Can I still put white sheets on my bed? ...Or, no?

Then you're simply using the wrong term.

Well I am using the term society uses today to define the left. I didn't cause that. I also didn't create "far right conservative" and I think the term is an oxymoron. Conservatives are (by definition) not extremists. Therefore, can't be "far" anything. They oppose radicalism. Conservatives are the alternative to radical extremism. Now that I've said that, let's watch the "clown parade" file in to lament their bullshit about the "far right!"

Liberal is not left though. That's a low-info conflation, regardless who started it. There's no reason to perpetuate a false definition.

Seems to me "far right conservative" is functional. You'd need that term to distinguish from "mainstream conservative" or "moderate conservative".

"Radical extremism" on the other hand, could be a redundancy.

Again... Conservative does not have an ambiguous meaning, it is clearly defined and it simply represents the opposite of an extremist or radical. There is no such thing as "mainstream or moderate" conservative... you are either a Conservative or you're not a Conservative. Just as you are either a radical extremist or you're not a radical extremist. There are no moderate or mainstream radical extremists.

I think you're thoroughly confuserated.

You're saying every conservative thinks exactly the same way?
Now I am trying to be a bit less beligerant in my posts, however, you are completely over the line. You are one dumb fucking bigot. The Confederate Battle Flag represented the fight for the enslavement of a people. An immoral stand that cost over a half million American lives, and poisoned all too many minds in this nation to this day. That was demonstrated by the horrific crime that kid committed. And people like you are an accessory to that crime.

Uhm... No, the Civil War was about states rights over federal encroachment. Slavery was one of those rights but this is because slaves were property and were deemed property by the United States Supreme Court and US Congress. You're the dumb bigot who somehow thinks slavery had been outlawed and the South rebelled.

The kid in SC did not commit the crime because of the flag or the Civil War. If you believe that, you're an idiot. He was a troubled sociopath who hated America.
Then you're simply using the wrong term.

Well I am using the term society uses today to define the left. I didn't cause that. I also didn't create "far right conservative" and I think the term is an oxymoron. Conservatives are (by definition) not extremists. Therefore, can't be "far" anything. They oppose radicalism. Conservatives are the alternative to radical extremism. Now that I've said that, let's watch the "clown parade" file in to lament their bullshit about the "far right!"

Liberal is not left though. That's a low-info conflation, regardless who started it. There's no reason to perpetuate a false definition.

Seems to me "far right conservative" is functional. You'd need that term to distinguish from "mainstream conservative" or "moderate conservative".

"Radical extremism" on the other hand, could be a redundancy.

Again... Conservative does not have an ambiguous meaning, it is clearly defined and it simply represents the opposite of an extremist or radical. There is no such thing as "mainstream or moderate" conservative... you are either a Conservative or you're not a Conservative. Just as you are either a radical extremist or you're not a radical extremist. There are no moderate or mainstream radical extremists.

I think you're thoroughly confuserated.

You're saying every conservative thinks exactly the same way?

Not confused, educated.

No, I didn't say every conservative thinks the same way. I don't know how people think nor how they label themselves... NOR whether their labels adequately represent what they actually are. I only know what Merriam Webster says a "Conservative" is and it's the opposite of an extreme radical.
Then you're simply using the wrong term.

Well I am using the term society uses today to define the left. I didn't cause that. I also didn't create "far right conservative" and I think the term is an oxymoron. Conservatives are (by definition) not extremists. Therefore, can't be "far" anything. They oppose radicalism. Conservatives are the alternative to radical extremism. Now that I've said that, let's watch the "clown parade" file in to lament their bullshit about the "far right!"

Liberal is not left though. That's a low-info conflation, regardless who started it. There's no reason to perpetuate a false definition.

Seems to me "far right conservative" is functional. You'd need that term to distinguish from "mainstream conservative" or "moderate conservative".

"Radical extremism" on the other hand, could be a redundancy.

