Can I still put white sheets on my bed? ...Or, no?

White people who voted for Romney made up 42.5 percent of the overall vote. That works out to 88 percent of Romney voters being white.

......Huh? :eusa_eh:

Is that Common Core Math or something?

Still trying to find a diversion , HUH? Well while yo are still doing the math, here is a reply that needs your attention:

Tellya what do... Sometime this week, take a trip downtown to some Federal agency and look around. You will see many employees mostly doing nothing. There are literally thousands and thousands of these places all over America. Bureaucrats stacked on top of more bureaucrats. Every Federal agency in every state has a Director, Assistant Director, Managing Director, Assistant Managing Director, Associate Director, Assistant Associate Director, Junior Director, Assistant Junior Director, Regional Director, Assistant Regional Director, Director of Assistant and Junior Directors... on and on and on and on! They all get a free company car, a gas account, expense account, plus Federal pension and pay scale for as long as they work and don't get busted for drugs or something.

So, now you attack federal employees and attempt to make their wages part of the lost 20 trillion spent on the War on Poverty? I guess desperation is finally setting in. I guess you personally observed this lax unproductive component in every Federal office you visited. Right?

That brief glimpse fed your imagination and now, in your mind, it's full blown evidence of widespread fraud waste and abuse.

Have you considered the service some bureaucrats provide in keeping track of veteran's retirement, medical affairs and employment? Civilians also benefit from the tireless efforts of dedicated federal employees: Social Security, Medicare and the entire governmental apparatus runs on the efficiency of clock punchers.

I do agree that often there has too much management overhead in some agencies and
that is unproductive. That issue was addressed several years ago by the US Postal system and a signifiant number of mid level supervisors were either reassigned to areas that needed them in other states or were demoted back down to craft work.

KEY ISSUE: Whether they are productive all the time of not, federal workers get paychecks that are usually spent to pay bills, buy goods and order services. That stimulates the economy and keeps tax revenues flowing. But lets continue your rant about unproductive people. People like the Koch Brothers and others who get millions of dollars for doing, well... nothing! The rich get rich not through hard work but through exploiting the hard work of the less resourceful or the most disenfranchised. Sure a few of us have the chance to get some of that pie; and, when we do, everything we used to do for ourselves, we now can afford to pay someone else to do for us. That includes anything resembling work!

The biggest problem with entitlement programs is this... people become dependent and unmotivated to do anything else. Not ALL people, but a lot. They are content to sit on their ass and collect a handout rather than do something. You're not "helping" anyone by enabling their dependence on government. You are merely making them slaves. Now, they don't have to pick cotton in the hot sun, they just sit at home under the air conditioner, wait for their check and vote Democrat.

The GOP labeled social security and Medicare as entitlements. For those who never paid into it and are receiving benefits, that might apply, but, for those of us who did pay into those programs, neither is an entitlement.


You’ve called me a liberal or leftist so i decided to give you a label too:

You haven’t said what your political inclinations are but I gather you don’t identify as “liberal.” Therefore, I’ll do as you do and just put a label on you whether you agree with it or not. To me, hence forth, you are a “conservative” with a small “c”. That is the generic variety that includes those from the Grand Dragon on down to the license plate stampers with flags of the confederacy tatooed on their butt cheeks. I won’t over look the “cons” that bush their teeth, comb their hair and put on business suits. They know how to pay the “c” game too. They seldom use the “N” word but use code words like “cotton pickers” euphemistically to replace it. These are the politicians and guardians of the status quo in the “conservative” hierarchy. Surely you can “c” the truth now that you know you are one of them!
Still trying to find a diversion , HUH? Well while yo are still doing the math, here is a reply that needs your attention:

Diversion? No, I am trying to decipher your formula for determining the race of voters based on total vote percentage. You never explained it, you just said "it works out to" which doesn't tell me a thing. How does Romney's 42.5% of the vote "work out to" 88% white people?

So, now you attack federal employees and attempt to make their wages part of the lost 20 trillion spent on the War on Poverty?

