Zone1 Can I surrender my whiteness so that I will no longer be accused of being a racist?

You’re at complete liberty to be a hateful rightwing bigot and racist – no one will stop you.

In fact, those on ‘the left’ will defend your right to be a hateful rightwing bigot and racist.
1) Those on the left will do the opposite of defending ANYTHING those on the right say! Just the opposite. If you say something they deem “racist” - such as your belief that race should not be a factor in college admissions, whereby requirements are changed according to the skin color of the applicant - you will be bullied, verbally abused, accused of saying things you never said, all in the attempt to silence you and block your freedom of speech.

2) Have you heard the vile, racist, bigoted things some of the leftists are saying, both on this forum and IRL? Get off your sanctimonious high horse and realize that your side is every bit as guilty of what you accuse the other.

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