Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

Have you not noticed how many of the "caravans" of illegals now headed for the southern border of the US are made up of Nicaraguans, Venezuelans and Bolivians? People are spending thousands of dollars and walking thousands of miles to escape your Communist "Utopias"! That isn't an accident.

Actually, most of those caravans are comprised of people from Central American countries like Honduras, a nation that suffered a coup d'etat orchestrated by the US State Department in 2009:

...because its president, Manuel Zelaya didn't want to bend over for American corporations and continue seeing his people exploited as cheap labor. Honduras now is in a state of chaos and panic under the heel of armed gangs. That's what occurs in the Middle East as well when the US intervenes, whether it's Iraq, Libya, Syria, the United States government is a spreader of chaos. It does it in the Middle East and it likewise does it south of the border.

This is the story of Latin America, having to deal with the American ruling class, the imperialists, who feel they're entitled to their cheap labor and the resources of Latin America (those brown people down there should "know their place" and cooperate or else). Whether it's Honduras, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, or Nicaragua, all of these countries have suffered at the hands of American foreign policy which of course serves the vested interests of its capitalist ruling class (imperialists). Right now Nicaragua is being sanctioned by the United States for adopting socialism:

The US government does that to all countries that openly identify themselves with Marxism. Whether it's Cuba, Venezuela or Nicaragua, (Bolivia is next), they're all SANCTIONED. So you're angry that all of these brown folks from Latin America are coming to the United States illegally? Making your country even darker, rather than paler? I understand. Stop sodomizing their countries with your foreign policy and perhaps those countries wouldn't be so fucked up. Also, blame the American capitalists who are hiring these illegal immigrants to work in their fields. Cheap, illegal labor. As a socialist, I don't want to see Americans losing job opportunities to illegal immigrants, but our current imperialist, capitalist system creates more illegal immigrants.

Here's Bolivia shitting in its pants, making sure they comply with the sanctions against Venezuela:

The US government sanctions countries and seriously undermines their economies. You conveniently forget to mention that. Why?
So you need guns because of child molesters? Is that your final answer, lol?

You don't want to disarm yourself in this world, especially living in a nation like ours. Not a good idea. Criminals and tyrants will always remain armed, so good law-abiding people should also arm themselves. Maintain your access to firearms and ammunition.
Actually, most of those caravans are comprised of people from Central American countries like Honduras, a nation that suffered a coup d'etat orchestrated by the US State Department in 2009:

...because its president, Manuel Zelaya didn't want to bend over for American corporations and continue seeing his people exploited as cheap labor. Honduras now is in a state of chaos and panic under the heel of armed gangs. That's what occurs in the Middle East as well when the US intervenes, whether it's Iraq, Libya, Syria, the United States government is a spreader of chaos. It does it in the Middle East and it likewise does it south of the border.

This is the story of Latin America, having to deal with the American ruling class, the imperialists, who feel they're entitled to their cheap labor and the resources of Latin America (those brown people down there should "know their place" and cooperate or else). Whether it's Honduras, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, or Nicaragua, all of these countries have suffered at the hands of American foreign policy which of course serves the vested interests of its capitalist ruling class (imperialists). Right now Nicaragua is being sanctioned by the United States for adopting socialism:

The US government does that to all countries that openly identify themselves with Marxism. Whether it's Cuba, Venezuela or Nicaragua, (Bolivia is next), they're all SANCTIONED. So you're angry that all of these brown folks from Latin America are coming to the United States illegally? Making your country even darker, rather than paler? I understand. Stop sodomizing their countries with your foreign policy and perhaps those countries wouldn't be so fucked up. Also, blame the American capitalists who are hiring these illegal immigrants to work in their fields. Cheap, illegal labor. As a socialist, I don't want to see Americans losing job opportunities to illegal immigrants, but our current imperialist, capitalist system creates more illegal immigrants.

Here's Bolivia shitting in its pants, making sure they comply with the sanctions against Venezuela:

The US government sanctions countries and seriously undermines their economies. You conveniently forget to mention that. Why?
The US Government sanctions countries that violate people's human rights. Venezuela is blessed with vast natural resources included oil reserves and yet Communist rule managed to bring it's people to the brink of starvation as their economy collapsed. Blame that on Hugo Chavez...not the US!
You don't want to disarm yourself in this world, especially living in a nation like ours. Not a good idea. Criminals and tyrants will always remain armed, so good law-abiding people should also arm themselves. Maintain your access to firearms and ammunition.
I have no problem with people having guns, just which ones and which guns...
I have no problem with people having guns, just which ones and which guns...

