Can OCTAs Provide Positive Evidence Flt 77 Was Hijacked?

hey dumbfuck, show me where i claim there are any other phone calls. there's no dodging going on. you simply are lying and cant back up your claim.

you got caught lying again.

How can you be so fucking pathetic? I cited the footnote from the CR showing the FBI reported there were 4 connected calls to unknown numbers. I asked if there were any other calls and a couple of posts later you said:

(Fizz--approximately post 154)
"there are four airphone calls in which they dont know where it was connected. this doesnt account for any calls they know where it was connected or any calls that may have been made from cell phones."

You are saying the 4 airphone calls to unknown numbers are not the only calls. You stupid ****. You clearly said there were also airphone calls where they knew where they were connected and cell phone calls. So again. What were the calls to the known numbers and calls from cell phones? Or is your dumb punk ass going to lie again and say you never claimed there were more calls than the 4 connected ones to unknown numbers?

It's funny as hell such a fucking loser like yourself, who is a proven liar, goes around accusing others. Even after I proved you did claim there were other calls you won't admit you fucked up. Just like when you claimed prior to pearl harbor no planes had ever sunk a battleship. I provided a link showing it was done 20 years earlier and like the predictable little pussy you are you absolutely refused to admit you were wrong.

So what kind of whining will you use now? We can all see you claimed there were two types of different calls (cell phone and airphone connected to known numbers) in addition to the airphone connected to unknown numbers.

you dont understand english very well. i said there are 4 phone calls which they dont know what number they were connected to.

so far you got that right.

then you try to put words in my mouth by saying i claim there are more phone calls.

my only claim is that the 4 phone calls to unknown numbers do not account for any other phone calls where they do know the number. i make no claim on whether they exist or dont exist. i have no idea and have never claimed otherwise.

you lie by claiming i did.

You really suck at backpedaling. If there are other calls where they know the number then what are they? If you aren't claiming they exist then how can you claim that list "does not account" for other calls? If you don't know what other calls exist (if any) then you have absolutely no basis for saying the list of 4 calls to unknown numbers is incomplete. Since you don't know of any other calls why claim the list is incomplete?
What fallacy? I am just trying to get you to tell us what your theory is on the matter.

Short of that, your only point seems to be: "You are idiots for accepting the OCT!" without offering up your own theory as to what happened.

Last freebie......

Definition: False Dilemma

A limited number of options (usually two) is given, while in reality there are more options. A false dilemma is an illegitimate use of the "or" operator.

Putting issues or opinions into "black or white" terms is a common instance of this fallacy.


Either you're for me or against me.

America: love it or leave it.

Either support Meech Lake or Quebec will separate.

Every person is either wholly good or wholly evil.
The Logical Fallacies: False Dilemma

The fallacy is claiming the absence of an alt theory is evidence the OCT is true. If I have to tutor you any further on logic 101 it will not be for free. Nobody has to give an alt theory to show the OCT isn't true.

Why are you so scared just to tell us what you believe?

Don't insult our intelligence by simply saying "I don't believe the OCT!".

What specifically don't you believe about it, and why not?

Spare me the bragging about your logical prowess. You lost any intellectual high ground you had early on in this matter.

The moment he takes a stand is the moment he has to defend a position.
He can't defend anything he says so he will not take any position whatsoever.
And it's a very good hedge...he'll always be able to say (with his fists on his hips) "Well, I never said I knew what happened" when he finally has to account for his lame comments. There actually is a small movement to extend libel laws to the Internet. The day it happens is the day you see him go bye bye.



Dumbfuck = Curvelight.
Examples--every single post that waste of oxygen has ever made.
Also see--"poster child for abortion", "fuckstain", "asswipe", and "fry-chief"

Hahahahahaha.......fucking whiner. Looks like you are a bit upset the information you tried to present as "iron clad evidence" of May's call is the exact same information I provided as evidence there is no objective evidence supporting that claim. You cited page 9 of. "We have some planes." The part on May has footnote 56 which references footnote 57, that points out the FBI does not have evidence Olson or May made successful calls.

The moment he takes a stand is the moment he has to defend a position.
He can't defend anything he says so he will not take any position whatsoever.
And it's a very good hedge...he'll always be able to say (with his fists on his hips) "Well, I never said I knew what happened" when he finally has to account for his lame comments. There actually is a small movement to extend libel laws to the Internet. The day it happens is the day you see him go bye bye.

I think you are correct. I guess that's one way to do it. As lame as it ultimately is.
Another strawman. This time I am "scared" to say what I believe happened? Lol. I wasn't bragging about my intellectual prowess....I have very little of that. What I did do was point out your lack of understanding the false dilemmas you keep presenting. Your post here is another example. You claim I'm scared to say what I believe even though I've repeated it ad nauseum my belief is I don't know what happened. Wasn't too long ago you said you weren't trying to tell me what to think but now you're trying to extort a different position by saying I'm scared to say what I "really" believe.

