Can I still put white sheets on my bed? ...Or, no?

Ummm.... 70 years ago LBJ wasn't even a Senator yet, let alone VP, let alone POTUS.

Guess we can add Time to your list of arcane personal mysteries...
The Limbaugh Conservatives have melded fiscal conservatism with social conservatism by putting a black face on poverty and welfare recipients. That illusion has spread far and wide into the White voting community.

This is pure racist liberal claptrap. No one has put any kind of face on poverty and welfare recipients except liberals who exploit them for political gain. Conservatives believe a rising tide floats all boats... that comes from a rather famous Democrat conservative who was once president, I believe.


You don't understand what racism is either?

And about that last part...


Damn. Doesn't know what Liberal means... doesn't know what moderate means... racism... Kennedy...

Yer lost dood.

Okay, so Kennedy makes a sarcastic remark about those who were calling him "Liberal" back in the day... and you want to pervert this into Kennedy professing his Liberalism? That's funny! :rofl:

John F. Kennedy was a conservative Democrat. His "rising tide floats all boats" philosophy is a Conservative one and it't the very thing Liberals absolutely reject today. Now you call it "trickle down" and castigate Reagan, but the idea comes from Kennedy. And he was right!
Ummm.... 70 years ago LBJ wasn't even a Senator yet, let alone VP, let alone POTUS.

Guess we can add Time to your list of arcane personal mysteries...

Yeah, let us find some trivial detail to nit-pick and find fault with... because actually debating the issues on merit is a NO-WIN situation for you.
...I get it!
This thread?

Im not talking about this thread.

You have a really fucking daft mark on reality, dude.

Yes, I am talking about this thread where you are being a troll and have been nothing but a troll for the entirety of the thread.

In other threads where you have sometimes attempted to make a point, I have embarrassed you in front of your friends and this makes you angry at me. Anger fuels your trolldom. It's at the heart of what makes you such a troll.
Ummm.... 70 years ago LBJ wasn't even a Senator yet, let alone VP, let alone POTUS.

Guess we can add Time to your list of arcane personal mysteries...

Yeah, let us find some trivial detail to nit-pick and find fault with... because actually debating the issues on merit is a NO-WIN situation for you.
...I get it!

"Trivial detail"? :rofl:

This is just low-hanging fruit. So far you've displayed an ignorance of what Liberalism is, what Conservatism is, what moderate means, what racist means, what JFK's own self-description means.... and now you've moved Lyndon Johnson ahead of Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman and FDR in the timeline of Presidents. "More than seventy years" ago would be pre-1945.

I love the latest touch, where you insist you know what a dead President meant better than he did....

Okay, so Kennedy makes a sarcastic remark about those who were calling him "Liberal" back in the day... and you want to pervert this into Kennedy professing his Liberalism? That's funny! :rofl:

John F. Kennedy was a conservative Democrat. His "rising tide floats all boats" philosophy is a Conservative one and it't the very thing Liberals absolutely reject today. Now you call it "trickle down" and castigate Reagan, but the idea comes from Kennedy. And he was right!

And now we can add sarcastic to the list of terms beyond your ken.

Wacko. :cuckoo:
This thread?

Im not talking about this thread.

You have a really fucking daft mark on reality, dude.

Yes, I am talking about this thread where you are being a troll and have been nothing but a troll for the entirety of the thread.

In other threads where you have sometimes attempted to make a point, I have embarrassed you in front of your friends and this makes you angry at me. Anger fuels your trolldom. It's at the heart of what makes you such a troll.
Ill add delusional to your fatfail traits as a human mongrel.
This is just low-hanging fruit.

Wow, with low hanging fruit, you'd think you would be able to pick something good... but apparently you can't. All I see is more insults and denigration without substance. "Boss is stupid and dumb" seems to be the only fruit you are able to produce.

You would have starved to death during the Great Depression.
Boss is the annoying knowitall that people dont 'really' wanna invite anywhere, but sometimes just have to in order not to be ass holes and so he ruins their time while they barely tolerate him.
When easily-disproved internet mythologies go to fifty bucks a barrel, I want drilling right's on Boss' head.
When easily-disproved internet mythologies go to fifty bucks a barrel, I want drilling right's on Boss' head.

Ah... so you're now going to take a page out of G.T.'s playbook? We now have TWO trolls in the thread who can't argue the OP on merit and have to resort to denigration and insult. How many more trolls want to step up and admit what you are?
When easily-disproved internet mythologies go to fifty bucks a barrel, I want drilling right's on Boss' head.

Ah... so you're now going to take a page out of G.T.'s playbook? We now have TWO trolls in the thread who can't argue the OP on merit and have to resort to denigration and insult. How many more trolls want to step up and admit what you are?

The OP left the building quite some time ago. I already addressed it in post 4. Stick a fork in it.

We've moved on since then to calling leftists "Liberals" calling Conservatives monolithic, inventing new definitions for the words racism and moderate, Doublethinking JFK's declaration of "I'm a Liberal" into "I'm a Conservative", and posthumously presenting the Presidency to Lyndon Johnson during World War II.

Can't wait to see where we go next. :popcorn:
Last edited:
Boss is the annoying knowitall that people dont 'really' wanna invite anywhere, but sometimes just have to in order not to be ass holes and so he ruins their time while they barely tolerate him.

Yes, I can be a real pain in the ass for stupid liberal morons. They are mostly used to people who think like them and repeat their same memes. They don't handle it very well when someone comes along and challenges their stupidity. I've lost a ton of facebook friends like this... They post some liberal idiocy like facebook is their personal soap box, then I respond with my opinions to the contrary... next thing I know, they've de-friended me. You ought to keep your damn opinions off facebook if you don't want them challenged.

