Can I still put white sheets on my bed? ...Or, no?

The latest crusade from the 'tolerant' liberal left, seems to be the good ol' Confederate flag! Imagine that? All the assorted problems we have out there and the one thing liberals have chosen to make the "Issue of the Moment" is something they believe they can goad the right into a "racial" stand-off about. Who ever saw something like that coming?

With all the talk about how the Confederate flag is somehow a "symbol of racist hate" I have to ask, am I still allowed to use white sheets on my bed? Because I really do like the white sheets, always have preferred them. 100% cotton and mother-fucking high thread count. Egyptian cotton are The Best!

But... I really don't know if it is appropriate anymore. White sheets are clearly a "symbol of racist hate" as much as the Confederate battle flag. So are pickup trucks and mullets, but I am mainly concerned about the white sheets. I don't want to offend anyone... what if I brought home a lady of a different race and she saw my white sheets and freaked out? I would never forgive myself for being so politically incorrect! So I really do need some input from radical liberal lefties on this... ARE white sheets still okay?

As for the Confederate battle flag... I don't care, take it down, erase it from all the history books... pretend it never existed. After all, we don't allow people to run around waving the Swastika flag anymore... oh wait, we do? Yes, we call that "freedom of speech" and we tolerate it. But the Confederate flag, even though it has been hijacked by racist hate groups and turned into a symbol of racial hate, is a different story. You see, it can be politically used to get some stupid republican to say something really stupid and libs can turn that into "republican calls for return to slavery" and destroy them. So yeah, get rid of it... burn it... forget about it.

But... the white sheets? ...Yes or no?
Which states fly the nazi flag?

How many Americans fought and died under the Nazi flag?
Hopefully none. Are you saying, if there were any, we should bury them and honor them and build memorials to them?
...from the top of the state house?

Ahh,, So this is JUST about the state houses? It's NOT about putting pressure on Wal-mart to stop selling the flag and stuff like that?

Note that the OP CAN'T answer any of the questions and instead deflects with an absurd canard.

No one is putting any pressure on Wal-mart.

Corporations across the board decided that they didn't want to be associated with racist symbols because that might harm their revenue.

That is how capitalism works.

They did the same thing when red states tried to pass laws that discriminated against gays.

They don't agree with Republican anti-minority policies that causes loses to their bottom lines.
The latest crusade from the 'tolerant' liberal left, seems to be the good ol' Confederate flag! Imagine that? All the assorted problems we have out there and the one thing liberals have chosen to make the "Issue of the Moment" is something they believe they can goad the right into a "racial" stand-off about. Who ever saw something like that coming?

With all the talk about how the Confederate flag is somehow a "symbol of racist hate" I have to ask, am I still allowed to use white sheets on my bed? Because I really do like the white sheets, always have preferred them. 100% cotton and mother-fucking high thread count. Egyptian cotton are The Best!

But... I really don't know if it is appropriate anymore. White sheets are clearly a "symbol of racist hate" as much as the Confederate battle flag. So are pickup trucks and mullets, but I am mainly concerned about the white sheets. I don't want to offend anyone... what if I brought home a lady of a different race and she saw my white sheets and freaked out? I would never forgive myself for being so politically incorrect! So I really do need some input from radical liberal lefties on this... ARE white sheets still okay?

As for the Confederate battle flag... I don't care, take it down, erase it from all the history books... pretend it never existed. After all, we don't allow people to run around waving the Swastika flag anymore... oh wait, we do? Yes, we call that "freedom of speech" and we tolerate it. But the Confederate flag, even though it has been hijacked by racist hate groups and turned into a symbol of racial hate, is a different story. You see, it can be politically used to get some stupid republican to say something really stupid and libs can turn that into "republican calls for return to slavery" and destroy them. So yeah, get rid of it... burn it... forget about it.

But... the white sheets? ...Yes or no?
Which states fly the nazi flag?