No, I didn't attack federal employees. You asked me where we had spent $20 trillion and I am explaining that to you... Most of it has gone to pay salaries to federal employees implementing the programs. Sorry but that is an expense, it costs money to administer programs because it takes people to do that job. We don't live in Utopia where things are done for free because everyone is good.

That brief glimpse fed your imagination and now, in your mind, it's full blown evidence of widespread fraud waste and abuse.

Well I didn't mention "widespread fraud and abuse" have introduced that, and since you did... we know that there is widespread fraud and abuse. Thanks for pointing it out!

Have you considered the service some bureaucrats provide in keeping track of veteran's retirement, medical affairs and employment? Civilians also benefit from the tireless efforts of dedicated federal employees: Social Security, Medicare and the entire governmental apparatus runs on the efficiency of clock punchers.

Well hold on a minute, I have not said that we shouldn't have ANY government employees. We need certain people to do certain things and I have no problem with that whatsoever. We were talking about where $20 trillion has gone in this "war on poverty", and I was explaining it. Now, I take exception with your comment about efficiency, there is nothing efficient about Federal bureaucracy. Most of it is redundant.

I do agree that often there has too much management overhead in some agencies and
that is unproductive. That issue was addressed several years ago by the US Postal system and a signifiant number of mid level supervisors were either reassigned to areas that needed them in other states or were demoted back down to craft work.

What does the US Postal system have to do with the War on Poverty?

People like the Koch Brothers and others who get millions of dollars for doing, well... nothing!

I bet you have no idea what the Koch brothers do. They don't "get" anything... they earn profits because they are free market capitalists and that's what free market capitalists do. They put their wealth at risk in order to hopefully realize a return. There are never any guarantees, they could go bankrupt just as easily as Donald Trump if they don't make wise investments.

The GOP labeled social security and Medicare as entitlements. For those who never paid into it and are receiving benefits, that might apply, but, for those of us who did pay into those programs, neither is an entitlement.

I agree.

To me, hence forth, you are a “conservative” with a small “c”. That is the generic variety that includes those from the Grand Dragon on down to the license plate stampers with flags of the confederacy tatooed on their butt cheeks. I won’t over look the “cons” that bush their teeth, comb their hair and put on business suits. They know how to pay the “c” game too. They seldom use the “N” word but use code words like “cotton pickers” euphemistically to replace it. These are the politicians and guardians of the status quo in the “conservative” hierarchy. Surely you can “c” the truth now that you know you are one of them!

I don't take too well to being labeled by others. I also have a hard time being cordial to bigots who stereotype others based on their own prejudiced memes and assumptions. You don't know me. You know nothing about my life, my history, my background... nothing. All you know is that I am politically Conservative and so you've stuck me in your stereotype box and conveniently labeled me, like the bigot you are.

I've never used the N word, and never associated with anyone who was racist. I live in Alabama so I see them, they're out there... I don't associate with them. My grandmother who was born in 1903 would sometimes refer to blacks as "nigrahs" because she thought that's what they were, she wasn't being racist, it's just the word she was brought up and raised to use. During the Great Depression, she worked picking cotton on a black sharecropper's land and cooked dinner for everybody. If it hadn't been for that black sharecropper her children would have starved to death. I can remember in 1970, my cousin and I told her it wasn't nice to call them "nigrahs" and she felt so bad about that... that she had used that word all those years and never gave it a thought. Until she died, I never heard her say that word again.

You have a very disturbing mindset. You want to stereotype people and label them on the basis of what their political viewpoints are, and that is wrong. It's really no different than judging someone based on skin color or religion.
Diversion? No, I am trying to decipher your formula for determining the race of voters based on total vote percentage. You never explained it, you just said "it works out to" which doesn't tell me a thing. How does Romney's 42.5% of the vote "work out to" 88% white people?


No, I didn't attack federal employees. You asked me where we had spent $20 trillion and I am explaining that to you... Most of it has gone to pay salaries to federal employees implementing the programs. Sorry but that is an expense, it costs money to administer programs because it takes people to do that job. We don't live in Utopia where things are done for free because everyone is good.

So, the jobs created to combat poverty run counter to the claim by the Right that the government doesn't create jobs?