Now for the record, the people I mostly hang out with on weekends and such, are devout liberals whom I vehemently disagree with on politics. I'm a musician and artist, so most of my personal friends tend to be on the liberal side. I don't bombard them with my political philosophy because I already know they don't agree with me. I bite my tongue a lot when in their company. I love my friends to death, they're like my family, I would do anything in the world for them if they needed my help and I know they would do the same for me. 99% of the time, we get along just fine and have no problems or arguments. Now and then, someone will prod me into giving my opinion and I will do so... then it gets uncomfortable for them and I suggest that we not discuss politics anymore.

We have LOADS of fun!
NO! They must at least be off white(eggshell) or have little rosebuds on the top sheet border,1000 thread count Egyptian Cotton!
Anything else and you might as well be sleeping on burlap sacks.
Yes, I can be a real pain in the ass for stupid liberal morons. They are mostly used to people who think like them and repeat their same memes. They don't handle it very well when someone comes along and challenges their stupidity. I've lost a ton of facebook friends like this... They post some liberal idiocy like facebook is their personal soap box, then I respond with my opinions to the contrary... next thing I know, they've de-friended me. You ought to keep your damn opinions off facebook if you don't want them challenged.

Even better --- now we're defining "Liberals" according to "who gets 'friended' on Nosebook".

The OP left the building quite some time ago. I already addressed it in post 4. Stick a fork in it.

No, you didn't really address the OP. You made a funny comment, I even gave you a smiley face for that.

We've moved on since then to calling leftists "Liberals" calling Conservatives monolithic, inventing new definitions for the words racism and moderate...

No, we've been over all kinds of definitions and delineations between modern and classical liberals. I never said Conservatives are monolithic... that is your interpretation but it's incorrect as usual. I've not redefined "racism" or "moderate" ...we can look up the dictionary definition of those if you like.

Doublethinking JFK's declaration of "I'm a Liberal" into "I'm a Conservative"

Again... "A rising tide floats all boats" is a direct quote from the man. It is in reference to his policy of wanting to reduce federal income tax rates and mostly for the top marginal rates. Today's liberal vehemently opposes this idea and calls it "right-wing extremism."

So... WHO is doing the "doublethinking" here and WHO is trying to present the truth?
Yes, I can be a real pain in the ass for stupid liberal morons. They are mostly used to people who think like them and repeat their same memes. They don't handle it very well when someone comes along and challenges their stupidity. I've lost a ton of facebook friends like this... They post some liberal idiocy like facebook is their personal soap box, then I respond with my opinions to the contrary... next thing I know, they've de-friended me. You ought to keep your damn opinions off facebook if you don't want them challenged.

Even better --- now we're defining "Liberals" according to "who gets 'friended' on Nosebook".


I didn't "define" anybody.

What we're seeing is, YOUR problem is a complete lack of comprehension skills. You are the kind who spills hot coffee in your lap then sues someone for not warning you it was hot. You're the reason hair dryers must have a mile-long warning tag to tell us not to use them in the shower or bathtub. The most rudimentary and basic common sense seems to escape you entirely.
The OP left the building quite some time ago. I already addressed it in post 4. Stick a fork in it.

No, you didn't really address the OP. You made a funny comment, I even gave you a smiley face for that.

And that sarcasm was exactly the address.

Oh wait I forgot -- you don't know what sarcasm is. I left that one off the list.

We've moved on since then to calling leftists "Liberals" calling Conservatives monolithic, inventing new definitions for the words racism and moderate...

No, we've been over all kinds of definitions and delineations between modern and classical liberals. I never said Conservatives are monolithic... that is your interpretation but it's incorrect as usual. I've not redefined "racism" or "moderate" ...we can look up the dictionary definition of those if you like.

It's on the record actually.

Doublethinking JFK's declaration of "I'm a Liberal" into "I'm a Conservative"

Again... "A rising tide floats all boats" is a direct quote from the man. It is in reference to his policy of wanting to reduce federal income tax rates and mostly for the top marginal rates. Today's liberal vehemently opposes this idea and calls it "right-wing extremism."

So... WHO is doing the "doublethinking" here and WHO is trying to present the truth?

Who's doing the strawmanning here?
Now appearing in your mirror.

Tax rates when JFK ran for POTUS were up over 90% btw. World War II didn't come cheap.
Boss is the annoying knowitall that people dont 'really' wanna invite anywhere, but sometimes just have to in order not to be ass holes and so he ruins their time while they barely tolerate him.

Yes, I can be a real pain in the ass for stupid liberal morons. They are mostly used to people who think like them and repeat their same memes. They don't handle it very well when someone comes along and challenges their stupidity. I've lost a ton of facebook friends like this... They post some liberal idiocy like facebook is their personal soap box, then I respond with my opinions to the contrary... next thing I know, they've de-friended me. You ought to keep your damn opinions off facebook if you don't want them challenged.

Now for the record, the people I mostly hang out with on weekends and such, are devout liberals whom I vehemently disagree with on politics. I'm a musician and artist, so most of my personal friends tend to be on the liberal side. I don't bombard them with my political philosophy because I already know they don't agree with me. I bite my tongue a lot when in their company. I love my friends to death, they're like my family, I would do anything in the world for them if they needed my help and I know they would do the same for me. 99% of the time, we get along just fine and have no problems or arguments. Now and then, someone will prod me into giving my opinion and I will do so... then it gets uncomfortable for them and I suggest that we not discuss politics anymore.

We have LOADS of fun!
:lol: :lol:

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