How many Americans fought and died under the Nazi flag?
Hopefully none. Are you saying, if there were any, we should bury them and honor them and build memorials to them?

No, but then.... Nazism, the extermination of the Jewish race and Third Reich is not exactly farmers fighting for independence either.
...from the top of the state house?

Ahh,, So this is JUST about the state houses? It's NOT about putting pressure on Wal-mart to stop selling the flag and stuff like that?

Note that the OP CAN'T answer any of the questions and instead deflects with an absurd canard.

No one is putting any pressure on Wal-mart.

Corporations across the board decided that they didn't want to be associated with racist symbols because that might harm their revenue.

That is how capitalism works.

They did the same thing when red states tried to pass laws that discriminated against gays.

They don't agree with Republican anti-minority policies that causes loses to their bottom lines.

There is pressure being put on anyone who is selling or displaying that flag. The fact that you and your cabal have decided to make it into a "racist symbol" is putting pressure on society.... and you LOVE that! It's what you LIVE for!

Does anyone here think for one second that this stops at the statehouses? That liberals only want to remove the "offensive symbol" from officially flying over their government buildings and that's ALL? Has ANY liberal here indicated they have the slightest clue that the flag is not a racist hate symbol for many who have ancestors who died under it?
Hmmm...white sheets racist? That's far too deep for me to ponder.

But white chocolate, now that's a easy one. When now incarcerated black former mayor of New Orleans Nagin referred to it as the chocolate city, I'd bet dollars to chocolate donuts he didn't mean it was a racist white chocolate city. Now I'm left to wonder if all the inmates' dicks he's taking up his rear end are strictly dark chocolate ones?
Notice how fast the liberals stopped talking about the actual victims of the shooting? Does anyone know their names? Their ages? No. We know one thing, they were black. Racism abounds in the liberal left. We know they are attacking a flag. A flag didn't shoot these people, a dude did.
Purchasing white sheets for your bed could be considered micro-aggressive, and might create a micro-offense to a hypersensitive individual.

So only multicultural or trans-colored sheets are allowed now, unless you want to suffer the "consequences".

The hotel industry has some new costs coming up because of this, but fuck them, they didn't build those hotels, someone else made that happen.

I have a question for liberals. What if the guy had been waving the American flag in his pictures, would you demand that flag be removed from every location in which it flies? If not, why not?
...from the top of the state house?

Ahh,, So this is JUST about the state houses? It's NOT about putting pressure on Wal-mart to stop selling the flag and stuff like that?

Note that the OP CAN'T answer any of the questions and instead deflects with an absurd canard.

No one is putting any pressure on Wal-mart.

Corporations across the board decided that they didn't want to be associated with racist symbols because that might harm their revenue.

That is how capitalism works.

They did the same thing when red states tried to pass laws that discriminated against gays.

They don't agree with Republican anti-minority policies that causes loses to their bottom lines.

There is pressure being put on anyone who is selling or displaying that flag. The fact that you and your cabal have decided to make it into a "racist symbol" is putting pressure on society.... and you LOVE that! It's what you LIVE for!

Does anyone here think for one second that this stops at the statehouses? That liberals only want to remove the "offensive symbol" from officially flying over their government buildings and that's ALL? Has ANY liberal here indicated they have the slightest clue that the flag is not a racist hate symbol for many who have ancestors who died under it?

Once again the OP fails to answer the legitimate questions posed to him and instead derails his own thread by attacking "liberals".

Here, try again;

Like what would it mean to fly a white sheet from the top of the state house?

What does it mean to fly the American flag from the top of the state house?

What would it mean to fly the ISIS flag from the top of the state house?
I have a question for liberals. What if the guy had been waving the American flag in his pictures, would you demand that flag be removed from every location in which it flies? If not, why not?

Because freedom of speech does not apply to the government. They are required to represent everyone, both racists and non racists. Hence the government can't "take sides".
...from the top of the state house?