Indeed, these are good paying jobs that help to propel the economy and keep it afloat. I have no objection to that! It is strange that you do!

Well I didn't mention "widespread fraud and abuse" have introduced that, and since you did... we know that there is widespread fraud and abuse. Thanks for pointing it out!

I didn't point out anything except the warped POV you share with your fellow "conservatives" that government employees do nothing all day.

Well hold on a minute, I have not said that we shouldn't have ANY government employees. We need certain people to do certain things and I have no problem with that whatsoever. We were talking about where $20 trillion has gone in this "war on poverty", and I was explaining it. Now, I take exception with your comment about efficiency, there is nothing efficient about Federal bureaucracy. Most of it is redundant.

I disagree with your exception taking. I doubt if you have anything to support your sophistry.

What does the US Postal system have to do with the War on Poverty?

Well, that is the one federal agency that is self funding. I am surprised you knew that. Good for you!
I must say that they do have food drives and sponsor programs to help the needy... that is SOMETHING!

bet you have no idea what the Koch brothers do. They don't "get" anything... they earn profits because they are free market capitalists and that's what free market capitalists do. They put their wealth at risk in order to hopefully realize a return. There are never any guarantees, they could go bankrupt just as easily as Donald Trump if they don't make wise investments.

No one, even you, have an idea of what the Koch Brothers do but there you go, trying to pretend you do and I don't. Heh heh heh!
The key word in your reply is 'earn." I don't think people "earn" anything when their money does all the work for them and all they do is sit back and collect it. I guess I am just old fashioned by believing that you earn something by the sweat of your brow. The Kochs and people like them GET/collect/the spoils and wealth created by the rest of us who are paid a fraction of the tremendous wealth we produce!

I don't take too well to being labeled by others. I also have a hard time being cordial to bigots who stereotype others based on their own prejudiced memes and assumptions. You don't know me. You know nothing about my life, my history, my background... nothing. All you know is that I am politically Conservative and so you've stuck me in your stereotype box and conveniently labeled me, like the bigot you are.

Frankly, I don't care whether you "take too well to being labeled by others or not." You don't seem to have a problem attaching labels to me.
You won't get any sympathy from me "conservative." You drew first blood on this one. You don't know anything about me either, but that didn't stop you from dropping the "L" word on me several times. STFU and take it like a man...stop whining! Big Gut!
Diversion? No, I am trying to decipher your formula for determining the race of voters based on total vote percentage. You never explained it, you just said "it works out to" which doesn't tell me a thing. How does Romney's 42.5% of the vote "work out to" 88% white people?


LMFAO... You obviously never comprehended how to read graphs and statistics either.

Let me ask you something here... If Romney had 88% of the white vote, how did Obama have 56% of the white vote? Do the math, I know you can add... you will see this totals more than 100%. So you can see here clearly, Romney certainly DID NOT get 88% of the white vote.

The graph is showing us the percentages relative to the total votes each candidate received. Obama's support was more diverse, that is the point and the context here. You have misinterpreted it grossly to make an insanely stupid statement.
Diversion? No, I am trying to decipher your formula for determining the race of voters based on total vote percentage. You never explained it, you just said "it works out to" which doesn't tell me a thing. How does Romney's 42.5% of the vote "work out to" 88% white people?


LMFAO... You obviously never comprehended how to read graphs and statistics either.

Let me ask you something here... If Romney had 88% of the white vote, how did Obama have 56% of the white vote? Do the math, I know you can add... you will see this totals more than 100%. So you can see here clearly, Romney certainly DID NOT get 88% of the white vote.

The graph is showing us the percentages relative to the total votes each candidate received. Obama's support was more diverse, that is the point and the context here. You have misinterpreted it grossly to make an insanely stupid statement.

:lol: Simmer down and stop making a fool of yourself. I should have known that an imbecile like you could NOT read a graph or understand the difference between two entirely different calculations.

1. White % of the total Romney vote=88%

2.White % of national vote for ROmney=59%

If you are too dense to understand those simple differences I took this from the link that you didn't bother to read:

" Romney won 48.1 percent of the overall vote. White people who voted for Romney made up 42.5 percent of the overall vote. That works out to 88 percent of Romney voters being white."

