Can Paris summit save two-state solution?

How can someone say of Palestinians that the land where they were born and whose forefathers were born are classed as immigrants when, at the same time, Russian Jews born in Birobidzhan of Russian parents have more of a right to live in that same place now called Israel, it must be asked. It takes some nerve to utter such brazen racism in contradiction to manifest facts. As long as there are Zionists who perpetrate the mythical right of return for Russian Jews to the Holy Land while denying the right of return to native Palestinian refugees to the land of their birth and that of there forefathers, there will be a brand of Israeli injustice poisoning the Holy Land.

A peasant who's kids were born on a land belonging to a Shekih in Lebanon or a Turk does not become automatically the owner.
The Palestinian Mufti himself recognized the sales of the lands and the Hamas leadership itself recognizes that Palestinians are from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere.

From 1:46...

There were thousands of Palestinian Jews before Zionism who were expelled from Hebron, Gaza, Nablus and Acre numerous times.

How should we settle this dillema?

No there were not, that's just a bunch of Zionist propaganda. There were no Jews at all in Palestine until the Muslim conquest in 638 AD, and the Jews that accompanied the Muslims as invaders were not from Palestine. The Jews from Spain that came after 1492 were also not from Palestine. And of course, the European Zionists were not from Palestine and were Europeans (genetically) that practiced Judaism with little to no ancestral ties to the area.

The Palestinians (who were practiced Christianity and Islam by the time the European Zionists initiated their invasion) are the only indigenous people of the area having remained there throughout the past 3,000 years under a succession of ruling regimes, converting to the religion of the rulers, as required or convenient.

Let's stick to the facts rather than to Zionist fantasies.

Montelatici we already saw how You make up Your "facts".
And how they hold no water in light of real documents.

On the one hand You say Palestinians are the only descendents of Jews, then You Jews weren't at all in Palestine.
Make up Your mind, decide once where do You want to delete Jews from history and stick with it at least a day ok?

You have a problem with reading comprehension. Changing religion does not change ancestry. No one wants to delete Jews from history. European Jews are European Jews, just as European Christians are Christians. Neither European Jews nor European Christians (both religions that have origins in or have a tie to Palestine) have the right to evict and replace the native people of a territory because they happen to practice a particular religion.

The Jews have been there since Moses. When did the Palestinians and Arabs get there?

Many of their ancestors were there long before Moses got there. At least some of the ancestors of the Palestinians predate the arrival of the Hebrews. Obviously. Note: Arab is a linguistic and cultural denomination. Berbers of North Africa and blacks from the Sudan are called Arabs. But they are not Arabians.
et al,

OK, what does everyone have to say now that the dust has settled on the Paris Summit?

I think "dust" is the key word here.

This marks 80 years of the two state solution so nobody was expecting anything.
ForeverYoung436, et al,

Yes, I'm confused.

et al,

OK, what does everyone have to say now that the dust has settled on the Paris Summit?


Well, since the main parties to the conflict weren't even there, not much was accomplished.

I found it interesting as well. Not on were Isreal and Palestine were both absent, but, the former Mandatory declined to support the Two-State Solution. Yet, the UK thought the US would eventually have to be the “ultimate guarantor.” The UK (the former Mandatory for Palestine) also felt that the Two-State Agreement would:

Essentially, the conference would “harden positions” of Palestinian negotiators rather than encourage conditions for peace, the statement continued.

So, what was the purpose? What was the intent and outcome?
Paris peace conference agrees on two-state solution in Mideast — but neither Israel nor Palestinians take part (LA Times).

What is the next step?

Most Respectfully,
So, what was the purpose? What was the intent and outcome?
Now that the two state solution is dead and one state looms on the horizon people are trying to revive the two state solution to save Israel from itself.
Montelatici we already saw how You make up Your "facts".And how they hold no water in light of real documents.On the one hand You say Palestinians are the only descendents of Jews, then You Jews weren't at all in Palestine.
Make up Your mind, decide once where do You want to delete Jews from history and stick with it at least a day ok?

You got it, these scumbags change their lies to whatever will demonize the jews.

These c-nts will claim there were "always" arab muslims aka "palestinians" living there, yet not once did they seek a nation under Turkish rule for 400 years, nor under Jordanian for 20 years. Amazing how they suddenly decided to become a nation in 1964, yet had been "indigenous" to the land for "thousands of years."

