Can Mueller make copies?


Active Member
Jul 8, 2017
of his report? And if the attorney general suppresses it can he release them? Would it be against the law to do so? What penalties could he expect either way?
of his report? And if the attorney general suppresses it can he release them? Would it be against the law to do so? What penalties could he expect either way?

Yes to the first part. He can make as many copies as he wants. There are no national security concerns here.

As for the 2nd part, the AG can do whatever he wants. However, after January 3, the House can subpoena the records of the IC. When asked about his report, the IC (Mueller) will say that there was a final report or not. If he says there was (or anyone on his staff), the House can subpoena that. If the AG tries to withhold it….then we have to get the courts to intervene. This is one reason why Mueller hasn’t been fired. If fired, he can say whatever he wants to whomever he wants. I doubt he would do it but the House can subpoena him and ask him what he found out. This is why Comey started a paper trail; knowing Trump has zero respect for the law. I would imagine Mueller did the same thing. Additionally, if Mueller is fired tonight, all that happens is the DOJ either appoints another IC or the evidence that Mueller has uncovered reverts back to the DOJ and should be assigned to another team of FBI agents. What was collected doesn’t go away.

As for against the law; that is for the courts to decide. Given that every IC in history TTBOMK submitted a report that was made public and given the nature of this investigation (no National Security implications), the public would have every expectation to be able to see the report.

Penalties? Don’t know.
when Nixon was trying to fire the independent prosecutor, the special counsel made copies of their investigation and took it home with them, in case they were dissolved... it's easier now, to copy a computer file then it was back then to photo copy each sheet.... I would imagine they too have copies of the entire investigation.... because Trump has tried to disband them or threatened to do such....

The pentagon papers were top secret that Daniel Ellsberg took and released and the Supreme Court ruled that he didn't commit espionage or break the law because the papers were of great interest to the public.... in other words, we had a right to know what was in them.... or something like that....

I don't know if Mueller would do such, he seems really straight laced... but I bet ya his special counsel team has copies, somewhere.... just in case Trump tries to burn them or bury them.... so to say....

Copies of what?....charges against Russian companies he can never prosecute?.....he has nothing and if he were as smart as he is pompous he would have admitted so by now since he has stretched this out to the extreme....he will be met with extreme embarrassment....
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Breaking news!!!!!!!!
Mueller's report......

of his report? And if the attorney general suppresses it can he release them? Would it be against the law to do so? What penalties could he expect either way?
He could expect a Congressional Medal of Freedom

there are ways to make it public. some of it in court records. Maybe the Judicial Watch folks/Klayman will use their considerable resources to unveil truth?
an overly convoluted bs argument made here goes nowhere

Mueller report PSA: Prepare for disappointment
And be forewarned that the special counsel’s findings may never be made public.


10/19/2018 05:20 AM EDT

Mueller report PSA: Prepare for disappointment

reminds me of all the arguments and stories about Mueller investigation to close during election, after election, before Christmas, before the new year, bbbbbbb....
Can Mueller make copies?

there is no case before the Supreme Court that will be addressing this as a constitutional argument


poor little bear513 , Goldilocks must have pissed in his bed and shit in his porridge
bear513 The McKeever’s case is before the Supreme Court?

you are more confused than I imagined:
McKeever v. Sessions
On Sept. 21, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit heard oral argument in McKeever v. Sessions.

you confused an opinion piece on an Appeals Court case

‘Sleeper’ case could torpedo Mueller report
It might even keep the special counsel from sending a report to Congress, shaking Democrats’ hopes that such a document could provide the impetus for impeachment proceedings.

for a Supreme Court Case?
post above proves:

member here hasn't a clue bear513 -- has no idea, what he has been regurgitating

just repeats shit he head from wingnutty sources
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