Again... Conservative does not have an ambiguous meaning, it is clearly defined and it simply represents the opposite of an extremist or radical. There is no such thing as "mainstream or moderate" conservative... you are either a Conservative or you're not a Conservative. Just as you are either a radical extremist or you're not a radical extremist. There are no moderate or mainstream radical extremists.

I think you're thoroughly confuserated.

You're saying every conservative thinks exactly the same way?

Not confused, educated.

No, I didn't say every conservative thinks the same way. I don't know how people think nor how they label themselves... NOR whether their labels adequately represent what they actually are. I only know what Merriam Webster says a "Conservative" is and it's the opposite of an extreme radical.

Yeah you're obviously confused.
"Radical" means "to the root". It's an adjective, not a position in itself. Radical what? It's a degree of purity in whatever follows it. That's why I say "extreme radical" is redundant; they mean close to the same thing.

And if you're denying that there are far-right conservatives and moderate conservatives (and radical conservatives) -- like any other political position -- then you're saying they're all exactly the same, with no degrees of moderation.

And that's bullshit.

Dixie Outfitters - Branson MO Confederate Rebel Flag Comforter Set

Dixie Outfitters, Branson, MO.
A SHEET is no longer a sheet when you put sleeves and racist patches on it! A pillow cse is no onger a pillow case when it is fitted with eye holes and a yellow stain caused by bad breath and cowardice!
Yeah you're obviously confused.
"Radical" means "to the root". It's an adjective, not a position in itself. Radical what? It's a degree of purity in whatever follows it. That's why I say "extreme radical" is redundant; they mean close to the same thing.

And if you're denying that there are far-right conservatives and moderate conservatives (and radical conservatives) -- like any other political position -- then you're saying they're all exactly the same, with no degrees of moderation.

And that's bullshit.

Well no, I am not confused. You might be confused, it seems that you are. Radical and extreme mean two different things. They COULD mean close to the same thing, and maybe in politics, they often do? They don't have to mean the same thing at all. Radical is about affecting the fundamental nature of something and extreme is a measure of extent. So radical extreme becomes affecting the fundamental nature of something to an extreme extent. None of this is indicative of a Conservative philosophy. Conservative is the opposite of both radical and extreme, or radically-extreme viewpoints. There is no "moderate conservative" because it already IS the moderate view.

That's not bullshit, that's the way our dictionaries define the terms being used. Take it up with Merriam!
Yeah you're obviously confused.
"Radical" means "to the root". It's an adjective, not a position in itself. Radical what? It's a degree of purity in whatever follows it. That's why I say "extreme radical" is redundant; they mean close to the same thing.

And if you're denying that there are far-right conservatives and moderate conservatives (and radical conservatives) -- like any other political position -- then you're saying they're all exactly the same, with no degrees of moderation.

And that's bullshit.

Well no, I am not confused. You might be confused, it seems that you are. Radical and extreme mean two different things. They COULD mean close to the same thing, and maybe in politics, they often do? They don't have to mean the same thing at all. Radical is about affecting the fundamental nature of something and extreme is a measure of extent. So radical extreme becomes affecting the fundamental nature of something to an extreme extent. None of this is indicative of a Conservative philosophy. Conservative is the opposite of both radical and extreme, or radically-extreme viewpoints. There is no "moderate conservative" because it already IS the moderate view.

That's not bullshit, that's the way our dictionaries define the terms being used. Take it up with Merriam!
Have you seen anyone fitting that dictionary definition lately, I haven't with the exception of Justice Roberts!
Yeah you're obviously confused.
"Radical" means "to the root". It's an adjective, not a position in itself. Radical what? It's a degree of purity in whatever follows it. That's why I say "extreme radical" is redundant; they mean close to the same thing.

And if you're denying that there are far-right conservatives and moderate conservatives (and radical conservatives) -- like any other political position -- then you're saying they're all exactly the same, with no degrees of moderation.

And that's bullshit.

Well no, I am not confused. You might be confused, it seems that you are. Radical and extreme mean two different things. They COULD mean close to the same thing, and maybe in politics, they often do? They don't have to mean the same thing at all. Radical is about affecting the fundamental nature of something and extreme is a measure of extent. So radical extreme becomes affecting the fundamental nature of something to an extreme extent. None of this is indicative of a Conservative philosophy. Conservative is the opposite of both radical and extreme, or radically-extreme viewpoints. There is no "moderate conservative" because it already IS the moderate view.

