Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

You're amusing. You tout the glories of Socialism and then turn around and admit that your wealthy family fled Cuba when the Communists took over? Your family didn't leave Cuba because of any sanctions imposed on it by the US...they left there because Castro was seizing property and wealth and your grandfather had enough common sense to see where that was heading. As for what I know about Cuba? I live in Florida. I literally have dozens of Cuban friends. Friends that are as anti Communist as anyone in the country BECAUSE they grew up in Cuba under Communism and know how awful it is!

Oldestyle writes:

You're amusing. You tout the glories of Socialism and then turn around and admit that your wealthy family fled Cuba when the Communists took over? Your family didn't leave Cuba because of any sanctions imposed on it by the US..


How does that in any way support your foolish assertion that US sanctions don't hurt the Cuban people?

Oldestyle writes:
there because Castro was seizing property and wealth and your grandfather had enough common sense to see where that was heading.


Capitalists should've treated their workers better and cared more for the Cuban working class. American companies were also in control of Cuba's major industries and resources. It was essentially a colony of the United States. The Cuban aristocracy was in bed with American imperialists. My father and grandfather were both educated and groomed in the United States.

Oldestyle writes:

As for what I know about Cuba? I live in Florida. I literally have dozens of Cuban friends. Friends that are as anti Communist as anyone in the country BECAUSE they grew up in Cuba under Communism and know how awful it is!


I was born and raised in Miami, Florida. The people you're referring to, grew up in Cuba, under American sanctions. Cuba is a country under the heel of the United States, economically and otherwise. About a year ago Marco Rubio and other conservative Republican politicians were threatening to invade Cuba. Put boots on the ground in Havana. You don't have much of an argument against socialism with respect to its efficacy and effectiveness, if you're sanctioning socialist countries and threatening them with war.
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So you're saying that everyone who has a gun in the US has to be in a militia? And back then, 17 was an adult. Some states now you have to be 21 to be considered an adult. Are you making this up as you go along?

You're not very bright.

Every abled bodied adult CITIZEN who is not a criminal IS in the militia - you drooling fool.
My family left Cuba in 1961, the third wealthiest family in Cuba. We were "exceptional" alright, in exploiting the poor to make us rich. Cuba right now has some of the best doctors in the world, recognized as such by the World Health Organization. They're a poor country due to US sanctions, yet still manage to send thousands of doctors around the world, to communities that need doctors. The US embargo upon Cuba only hurts the Cuban people, that's why people leave Cuba. You don't know anything about Cuba.


/-------/ Silly Cubans fleeing Workers' Paradise with the world's best doctors trying to reach evil, greedy, xenophobic, racist, capitalistic America that is destroying the enviroment with air conditioners and SUVs. Why don't you meet them in the Florida Keys and re-educate them on the errors of their ways?
/-------/ Silly Cubans fleeing Workers' Paradise with the world's best doctors trying to reach evil, greedy, xenophobic, racist, capitalistic America that is destroying the enviroment with air conditioners and SUVs. Why don't you meet them in the Florida Keys and re-educate them on the errors of their ways?
View attachment 672341

Lift the sanctions or you're going to get a lot more Cubans, Nicaraguans..etc. You know all of those brown-skinned folks you don't like, over there in country bumpkinville.
So a Kbar knife must be illegal to own? Jeeps obviously have to be outlawed - they practically scream "military vehicle." Hummers have to go too. Oh and Doc Martins.

You're being an idiot.

You seek to disarm the enemies of your party - nothing more, nothing less.
I'm a Libertarian, not sure how armed we are, lol.
{ “Militia” in the American legal lexicon means the entirety of the able-bodied adult population, properly organized, armed, and disciplined pursuant to statute in some effective manner at all times. This ties in directly with Congress’s constitutional power and duty “[t]o provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia”.}

Your bullshit fails again, moron.
So you can't quote the Constitution. You realize you just failed EPICALLY, don't you?
Allowed by the 2nd or not?
/------/ Stop playing stupid. There are age restrictions in the Bill of Rights. If you give your child a gun to take to school. you belong in jail.

The second Act, passed May 8, 1792, provided for the organization of the state militias. It conscripted every "free able-bodied white male citizen" between the ages of 18 and 45 into a local militia company. (This was later expanded to all males, regardless of race, between the ages of 18 and 54 in 1862.)

14th Amendment:

Section 1​

The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.
Lift the sanctions or you're going to get a lot more Cubans, Nicaraguans..etc. You know all of those brown-skinned folks you don't like, over there in country bumpkinville.
/----/ Cuba can get whatever they want from other countries. The notion that they are 100% dependent on the US for goods and services is idiotic and a bald-faced lie. Blaming the US embargo is just a propaganda piece. Even with free trade with the US, the Cuban people will still be in a communist slave state. Only the Commie leaders will benefit. › what-countries-can-trade-with-cuba

Who Does Cuba Do Trade With?​

Exports$2.63 billion (2017 est.)
Export goodsPetroleum, nickel, medical products, sugar, tobacco, fish, citrus, coffee
Main export partnersVenezuela 17.8% Spain 12.2% Russia 7.9% Lebanon 6.1% Indonesia 4.5% Germany 4.3% (2017)
Imports$11.06 billion (2017 est.)
/----/ Cuba can get whatever they want from other countries. The notion that they are 100% dependent on the US for goods and services is idiotic and a bald-faced lie. Blaming the US embargo is just a propaganda piece. Even with free trade with the US, the Cuban people will still be in a communist slave state. Only the Commie leaders will benefit. › what-countries-can-trade-with-cuba

Who Does Cuba Do Trade With?​

Exports$2.63 billion (2017 est.)
Export goodsPetroleum, nickel, medical products, sugar, tobacco, fish, citrus, coffee
Main export partnersVenezuela 17.8% Spain 12.2% Russia 7.9% Lebanon 6.1% Indonesia 4.5% Germany 4.3% (2017)
Imports$11.06 billion (2017 est.)

Cuba doesn't have access to the international banking system or lines of credit. It can't open an account in any bank. It also can't import a long list of products and materials, including spare parts for a lot of its machinery. So obviously you're very ignorant. During the pandemic, Cuba couldn't import respirators or syringes. If the embargo is nothing, as people like you assert, then lift it. I say that to my fellow Cuban Americans in Miami, who are so adamant about sanctioning Cuba. If I tell them that the economic difficulties in Cuba are the result of the sanctions, they say " no no, it's socialism". So I respond, "OK, lift the sanctions then. Why impose sanctions if they don't do anything to Cuba?" and they answer "No!! WE MUST CONTINUE WITH THE SANCTIONS!!!". Sanctions supposedly don't do shit, right? Why continue with them? Obviously, they do a tremendous amount of harm, that's why the US government imposes sanctions on nations that don't toe the line and submit to its imperialist agenda.

Continue denying the destructive effects of US foreign policy on nations like Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras..etc, and you'll just get more of us spicks running across your border. How about that? More of us Hispanics, taking your jobs and fucking your white daughters. We'll name your grandchildren Juan and Maria, and feed them Tacos (we'll also teach them Spanish).

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