For fuck's sake, man. There must be some sort of collection of thoughts on this matter rattling around in your cranial vault that you could share with us.

Labeling something a "conspiracy" as in the "OCT" implies criminality. Criminality has a motive.

I am just trying to give you the opportunity to contribute to some form of rational dialogue on this matter beyond insulting those who accept the facts as we see them.

It's asinine to insult people's beliefs without offering up some sort of alternative.

Did you come on here to win people to your cause? If so, provide some evidence.

If not, why did you come here? To simply insult people?

Ummmmmm.....yes it is fully correct the term "conspiracy" denotes criminality. Maybe that's why the bush admin stated 9/11 was a conspiracy among extremist terrorists? The term "Official Conspiracy Theory" does not implicate the bush admin at all.

It is:

Official because that is the government's explanation.

Conspiracy because it said terrorist conspired to attack.

Theory because it has never been proven.
Last freebie......

Definition: False Dilemma

A limited number of options (usually two) is given, while in reality there are more options. A false dilemma is an illegitimate use of the "or" operator.

Putting issues or opinions into "black or white" terms is a common instance of this fallacy.


Either you're for me or against me.

America: love it or leave it.

Either support Meech Lake or Quebec will separate.

Every person is either wholly good or wholly evil.
The Logical Fallacies: False Dilemma

The fallacy is claiming the absence of an alt theory is evidence the OCT is true. If I have to tutor you any further on logic 101 it will not be for free. Nobody has to give an alt theory to show the OCT isn't true.

Why are you so scared just to tell us what you believe?

Don't insult our intelligence by simply saying "I don't believe the OCT!".

What specifically don't you believe about it, and why not?

Spare me the bragging about your logical prowess. You lost any intellectual high ground you had early on in this matter.

The moment he takes a stand is the moment he has to defend a position.
He can't defend anything he says so he will not take any position whatsoever.
And it's a very good hedge...he'll always be able to say (with his fists on his hips) "Well, I never said I knew what happened" when he finally has to account for his lame comments. There actually is a small movement to extend libel laws to the Internet. The day it happens is the day you see him go bye bye.

Thank you for reinforcing my argument in the OCTA/Bipolar thread OP. I have taken a stand but you bitches are obsessed with trying to get me to change it. Saying I don't know what happened is not in line with saying the OCT is true or it was a false flag op.
Another strawman. This time I am "scared" to say what I believe happened? Lol. I wasn't bragging about my intellectual prowess....I have very little of that. What I did do was point out your lack of understanding the false dilemmas you keep presenting. Your post here is another example. You claim I'm scared to say what I believe even though I've repeated it ad nauseum my belief is I don't know what happened. Wasn't too long ago you said you weren't trying to tell me what to think but now you're trying to extort a different position by saying I'm scared to say what I "really" believe.

For fuck's sake, man. There must be some sort of collection of thoughts on this matter rattling around in your cranial vault that you could share with us.

Labeling something a "conspiracy" as in the "OCT" implies criminality. Criminality has a motive.

I am just trying to give you the opportunity to contribute to some form of rational dialogue on this matter beyond insulting those who accept the facts as we see them.

It's asinine to insult people's beliefs without offering up some sort of alternative.

Did you come on here to win people to your cause? If so, provide some evidence.

If not, why did you come here? To simply insult people?

Ummmmmm.....yes it is fully correct the term "conspiracy" denotes criminality. Maybe that's why the bush admin stated 9/11 was a conspiracy among extremist terrorists? The term "Official Conspiracy Theory" does not implicate the bush admin at all.

It is:

Official because that is the government's explanation.

Conspiracy because it said terrorist conspired to attack.

Theory because it has never been proven.

So what part about the words "official" and "conspiracy" do you not accept and why not?

I have my doubts that you would invest this much energy into this issue if it was one of minor nuance.
Ummmmmm.....yes it is fully correct the term "conspiracy" denotes criminality. Maybe that's why the bush admin stated 9/11 was a conspiracy among extremist terrorists? The term "Official Conspiracy Theory" does not implicate the bush admin at all.

It is:

Official because that is the government's explanation.

Conspiracy because it said terrorist conspired to attack.

Theory because it has never been proven.

so you think it is complete coincidence that 4 planes got hijacked on the same day? and then 2 of them hit the same target?

if so you are correct. the terrorists conspiring is only a theory.
if you think they all worked together then the theory has been proven.
Why are you so scared just to tell us what you believe?

