Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!


A few achievements of the Cuban revolution:
  1. Defeated Batista, a dictator who killed around 20,000 people and used to make business with the American mob and imperialists. Have you ever seen the video where Fidel Castro is entering Havana with the rebels? That’s what I call “supporting someone”. Most Cubans adore him. literally. The Cubans in the US are a small minority, compared to the Cubans on the Island who number about 11 million today.
  2. Stopped the excessive control of American businesses over Cuban affairs.
  3. First Agrarian Reform, thousands of farmers could manage their own land.
  4. Under his lead, Cuba increases its literacy rate to almost 100%. In addition, everybody has access to free education. That was very important for most Cuban families because most of them didn't have access to education.
  5. A long list of very well-known achievement in socialized health-care.
  6. The system was not good, but at least there was a clear “social contract” — you always had how to cover the basic needs.
The argument that most Cubans were doing great financially and otherwise before the Cuban socialist revolution is ridiculous. If that were true a small, ragtag guerilla force wouldn't have gotten the mass support from the Cuban people that it did.

The capitalist argument that asserts, that because there are countries in the world that identify their economies as socialist and are poor, socialism doesn't work, is misleading. If we apply that same argument to poor countries that have capitalist economies, does that prove that capitalism doesn't work? Be consistent, don't have a double standard. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. There are many poor, developing countries with dictators ruling over them, that have a capitalist economy, so it simply doesn't make much sense for you defenders of capitalism to assume that because a nation that identifies itself as socialist is poor or under the heel of a totalitarian regime, that somehow proves that socialism can't be an effective economic system. Haiti and Honduras are the poorest nations in the Western hemisphere and they have a market, capitalist-based economy. Saudi Arabia is led by an absolute monarch (i.e. dictator), who has people's heads chopped off in the public square, for "crimes" like religious apostasy, witchcraft, and being in possession of more than an ounce of Marijuana.

So give that line of argumentation a break. Send it on a vacation somewhere. Let it go. There are capitalist countries that are devastated economically and are ruled by tyrants and yet the US government is in bed with them. All cuddled up, rubbing cheeks with heinous, blood thirty regimes. So stop supporting American imperialism, and you'll greatly reduce if not eliminate most of the illegal immigration into this country.

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Not if left up to many "woke" liberals. Where I live here in NYC, we are all disarmed because the local city government doesn't respect our constitutional right to own firearms. Only government agents and street thugs have firearms. This is a Democrat-run city and state. There are advantages to living in a city or state run by liberals, like for example, people having better access to healthcare, public transit, social services..etc. But unfortunately, these same liberals are horrible when it comes to crime fighting, supporting law enforcement, and the Second Amendment. Conservatives tend to be much better at fighting street crime.
Your post was idiotic and wrong:

“If law-abiding people are disarmed by law…”

There is no ‘if.’

There is no effort, advocacy, or desire to ‘disarm’ law-abiding people – whatever that’s supposed to mean.

Americans will have ample access to firearms for lawful self-defense.

And the notion that Americans need to be armed to ‘defend against’ a government having become ‘tyrannical’ is just as idiotic and wrong.
The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age

The militia of the United States consists of the states’ National Guard.

Indeed, there is no more ‘militia’ – private armed citizens do not constitute a ‘militia.’
So you're saying that everyone who has a gun in the US has to be in a militia? And back then, 17 was an adult. Some states now you have to be 21 to be considered an adult. Are you making this up as you go along?
Of course not.

In fact, the only people who belong to a ‘militia’ are those serving in their state’s National Guard.

A ‘militia’ can exist only when sanctioned and authorized by a state government or the Federal government.

Private armed citizens cannot unilaterally declare themselves to be a ‘militia’; doing so is nothing but a pathetic rightwing fantasy.
What radical changes if the Democrats have a hold on the White House and The Congress?

In fact, Democrats have been the advocates of stability and responsible governance and public policy.

The only radicalism comes from the right: illiberal, neo-fascist, anti-democratic radicalism.
Your post was idiotic and wrong:

“If law-abiding people are disarmed by law…”

There is no ‘if.’

There is no effort, advocacy, or desire to ‘disarm’ law-abiding people – whatever that’s supposed to mean.

Americans will have ample access to firearms for lawful self-defense.

And the notion that Americans need to be armed to ‘defend against’ a government having become ‘tyrannical’ is just as idiotic and wrong.

We're disarmed here in New York City. Law-abiding Americans can't own firearms in NYC. So you're the freaking idiot, claiming that liberals aren't disarming good, law-abiding Americans. What the liberals have done here in NYC and Chicago, among other cities, they would LOVE to do EVERYWHERE. The rednecks are correct, they're right. Bubba is speaking the truth. Liberals want to take away his shotguns, AR-15, and even the slingshot he uses to kill possums. You do it here in NYC and in other cities where you're in control. You disarm the populace and the result of that is that criminals remain armed. Good people are held hostage by street thugs. Only the police and street criminals are armed.

