Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

You don't have to be able to withstand the full force of the American military to make tyranny too costly, and tens of millions of private citizens in possession of hundreds of millions of firearms can make the cost of tyranny very high indeed.
Zero-sum, all or nothing, that's how they think. You either form a resistance that can completely annihilate the enemy with combat rifles, or you disarm yourself and do nothing.
Love it, it triggered the three Trumpanzees who used emoticons to disagree with you. All three are too dumb to write a clear, concise expository response.
/——-/ Yeah, because our concise expository responses over the last 6 years were either ignored, ridiculed, or rejected because of the source.
After awhile all we can do is laugh at you azz clowns.
You don't have to be able to withstand the full force of the American military to make tyranny too costly, and tens of millions of private citizens in possession of hundreds of millions of firearms can make the cost of tyranny very high indeed.
Ever wonder why no one has attempted to do it? No one wants to see a sneeze guard at a salad bar do its thing, but they're glad it's there.
Donald Babyhands tried, he even wanted to go to the Capitol to lead the morons.

Ever wonder why there are no alligators on the streets? Why, AR-15s, OF COURSE!!
Donald Babyhands tried, he even wanted to go to the Capitol to lead the morons.

Ever wonder why there are no alligators on the streets? Why, AR-15s, OF COURSE!!
Hmmm, you reveal your obsession. You bounce immediately, with no rhyme or reason, from AR-15's to TRUMP!. As usual when encountering TRUMP! obsessed people, it's best to just back away.
Cool, you're concession is duly noted.
Concession of what? Acknowledging that an armed populace is very difficult to impose tyranny on? Apparently, you were not aware that the first thing a dictator does is disarm the populace. Makes it a lot easier.
Being a "clock puncher" in the private sector is even worse. Management has less accountability towards its subordinates, and you have fewer means to express your grievances and assert your rights. If you've noticed, the government still holds elections, private enterprises don't. If you want to start ranting about how all government elections are supposedly rigged because orange-headed hamster didn't get re-elected to the presidency, prove it. Take it to court, oh wait you people already did that and your case was thrown out of court for lack of evidence. Your next response might be "the judges and courts are corrupt", the conspiracies never end for you. That's the foundation of your argument, everyone is out to get orange-head. He lost the popular vote in 2016, it was the electoral college that got him into office. Since 2000, all Republican presidents have lost the popular vote.

Wrong…..the private sector isn’t insulated the way the public sector is….
We're disarmed here in New York City. Law-abiding Americans can't own firearms in NYC. So you're the freaking idiot, claiming that liberals aren't disarming good, law-abiding Americans. What the liberals have done here in NYC and Chicago, among other cities, they would LOVE to do EVERYWHERE. The rednecks are correct, they're right. Bubba is speaking the truth. Liberals want to take away his shotguns, AR-15, and even the slingshot he uses to kill possums. You do it here in NYC and in other cities where you're in control. You disarm the populace and the result of that is that criminals remain armed. Good people are held hostage by street thugs. Only the police and street criminals are armed.

As far as your remarks on the American people being armed to defend themselves against tyranny, it's pretty obvious to most people, that it's better to be armed with a combat rifle if you're going to fight a tyrannical government or foreign invasion than not being armed at all. It's better to be armed with a combat rifle until the resistance can acquire heavier weapons. This country is heading into chaos in the not too distant future, so it behooves all good Americans to arm themselves with combat rifles. The shit is going to hit the fan, in a few years. Unemployment is going to be so bad, along with inflation, that I believe this country is heading to another civil war. When people start going hungry, that's when the pitchforks come out and it's better for those "pitchforks" to be combat rifles. So you're actually the idiot. How are you going to defend yourself and your family? You need to arm yourself now, while you have a chance. I recommend you get an AK19:

There is no effort, advocacy, or desire to ‘disarm’ law-abiding people – whatever that’s supposed to mean.

Your post is idiocy.
Not half as nuts as you sound ignoring the fact that EVERY tyrannical oppressive government in HISTORY first DISARMED their population without fail before taking it over!

Even worse, we see these scenarios being carried out RIGHT NOW in real time between the Canadian government, the Australian government and now the government of Denmark!
Where's the Denmark story? I haven't seen that one.
Love it, it triggered the three Trumpanzees who used emoticons to disagree with you. All three are too dumb to write a clear, concise expository response.
What’s remarkable is that Democrats have become conservatives by default – the neo-fascist, illiberal authoritarian right having abandoned conservative principles decades ago.

It’s Democrats who defend our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and Constitution.

It’s Democrats who seek to protect established political norms and standards.

And it’s Democrats who oppose radical, irresponsible change and advocate for incrementalism through democratic consensus.

Indeed, the January 6th hearings are a clear example of Democrats seeking to protect and defend established norms and standards of the political and electoral process from the radical, extreme right determined to destroy those very norms and standards.
Where's the Denmark story? I haven't seen that one.

Denmark. The government has taken over the agriculture industry, essentially put the farmers out of business, and is now running them off their own lands because of -- -- -- nitrogen, you know, 78% of what you breath. Meantime, Denmark is a major supplier of food and we are already facing a world food shortage to hit us by next Spring.
A 6 years old doesn't have adult rights. But their teacher should be armed
Historically, for 177 years in the United States, there was no law against a child having a gun. The expectation was that parents would be the adults and keep children from inappropriate access to guns. Jaxson clearly is not the adult in his family.
So you're against the 2nd. It doesn't say the right to bear arms has an age limit. Now you know what side you're on.
Until GCA 1968, it was legal for the 6-year-old to have a gun. But if you sent your kid to school with a gun, you would have been arrested for child endangerment, and your child taken away from you, just as if you had sent your child to school with a butcher knife or a sack of arsenic or a jar of anti-freeze.

Bad parenting is bad parenting, whether it's about a gun or anything else.

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