Other pieces of jew-hating shit like pf tin-douche will claim other laughable nonsense, like how Israel is made up of jews from Europe, as opposed to the millions from arab muslim countries.

Then scumbags like "eloy" who is likely a sock puppet of one of the other piles of shit will claim arab muslims who immigrated into Israel in the 1930s are "legitimate" - but jews who came at the same time are not.

These turds and filth will switch claims and arguments on a dime to whatever might back up their argument that minute. Many of them are arab muslim vermin, others mentally ill jew-hating far leftist dogshit, some are both.
A peasant who's kids were born on a land belonging to a Shekih in Lebanon or a Turk does not become automatically the owner.
The Palestinian Mufti himself recognized the sales of the lands and the Hamas leadership itself recognizes that Palestinians are from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere.

From 1:46...

There were thousands of Palestinian Jews before Zionism who were expelled from Hebron, Gaza, Nablus and Acre numerous times.

How should we settle this dillema?

No there were not, that's just a bunch of Zionist propaganda. There were no Jews at all in Palestine until the Muslim conquest in 638 AD, and the Jews that accompanied the Muslims as invaders were not from Palestine. The Jews from Spain that came after 1492 were also not from Palestine. And of course, the European Zionists were not from Palestine and were Europeans (genetically) that practiced Judaism with little to no ancestral ties to the area.

The Palestinians (who were practiced Christianity and Islam by the time the European Zionists initiated their invasion) are the only indigenous people of the area having remained there throughout the past 3,000 years under a succession of ruling regimes, converting to the religion of the rulers, as required or convenient.

Let's stick to the facts rather than to Zionist fantasies.

Montelatici we already saw how You make up Your "facts".
And how they hold no water in light of real documents.

On the one hand You say Palestinians are the only descendents of Jews, then You Jews weren't at all in Palestine.
Make up Your mind, decide once where do You want to delete Jews from history and stick with it at least a day ok?

You have a problem with reading comprehension. Changing religion does not change ancestry. No one wants to delete Jews from history. European Jews are European Jews, just as European Christians are Christians. Neither European Jews nor European Christians (both religions that have origins in or have a tie to Palestine) have the right to evict and replace the native people of a territory because they happen to practice a particular religion.

The Jews have been there since Moses. When did the Palestinians and Arabs get there?

Before the Israelites reached the Promised Land, they wandered for 40 years in the Sinai desert. Right before they crossed into it, they complained about the lack of water. G-d told Moses to speak to a certain rock and water would come forth from it. However, instead of speaking to the rock, Moses struck it. The water came out, but G-d was angry that Moses disobeyed Him. So Moses never made it into the Promised Land. He died in what is now known as Jordan. It was Joshua who brought them into the Land, so your post was somewhat inaccurate. The Jews have been in Israel since Joshua.

I know that Joshua brought them but I believe Moses was allowed to see the Promised Land but couldn't enter it.
et al,

OK, what does everyone have to say now that the dust has settled on the Paris Summit?

It's only value was to set the record straight once and for all that a two-state is what the world prefers and its border should be the 967 border.
Since Israel officially for two states this might seem repeating the old formula but Israel;s notion of a Palestinian state might be an nonviable series of reservations on the worst land, similar to the treatment of native-Americans by the USA in the 19th century. This will be a recipe for further discontent.
A peasant who's kids were born on a land belonging to a Shekih in Lebanon or a Turk does not become automatically the owner.
The Palestinian Mufti himself recognized the sales of the lands and the Hamas leadership itself recognizes that Palestinians are from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere.
There were thousands of Palestinian Jews before Zionism who were expelled from Hebron, Gaza, Nablus and Acre numerous times.

How should we settle this dillema?
One way to solve the Jewish problem with Palestinians is not to heed the ignorant codswallop of a Palestinian Mufti but between men and women of reason and compassion to recognize the rights of the Palestinian people now under Israeli blockade and occupation to have their own state and live in peace as well as their claims on the land of their birth and that of their fathers.

Thank You for pointing out that it's a Jewish problem with Palestinians, not a political one. This is more accurate regarding the history of Palestine.

One cannot disregard the words of the Palestinian Mufti and his son heading the same position today and dictating much of the Palestinian agenda.
The Jewish problem with Palestinians causes brutal suffering for the Palestinian people. You are right that it is not political. It is more a problem of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. As long as the Israelis oppress the Palestinians and stop them having their own state as the international community recommends, they nullify their own sovereignty.