Don't insult our intelligence by simply saying "I don't believe the OCT!".

What specifically don't you believe about it, and why not?

Spare me the bragging about your logical prowess. You lost any intellectual high ground you had early on in this matter.

The moment he takes a stand is the moment he has to defend a position.
He can't defend anything he says so he will not take any position whatsoever.
And it's a very good hedge...he'll always be able to say (with his fists on his hips) "Well, I never said I knew what happened" when he finally has to account for his lame comments. There actually is a small movement to extend libel laws to the Internet. The day it happens is the day you see him go bye bye.

Thank you for reinforcing my argument in the OCTA/Bipolar thread OP. I have taken a stand but you bitches are obsessed with trying to get me to change it. Saying I don't know what happened is not in line with saying the OCT is true or it was a false flag op.

I don't know who is going to win the Oscar for best picture this year. I think it will be Nine.

See what I did there dumbfuck? I amitted I don't know something but I stated my opinion.


Dumbfuck = Curvelight.
Examples--every single post that waste of oxygen has ever made.
Also see--"poster child for abortion", "fuckstain", "asswipe", and "fry-chief"

Hahahahahaha.......fucking whiner. Looks like you are a bit upset the information you tried to present as "iron clad evidence" of May's call is the exact same information I provided as evidence there is no objective evidence supporting that claim. You cited page 9 of. "We have some planes." The part on May has footnote 56 which references footnote 57, that points out the FBI does not have evidence Olson or May made successful calls.

Then how did they know it was hijacked? Why did they call American Airlines? Its in the report on page 9 of "We Have Some Planes"

Not upset; just reporting facts there Fry-Chief.

The moment he takes a stand is the moment he has to defend a position.
He can't defend anything he says so he will not take any position whatsoever.
And it's a very good hedge...he'll always be able to say (with his fists on his hips) "Well, I never said I knew what happened" when he finally has to account for his lame comments. There actually is a small movement to extend libel laws to the Internet. The day it happens is the day you see him go bye bye.

Thank you for reinforcing my argument in the OCTA/Bipolar thread OP. I have taken a stand but you bitches are obsessed with trying to get me to change it. Saying I don't know what happened is not in line with saying the OCT is true or it was a false flag op.

I don't know who is going to win the Oscar for best picture this year. I think it will be Nine.

See what I did there dumbfuck? I amitted I don't know something but I stated my opinion.


Speaking of.... I am going to see an advanced screening of that tonight.
Why are you so scared just to tell us what you believe?

Don't insult our intelligence by simply saying "I don't believe the OCT!".

What specifically don't you believe about it, and why not?

Spare me the bragging about your logical prowess. You lost any intellectual high ground you had early on in this matter.

The moment he takes a stand is the moment he has to defend a position.
He can't defend anything he says so he will not take any position whatsoever.
And it's a very good hedge...he'll always be able to say (with his fists on his hips) "Well, I never said I knew what happened" when he finally has to account for his lame comments. There actually is a small movement to extend libel laws to the Internet. The day it happens is the day you see him go bye bye.

Thank you for reinforcing my argument in the OCTA/Bipolar thread OP. I have taken a stand but you bitches are obsessed with trying to get me to change it. Saying I don't know what happened is not in line with saying the OCT is true or it was a false flag op.

Simply saying "I don't know what happened" is a pretty weak stance.
Ummmmmm.....yes it is fully correct the term "conspiracy" denotes criminality. Maybe that's why the bush admin stated 9/11 was a conspiracy among extremist terrorists? The term "Official Conspiracy Theory" does not implicate the bush admin at all.

It is:

Official because that is the government's explanation.

Conspiracy because it said terrorist conspired to attack.

Theory because it has never been proven.

so you think it is complete coincidence that 4 planes got hijacked on the same day? and then 2 of them hit the same target?

if so you are correct. the terrorists conspiring is only a theory.
if you think they all worked together then the theory has been proven.

Coincidence? I never said the OCT is prophetic or casting predictions. It is a Theory because it has not been proven in our legal system (ie. Bin laden has never been charged with anything 9E related yet the bush admin claimed he was responsible.) It has also not been proven in the public arena as demonstrated by the Truth movement which was formed mainly by victims families and first responders. OCTAs believing the OCT is not proof it is true.


Dumbfuck = Curvelight.
Examples--every single post that waste of oxygen has ever made.
Also see--"poster child for abortion", "fuckstain", "asswipe", and "fry-chief"

Hahahahahaha.......fucking whiner. Looks like you are a bit upset the information you tried to present as "iron clad evidence" of May's call is the exact same information I provided as evidence there is no objective evidence supporting that claim. You cited page 9 of. "We have some planes." The part on May has footnote 56 which references footnote 57, that points out the FBI does not have evidence Olson or May made successful calls.