Ahh,, So this is JUST about the state houses? It's NOT about putting pressure on Wal-mart to stop selling the flag and stuff like that?

Note that the OP CAN'T answer any of the questions and instead deflects with an absurd canard.

No one is putting any pressure on Wal-mart.

Corporations across the board decided that they didn't want to be associated with racist symbols because that might harm their revenue.

That is how capitalism works.

They did the same thing when red states tried to pass laws that discriminated against gays.

They don't agree with Republican anti-minority policies that causes loses to their bottom lines.

There is pressure being put on anyone who is selling or displaying that flag. The fact that you and your cabal have decided to make it into a "racist symbol" is putting pressure on society.... and you LOVE that! It's what you LIVE for!

Does anyone here think for one second that this stops at the statehouses? That liberals only want to remove the "offensive symbol" from officially flying over their government buildings and that's ALL? Has ANY liberal here indicated they have the slightest clue that the flag is not a racist hate symbol for many who have ancestors who died under it?

Once again the OP fails to answer the legitimate questions posed to him and instead derails his own thread by attacking "liberals".

Here, try again;

Like what would it mean to fly a white sheet from the top of the state house?

What does it mean to fly the American flag from the top of the state house?

What would it mean to fly the ISIS flag from the top of the state house?

Again, I DON"T KNOW what it would mean to a goofy-ass liberal with an agenda! Could be that your goofy ass sees a white sheet and automatically assumes I am being racist in displaying it. How the fuck am I supposed to know what your goofy ass assumes? You people have jumped the tracks on the crazy train a long time ago.

It's funny... I don't see any call for removal of that stupid "rainbow pride" flag and it's offensive to Christians and all morally decent people who believe in the sanctity of traditional marriage... it's divisive and hateful just as much as the Confederate flag and it was created to be that way.

What about this one?

Why do we not have any calls for it to be removed and expunged from our view?

I'll tell you why... it's because you people have double standards.
Tolerance is a ONE-WAY STREET!
You expect society to cater to YOUR views and respect YOU but you don't want to do that for anyone else.
...from the top of the state house?

Ahh,, So this is JUST about the state houses? It's NOT about putting pressure on Wal-mart to stop selling the flag and stuff like that?

Note that the OP CAN'T answer any of the questions and instead deflects with an absurd canard.

No one is putting any pressure on Wal-mart.

Corporations across the board decided that they didn't want to be associated with racist symbols because that might harm their revenue.

That is how capitalism works.

They did the same thing when red states tried to pass laws that discriminated against gays.

They don't agree with Republican anti-minority policies that causes loses to their bottom lines.

There is pressure being put on anyone who is selling or displaying that flag. The fact that you and your cabal have decided to make it into a "racist symbol" is putting pressure on society.... and you LOVE that! It's what you LIVE for!

Does anyone here think for one second that this stops at the statehouses? That liberals only want to remove the "offensive symbol" from officially flying over their government buildings and that's ALL? Has ANY liberal here indicated they have the slightest clue that the flag is not a racist hate symbol for many who have ancestors who died under it?

Once again the OP fails to answer the legitimate questions posed to him and instead derails his own thread by attacking "liberals".

Here, try again;

Like what would it mean to fly a white sheet from the top of the state house?

What does it mean to fly the American flag from the top of the state house?

What would it mean to fly the ISIS flag from the top of the state house?

Again, I DON"T KNOW what it would mean to a goofy-ass liberal with an agenda! Could be that your goofy ass sees a white sheet and automatically assumes I am being racist in displaying it. How the fuck am I supposed to know what your goofy ass assumes? You people have jumped the tracks on the crazy train a long time ago.

It's funny... I don't see any call for removal of that stupid "rainbow pride" flag and it's offensive to Christians and all morally decent people who believe in the sanctity of traditional marriage... it's divisive and hateful just as much as the Confederate flag and it was created to be that way.

What about this one?