The problem with American society today is that tens of millions of our citizens are on anti-depressants. It's our culture that causes these mass shootings. Perhaps we can have laws that require a person who owns a firearm, including a combat rifle, to go through a psychological evaluation and 50 hours of training (firearm safety, studying the law, firearm handling, marksmanship). I believe that would stop most if not all of these mass shooting incidents. I'm against banning combat rifles, but I'm willing to compromise with people like yourself who are concerned with citizens owning assault rifles. We can make it more difficult for people to own those weapons, by requiring training and licensing.

Those who argue that the government would have a list of people who own these combat rifles. There's no way for the government to take away everyone's firearms, it doesn't have the resources. We live in a country with 330 million people. There aren't enough government agents to disarm the population, especially if the population refuses to cooperate. What can be done is require that all new, future firearms that are sold, require the buyer to be trained, licensed, and certified sane by a psyche to be stable enough to own a firearm.
The US Government sanctions countries that violate people's human rights. Venezuela is blessed with vast natural resources included oil reserves and yet Communist rule managed to bring it's people to the brink of starvation as their economy collapsed. Blame that on Hugo Chavez...not the US!

That's the pretext. Claiming that countries that are sanctioned or bombed deserve it because supposedly their governments are violating human rights. The sanctions themselves violate human rights and hurt the people of those countries. Sanctions are deadly, depriving them of the resources they need to survive. Not allowing them access to healthcare, because the sanctioned nation is unable to import certain medications or maintain its infrastructure. The economy of Venezuela is under sanctions so you have no grounds upon which to argue that socialism doesn't work. Lift the sanctions, because that's what starves and kills people.

People like you deserve to suffer and now the United States is going to go through its own economic collapse. People like you need to experience suffering.
Its why the second amendment was written.... remember the war of independence... that's why the 2nd amendment was placed into our founding documents....
The problem with American society today is that tens of millions of our citizens are on anti-depressants. It's our culture that causes these mass shootings. Perhaps we can have laws that require a person who owns a firearm, including a combat rifle, to go through a psychological evaluation and 50 hours of training (firearm safety, studying the law, firearm handling, marksmanship). I believe that would stop most if not all of these mass shooting incidents. I'm against banning combat rifles, but I'm willing to compromise with people like yourself who are concerned with citizens owning assault rifles. We can make it more difficult for people to own those weapons, by requiring training and licensing.

Those who argue that the government would have a list of people who own these combat rifles. There's no way for the government to take away everyone's firearms, it doesn't have the resources. We live in a country with 330 million people. There aren't enough government agents to disarm the population, especially if the population refuses to cooperate. What can be done is require that all new, future firearms that are sold, require the buyer to be trained, licensed, and certified sane by a psyche to be stable enough to own a firearm.

I actually agree with you on the drugs.

I think a combination of drugs and glorifying wanton violence by Hollywood and video games is the reason for the rise of mass shootings, even and gun violence over all declines.
That's the pretext. Claiming that countries that are sanctioned or bombed deserve it because supposedly their governments are violating human rights. The sanctions themselves violate human rights and hurt the people of those countries. Sanctions are deadly, depriving them of the resources they need to survive. Not allowing them access to healthcare, because the sanctioned nation is unable to import certain medications or maintain its infrastructure. The economy of Venezuela is under sanctions so you have no grounds upon which to argue that socialism doesn't work. Lift the sanctions, because that's what starves and kills people.

People like you deserve to suffer and now the United States is going to go through its own economic collapse. People like you need to experience suffering.
Depriving whom? The dictators? None of it reaches the lower castes in socialist hell holes anyway.

Socialism is the rulers taking everything and letting the masses survive on crumbs that fall from the table.
There's no conservative uprising. The only ones threatening to destroy the United States and the Constitution are the left, the socialists, communists, Antifa, etc.
I totally agree with you on that one. They are the ones rigging elections, sowing the seeds of racial and class division, selling out to China, destroying our big cities, demoralizing the police, destroying free speech though Big Tech and the Lame Stream media etc…

I am voting GOP down the line.
That's the pretext. Claiming that countries that are sanctioned or bombed deserve it because supposedly their governments are violating human rights. The sanctions themselves violate human rights and hurt the people of those countries. Sanctions are deadly, depriving them of the resources they need to survive. Not allowing them access to healthcare, because the sanctioned nation is unable to import certain medications or maintain its infrastructure. The economy of Venezuela is under sanctions so you have no grounds upon which to argue that socialism doesn't work. Lift the sanctions, because that's what starves and kills people.

