Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

If the sanctions aren't doing anything as you claim, then have the sanctions lifted. Cuba doesn't need foreign capitalists or imperialists owning its resources or taking control of its major industries. That should be owned publicly, by the Cuban people. Each nation has a right to choose which economic system it wants to adopt and the United States has no right to impose capitalism or anything else upon any other country.

The IMF is a front organization for the American ruling class to take control of resources and markets of developing countries. You deny it because you've been brainwashed by your capitalist masters. You're not even a capitalist yourself, you're a brainwashed working-class person defending a system that undermines your interests and life.
Reduced to replying to yourself?

The Vietnamese, and the Taliban, both beat a much better-equipped military. Yes, the Vietnamese war (they refer to it as the American war), was brutal, resulting in the death of at least three million Vietnamese. Even today there are people dying from American undetonated ordinance that detonates, like mines..etc. The effects of agent orange are also still felt today. Nonetheless, Vietnam is a beautiful country and it is flourishing, with its socialist government. Most if not all of the sanctions have been lifted, thanks to President Clinton:

Mea culpa, you understand the casualties of this conflict.
/——/ Folks, ignore communists’ words, but pay attention to their deeds. The commiefront is out of talking points.
If the sanctions aren't doing anything as you claim, then have the sanctions lifted. Cuba doesn't need foreign capitalists or imperialists owning its resources or taking control of its major industries. That should be owned publicly, by the Cuban people. Each nation has a right to choose which economic system it wants to adopt and the United States has no right to impose capitalism or anything else upon any other country.

The IMF is a front organization for the American ruling class to take control of resources and markets of developing countries. You deny it because you've been brainwashed by your capitalist masters. You're not even a capitalist yourself, you're a brainwashed working-class person defending a system that undermines your interests and life.
/——/ Nope, not until Cuba frees her people.
Voting has nothing to do with the 2nd, you have nothing so you spray crap all over. Got it.

As for the militia, you don't have to be in one to have a gun. Now you know.
/——-/ Maybe you aren’t playing stupid. How can you be so dense as not to see my point?
/——/ Folks, ignore communists’ words, but pay attention to their deeds. The commiefront is out of talking points. View attachment 672458

Thanks to US sanctions.

Before castro most Cubans had no access to healthcare, education and their country's resources and sugar fields were owned by American companies. Being free of American imperialism and exploitation is what most Cubans on the Island prefer, regardless of the austerities forced upon them by US sanctions.
If you claim Libel of me you are the damn liar. My comments in my threads and posts are all honest. When I make mistake I apologize, but I'm not a damn liar as are all of the trumpsters and gun lovers like you.
Nope trigger I called as it is you are a lying sack of shit.
Thanks to US sanctions.

Before castro most Cubans had no access to healthcare, education and their country's resources and sugar fields were owned by American companies. Being free of American imperialism and exploitation is what most Cubans on the Island prefer, regardless of the austerities forced upon them by US sanctions.
Then why are Cubans risking their lives and freedoms trying to get Florida despite the draconian penalties imposed on people caught in the act of fleeing?
In Germany in the 1930's, Jews were nerdy pacifists who mostly didn't own guns. If they had been armed and zealous, dominating them would likely have been a different story than what history shows now.

I belong to JPFO, by the way: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. They are the Jewish NRA, but you don't need to be Jewish to join.
Thanks to US sanctions.

Before castro most Cubans had no access to healthcare, education and their country's resources and sugar fields were owned by American companies. Being free of American imperialism and exploitation is what most Cubans on the Island prefer, regardless of the austerities forced upon them by US sanctions.
Before Castro Cuba had a thriving middle class and per capita income was above most Latin American. It was also a popular tourist destination.
  1. In 1958, before the revolution Cuba had a higher gdp per capita ppp adjusted than Ireland and Austria, almost double that of Spain and Japan's per capita income. It was about 30% to 40% of GDP per capita of the US and larger than at least 10 US states. Despite its small size and only 6.5 million inhabitants in 1958, Cuba was the 29th largest economy in the world.
  2. In 1958 Cuba had more doctors and dentists per capita than Britain, and lower infant mortality than France and Germany – the 13th-lowest in the world.
  3. In 1957, Cuba was the best country in Latin America in terms of percentage of households with electricity, followed by Uruguay. Cuba was also the country of Ibero-America with the most electric home appliances per capita and the second in the world in the number of radio receivers.
  4. Castro made things worse for everyone except the Castro brothers. Raul still rules Cuba with an iron fist.
Thanks to US sanctions.

Before castro most Cubans had no access to healthcare, education and their country's resources and sugar fields were owned by American companies. Being free of American imperialism and exploitation is what most Cubans on the Island prefer, regardless of the austerities forced upon them by US sanctions.

Then why do they leave the first chance they get? Braving open ocean to escape the socialist prison camp of Cuba?

Why have you not moved there?

Go, be happy.
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Perhaps you should quit posting here and move to Cuba.

Lift the sanctions. When Obama lifted many of the sanctions in 2014, Cuba began to flourish economically, with its socialist, centrally planned economy. The living standards of Cubans began to improve. Conditions on the Island were much better. Sanctions and threats of war, only undermines democracy and forces countries to centralize power in an effort to survive. As far as me moving to Cuba, I prefer to remain here because all of you trailer-park white people hate Hispanics migrating and living here in your "white country", and I'm Hispanic. For that reason alone, I would stay here. I want America to become even more full of Spanish-speaking, arroz con pollo-eating, cafe con leche drinking, spicks like me.


....and that's exactly what's happening. You can't stop it, you know why? Because you're dumb.