As far as your remarks on the American people being armed to defend themselves against tyranny, it's pretty obvious to most people, that it's better to be armed with a combat rifle if you're going to fight a tyrannical government or foreign invasion than not being armed at all. It's better to be armed with a combat rifle until the resistance can acquire heavier weapons. This country is heading into chaos in the not too distant future, so it behooves all good Americans to arm themselves with combat rifles. The shit is going to hit the fan, in a few years. Unemployment is going to be so bad, along with inflation, that I believe this country is heading to another civil war. When people start going hungry, that's when the pitchforks come out and it's better for those "pitchforks" to be combat rifles. So you're actually the idiot. How are you going to defend yourself and your family? You need to arm yourself now, while you have a chance. I recommend you get an AK19:

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In fact, Democrats have been the advocates of stability and responsible governance and public policy.

The only radicalism comes from the right: illiberal, neo-fascist, anti-democratic radicalism.

Democrats aren't much better than Republicans. These two parties are simply two sides of the same stinky turd. They serve the same ruling class at the expense of the American people. Both of these parties are trash.

The militia of the United States consists of the states’ National Guard.

Indeed, there is no more ‘militia’ – private armed citizens do not constitute a ‘militia.’
(b)The classes of the militia are—
the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
(Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 14, § 311; Pub. L. 85–861, § 1(7), Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1439; Pub. L. 103–160, div. A, title V, § 524(a), Nov. 30, 1993, 107 Stat. 1656; renumbered § 246, Pub. L. 114–328, div. A, title XII, § 1241(a)(2), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat.
Of course not.

In fact, the only people who belong to a ‘militia’ are those serving in their state’s National Guard.

A ‘militia’ can exist only when sanctioned and authorized by a state government or the Federal government.

Private armed citizens cannot unilaterally declare themselves to be a ‘militia’; doing so is nothing but a pathetic rightwing fantasy.
Wrong maybe you should do some research dumbass
A few achievements of the Cuban revolution:
  1. Defeated Batista, a dictator who killed around 20,000 people and used to make business with the American mob and imperialists. Have you ever seen the video where Fidel Castro is entering Havana with the rebels? That’s what I call “supporting someone”. Most Cubans adore him. literally. The Cubans in the US are a small minority, compared to the Cubans on the Island who number about 11 million today.
  2. Stopped the excessive control of American businesses over Cuban affairs.
  3. First Agrarian Reform, thousands of farmers could manage their own land.
  4. Under his lead, Cuba increases its literacy rate to almost 100%. In addition, everybody has access to free education. That was very important for most Cuban families because most of them didn't have access to education.
  5. A long list of very well-known achievement in socialized health-care.
  6. The system was not good, but at least there was a clear “social contract” — you always had how to cover the basic needs.
The argument that most Cubans were doing great financially and otherwise before the Cuban socialist revolution is ridiculous. If that were true a small, ragtag guerilla force wouldn't have gotten the mass support from the Cuban people that it did.

The capitalist argument that asserts, that because there are countries in the world that identify their economies as socialist and are poor, socialism doesn't work, is misleading. If we apply that same argument to poor countries that have capitalist economies, does that prove that capitalism doesn't work? Be consistent, don't have a double standard. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. There are many poor, developing countries with dictators ruling over them, that have a capitalist economy, so it simply doesn't make much sense for you defenders of capitalism to assume that because a nation that identifies itself as socialist is poor or under the heel of a totalitarian regime, that somehow proves that socialism can't be an effective economic system. Haiti and Honduras are the poorest nations in the Western hemisphere and they have a market, capitalist-based economy. Saudi Arabia is led by an absolute monarch (i.e. dictator), who has people's heads chopped off in the public square, for "crimes" like religious apostasy, witchcraft, and being in possession of more than an ounce of Marijuana.

So give that line of argumentation a break. Send it on a vacation somewhere. Let it go. There are capitalist countries that are devastated economically and are ruled by tyrants and yet the US government is in bed with them. All cuddled up, rubbing cheeks with heinous, blood thirty regimes. So stop supporting American imperialism, and you'll greatly reduce if not eliminate most of the illegal immigration into this country.

Move there.
Move there.

Lift the sanctions. Very simple. If not, I'm here.


More of us are coming...

No wall will stop us.​

You want to support American imperialism, sanctions, embargoes, US State Department orchestrated coup d'etats, well then more of us Hispanics are coming. We speak Spanish, and we're bringing all of our babies with us, OK Gringo? Cope with it.


Lift the sanctions. Very simple. If not, I'm here.

View attachment 672652

More of us are coming...

No wall will stop us.​

You want to support American imperialism, sanctions, embargoes, US State Department orchestrated coup d'etats, well then more of us Hispanics are coming. We speak Spanish, and we're bringing all of our babies with us, OK Gringo? Cope with it.

