Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

There is a limit, people can't legally purchase what you mentioned without a license from the ATF. Small arms are in a different category than rockets and artillery.
That's against the 2nd Amendment. Just saying. The right to bear arms, doesn't sound like there's a restriction there.
Combat weapons should be off the table or else people will be able to acquire rockets launchers, howitzers and the like, because there's no limit on anything right now.

What is a "combat weapon," Herr Comrade?

Like these weapons of war?


What Nazis lack in intellect, they make up for with shear evil.
I'm pointing out the dishonesty of your bullshit.

A combat weapon is anything from a stick to an F-22

You want to disarm the enemies of the democrat party - simple as that.
So no limits for you? Then I can send my 6 year old to school armed?
Yeah right, seven billion dollars of Venezuela's petroleum assets have been frozen in the last three years and they can't use the primary, Western international banking credit system, required for trading oil on the international market. That's not going to affect Venezuela, nah. You're absurd. Venezuela is one of the most sanctioned nations on Earth. Even food is sanctioned.

Anyways your line of reasoning is silly. The vast majority of countries in the world that are dirt poor have capitalist economies, so it makes no sense for you to say that because Venezuela, a sanctioned country, is going through a financial crisis, that is only the fault of socialism. Are you blaming capitalism for all of the poor capitalist countries? Nope. Stop being hypocritical in your critique of socialism. Be consistent, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Socialism is the future, you might as well accept it now before advanced technology replaces wage labor:

The apocalypse is coming for capitalism and socialism will become the obvious solution. The writing is on the wall for capitalism.

Show me a "Capitalist" country with the resources that Venezuela possesses that has seen it's economy go in the toilet like they have! Socialism doesn't work. It never has. It doesn't account for human nature. It doesn't reward exceptionalism. It encourages mediocrity.
It's not just a mere refusal of the US, to trade with a particular country, but it also includes barring a nation from using the international banking system, freezing assets, not allowing merchant ships that dock in one of the ports of the sanctioned country, to dock at any port in the United States or in any country that desires to maintain good relations with the United States (i.e. the most powerful nation and largest economy in the world). When the US imposes sanctions on a nation, it's the people of that nation that suffer:

American sanctions are a crime against humanity, particularly against the people of developing countries, and that's one of the reasons we had foreigners flying planes into our buildings in NYC. They kill our children because we kill theirs. Unfortunately, there are Americans like you who support the crimes our government commits against innocent people around the world. You can ignore the evidence but others won't.

And sanctions on that level have to be approved by the international community, not a single government.
As for their effect on civilians, they are less severe than the effects of a war. If the civilians don't like the effects of sanctions, all they have to do is replace their government with one acceptable to the civilized world.
Show me a "Capitalist" country with the resources that Venezuela possesses that has seen it's economy go in the toilet like they have! Socialism doesn't work. It never has. It doesn't account for human nature. It doesn't reward exceptionalism. It encourages mediocrity.

Keep ignoring the fact that Venezuela and practically every other nation that identifies itself as Marxist is heavily sanctioned and threatened with annihilation by the US government and its allies. Socialism rewards genuine excellence, not your shallow "exceptionalism". If anything it's capitalism that encourages mediocrity since it does nothing more than privatize its profits and makes public its losses, demanding bailouts from the working class. The people that actually work and bear the burden of the capitalist's so-called "exceptionalism". Your appeal to nature is stupid since human behavior isn't just conditioned by biology but by environmental factors as well. Upbringing, education, and cultural conditioning are significant contributors to the formation of human behavior, relationships, and values, so your "nature argument" is just silly. Should we go back to the caves?
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And sanctions on that level have to be approved by the international community, not a single government.
As for their effect on civilians, they are less severe than the effects of a war. If the civilians don't like the effects of sanctions, all they have to do is replace their government with one acceptable to the civilized world.

The effects of sanctions are often worse than war and people who can't eat, who are completely subjugated and impoverished don't have the means to fight and die to serve your socioeconomic, and geopolitical interests and demands. The international community for many years has been under the threat of sanctions and violence from the United States if they don't cooperate with its self-serving, imperialist foreign policies, that's why they cooperate. In fear that they will become the next target of American sanctions and military aggression. You make excuses for American imperialism, being completely indifferent to the suffering American sanctions cause throughout the world, but sooner or later you're going to pay the piper. Your evil version of America is going to crumble and you're going to become the sanctioned and starving population. At best, at worse, you might get nuked and people like yourself, with your mentality, deserve whatever evil comes their way. You deserve to suffer.
That's against the 2nd Amendment. Just saying. The right to bear arms, doesn't sound like there's a restriction there.

