Can OCTAs Provide Positive Evidence Flt 77 Was Hijacked?

The bipolar glasses get shined up again. What is "weak" is spending more energy trying to manipulate someone to say something than there is spent on examining the facts.

I'd gladly examine your facts if you had any sort of position other than "I don't accept the OCT!"

As it stands, I am getting bored of having my intelligence insulted. We all know damn well that you have definitive beliefs about this. You just won't state them, because as CandyCorn observed, that would require you to actually defend them.

As it stands, my best guess is that you simply create these threads to insult people who don't suspect a conspiracy under every rock.

I think he's just crying for the attention he never received from women. Some guys are like that.

Looks like the typical garbage. So far there has been no objective evidence provided May or Olson received calls from 77. So you try to hide that by focusing on me personally. Losers like you are so boring because you are so predictable.
Simply saying "I don't know what happened" is a pretty weak stance.

The bipolar glasses get shined up again. What is "weak" is spending more energy trying to manipulate someone to say something than there is spent on examining the facts.

What is weak is your spine if you're supposedly 8 years into your examination of the events and you don't even have an opinion youre "brave" enough to share.

You're simply a coward; loser. On second thought, please keep it to yourself. You're adding nothing so fuck off and die or whatever. Nobody cares. And, as you know, nobody will miss you outside of the drive thru lane.

I have never said I've been studying it for 8 years. It's just another example of an OCTA **** putting words in others' mouths to try and score points.
Simply saying "I don't know what happened" is a pretty weak stance.

The bipolar glasses get shined up again. What is "weak" is spending more energy trying to manipulate someone to say something than there is spent on examining the facts.

I'd gladly examine your facts if you had any sort of position other than "I don't accept the OCT!"

As it stands, I am getting bored of having my intelligence insulted. We all know damn well that you have definitive beliefs about this. You just won't state them, because as CandyCorn observed, that would require you to actually defend them.

As it stands, my best guess is that you simply create these threads to insult people who don't suspect a conspiracy under every rock.

Hmmmmm.....well thank you! Damn it's so pathetic when OCTAs do this shit. Earlier in this thread I pointed out OCTAs were trying to tell me what to think and you responded in post 114 by saying:

(geauxtohell. Post 114)
"No, douchebag, we don't want to tell you what to think. We want you to tell us what you think.

If our opinion of you is so meaningless, why do you keep coming back for more abuse."

Now you say:

"We all know damn well that you have definitive beliefs about this." aren't trying to tell me what to think? How can you not be embarrassed?

Then you say you'd gladly look at any facts if I stated my position. That makes no sense. The facts are the facts, period. Anyone's belief is independent of addressing the facts.
The bipolar glasses get shined up again. What is "weak" is spending more energy trying to manipulate someone to say something than there is spent on examining the facts.

I'd gladly examine your facts if you had any sort of position other than "I don't accept the OCT!"

As it stands, I am getting bored of having my intelligence insulted. We all know damn well that you have definitive beliefs about this. You just won't state them, because as CandyCorn observed, that would require you to actually defend them.

As it stands, my best guess is that you simply create these threads to insult people who don't suspect a conspiracy under every rock.

Hmmmmm.....well thank you! Damn it's so pathetic when OCTAs do this shit. Earlier in this thread I pointed out OCTAs were trying to tell me what to think and you responded in post 114 by saying:

(geauxtohell. Post 114)
"No, douchebag, we don't want to tell you what to think. We want you to tell us what you think.

If our opinion of you is so meaningless, why do you keep coming back for more abuse."

Now you say:

"We all know damn well that you have definitive beliefs about this." aren't trying to tell me what to think? How can you not be embarrassed?

Then you say you'd gladly look at any facts if I stated my position. That makes no sense. The facts are the facts, period. Anyone's belief is independent of addressing the facts.

Again. Asking you to tell us what you believe is not telling you what to believe.

Quit the contrary.

Then I said, we know you must have some sort of strong belief about this. I didn't say what the belief was or that you "had to believe" this or that (as you dishonestly accused me of doing), I stated that I don't believe you when you state your only belief is that we need a new investigation.
Ummmmmm.....yes it is fully correct the term "conspiracy" denotes criminality. Maybe that's why the bush admin stated 9/11 was a conspiracy among extremist terrorists? The term "Official Conspiracy Theory" does not implicate the bush admin at all.

It is:

Official because that is the government's explanation.

Conspiracy because it said terrorist conspired to attack.

Theory because it has never been proven.

so you think it is complete coincidence that 4 planes got hijacked on the same day? and then 2 of them hit the same target?

if so you are correct. the terrorists conspiring is only a theory.
if you think they all worked together then the theory has been proven.

Coincidence? I never said the OCT is prophetic or casting predictions. It is a Theory because it has not been proven in our legal system (ie. Bin laden has never been charged with anything 9E related yet the bush admin claimed he was responsible.) It has also not been proven in the public arena as demonstrated by the Truth movement which was formed mainly by victims families and first responders. OCTAs believing the OCT is not proof it is true.

Zacarias Moussaoui, you fucking dumbass.
OCTAs view the issue in two extremes: you fully accept the OCT or you believe it was all a false flag. That is a false dilemma.

And this is a false statement.

But that's not a surprise.

Most non-twoofers do not fully accept the official report. Most non-twoofers generally accept the official report.

We spend most of our time continuously debunking ridiculous theories like "a missile hit the Pentagon" for the same reason why we debunk the ridiculous theory that the world is flat.
OCTAs view the issue in two extremes: you fully accept the OCT or you believe it was all a false flag. That is a false dilemma.

And this is a false statement.

But that's not a surprise.