That little excerpt came form the people who made the graph. Did you notice it is almost exactly the same statemnt I made initially.

POGO, where are you now? Show this inept fool how to read a graph and interpret the accompanying data supporting it.
I don't know what else to say to him.
So, the jobs created to combat poverty run counter to the claim by the Right that the government doesn't create jobs?

I don't know who is claiming the government doesn't create jobs. Is that from Boehner or McConnell? Sounds like something stupid enough for them to say! Our fucking problem is the government CAN create jobs... and they ALL cost taxpayers money!

You're trying to jump off the argument we were having about this $20 trillion we've squandered fighting a "War on Poverty" we can't win. The endless stream of Federal agencies all over the nation, with hundreds of thousands of workers we're paying for, and it isn't doing anything to help people escape from lives of poverty. They're just as bad off now as in 1964... maybe worse. I know people on welfare who can't get off of it and work because they can't afford to do that.

You're almost like my gambling-addicted Aunt Sue... She doesn't know when to walk away, she just keeps hoping to win big. She'll lose $500 to win $100 and think she's coming out ahead somehow. My Uncle took her to Vegas and she gambled the car away. They had to take the bus home... .we had to wire them money for that! You're like her... your eyes are glazed over and you've got that same look when it comes to government programs.

Look.. Call me all the names in the book man, if we don't get a grip on our spending and start balancing a budget every year, we're going down hard. It's not a matter of opinion, that's a fact. Now Conservatives don't want that, we want America to succeed. We want to be able to take care of our old folks, our poor kids, our veterans, our handicapped and indigent... we want less expensive and more available health care... we just have a very different approach to how we do that. But you don't want to listen to anyone, you want to label them, denigrate them, make them your enemy and relentlessly fight and drown out anything they have to say.
Simmer down and stop making a fool of yourself.

Ahaha,,, you're the one who did that dude... Your claim was "Romney got 90% of the white vote!"
Then you popped off some bullshit about Romney got 47.2% of the vote and that "works out to" 88% of the white vote. When pressed to clarify your idiotic remarks, you posted a graphic that doesn't support anything you've claimed. Romney did not get 88% of the white vote, 88% of those who voted for Romney were white. So that's a completely different thing from what you claimed.

Now most people of any sort of reputable character, would issue a public apology for their error and ask us to accept it. I would do that, heck I've made much worse errors when posting... BUT... you've chosen a different path. You're now going to try to pretend that I have somehow made a fool of myself.

Too fucking funny for words my friends! :rofl:
So, the jobs created to combat poverty run counter to the claim by the Right that the government doesn't create jobs?

I don't know who is claiming the government doesn't create jobs. Is that from Boehner or McConnell? Sounds like something stupid enough for them to say! Our fucking problem is the government CAN create jobs... and they ALL cost taxpayers money!

You're trying to jump off the argument we were having about this $20 trillion we've squandered fighting a "War on Poverty" we can't win. The endless stream of Federal agencies all over the nation, with hundreds of thousands of workers we're paying for, and it isn't doing anything to help people escape from lives of poverty. They're just as bad off now as in 1964... maybe worse. I know people on welfare who can't get off of it and work because they can't afford to do that.

You're almost like my gambling-addicted Aunt Sue... She doesn't know when to walk away, she just keeps hoping to win big. She'll lose $500 to win $100 and think she's coming out ahead somehow. My Uncle took her to Vegas and she gambled the car away. They had to take the bus home... .we had to wire them money for that! You're like her... your eyes are glazed over and you've got that same look when it comes to government programs.

Look.. Call me all the names in the book man, if we don't get a grip on our spending and start balancing a budget every year, we're going down hard. It's not a matter of opinion, that's a fact. Now Conservatives don't want that, we want America to succeed. We want to be able to take care of our old folks, our poor kids, our veterans, our handicapped and indigent... we want less expensive and more available health care... we just have a very different approach to how we do that. But you don't want to listen to anyone, you want to label them, denigrate them, make them your enemy and relentlessly fight and drown out anything they have to say.