Of course it's always the Israeli's fault.
Even the fact that Palestinians have a "Jewish problem" You hear Yourself?

Meanwhile Palestinians have no unified representation, they're divided between tribes and hamula's (clusters of families), with the division being very apparent locally,culturally and politically.
If they don't get along soon there won't be any 2 state solution, but city states- Emirates. And Israel has nothing to do with it- it's their choice.
Please the problem the Israelis have is with the Palestinian people, their nearest neighbors. It is a problem and an intractable one at that. It concerns the international community too.

I am unfamiliar with the dynamics of Palestinian society as you describe it. Your description might be very accurate and I am bound to agree that a Palestinian demand for state recognition when they cannot agree among themselves about their government with Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Their government of unity was short lived. Nevertheless, the PLO is their recognized representative body. Honestly, if they do have their own state and they do mess up then they will have only themselves to blame.

Really, all these years, Israel could and should have been more accommodating and supportive. When a state of Palestine has the support of Israel, it will be hard to overcome the bitterness built up over the decades.

How could they have possibly been more accommodating? The government of Israel, has tried many times to not only be accommodating, but agree to Palestine statehood, and given them land and territory.

The last attempt was 2006 to 2008.

EHUD Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel's prime minister he made war - twice - in Lebanon in 2006, and in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. He's also tried to make peace, offering the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, the most extensive concessions any Israeli leader has ever brought to the table in the search for a settlement.

Ehud Olmert attempted to give massive concessions in order to find a peace deal, that would create a Palestinian state, that would divide Jerusalem, give nearly all the West Bank, and more than all of Gaza, and even ..... get this... he promised to guarantee 'right-of-return' for Arabs, granting them Israeli citizenship, AND reclaiming their former property.

This is massive.

Now read what happened:

From the end of 2006 until the end of 2008 I think I met with Abu Mazen more often than any Israeli leader has ever met any Arab leader. I met him more than 35 times. They were intense, serious negotiations.

On the 16th of September, 2008, I presented him (Abbas) with a comprehensive plan.

He (Abbas) promised me the next day his adviser would come. But the next day Saeb Erekat rang my adviser and said we forgot we are going to Amman today, let's make it next week. I never saw him again.​

This is the exact same thing that happened at the 2000 Camp David accords. Israel laid out statehood, with territory, and Yasser Arafat, turned it down.

The Arabs do not want a peace deal. Not a final peace deal. They want to scream about peace, throw stones about peace, go to the UN about peace, demand the world's attention about peace.... but they do not want peace.

The moment that they sign a deal, and create a Palestinian State, they know that any attack on Israel will turn world opinion away from them, and all their help will dry up.

So, they'll scream, they'll preach, they will cry on TV, and weep for the cameras, and they'll do whatever they can to drum up support for them with a back drop of "oh we just want our own state, and peace!".... in reality they'll never sign a peace deal ever. They will drag this out until the end of time, and string along as many fools as they can, to support their genocidal cause to kill the Jews.
One way to solve the Jewish problem with Palestinians is not to heed the ignorant codswallop of a Palestinian Mufti but between men and women of reason and compassion to recognize the rights of the Palestinian people now under Israeli blockade and occupation to have their own state and live in peace as well as their claims on the land of their birth and that of their fathers.

Thank You for pointing out that it's a Jewish problem with Palestinians, not a political one. This is more accurate regarding the history of Palestine.

One cannot disregard the words of the Palestinian Mufti and his son heading the same position today and dictating much of the Palestinian agenda.
The Jewish problem with Palestinians causes brutal suffering for the Palestinian people. You are right that it is not political. It is more a problem of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. As long as the Israelis oppress the Palestinians and stop them having their own state as the international community recommends, they nullify their own sovereignty.

Of course it's always the Israeli's fault.
Even the fact that Palestinians have a "Jewish problem" You hear Yourself?

Meanwhile Palestinians have no unified representation, they're divided between tribes and hamula's (clusters of families), with the division being very apparent locally,culturally and politically.
If they don't get along soon there won't be any 2 state solution, but city states- Emirates. And Israel has nothing to do with it- it's their choice.
Please the problem the Israelis have is with the Palestinian people, their nearest neighbors. It is a problem and an intractable one at that. It concerns the international community too.

I am unfamiliar with the dynamics of Palestinian society as you describe it. Your description might be very accurate and I am bound to agree that a Palestinian demand for state recognition when they cannot agree among themselves about their government with Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Their government of unity was short lived. Nevertheless, the PLO is their recognized representative body. Honestly, if they do have their own state and they do mess up then they will have only themselves to blame.