Most non-twoofers do not fully accept the official report. Most non-twoofers generally accept the official report.

We spend most of our time continuously debunking ridiculous theories like "a missile hit the Pentagon" for the same reason why we debunk the ridiculous theory that the world is flat.

Now prepare for CL to tell you that he doesn't believe that a missle hit the Pentagon.

He won't tell you what he does believe, but he will be more than happy to tell you what he doesn't believe. So far we've got it narrowed down to the "OCT" and that's about it.
How can you be so stupid as to repeat the same fallacy numerous times without realizing it?

What fallacy? I am just trying to get you to tell us what your theory is on the matter.

Short of that, your only point seems to be: "You are idiots for accepting the OCT!" without offering up your own theory as to what happened.

Last freebie......

Definition: False Dilemma

A limited number of options (usually two) is given, while in reality there are more options. A false dilemma is an illegitimate use of the "or" operator.

Putting issues or opinions into "black or white" terms is a common instance of this fallacy.


Either you're for me or against me.

America: love it or leave it.

Either support Meech Lake or Quebec will separate.

Every person is either wholly good or wholly evil.
The Logical Fallacies: False Dilemma

The fallacy is claiming the absence of an alt theory is evidence the OCT is true. If I have to tutor you any further on logic 101 it will not be for free. Nobody has to give an alt theory to show the OCT isn't true.

Yes, and another example of a false dilemma is

Need it explained again? Probably. So.....OCTAs view it in a bipolar framework of two poles.

1. Confess the OCT is true


2. You are guilty of claiming it was all a false flag op.
the Truth movement which was formed mainly by victims families and first responders.

You want to back that up?

Seems to me that the founders of the truth movement were unemployed drop-outs making movies in the woods, talk-radio show hosts, preachers unaffiliated with 9/11, architects, etc.

so you are in willful ignorance then

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation




Looks like the typical garbage. So far there has been no objective evidence provided May or Olson received calls from 77. So you try to hide that by focusing on me personally. Losers like you are so boring because you are so predictable.

testimony of the secretary that answered Barbara Olson's calls

and also phone records showing the 4 calls to unknown numbers IN ADDITION TO two calls from Renee May to her parents. T7 B12 Flight 93 Calls- General Fdr- 5-20-04 DOJ Briefing on Cell and Phone Calls From AA 77 408

(still looking at more evidence that as many as 15 other calls had taken place but not sure yet if it is before or after the hijacking or if they were ever connected.)
the Truth movement which was formed mainly by victims families and first responders.

You want to back that up?

Seems to me that the founders of the truth movement were unemployed drop-outs making movies in the woods, talk-radio show hosts, preachers unaffiliated with 9/11, architects, etc.

so you are in willful ignorance then

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation





He said that the Truth movement was founded mainly by victims and first responders. You want to show where you links confirm this?
I'd gladly examine your facts if you had any sort of position other than "I don't accept the OCT!"

As it stands, I am getting bored of having my intelligence insulted. We all know damn well that you have definitive beliefs about this. You just won't state them, because as CandyCorn observed, that would require you to actually defend them.

As it stands, my best guess is that you simply create these threads to insult people who don't suspect a conspiracy under every rock.

I think he's just crying for the attention he never received from women. Some guys are like that.

Looks like the typical garbage. So far there has been no objective evidence provided May or Olson received calls from 77. So you try to hide that by focusing on me personally. Losers like you are so boring because you are so predictable.

Except the testimonies of the secretaries of Mr. Olson.
Except that the Mays called AA to report the hi-jacking after being urged by their daughter.

Other than that, you're right.:lol:
The bipolar glasses get shined up again. What is "weak" is spending more energy trying to manipulate someone to say something than there is spent on examining the facts.

What is weak is your spine if you're supposedly 8 years into your examination of the events and you don't even have an opinion youre "brave" enough to share.

You're simply a coward; loser. On second thought, please keep it to yourself. You're adding nothing so fuck off and die or whatever. Nobody cares. And, as you know, nobody will miss you outside of the drive thru lane.

I have never said I've been studying it for 8 years. It's just another example of an OCTA **** putting words in others' mouths to try and score points.

You've known about it for 8 years I suspect....most people form opinions within like 2 minutes or something; you haven't yet. I'm guessing you're developmentally disabled and a social neophyte. You get your ass kicked all the time don't you? Tell those girls not to be so rough.:lol:
and lets not forget that al qeda takes credit for the attacks.

Looks like the typical garbage. So far there has been no objective evidence provided May or Olson received calls from 77. So you try to hide that by focusing on me personally. Losers like you are so boring because you are so predictable.

testimony of the secretary that answered Barbara Olson's calls

and also phone records showing the 4 calls to unknown numbers IN ADDITION TO two calls from Renee May to her parents. T7 B12 Flight 93 Calls- General Fdr- 5-20-04 DOJ Briefing on Cell and Phone Calls From AA 77 408

(still looking at more evidence that as many as 15 other calls had taken place but not sure yet if it is before or after the hijacking or if they were ever connected.)

Scrib addition from August 2009?

So let me get this straight--the 9E CR is the source to explain 9/11 except when you can't support the OCT using that document, and if that happens you can use any other source?

Since it keeps getting overlooked I will say it again: so far there is no objective evidence proving any calls from 77 were made to May or Olson.
the Truth movement which was formed mainly by victims families and first responders.

You want to back that up?

Seems to me that the founders of the truth movement were unemployed drop-outs making movies in the woods, talk-radio show hosts, preachers unaffiliated with 9/11, architects, etc.

Another stellar example of OCTA ignorance. It's not even worth my time to post the links. Great job in putting another nail in the coffin of OCTA credibility.

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