No wonder you don't use links to support your arguments, you are mathematically challenged and have a problem with reading comprehension as well. You just cherry pick data, throw it at us and hope no one will ever call you on it!.

Federal Morale, heath and welfare workers:

Those hundreds of thousands of workers we're paying for are putting something back into the system through taxes and spending their paychecks. Some of that revenue ends back up as a source for funding government programs including welfare. Profit generated when those same people buy stuff is taxed too, unless some corporate loop hold prevents it. That tax revenue too is put back into the system. Lets not forget sales tax , property tax and other taxes paid by those hundreds of thousands of government employees.

Can you imagine the economic void that would occur without those fed employees? They are employed and that is good in and of itself. They are not on welfare or seeking handouts but even those people who are on welfare spend those checks too. All spending helps to generate a healthy economy. When spending stops is when financial troubles begins.

without spending, government and private spending, the poverty rate would skyrocket and more people would be on welfare. Now there are about 11,400,000 people on the rolls even though there are 46 million poor Americans.

You cant take are of your kids , veterans or anything else if money isn't changing hands and enhancing job creation. The more people with jobs the better off we are. The more those people spend the more vibrant the economy and the more tax revenue is generated. Whether government funds are spent to pay federal employees or Haliburton execs makes a big difference, The employees will spend their paychecks but the Haliburton exec will likely hoarde most of his millions in off shore accounts.

No, I am nothing like your aunt. My kind of spending guarantees measured results and economic stimulations. Curtailing that flow of revenue is dangerous and upsets the applecart. Short money supplies means higher interest rates and less borrowing for consumers.
The economy winds down and unemployment rises. Crime rates increase.... are you getting the picture?
Simmer down and stop making a fool of yourself.

Ahaha,,, you're the one who did that dude... Your claim was "Romney got 90% of the white vote!"
Then you popped off some bullshit about Romney got 47.2% of the vote and that "works out to" 88% of the white vote. When pressed to clarify your idiotic remarks, you posted a graphic that doesn't support anything you've claimed. Romney did not get 88% of the white vote, 88% of those who voted for Romney were white. So that's a completely different thing from what you claimed.

Now most people of any sort of reputable character, would issue a public apology for their error and ask us to accept it. I would do that, heck I've made much worse errors when posting... BUT... you've chosen a different path. You're now going to try to pretend that I have somehow made a fool of myself.

Too fucking funny for words my friends! :rofl:

Unfortunately for you,I am smart enough to produce the evidence of what I said in full living color. Fool, you don't know who you are messing with.

I can't wait to see what foolish comment you will make after this:


You aren't blind, you are just obstinate. You hate to be wrong...well, how do you account for the above post being so aligned with what the graph shows? Stop being an idiot and capitulate.... there is no dishonor in being bested by the mighty JQ Public1... Men far more scholarly and better versed than you have tried and failed...


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Some of that revenue ends back up as a source for funding government programs including welfare. Profit generated when those same people buy stuff is taxed too, unless some corporate loop hold prevents it. That tax revenue too is put back into the system. Lets not forget sales tax , property tax and other taxes paid by those hundreds of thousands of government employees.

This is the dumbest argument ever created for government jobs. If this idiotic theory were valid, we could simply create a government job for everyone who is unemployed. It would generate enormous payroll taxes and we could pay off the debt and give everyone a job at the same time! Why not do that?

Shit... I probably shouldn't have given you that idea, you'll be lobbying for it! That's how stupid you are.
Your attempt to separate Conservatives from Republicans might rest on sound logic but the reality shows something different. Most White males identify themselves as "conservative Republicans." regardless of any book definitions. Romney got more than 90% of the White vote in the last election. ThAT certainly lends credence to MY premise.

There is your quote in error, Pubes.

Sorry, you lose.
Some of that revenue ends back up as a source for funding government programs including welfare. Profit generated when those same people buy stuff is taxed too, unless some corporate loop hold prevents it. That tax revenue too is put back into the system. Lets not forget sales tax , property tax and other taxes paid by those hundreds of thousands of government employees.