Then how did they know it was hijacked? Why did they call American Airlines? Its in the report on page 9 of "We Have Some Planes"

Not upset; just reporting facts there Fry-Chief.

The fact is the CR provides no objective evidence May or Olson were called from anyone on 77.

The moment he takes a stand is the moment he has to defend a position.
He can't defend anything he says so he will not take any position whatsoever.
And it's a very good hedge...he'll always be able to say (with his fists on his hips) "Well, I never said I knew what happened" when he finally has to account for his lame comments. There actually is a small movement to extend libel laws to the Internet. The day it happens is the day you see him go bye bye.

Thank you for reinforcing my argument in the OCTA/Bipolar thread OP. I have taken a stand but you bitches are obsessed with trying to get me to change it. Saying I don't know what happened is not in line with saying the OCT is true or it was a false flag op.

I don't know who is going to win the Oscar for best picture this year. I think it will be Nine.

See what I did there dumbfuck? I amitted I don't know something but I stated my opinion.

Dumb mother fucking analogy. Shit you are idiotic. Since the award has not been given the ONLY thing you can state is your opinion.

The moment he takes a stand is the moment he has to defend a position.
He can't defend anything he says so he will not take any position whatsoever.
And it's a very good hedge...he'll always be able to say (with his fists on his hips) "Well, I never said I knew what happened" when he finally has to account for his lame comments. There actually is a small movement to extend libel laws to the Internet. The day it happens is the day you see him go bye bye.

Thank you for reinforcing my argument in the OCTA/Bipolar thread OP. I have taken a stand but you bitches are obsessed with trying to get me to change it. Saying I don't know what happened is not in line with saying the OCT is true or it was a false flag op.

Simply saying "I don't know what happened" is a pretty weak stance.

The bipolar glasses get shined up again. What is "weak" is spending more energy trying to manipulate someone to say something than there is spent on examining the facts.
Thank you for reinforcing my argument in the OCTA/Bipolar thread OP. I have taken a stand but you bitches are obsessed with trying to get me to change it. Saying I don't know what happened is not in line with saying the OCT is true or it was a false flag op.

Simply saying "I don't know what happened" is a pretty weak stance.

The bipolar glasses get shined up again. What is "weak" is spending more energy trying to manipulate someone to say something than there is spent on examining the facts.

What is weak is your spine if you're supposedly 8 years into your examination of the events and you don't even have an opinion youre "brave" enough to share.

You're simply a coward; loser. On second thought, please keep it to yourself. You're adding nothing so fuck off and die or whatever. Nobody cares. And, as you know, nobody will miss you outside of the drive thru lane.
Hahahahahaha.......fucking whiner. Looks like you are a bit upset the information you tried to present as "iron clad evidence" of May's call is the exact same information I provided as evidence there is no objective evidence supporting that claim. You cited page 9 of. "We have some planes." The part on May has footnote 56 which references footnote 57, that points out the FBI does not have evidence Olson or May made successful calls.

Then how did they know it was hijacked? Why did they call American Airlines? Its in the report on page 9 of "We Have Some Planes"

Not upset; just reporting facts there Fry-Chief.

The fact is the CR provides no objective evidence May or Olson were called from anyone on 77.

Neither do you, in that case. Does Art Bell know about you?
Thank you for reinforcing my argument in the OCTA/Bipolar thread OP. I have taken a stand but you bitches are obsessed with trying to get me to change it. Saying I don't know what happened is not in line with saying the OCT is true or it was a false flag op.

Simply saying "I don't know what happened" is a pretty weak stance.

The bipolar glasses get shined up again. What is "weak" is spending more energy trying to manipulate someone to say something than there is spent on examining the facts.

I'd gladly examine your facts if you had any sort of position other than "I don't accept the OCT!"

As it stands, I am getting bored of having my intelligence insulted. We all know damn well that you have definitive beliefs about this. You just won't state them, because as CandyCorn observed, that would require you to actually defend them.

As it stands, my best guess is that you simply create these threads to insult people who don't suspect a conspiracy under every rock.
Simply saying "I don't know what happened" is a pretty weak stance.

The bipolar glasses get shined up again. What is "weak" is spending more energy trying to manipulate someone to say something than there is spent on examining the facts.

I'd gladly examine your facts if you had any sort of position other than "I don't accept the OCT!"

As it stands, I am getting bored of having my intelligence insulted. We all know damn well that you have definitive beliefs about this. You just won't state them, because as CandyCorn observed, that would require you to actually defend them.

As it stands, my best guess is that you simply create these threads to insult people who don't suspect a conspiracy under every rock.

I think he's just crying for the attention he never received from women. Some guys are like that.

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