Why do we not have any calls for it to be removed and expunged from our view?

I'll tell you why... it's because you people have double standards.
Tolerance is a ONE-WAY STREET!
You expect society to cater to YOUR views and respect YOU but you don't want to do that for anyone else.

Too bad the OP can't show a single state house flying either the BP or the Rainbow flags.

Instead he just rants on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about his imaginary "liberal agenda" because he can't make a cogent argument to save his pathetic excuse for a life.
The latest crusade from the 'tolerant' liberal left, seems to be the good ol' Confederate flag! Imagine that? All the assorted problems we have out there and the one thing liberals have chosen to make the "Issue of the Moment" is something they believe they can goad the right into a "racial" stand-off about. Who ever saw something like that coming?

With all the talk about how the Confederate flag is somehow a "symbol of racist hate" I have to ask, am I still allowed to use white sheets on my bed? Because I really do like the white sheets, always have preferred them. 100% cotton and mother-fucking high thread count. Egyptian cotton are The Best!

But... I really don't know if it is appropriate anymore. White sheets are clearly a "symbol of racist hate" as much as the Confederate battle flag. So are pickup trucks and mullets, but I am mainly concerned about the white sheets. I don't want to offend anyone... what if I brought home a lady of a different race and she saw my white sheets and freaked out? I would never forgive myself for being so politically incorrect! So I really do need some input from radical liberal lefties on this... ARE white sheets still okay?

As for the Confederate battle flag... I don't care, take it down, erase it from all the history books... pretend it never existed. After all, we don't allow people to run around waving the Swastika flag anymore... oh wait, we do? Yes, we call that "freedom of speech" and we tolerate it. But the Confederate flag, even though it has been hijacked by racist hate groups and turned into a symbol of racial hate, is a different story. You see, it can be politically used to get some stupid republican to say something really stupid and libs can turn that into "republican calls for return to slavery" and destroy them. So yeah, get rid of it... burn it... forget about it.

But... the white sheets? ...Yes or no?
If the sheets have some other color mixed in with the white your good if there solid white nope that's racist.
The latest crusade from the 'tolerant' liberal left, seems to be the good ol' Confederate flag! Imagine that? All the assorted problems we have out there and the one thing liberals have chosen to make the "Issue of the Moment" is something they believe they can goad the right into a "racial" stand-off about. Who ever saw something like that coming?

With all the talk about how the Confederate flag is somehow a "symbol of racist hate" I have to ask, am I still allowed to use white sheets on my bed? Because I really do like the white sheets, always have preferred them. 100% cotton and mother-fucking high thread count. Egyptian cotton are The Best!

But... I really don't know if it is appropriate anymore. White sheets are clearly a "symbol of racist hate" as much as the Confederate battle flag. So are pickup trucks and mullets, but I am mainly concerned about the white sheets. I don't want to offend anyone... what if I brought home a lady of a different race and she saw my white sheets and freaked out? I would never forgive myself for being so politically incorrect! So I really do need some input from radical liberal lefties on this... ARE white sheets still okay?

As for the Confederate battle flag... I don't care, take it down, erase it from all the history books... pretend it never existed. After all, we don't allow people to run around waving the Swastika flag anymore... oh wait, we do? Yes, we call that "freedom of speech" and we tolerate it. But the Confederate flag, even though it has been hijacked by racist hate groups and turned into a symbol of racial hate, is a different story. You see, it can be politically used to get some stupid republican to say something really stupid and libs can turn that into "republican calls for return to slavery" and destroy them. So yeah, get rid of it... burn it... forget about it.

But... the white sheets? ...Yes or no?
If the sheets have some other color mixed in with the white your good if there solid white nope that's racist.

So they have to be "trans-colored" is what you're saying? Nice. lol
Too bad the OP can't show a single state house flying either the BP or the Rainbow flags.

Instead he just rants on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about his imaginary "liberal agenda" because he can't make a cogent argument to save his pathetic excuse for a life.