That's not bullshit, that's the way our dictionaries define the terms being used. Take it up with Merriam!

I think you're friggin' lost.

I agree radical and extreme are not exactly synonyms but they both signify a dearth of moderation.

And no, moderate and conservative are not opposites. That's absurd. This trek into definitions that don't exist is getting more and more surreal.

Moderation can apply to anything, conservatism, Liberalism, left, right, drinking, sex... to try to claim there's no such thing as moderation is just complete ignorance of how people work.
Yeah you're obviously confused.
"Radical" means "to the root". It's an adjective, not a position in itself. Radical what? It's a degree of purity in whatever follows it. That's why I say "extreme radical" is redundant; they mean close to the same thing.

And if you're denying that there are far-right conservatives and moderate conservatives (and radical conservatives) -- like any other political position -- then you're saying they're all exactly the same, with no degrees of moderation.

And that's bullshit.

Well no, I am not confused. You might be confused, it seems that you are. Radical and extreme mean two different things. They COULD mean close to the same thing, and maybe in politics, they often do? They don't have to mean the same thing at all. Radical is about affecting the fundamental nature of something and extreme is a measure of extent. So radical extreme becomes affecting the fundamental nature of something to an extreme extent. None of this is indicative of a Conservative philosophy. Conservative is the opposite of both radical and extreme, or radically-extreme viewpoints. There is no "moderate conservative" because it already IS the moderate view.

That's not bullshit, that's the way our dictionaries define the terms being used. Take it up with Merriam!
Have you seen anyone fitting that dictionary definition lately, I haven't with the exception of Justice Roberts!
Leave boss to his little toddler brained theories bro - its tedious entertainment!
A SHEET is no longer a sheet when you put sleeves and racist patches on it! A pillow cse is no onger a pillow case when it is fitted with eye holes and a yellow stain caused by bad breath and cowardice!

Yes... BUT ...a battle flag is also no longer a battle flag when it is being hijacked by racist hate groups and not being used to honor heritage or the soldiers who died fighting under it. So the intentions clearly don't matter here. I have never viewed the Confederate battle flag (one of several, actually) to be anything other than historic and traditional symbols of Southern pride. I'm part black, so I'm not a racist, this isn't a racist viewpoint, it's just how I've always seen the flag, being a native of Alabama and having two close ancestors who fought and died in the Civil War.

I'm a Son of the Confederacy whether I want to be that or not. It's what I am. It doesn't mean I am a racist or have racist views... nor does it mean I condone slavery or think it was morally acceptable. We don't live in 1861 America, none of us even know of anyone who lived in 1861 America, they're all dead now. We've outlawed slavery, we've adopted Constitutional amendments, we've had 147 years of history since then.... most of which your hero Democrat icons fought for segregation.

I don't like the KKK any more than the next person... I don't like shithead anarchists burning American flags in the streets or Occutards shitting on cop cars... or black people burning up Baltimore... or skinheads waving the Swastika... or race hustlers like the president constantly trying to divide us.... there are A LOT of fucking things that I am offended by and don't like! BUT... I live in a FREE REPUBLIC! I believe in our RIGHT to FREE SPEECH! I am willing to fight and die for all those previously mentioned assholes who I disagree with to be able to do that!

You.... on the other hand... want to be Stalin. You want to hammer down that iron fist and tell ME what I can and can't do or say.

are what's wrong with America today!
Yeah you're obviously confused.
"Radical" means "to the root". It's an adjective, not a position in itself. Radical what? It's a degree of purity in whatever follows it. That's why I say "extreme radical" is redundant; they mean close to the same thing.

And if you're denying that there are far-right conservatives and moderate conservatives (and radical conservatives) -- like any other political position -- then you're saying they're all exactly the same, with no degrees of moderation.

And that's bullshit.

