Zone1 Can I surrender my whiteness so that I will no longer be accused of being a racist?

An American citizen can surrender his citizenship by going to an American embassy in a foreign country and surrendering his U.S. passport.

A man can surrender his manhood by declaring he is a woman. No sex reassignment surgery is required, he is allowed to enter women's locker rooms and compete in women's sports.

I would like to surrender my whiteness because I'm tired of being accused of racism simply because I'm white.

I haven't decided what race I'd like to be, so everyone, please give me suggestions.
If you’re a racist it’s because you’re a racist, not because you’re white.
By the way, I have a black girlfriend who has two white ex-husbands. She tells me she's attracted to white men, but not to black men.

I would have to give her up if I surrender my whiteness and become a black man.

It would be worth it, I think, so that IM2 thinks better of me.
The right’s victimhood mentality is as tedious as it is idiotic.

“I’m accused of being racist just because I’m white” is yet another manifestation of white grievance politics.
I don't care if people call me the spawn of Satan myself. Let them think what they want. I will NEVER appease to leftist Liberals.
You’re at complete liberty to be a hateful rightwing bigot and racist – no one will stop you.

In fact, those on ‘the left’ will defend your right to be a hateful rightwing bigot and racist.
If somebody who doesn't like me for who I am then why on earth would I even want them for a friend? They can just go screw themselves. Oh yeah and there's no way I want IM2 for a friend. I would rather eat dog shit.
But someone told me IQ2 is dog shit. Guess they got it wrong. Lol...
There's no point in telling me I can't declare myself a black man.

If I can declare myself a woman, its actually much easier to stay the same gender but change only my race.

IM2, do you recommend any product on the market so I can color my skin black so that my outer appearance matches my racial identity?
All you have to do is drop your pants so you show some smelly ass. Then cop a hateful attitude with anyone who tries to treat you in a civil manner.

Oh yeah, and wearing some really cheesy jewelry will also help. Lol...

You're welcome.
I am guessing whiteness is your self respect, your heritage/culture and your belief that your people have a right to exist. Am I right?? What would you say if I told you to surrender your blackness?

Our culture as whites is hard work, respect for the law and a high value on education...Is this really something to surrender? How would it improve society? This is just foolish. Why should we give up what is the gold standard of civilization worldwide? Also giving up something doesn't mean there's a void but instead it is replaced with something else...How is your culture/beliefs and the beliefs of millions of non-whites that come from war zones and failed socities really something to replaced such successful and rebus concept with? Of course you don't care as you don't care about the health or functionality of our society as you my friend couldn't dream of dreaming up better and come from cultures/beliefs and logic that utterly pales in comparison to the great thinkers that made our societies possible.
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I am guessing whiteness is your self respect, your heritage/culture and your belief that your people have a right to exist. Am I right?? What would you say if I told you to surrender your blackness?

Our culture as whites is hard work, respect for the law and a high value on education...Is this really something to surrender? How would it improve society? This is just foolish. Why should we give up what is the gold standard of civilization worldwide? Also giving up something doesn't mean there's a void but instead it is replaced with something else...How is your culture/beliefs and the beliefs of millions of non-whites that come from war zones and failed socities really something to replaced such successful and rebus concept with? Of course you don't care as you don't care about the health or functionality of our society as you my friend couldn't dream of dreaming up better and come from cultures/beliefs and logic that utterly pales in comparison to the great thinkers that made our societies possible.
most of the world uses our concepts of democracy(athens) and our republicans system of government in some form. What has africa given to the world outside of slaves? Every culture and racial group on earth respects and adopts the concepts of the white man.
Yeah. Ask Lisa.
Just the opposite. I speak of the tragedy of my family’s history with the Holocaust, and the lives lost, to show that a persecuted minority can rise above it within a SINGLE generation - from poverty to the middle class in a couple of decades. That’s the opposite of being a victim. It’s showing how we Jews are NOT victims.

You, otoh, do nothing by rage against this imaginary widespread racism holding (some of) your people down. Do what the Jews have done! Don’t keep playing the victim. Rise above it. make the correct decisions. Wait until marriage for babies. Stay in school. Stop committing s disproportionate amount of crime.

So to be clear, by revealing my family’s loss with the Holocaust, I am NOT playing victim. Just the opposite. From unspeakable loss and poverty to the middle class in a single generation.
most of the world uses our concepts of democracy(athens) and our republicans system of government in some form. What has africa given to the world outside of slaves? Every culture and racial group on earth respects and adopts the concepts of the white man.
Yup. According to the Smithsonian‘s Museum of African American History, the traits of whiteness are: working hard, being polite, adhering to a schedule, and speaking English correctly. These are things that lead to a successful life, and somehow these “whiteness traits” are bad?

No wonder the country is going to hell in a hand basket. Positive traits are associated with whites, and there is a rash of anti-white racism.
An American citizen can surrender his citizenship by going to an American embassy in a foreign country and surrendering his U.S. passport.

A man can surrender his manhood by declaring he is a woman. No sex reassignment surgery is required, he is allowed to enter women's locker rooms and compete in women's sports.

I would like to surrender my whiteness because I'm tired of being accused of racism simply because I'm white.

I haven't decided what race I'd like to be, so everyone, please give me suggestions.
You should love being you
And even more so because you're white :p
An American citizen can surrender his citizenship by going to an American embassy in a foreign country and surrendering his U.S. passport.

A man can surrender his manhood by declaring he is a woman. No sex reassignment surgery is required, he is allowed to enter women's locker rooms and compete in women's sports.

I would like to surrender my whiteness because I'm tired of being accused of racism simply because I'm white.

I haven't decided what race I'd like to be, so everyone, please give me suggestions.
I’m white and I am proud of my heritage. I don’t feel superior to any other race but I don’t feel inferior either. I am what I am and that’s all I am.

My DNA shows me to be English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, German, Spanish, Northern Italian, Baltic, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian.

However in the final run I am 100% American and damn proud of it.
I’m white and I am proud of my heritage. I don’t feel superior to any other race but I don’t feel inferior either. I am what I am and that’s all I am.

My DNA shows me to be English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, German, Spanish, Northern Italian, Baltic, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian.

However in the final run I am 100% American and damn proud of it.
I’m proud of my heritage too. My people have been persecuted for millennia, and yet with the right values - an emphasis on education, hard work, and discipline - have Nobel prize winners far in excess of their percentage of the population.
I’m proud of my heritage too. My people have been persecuted for millennia, and yet with the right values - an emphasis on education, hard work, and discipline - have Nobel prize winners far in excess of their percentage of the population.
We all should be proud of our heritage in my opinion. We also should act in a way that would make our ancestors proud of us.
This thread is stupid. All whites aren't racists. It about your beliefs and behavior. If you have a black woman, you should not be expressing some of the opinions you have. You can't renounce your whiteness, you can renounce the racism.

Here we see a bait thread. But it won't be closed.
ONLY conservative whites like us but no liberal whites like biden right?
You’re at complete liberty to be a hateful rightwing bigot and racist – no one will stop you.

In fact, those on ‘the left’ will defend your right to be a hateful rightwing bigot and racist.
the pos false cheating potus is a huge racist, the idiot you voted for.

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