People like you deserve to suffer and now the United States is going to go through its own economic collapse. People like you need to experience suffering.
Sanctions didn't kill the economy of Venezuela...the policies of Hugo Chavez did that! It's actually amazing that a country with the natural resources that Venezuela possesses could EVER find itself broke but that's what Chavez managed to do!
Sanctions didn't kill the economy of Venezuela...the policies of Hugo Chavez did that! It's actually amazing that a country with the natural resources that Venezuela possesses could EVER find itself broke but that's what Chavez managed to do!
Yeah right, seven billion dollars of Venezuela's petroleum assets have been frozen in the last three years and they can't use the primary, Western international banking credit system, required for trading oil on the international market. That's not going to affect Venezuela, nah. You're absurd. Venezuela is one of the most sanctioned nations on Earth. Even food is sanctioned.

Anyways your line of reasoning is silly. The vast majority of countries in the world that are dirt poor have capitalist economies, so it makes no sense for you to say that because Venezuela, a sanctioned country, is going through a financial crisis, that is only the fault of socialism. Are you blaming capitalism for all of the poor capitalist countries? Nope. Stop being hypocritical in your critique of socialism. Be consistent, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Socialism is the future, you might as well accept it now before advanced technology replaces wage labor:

The apocalypse is coming for capitalism and socialism will become the obvious solution. The writing is on the wall for capitalism.
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That's the pretext. Claiming that countries that are sanctioned or bombed deserve it because supposedly their governments are violating human rights. The sanctions themselves violate human rights and hurt the people of those countries. Sanctions are deadly, depriving them of the resources they need to survive. Not allowing them access to healthcare, because the sanctioned nation is unable to import certain medications or maintain its infrastructure. The economy of Venezuela is under sanctions so you have no grounds upon which to argue that socialism doesn't work. Lift the sanctions, because that's what starves and kills people.

People like you deserve to suffer and now the United States is going to go through its own economic collapse. People like you need to experience suffering.
Any country has the right to trade, or refuse to trade with whichever countries it desires. That’s what sanctions are in the end, a refusal to trade. Medications and humanitarian goods are almost always excused from sanctions.

I’m sure you had no problem with almost the entire world sanctioning the Republic of South Africa for about a decade.
Any country has the right to trade, or refuse to trade with whichever countries it desires. That’s what sanctions are in the end, a refusal to trade. Medications and humanitarian goods are almost always excused from sanctions.

I’m sure you had no problem with almost the entire world sanctioning the Republic of South Africa for about a decade.

It's not just a mere refusal of the US, to trade with a particular country, but it also includes barring a nation from using the international banking system, freezing assets, not allowing merchant ships that dock in one of the ports of the sanctioned country, to dock at any port in the United States or in any country that desires to maintain good relations with the United States (i.e. the most powerful nation and largest economy in the world). When the US imposes sanctions on a nation, it's the people of that nation that suffer:

American sanctions are a crime against humanity, particularly against the people of developing countries, and that's one of the reasons we had foreigners flying planes into our buildings in NYC. They kill our children because we kill theirs. Unfortunately, there are Americans like you who support the crimes our government commits against innocent people around the world. You can ignore the evidence but others won't.
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The problem with American society today is that tens of millions of our citizens are on anti-depressants. It's our culture that causes these mass shootings. Perhaps we can have laws that require a person who owns a firearm, including a combat rifle, to go through a psychological evaluation and 50 hours of training (firearm safety, studying the law, firearm handling, marksmanship). I believe that would stop most if not all of these mass shooting incidents. I'm against banning combat rifles, but I'm willing to compromise with people like yourself who are concerned with citizens owning assault rifles. We can make it more difficult for people to own those weapons, by requiring training and licensing.

Those who argue that the government would have a list of people who own these combat rifles. There's no way for the government to take away everyone's firearms, it doesn't have the resources. We live in a country with 330 million people. There aren't enough government agents to disarm the population, especially if the population refuses to cooperate. What can be done is require that all new, future firearms that are sold, require the buyer to be trained, licensed, and certified sane by a psyche to be stable enough to own a firearm.
Combat weapons should be off the table or else people will be able to acquire rockets launchers, howitzers and the like, because there's no limit on anything right now.
Combat weapons should be off the table or else people will be able to acquire rockets launchers, howitzers and the like, because there's no limit on anything right now.
There is a limit, people can't legally purchase what you mentioned without a license from the ATF. Small arms are in a different category than rockets and artillery.

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