Well no, I am not confused. You might be confused, it seems that you are. Radical and extreme mean two different things. They COULD mean close to the same thing, and maybe in politics, they often do? They don't have to mean the same thing at all. Radical is about affecting the fundamental nature of something and extreme is a measure of extent. So radical extreme becomes affecting the fundamental nature of something to an extreme extent. None of this is indicative of a Conservative philosophy. Conservative is the opposite of both radical and extreme, or radically-extreme viewpoints. There is no "moderate conservative" because it already IS the moderate view.

That's not bullshit, that's the way our dictionaries define the terms being used. Take it up with Merriam!

I think you're friggin' lost.

I agree radical and extreme are not exactly synonyms but they both signify a dearth of moderation.

And no, moderate and conservative are not opposites. That's absurd. This trek into definitions that don't exist is getting more and more surreal.

Moderation can apply to anything, conservatism, Liberalism, left, right, drinking, sex... to try to claim there's no such thing as moderation is just complete ignorance of how people work.
And no, moderate and conservative are not opposites. That's absurd.

Wtf? Do you have a reading comprehension problem or something, corky? I never said they were opposites! They are essentially the same thing... a Conservative view IS the moderate view opposed to the radical one.
A SHEET is no longer a sheet when you put sleeves and racist patches on it! A pillow cse is no onger a pillow case when it is fitted with eye holes and a yellow stain caused by bad breath and cowardice!

Yes... BUT ...a battle flag is also no longer a battle flag when it is being hijacked by racist hate groups and not being used to honor heritage or the soldiers who died fighting under it. So the intentions clearly don't matter here. I have never viewed the Confederate battle flag (one of several, actually) to be anything other than historic and traditional symbols of Southern pride. I'm part black, so I'm not a racist, this isn't a racist viewpoint, it's just how I've always seen the flag, being a native of Alabama and having two close ancestors who fought and died in the Civil War.

I'm a Son of the Confederacy whether I want to be that or not. It's what I am. It doesn't mean I am a racist or have racist views... nor does it mean I condone slavery or think it was morally acceptable. We don't live in 1861 America, none of us even know of anyone who lived in 1861 America, they're all dead now. We've outlawed slavery, we've adopted Constitutional amendments, we've had 147 years of history since then.... most of which your hero Democrat icons fought for segregation.

I don't like the KKK any more than the next person... I don't like shithead anarchists burning American flags in the streets or Occutards shitting on cop cars... or black people burning up Baltimore... or skinheads waving the Swastika... or race hustlers like the president constantly trying to divide us.... there are A LOT of fucking things that I am offended by and don't like! BUT... I live in a FREE REPUBLIC! I believe in our RIGHT to FREE SPEECH! I am willing to fight and die for all those previously mentioned assholes who I disagree with to be able to do that!

You.... on the other hand... want to be Stalin. You want to hammer down that iron fist and tell ME what I can and can't do or say.

are what's wrong with America today!


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Moderation can apply to anything, conservatism, Liberalism, left, right, drinking, sex... to try to claim there's no such thing as moderation is just complete ignorance of how people work.

Hey newsflash: Our words can mean all kinds of things in different contexts. We're discussing politics and political viewpoints.

I never said there was no such thing as moderation... where do you keep reading this insane shit? Are you hearing voices too? Might be time for a mental health check up... I assume you have Obamacare?

Again... Conservative is not "FAR" anything, it can't be! The Conservative viewpoint IS the moderate view! It is the counter or alternative to radical extremism. The radical extreme LEFT has made it into something that it's not. I might add, they have been very successful because it seems an awful lot of people who claim to be Conservatives aren't really all that Conservative. They want to abandon the philosophy of Conservatism and adopt some banner of ideology, be it corpratism or cronyism, religious zealotry or outright social liberalism.
Moderation can apply to anything, conservatism, Liberalism, left, right, drinking, sex... to try to claim there's no such thing as moderation is just complete ignorance of how people work.

Hey newsflash: Our words can mean all kinds of things in different contexts. We're discussing politics and political viewpoints.