Move there if they have this great health care system sanctions never worked.
Move there if they have this great health care system sanctions never worked.
Why would I or anyone else, regardless of their ethnicity or heritage, have to leave, because they don't agree with you politically or with the US government's foreign policy? Does that make any sense? Why don't you leave and then people who share my values and views remain here and try to improve conditions here, irrespective of how you might feel about it. You American imperialists, who are destroying the world and this country, with your hegemonic, warmongering foreign policies, leave. YOU LEAVE.


Leave the fucking planet. Get on a rocket...​

If sanctions supposedly don't work, lift the sanctions. Do it in Cuba and in every other Latin American country. If not, expect more illegal immigration. You'll never stop it and us Hispanics have more children than Caucasians. So this country is going to be speaking Spanish in the not too distant future if people like you continue supporting American imperialism.
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I'm also going to add. why do you respond this way? Why would I or anyone else, regardless of their ethnicity or heritage, have to leave, because they don't agree with you or with the US government's foreign policy? Does that make any sense? Why don't you leave and then people who share my values and views remain here and try to improve conditions here, irrespective of how you might feel about it. In other words, you leave. You American imperialists, who are destroying the world and this country, with your hegemonic, warmongering foreign policies, leave. You leave.
People advocate how great Cuba is but yet try to leave it and never really hear about Americans trying to flee to Cuba to live there. All I am saying is you are free to leave America and move to Cuba.
People advocate how great Cuba is but yet try to leave it and never really hear about Americans trying to flee to Cuba to live there. All I am saying is you are free to leave America and move to Cuba.

"People advocate how great Cuba is"...Improve your reading comprehension skills. I never said it was "great" in Cuba, at all. It's bad mostly because of the sanctions that you pretend aren't effecting the Island economically. In 2014 when Obama lifted most of the sanctions, Cuba began to flourish economically. The situation was starting to get much better when Trump in 2017, reinstated the sanctions, destroying the improved conditions in Cuba. So why make the stupid suggestion that I should move to Cuba because I'm simply stating a few facts about Cuba's healthcare and education system? No, people like you get out of here. You leave, I'll stay here whether you like it or not Bubba. I'm not going anywhere, I'm in your face speaking Spanish, reminding you of all of the illegal immigrants that are coming here from Latin America as a result of your shit country bumpkin politics.

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"People advocate how great Cuba is"...Improve your reading comprehension skills. I never said it was "great" in Cuba, at all. It's bad mostly because of the sanctions that you pretend aren't effecting the Island economically. In 2014 when Obama lifted most of the sanctions, Cuba began to flourish economically. The situation was starting to get much better when Trump in 2017, reinstated the sanctions, destroying the improved conditions in Cuba. So why make the stupid suggestion that I should move to Cuba because I'm simply stating a few facts about Cuba's healthcare and education system? No, people like you get out of here. You leave, I'll stay here whether you like it or not Bubba. I'm not going anywhere, I'm in your face speaking Spanish, reminding you of all of the illegal immigrants that are coming here from Latin America as a result of your shit country bumpkin politics.

I just triggered you move your ass
I was standing in line, in a Barnes and Nobles cafe in Tucson, Arizona in 2017 with my father who was visiting me.
I just triggered you move your ass

You're just projecting your own "triggering" on me. Talk about triggering..I was standing in line, in a Barnes and Noble cafe in Tucson, Arizona in 2017 with my father who was visiting me. And behind us there was this country boy, wearing a red MAGA hat, and my father and I were speaking Spanish. UUUUUWEEEEH, did Bubba get triggered. Damn. He couldn't do anything, I put him in his place and kept talking Spanish with my papa. This spick from Miami, did his time in the army and I have my DD214 and VA card to prove it. So Bubba, you get out of here. You. I earned my place in this land.
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I was standing in line, in a Barnes and Nobles cafe in Tucson, Arizona in 2017 with my father who was visiting me.

You're just projecting your own "triggering" on me. Talk about triggering..I was standing in line, in a Barnes and Noble cafe in Tucson, Arizona in 2017 with my father who was visiting me. And behind us there was this country boy, wearing a red MAGA hat, and my father and I were speaking Spanish. UUUUUWEEEEH, did Bubba get triggered. Damn. He couldn't do anything, I put him in his place and kept talking Spanish with my papa. This spick from Miami, did his time in the army and I have my DD214 and VA card to prove it. So Bubba, you get out of here. You. I earned my place in this land.
I'm not projecting. You're free to move to Cuba any time you want. I really don't care if someone speak Spanish around me shrugs.
/———-/I said the Constitution has several age restrictions, and I listed two examples, one for the 2nd, one for the 14th. Sorry I confused you. I’ll dumb down my responses to you in the future.
You never showed any age restriction on the second. So when the Redcoats were coming, fathers were saying to their sons: put your gun down, you're not old enough to defend yourself? Now stuff it and go sit down, you're an anti-2nd communist.
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