Redneck Inventions9.jpg

If you Cracker Barrel eating, country bumpkins were smart, you would realize the destructive effects of US sanctions on Latin America AND YOU WOULD STOP THAT SHIT.
You would allow those Latin American countries to develop their economies and improve the standard of living of their people, that way they won't continue coming here to your country, they'll stay over there in theirs. Do you see how easy this shit is? It's easy, but you're just too dumb and arrogant to figure that out.


You're swallowing too much of that cheap dip. It's rotting your brain. You need to spit in the cup, don't swallow it. Spit in the cup.

Let people decide for themselves what type of government and economic system they want for themselves. You do your shit, and they do theirs, and everyone lives happily ever after. But NO, you need to support American wealthy imperialists, who like their cheap spick labor and want to control all of the markets and resources of Central and South America. When those Latin American countries say "No Gringo, this is our shit, you already have your shit, so stop trying to take all of our shit" , the American ruling elite, comprised mostly of white Caucasians, that don't give a hoot about you working-class "southern folks" (I care more for rednecks than they do), get American politicians in Washington to impose sanctions on Latin American countries that refuse to bend over and take it up the boo-boo.


Unfortunately, since your self-esteem and self-worth are completely based upon the US government's ability to bully and control other countries, and the size of your pickup truck..


You will continue supporting American imperialism and bullying, resulting in more spicks like me running through your border into your country...

Or being born here like I was. I was born in Miami, Florida, a city that is now at least 80% Hispanic. It used to be full of Caucasians, but now it's full of Hispanics like me. I could've been born in Havana, but no, I was born here in the USA, because the US government didn't like El Presidente Batista anymore. They wanted a new puppet president in Havana, so they started supporting and arming, Cuban rebels, namely, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, who were fighting Batista. Washington DC armed and sent plenty of provisions to them, to win that Cuban civil war. The American-supported, socialist rebels won and my family, who were of the aristocracy of Cuba, in bed with the American ruling elite, fled Cuba to Spain. Then moved to Miami where I was born and raised. I could've been born in Havana, but I was born here because the US government decided to meddle in the affairs of a Latin American country. This meddling and interventionism, let's just call it IMPERIALISM, results in more people being forced to migrate to your white country. Sorry white trailer-park people, we're here because you're dumb.



Lift the sanctions, stop meddling in the internal affairs of Latin American countries, and imposing your self-serving agenda upon them, and their economies will improve, hence those Hispanics will remain in their own countries and they won't come here to yours. But no, you're just too dumb to figure that out due to all of that cheap Indian dip you're swallowing. So here I am with my box of Cuban pastelitos.


Dancing salsa with your white daughter. I will name your grandchildren, Julio or Juana and teach them Spanish.


Expect to hear more Spanish being spoken in your white America, due to your imperialist, neo-liberal foreign policy towards Latin America.​
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Before Castro Cuba had a thriving middle class and per capita income was above most Latin American. It was also a popular tourist destination.
  1. In 1958, before the revolution Cuba had a higher gdp per capita ppp adjusted than Ireland and Austria, almost double that of Spain and Japan's per capita income. It was about 30% to 40% of GDP per capita of the US and larger than at least 10 US states. Despite its small size and only 6.5 million inhabitants in 1958, Cuba was the 29th largest economy in the world.
  2. In 1958 Cuba had more doctors and dentists per capita than Britain, and lower infant mortality than France and Germany – the 13th-lowest in the world.
  3. In 1957, Cuba was the best country in Latin America in terms of percentage of households with electricity, followed by Uruguay. Cuba was also the country of Ibero-America with the most electric home appliances per capita and the second in the world in the number of radio receivers.
  4. Castro made things worse for everyone except the Castro brothers. Raul still rules Cuba with an iron fist.

Cuba's GDP was that high not because it had a large "middle class", but because all of its major industries were owned by American corporations. The Island was comprised of over ten million people and about 10% lived well, the remaining 90% lived in abject poverty. Most Cubans had no access to healthcare and education, they were essentially poorly paid slave labor. That's why a few Cuban socialist rebels were able to convince most of Cuba to support them against the government of Batista. That's how neo-liberal imperialism works, it orchestrates regime change coup d'etats, and it completely destroys nations in the long run.

Capitalist imperialism, improves the lives of a small segment of the population of a developing country while exploiting the vast majority of people. Yes, Cuba's GDP was high, due to its proximity to the empire (the USA), and had practically all of its major centers of economic power, in bed with American corporations. The American ruling elite exploited Cuba's cheap labor and resources. Cuba was essentially a colony of the United States. Why do you think Guantanamo is an American territory, on the Island of Cuba? You think American imperialists with their "manifest destiny" policies are going to allow an Island as big and naturally blessed as Cuba, only 90 miles away from Florida, to be truly sovereign, without a fight? The American ruling elite and the US government that they control, wants to have free reign and license to exploit and hold captive Cuba's economy and wealth. Cuba is a jewel, a pearl, it's a beautiful , big Island, with great beaches and wheather, full of resources. Take a look at it on the map. It's about 90 miles south of Key West.

Lift the sanctions, stop bullying Cuba, and the Cuban economy will begin to flourish just like it began to do so in 2014 when Obama lifted many of the sanctions. The same thing happened to Vietnam in the 1990s. The US lifted the trade embargo, stopped punishing Vietnam and other countries that wanted to trade with it, and now Vietnam is flourishing, it's doing a hell of a lot better economically, than it was before the lifting of the sanctions. Sanctions only hurt the people of a country and that results in those people coming here to America. If you white southerners, white Americans, hate the fact the US is becoming more and more Hispanic and less white, then you need to smarten up and stop supporting American imperialism. It hurts those other countries and hurts you as well. Stop being dumb.


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