I never said there was no such thing as moderation... where do you keep reading this insane shit? Are you hearing voices too? Might be time for a mental health check up... I assume you have Obamacare?

Again... Conservative is not "FAR" anything, it can't be! The Conservative viewpoint IS the moderate view! It is the counter or alternative to radical extremism. The radical extreme LEFT has made it into something that it's not. I might add, they have been very successful because it seems an awful lot of people who claim to be Conservatives aren't really all that Conservative. They want to abandon the philosophy of Conservatism and adopt some banner of ideology, be it corpratism or cronyism, religious zealotry or outright social liberalism.

What radical extreme left are you talking about/ Names please!

I partly agree with your definition of Conservatism and how it has been "modified." I think you are blaming the wrong factions for that unflattering development. The neo-Conservatives are to blame. The have pinned that name to themselves and with it came all the dirt.
Obstructionism bigotry, intolerance and greed are just a few of the demons that drive them. I agree, these are not Conservatives and I usually use quotes and a small "c" when referring to them: "conservatives."

For $120, you can burn it twice...they'll make more. :)

My bad, I wouldn't burn someone's private property, nor would I waste my money to buy one for burning. I would endorse burning only if such icons were displayed on public properties. Not that I would do it myself, but I would applaud anyone who did it safely without damaging anything other than the rebel eyesore!
I think you are blaming the wrong factions for that unflattering development. The neo-Conservatives are to blame. The have pinned that name to themselves and with it came all the dirt.
Obstructionism bigotry, intolerance and greed are just a few of the demons that drive them. I agree, these are not Conservatives and I usually use quotes and a small "c" when referring to them: "conservatives."

Well no... not really. The actual neo-conservatives have a defined agenda and ideology but it has been grossly misinterpreted and perverted by the left in this country for the past 25 years or so. The liberal radical extremist left has turned "Conservative" into a counter-ideology in which they do battle against. They NEED an enemy, otherwise they have no message. Conservatism, by and large, is not an ideology but an overall philosophy. That is why you see such ideological clashing between social cons and libertarians, for example.

Let me also be clear, I am not saying that ideologues can't also be conservative. That is very much what has happened to the strong conservative base we had under Reagan. As duplicitous as the liberal left has been at redefining Conservatism into a counter-ideology, ideologues on the right have staked out their little niche groups and ideologies to define themselves. Many of them believe they can freely attach "conservative" to what they are and thus they ARE conservatives. But Conservative already has a definition.... it is already defined and it doesn't change with the times. It is the counter-philosophy to radical extremism.
The latest crusade from the 'tolerant' liberal left, seems to be the good ol' Confederate flag! Imagine that? All the assorted problems we have out there and the one thing liberals have chosen to make the "Issue of the Moment" is something they believe they can goad the right into a "racial" stand-off about. Who ever saw something like that coming?

With all the talk about how the Confederate flag is somehow a "symbol of racist hate" I have to ask, am I still allowed to use white sheets on my bed? Because I really do like the white sheets, always have preferred them. 100% cotton and mother-fucking high thread count. Egyptian cotton are The Best!

But... I really don't know if it is appropriate anymore. White sheets are clearly a "symbol of racist hate" as much as the Confederate battle flag. So are pickup trucks and mullets, but I am mainly concerned about the white sheets. I don't want to offend anyone... what if I brought home a lady of a different race and she saw my white sheets and freaked out? I would never forgive myself for being so politically incorrect! So I really do need some input from radical liberal lefties on this... ARE white sheets still okay?

As for the Confederate battle flag... I don't care, take it down, erase it from all the history books... pretend it never existed. After all, we don't allow people to run around waving the Swastika flag anymore... oh wait, we do? Yes, we call that "freedom of speech" and we tolerate it. But the Confederate flag, even though it has been hijacked by racist hate groups and turned into a symbol of racial hate, is a different story. You see, it can be politically used to get some stupid republican to say something really stupid and libs can turn that into "republican calls for return to slavery" and destroy them. So yeah, get rid of it... burn it... forget about it.

But... the white sheets? ...Yes or no?

You can wear them on your head.

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