We can apply some common sense. Everything doesn't have to be interpreted or understood in an absolute sense. There can be exceptions. I wouldn't want my neighbor to own a nuclear bomb. But I believe the American people should have access to combat rifles for self-defense, not just in their homes against street thugs, but against government tyranny as well. A populace armed with rifles could rapidly organize an effective resistance, not just against a tyrannical government but a foreign invader and occupier as well. They would eventually need more than rifles, but in the beginning, just rifles would be enough, until heavier weapons are acquired.
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Keep ignoring the fact that Venezuela and practically every other nation that identifies itself as Marxist is heavily sanctioned and threatened with annihilation by the US government and its allies. Socialism rewards genuine excellence, not your shallow "exceptionalism". If anything it's capitalism that encourages mediocrity since it does nothing more than privatize its profits and makes public its losses, demanding bailouts from the working class. The people that actually work and bear the burden of the capitalist's so-called "exceptionalism". Your appeal to nature is stupid since human behavior isn't just conditioned by biology but by environmental factors as well. Upbringing, education, and cultural conditioning are significant contributors to the formation of human behavior, relationships, and values, so your "nature argument" is just silly. Should we go back to the caves?
How, pray tell does Socialism reward excellence? There is a reason why exceptional people leave Communist nations and endure extreme hardship to get to a country like the US. They KNOW that they will never receive what they should from their hard work if they stay in a country like Cuba! They know that if they can just make it to the US then they will get what they deserve. That's all exceptional people need.
Keep ignoring the fact that Venezuela and practically every other nation that identifies itself as Marxist is heavily sanctioned and threatened with annihilation by the US government and its allies. Socialism rewards genuine excellence, not your shallow "exceptionalism". If anything it's capitalism that encourages mediocrity since it does nothing more than privatize its profits and makes public its losses, demanding bailouts
Keep ignoring the fact that Venezuela and practically every other nation that identifies itself as Marxist is heavily sanctioned and threatened with annihilation by the US government and its allies. Socialism rewards genuine excellence, not your shallow "exceptionalism". If anything it's capitalism that encourages mediocrity since it does nothing more than privatize its profits and makes public its losses, demanding bailouts from the working class. The people that actually work and bear the burden of the capitalist's so-called "exceptionalism". Your appeal to nature is stupid since human behavior isn't just conditioned by biology but by environmental factors as well. Upbringing, education, and cultural conditioning are significant contributors to the formation of human behavior, relationships, and values, so your "nature argument" is just silly. Should we go back to the caves?

from the working class. The people that actually work and bear the burden of the capitalist's so-called "exceptionalism". Your appeal to nature is stupid since human behavior isn't just conditioned by biology but by environmental factors as well. Upbringing, education, and cultural conditioning are significant contributors to the formation of human behavior, relationships, and values, so your "nature argument" is just silly. Should we go back to the caves?

How, pray tell does Socialism reward excellence? There is a reason why exceptional people leave Communist nations and endure extreme hardship to get to a country like the US. They KNOW that they will never receive what they should from their hard work if they stay in a country like Cuba! They know that if they can just make it to the US then they will get what they deserve. That's all exceptional people need.

Yep…go to medical school and sacrifice your youth to study medicine only to be treated as a government clock puncher when you graduate….that is socialism….
The effects of sanctions are often worse than war and people who can't eat, who are completely subjugated and impoverished don't have the means to fight and die to serve your socioeconomic, and geopolitical interests and demands. The international community for many years has been under the threat of sanctions and violence from the United States if they don't cooperate with its self-serving, imperialist foreign policies, that's why they cooperate. In fear that they will become the next target of American sanctions and military aggression. You make excuses for American imperialism, being completely indifferent to the suffering American sanctions cause throughout the world, but sooner or later you're going to pay the piper. Your evil version of America is going to crumble and you're going to become the sanctioned and starving population. At best, at worse, you might get nuked and people like yourself, with your mentality, deserve whatever evil comes their way. You deserve to suffer.

You mean sanctions stop brutal dictators from expanding military and other repressive parts of their governments.

You don't give a fuck about people eating - you're a socialist - you care about dictators and ONLY dictators.

Your hero Maduro is ROLLING in cash thanks to Biden's treason. NONE of it is getting to the starving masses. BUT Nicky is rebuilding his secret police force and spy networks to hunt down dissidents.

Sanctions keep brutal scum from having the resources to impose tyranny they way they want - and also to wage wars.

Vlad Putin was hurting under Trump with all those sanctions. Good thing for him he's been bribing Quid Pro for over 40 years. The moment Quid Pro got power, he destroyed America's energy sector to get the cash flowing to his mentor Vlad, so he could continue in invasion of Ukraine - that he had started LAST TIME Quid Pro was in the white house.

Notice Vlad didn't spread the Biden bucks around to the lower castes.

The socialist way - let the peasants starve.
Combat weapons should be off the table or else people will be able to acquire rockets launchers, howitzers and the like, because there's no limit on anything right now.
I always have a combat weapon on the table.
Yep…go to medical school and sacrifice your youth to study medicine only to be treated as a government clock puncher when you graduate….that is socialism….

Being a "clock puncher" in the private sector is even worse. Management has less accountability towards its subordinates, and you have fewer means to express your grievances and assert your rights. If you've noticed, the government still holds elections, private enterprises don't. If you want to start ranting about how all government elections are supposedly rigged because orange-headed hamster didn't get re-elected to the presidency, prove it. Take it to court, oh wait you people already did that and your case was thrown out of court for lack of evidence. Your next response might be "the judges and courts are corrupt", the conspiracies never end for you. That's the foundation of your argument, everyone is out to get orange-head. He lost the popular vote in 2016, it was the electoral college that got him into office. Since 2000, all Republican presidents have lost the popular vote.

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