Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

How, pray tell does Socialism reward excellence? There is a reason why exceptional people leave Communist nations and endure extreme hardship to get to a country like the US. They KNOW that they will never receive what they should from their hard work if they stay in a country like Cuba! They know that if they can just make it to the US then they will get what they deserve. That's all exceptional people need.
My family left Cuba in 1961, the third wealthiest family in Cuba. We were "exceptional" alright, in exploiting the poor to make us rich. Cuba right now has some of the best doctors in the world, recognized as such by the World Health Organization. They're a poor country due to US sanctions, yet still manage to send thousands of doctors around the world, to communities that need doctors. The US embargo upon Cuba only hurts the Cuban people, that's why people leave Cuba. You don't know anything about Cuba.

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It makes you sound mentally challenged.

Not half as nuts as you sound ignoring the fact that EVERY tyrannical oppressive government in HISTORY first DISARMED their population without fail before taking it over!

Even worse, we see these scenarios being carried out RIGHT NOW in real time between the Canadian government, the Australian government and now the government of Denmark!
Not half as nuts as you sound ignoring the fact that EVERY tyrannical oppressive government in HISTORY first DISARMED their population without fail before taking it over!

Even worse, we see these scenarios being carried out RIGHT NOW in real time between the Canadian government, the Australian government and now the government of Denmark!

Well, I don't know if one can prove that whenever a government wants to oppress its people it first passes laws to disarm its people. In the past, people didn't have the arms they needed to fight their government, due to a lack of resources and technology. But today we're living in a different era. I do believe law-abiding Americans, should have access to combat rifles and ammunition. Realize that in the not too distant future, maybe a decade from now or in fifteen years, anyone will be able to manufacture a rifle in the privacy of their home. Manufacturing technology is advancing at a rapid pace with 3D printing and affordable CNC machining. etc. Governments aren't going to be able to disarm their citizens, especially if people organize an effort to arm themselves. No one will be able to disarm them.

The media is trying to demonize this technology, because the ruling class, doesn't want the people to have this power. They want to maintain a monopoly on access to firearms. Here in America due to our Second Amendment, the situation is a bit better, but liberals in Washington can still pass a ban on "assault rifles" or combat rifles. They can make everyone who prints or manufacturers their own firarms, a criminal.
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London now has a stabbing epidemic. People are being stabbed to death by street criminals. If law-abiding people are disarmed by law, the only ones that will remain with firearms are the criminals and government agents. That's it until people are able to easily manufacture firearms at home. There are many mass-stabbing incidents in China and in Europe, where a deranged killer goes around stabbing people to death. One psycho armed with a big knife can kill 20 people and it's happened before. Mass stabbings. So disarming yourself, thinking you're going to make society safe, is a delusion. If society isn't safe, it's due to the culture, the values people hold, and the economy as well (mass unemployment, not having enough food). It's not because people have access to weapons. People will always have access to knives and weapons in general, that can kill.
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London now has a stabbing epidemic. People are being stabbed to death by street criminals. If law-abiding people are disarmed by law, the only ones that will remain with firearms are the criminals and government agents. That's it until people are able to easily manufacture firearms at home. There are many mass-stabbing incidents in China and in Europe, where a deranged killer goes around stabbing people to death. One psycho armed with a big knife can kill 20 people and it's happened before. Mass stabbings. So disarming yourself, thinking you're going to make society safe, is a delusion. If society isn't safe, it's due to the culture, the values people hold, and the economy as well (mass unemployment, not having enough food). It's not because people have access to weapons. People will always have access to knives and weapons in general, that can kill.
You’re preaching to the choir.

In the United States there is no advocacy that guns be ‘banned’ or ‘confiscated’; in the United States there is no advocacy that citizens be ‘disarmed.’

Americans will continue to have ample access to all manner of weapons – including firearms – for lawful self-defense.
You’re preaching to the choir.

In the United States there is no advocacy that guns be ‘banned’ or ‘confiscated’; in the United States there is no advocacy that citizens be ‘disarmed.’

Americans will continue to have ample access to all manner of weapons – including firearms – for lawful self-defense.

Not if left up to many "woke" liberals. Where I live here in NYC, we are all disarmed because the local city government doesn't respect our constitutional right to own firearms. Only government agents and street thugs have firearms. This is a Democrat-run city and state. There are advantages to living in a city or state run by liberals, like for example, people having better access to healthcare, public transit, social services..etc. But unfortunately, these same liberals are horrible when it comes to crime fighting, supporting law enforcement, and the Second Amendment. Conservatives tend to be much better at fighting street crime.
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My family left Cuba in 1961, the third wealthiest family in Cuba. We were "exceptional" alright, in exploiting the poor to make us rich. Cuba right now has some of the best doctors in the world, recognized as such by the World Health Organization. They're a poor country due to US sanctions, yet still manage to send thousands of doctors around the world, to communities that need doctors. The US embargo upon Cuba only hurts the Cuban people, that's why people leave Cuba. You don't know anything about Cuba.

You're amusing. You tout the glories of Socialism and then turn around and admit that your wealthy family fled Cuba when the Communists took over? Your family didn't leave Cuba because of any sanctions imposed on it by the US...they left there because Castro was seizing property and wealth and your grandfather had enough common sense to see where that was heading. As for what I know about Cuba? I live in Florida. I literally have dozens of Cuban friends. Friends that are as anti Communist as anyone in the country BECAUSE they grew up in Cuba under Communism and know how awful it is!
We can apply some common sense. Everything doesn't have to be interpreted or understood in an absolute sense. There can be exceptions. I wouldn't want my neighbor to own a nuclear bomb. But I believe the American people should have access to combat rifles for self-defense, not just in their homes against street thugs, but against government tyranny as well. A populace armed with rifles could rapidly organize an effective resistance, not just against a tyrannical government but a foreign invader and occupier as well. They would eventually need more than rifles, but in the beginning, just rifles would be enough, until heavier weapons are acquired.
So you're against the 2nd. Got it, and I should have known because you're a fucking commie, lol.
Please quote the part in the 2nd Amendment were it puts age limits on carrying guns. I want my 6 year be packing at school, for or against?
When you are of the age to have adult rights.

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