This is the dumbest argument ever created for government jobs. If this idiotic theory were valid, we could simply create a government job for everyone who is unemployed. It would generate enormous payroll taxes and we could pay off the debt and give everyone a job at the same time! Why not do that?

Shit... I probably shouldn't have given you that idea, you'll be lobbying for it! That's how stupid you are.
That is not an argument for government jobs, dumbass, that is just the way if it is for those who hold those limited number of jobs. You can't dispute the fact that ANY job, government jobs included generate tax revenue and profits when those wages are spent on costs of living. don't even TRY it... you are too dumb to to understand... It;'s getting late...yawnnnnn! I am tired of trying to convince a moron like you of anything....
Your attempt to separate Conservatives from Republicans might rest on sound logic but the reality shows something different. Most White males identify themselves as "conservative Republicans." regardless of any book definitions. Romney got more than 90% of the White vote in the last election. ThAT certainly lends credence to MY premise.

There is your quote in error, Pubes.

Sorry, you lose.

Yawnnnn! the only thing I have lost is respect for your reasoning ability and honesty. I already corrected the mistake and showed how it occurred for all to see a LONNNNNNNNG time ago. You're a little late "chuckles." is that all you got?

See ya later!
...from the top of the state house?

Ahh,, So this is JUST about the state houses? It's NOT about putting pressure on Wal-mart to stop selling the flag and stuff like that?

Note that the OP CAN'T answer any of the questions and instead deflects with an absurd canard.

No one is putting any pressure on Wal-mart.

Corporations across the board decided that they didn't want to be associated with racist symbols because that might harm their revenue.

That is how capitalism works.

They did the same thing when red states tried to pass laws that discriminated against gays.

They don't agree with Republican anti-minority policies that causes loses to their bottom lines.
I will not shop at Wal-mart until they return the Confederate Battle Flag to the shelves. Libs hate Wal-mart and won't shop there regardless of what they are doing to be PC. Who are their customers? Open-minded conservatives who can't understand this new policy and are disappointed.
I have a question for liberals. What if the guy had been waving the American flag in his pictures, would you demand that flag be removed from every location in which it flies? If not, why not?
. Liberal Democrats are signing petitions right now to ban the American flag. There is a video on you tube showing it. The new design has a pyramid and a rainbow.
I have a question for liberals. What if the guy had been waving the American flag in his pictures, would you demand that flag be removed from every location in which it flies? If not, why not?
. Liberal Democrats are signing petitions right now to ban the American flag. There is a video on you tube showing it. The new design has a pyramid and a rainbow.

Yea but thats one lone shark in the ocean. The push against the battle flag of north virginia is nationwide, especially hard in the south.

From snopes:

FACT: The Confederate Battle Flag today finds itself in the center of much controversy and hoopla going on in several states. The cry to take this flag down is unjustified. It is very important to keep in mind that the Confederate Battle Flag was simply just that. A battle flag. It was never even a National flag, so how could it have flown over a slave nation or represented slavery or racism? This myth is continued by lack of education and ignorance. Those that vilify the Confederate Battle Flag are very confused about history and have jumped upon a bandwagon with loose wheels.
Read more at The Truth about Confederate History Part 1
Diversion? No, I am trying to decipher your formula for determining the race of voters based on total vote percentage. You never explained it, you just said "it works out to" which doesn't tell me a thing. How does Romney's 42.5% of the vote "work out to" 88% white people?


LMFAO... You obviously never comprehended how to read graphs and statistics either.

Let me ask you something here... If Romney had 88% of the white vote, how did Obama have 56% of the white vote? Do the math, I know you can add... you will see this totals more than 100%. So you can see here clearly, Romney certainly DID NOT get 88% of the white vote.

The graph is showing us the percentages relative to the total votes each candidate received. Obama's support was more diverse, that is the point and the context here. You have misinterpreted it grossly to make an insanely stupid statement.

The graph makes perfect sense once he clarified what he meant. Rather than "Romney got 90% of the white vote" he meant "Romney's vote was 90% white" -- which the graph more than adequately illustrates.

The point, once clarified, is clear: Romneyvote = monolithic; Obamavote = diverse.

Yet you don't seem to understand it either. One more for your list of mysteries. :dunno:

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