP.

They are not going to be happy about being second class citizens for the rest of their lives.

All that gap you feel when you consider my words? That is what the majority of WHites will be feeling when they are told that they are not being discriminated against, they are just not calling the shots anymore.

But they will be just as certain as you are now, that they are right and they are not goin to be happy.

You need to start checking your assumptions.

I don't think you understand what disenfranchised means

When blacks were blocked from voting....they were disenfranchised
Just because the vote goes against you does not amount to disenfranchisement

IF the system has been gamed so that the vote ALWAYS goes against you, it does amount to disenfranchisement.

And that is what you have been gloating about, with your talk of Demographic Shift and "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

How angry would you be if my side had managed to game the system to shut you and yours out forever? So that every President and Congress and Court was, from your viewpoint, the Far Right?

Would you "embrace that"?

The vote goes against you because you cling to out of date policies and run candidates who offend large percentages of the electorate

You are not being are being beaten

Your side is also gaming the system by controlling the statehouses and gerrymandering congressional districts

Its not fair, but it is politics
That is a lie, an ignorant lie by Redfish. I know many Muslims and they adapt. The younger Muslims adapt very easily. They like America.

Sure they like America. They also support Islamic teachings which are contrary to the US constitution. Like the subjugation of women, sharia law, murder of non-believers, etc.

your ignorance is only exceeded by your arrogance.
Your ignorant, arrogant bigotry is showing. The great majority adapt very well. Yup, a few commit crimes. Just like Dylan Roof.

You freaks are not going to get your way, Redfish, because you and your ilk are not and won't ever be mainstream America.

The Koran is not compatible with the US constitution. They are in conflict on almost every area of human life.

A devout muslim cannot swear loyalty to the US constitution without denouncing his/her faith.

Ignorance like yours is why 9/11 happened, and why hundreds were murdered in Paris last month.

Neither is the Torah or the Bible

That is why we maintain a seperation of church and state

Actually both the Bible and the Torah are compatible with the US constitution. The constitution was based on judeo/Christian principles.

But we do have separation of church and state, no muslim country has that. Are you aware of that?
RW, your spin doesn't change the facts.

AA, especially combined with Disparate Impact Theory will in your scenario lead to mandated discrimination against Whites, as it has already done so, and been narrowly overrule in the New Haven Firefighter case.

It is not about "not being able to call the shots" it is about never having their interests considered in national policy again.

YOur hostility to our position is just an example of the vast and ever growing gulf between the majority rule and the majority of the largest single ethnic group in your scenario.

Are you now telling me that you really have never considered the obvious results of your sides polices?

How do you think Whites will react to this and more?

Affirmative Action has been in place for 45 years. It has been hugely successful and almost every American has benefitted from it.

We had the same threats back then about what will happen if white males no longer get all the positions of responsibility

Hate to tell you, but most whites have already accepted it

No, they have not. THat is why there has been so much roll back as with

Ricci v. DeStefano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rollback which will be reversed as soon as the Court gets one more lib on it.

So, you have been living in a fantasy land where the majority of Whites will be Permanently Disenfranchised and being completely fine with that...



The majority of WHites do NOT agree with you, that's why they vote GOP.

They are not going to be happy about being second class citizens for the rest of their lives.

All that gap you feel when you consider my words? That is what the majority of WHites will be feeling when they are told that they are not being discriminated against, they are just not calling the shots anymore.

But they will be just as certain as you are now, that they are right and they are not goin to be happy.

You need to start checking your assumptions.

I don't think you understand what disenfranchised means

When blacks were blocked from voting....they were disenfranchised
Just because the vote goes against you does not amount to disenfranchisement

IF the system has been gamed so that the vote ALWAYS goes against you, it does amount to disenfranchisement.

And that is what you have been gloating about, with your talk of Demographic Shift and "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

How angry would you be if my side had managed to game the system to shut you and yours out forever? So that every President and Congress and Court was, from your viewpoint, the Far Right?

Would you "embrace that"?

The vote goes against you because you cling to out of date policies and run candidates who offend large percentages of the electorate

You are not being are being beaten

Your side is also gaming the system by controlling the statehouses and gerrymandering congressional districts

Its not fair, but it is politics

You will be proven wrong in November 2016. You and your left wing progressive ideology is what is out of date and failing.

But continue to enjoy your fantasy while you can.

Sure they like America. They also support Islamic teachings which are contrary to the US constitution. Like the subjugation of women, sharia law, murder of non-believers, etc.

your ignorance is only exceeded by your arrogance.
Your ignorant, arrogant bigotry is showing. The great majority adapt very well. Yup, a few commit crimes. Just like Dylan Roof.

You freaks are not going to get your way, Redfish, because you and your ilk are not and won't ever be mainstream America.

The Koran is not compatible with the US constitution. They are in conflict on almost every area of human life.

A devout muslim cannot swear loyalty to the US constitution without denouncing his/her faith.

Ignorance like yours is why 9/11 happened, and why hundreds were murdered in Paris last month.

Neither is the Torah or the Bible

That is why we maintain a seperation of church and state

Actually both the Bible and the Torah are compatible with the US constitution. The constitution was based on judeo/Christian principles.

But we do have separation of church and state, no muslim country has that. Are you aware of that?

Neither does any Christian or Jewish state, and you are unaware of that.
Trump, Cruz, Carson......all appeal to voters who already vote Republican. They will increase turnout and margins in red states that already vote Republican. They will lose votes in swing states

Rubio seems to be the only Republican with a chance of beating Hillary
He is young to offset Hillarys age and staleness factor
He is Hispanic which offsets the Hispanic vote lost by Trump
He represents Florida which is a critical swing state
He is also likeable....which few Republicans are

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