Too bad all you can do is troll around like a drunk old man at a titty bar searching for something coherent to say.
The latest crusade from the 'tolerant' liberal left, seems to be the good ol' Confederate flag! Imagine that? All the assorted problems we have out there and the one thing liberals have chosen to make the "Issue of the Moment" is something they believe they can goad the right into a "racial" stand-off about. Who ever saw something like that coming?

With all the talk about how the Confederate flag is somehow a "symbol of racist hate" I have to ask, am I still allowed to use white sheets on my bed? Because I really do like the white sheets, always have preferred them. 100% cotton and mother-fucking high thread count. Egyptian cotton are The Best!

But... I really don't know if it is appropriate anymore. White sheets are clearly a "symbol of racist hate" as much as the Confederate battle flag. So are pickup trucks and mullets, but I am mainly concerned about the white sheets. I don't want to offend anyone... what if I brought home a lady of a different race and she saw my white sheets and freaked out? I would never forgive myself for being so politically incorrect! So I really do need some input from radical liberal lefties on this... ARE white sheets still okay?

As for the Confederate battle flag... I don't care, take it down, erase it from all the history books... pretend it never existed. After all, we don't allow people to run around waving the Swastika flag anymore... oh wait, we do? Yes, we call that "freedom of speech" and we tolerate it. But the Confederate flag, even though it has been hijacked by racist hate groups and turned into a symbol of racial hate, is a different story. You see, it can be politically used to get some stupid republican to say something really stupid and libs can turn that into "republican calls for return to slavery" and destroy them. So yeah, get rid of it... burn it... forget about it.

But... the white sheets? ...Yes or no?
If the sheets have some other color mixed in with the white your good if there solid white nope that's racist.

So they have to be "trans-colored" is what you're saying? Nice. lol
We must show diversity in our sheet selection.
All the assorted problems we have out there and the one thing liberals have chosen to make the "Issue of the Moment" is something they believe they can goad the right into a "racial" stand-off about.

And just as planned here you are defending it. Check, Mate
These exaggerations remind me of guys crying about not even being able to "compliment" a woman without being accused of sexual harassment.
The latest crusade from the 'tolerant' liberal left, seems to be the good ol' Confederate flag! Imagine that? All the assorted problems we have out there and the one thing liberals have chosen to make the "Issue of the Moment" is something they believe they can goad the right into a "racial" stand-off about. Who ever saw something like that coming?

With all the talk about how the Confederate flag is somehow a "symbol of racist hate" I have to ask, am I still allowed to use white sheets on my bed? Because I really do like the white sheets, always have preferred them. 100% cotton and mother-fucking high thread count. Egyptian cotton are The Best!

But... I really don't know if it is appropriate anymore. White sheets are clearly a "symbol of racist hate" as much as the Confederate battle flag. So are pickup trucks and mullets, but I am mainly concerned about the white sheets. I don't want to offend anyone... what if I brought home a lady of a different race and she saw my white sheets and freaked out? I would never forgive myself for being so politically incorrect! So I really do need some input from radical liberal lefties on this... ARE white sheets still okay?

As for the Confederate battle flag... I don't care, take it down, erase it from all the history books... pretend it never existed. After all, we don't allow people to run around waving the Swastika flag anymore... oh wait, we do? Yes, we call that "freedom of speech" and we tolerate it. But the Confederate flag, even though it has been hijacked by racist hate groups and turned into a symbol of racial hate, is a different story. You see, it can be politically used to get some stupid republican to say something really stupid and libs can turn that into "republican calls for return to slavery" and destroy them. So yeah, get rid of it... burn it... forget about it.

But... the white sheets? ...Yes or no?
If the sheets have some other color mixed in with the white your good if there solid white nope that's racist.

So they have to be "trans-colored" is what you're saying? Nice. lol
We must show diversity in our sheet selection.
Don't forget, the thread count is important.

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