Really, all these years, Israel could and should have been more accommodating and supportive. When a state of Palestine has the support of Israel, it will be hard to overcome the bitterness built up over the decades.

How could they have possibly been more accommodating? The government of Israel, has tried many times to not only be accommodating, but agree to Palestine statehood, and given them land and territory.

The last attempt was 2006 to 2008.

EHUD Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel's prime minister he made war - twice - in Lebanon in 2006, and in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. He's also tried to make peace, offering the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, the most extensive concessions any Israeli leader has ever brought to the table in the search for a settlement.

Ehud Olmert attempted to give massive concessions in order to find a peace deal, that would create a Palestinian state, that would divide Jerusalem, give nearly all the West Bank, and more than all of Gaza, and even ..... get this... he promised to guarantee 'right-of-return' for Arabs, granting them Israeli citizenship, AND reclaiming their former property.

This is massive.

Now read what happened:

From the end of 2006 until the end of 2008 I think I met with Abu Mazen more often than any Israeli leader has ever met any Arab leader. I met him more than 35 times. They were intense, serious negotiations.

On the 16th of September, 2008, I presented him (Abbas) with a comprehensive plan.

He (Abbas) promised me the next day his adviser would come. But the next day Saeb Erekat rang my adviser and said we forgot we are going to Amman today, let's make it next week. I never saw him again.​

This is the exact same thing that happened at the 2000 Camp David accords. Israel laid out statehood, with territory, and Yasser Arafat, turned it down.

The Arabs do not want a peace deal. Not a final peace deal. They want to scream about peace, throw stones about peace, go to the UN about peace, demand the world's attention about peace.... but they do not want peace.

The moment that they sign a deal, and create a Palestinian State, they know that any attack on Israel will turn world opinion away from them, and all their help will dry up.

So, they'll scream, they'll preach, they will cry on TV, and weep for the cameras, and they'll do whatever they can to drum up support for them with a back drop of "oh we just want our own state, and peace!".... in reality they'll never sign a peace deal ever. They will drag this out until the end of time, and string along as many fools as they can, to support their genocidal cause to kill the Jews.
Whatever some men of good will in Israel have tried to do, the brutal blockade and occupation of the Palestinian Territories has undone.
Thank You for pointing out that it's a Jewish problem with Palestinians, not a political one. This is more accurate regarding the history of Palestine.

One cannot disregard the words of the Palestinian Mufti and his son heading the same position today and dictating much of the Palestinian agenda.
The Jewish problem with Palestinians causes brutal suffering for the Palestinian people. You are right that it is not political. It is more a problem of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. As long as the Israelis oppress the Palestinians and stop them having their own state as the international community recommends, they nullify their own sovereignty.

Of course it's always the Israeli's fault.
Even the fact that Palestinians have a "Jewish problem" You hear Yourself?

Meanwhile Palestinians have no unified representation, they're divided between tribes and hamula's (clusters of families), with the division being very apparent locally,culturally and politically.
If they don't get along soon there won't be any 2 state solution, but city states- Emirates. And Israel has nothing to do with it- it's their choice.
Please the problem the Israelis have is with the Palestinian people, their nearest neighbors. It is a problem and an intractable one at that. It concerns the international community too.

I am unfamiliar with the dynamics of Palestinian society as you describe it. Your description might be very accurate and I am bound to agree that a Palestinian demand for state recognition when they cannot agree among themselves about their government with Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Their government of unity was short lived. Nevertheless, the PLO is their recognized representative body. Honestly, if they do have their own state and they do mess up then they will have only themselves to blame.

Really, all these years, Israel could and should have been more accommodating and supportive. When a state of Palestine has the support of Israel, it will be hard to overcome the bitterness built up over the decades.

How could they have possibly been more accommodating? The government of Israel, has tried many times to not only be accommodating, but agree to Palestine statehood, and given them land and territory.

The last attempt was 2006 to 2008.

EHUD Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel's prime minister he made war - twice - in Lebanon in 2006, and in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. He's also tried to make peace, offering the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, the most extensive concessions any Israeli leader has ever brought to the table in the search for a settlement.

Ehud Olmert attempted to give massive concessions in order to find a peace deal, that would create a Palestinian state, that would divide Jerusalem, give nearly all the West Bank, and more than all of Gaza, and even ..... get this... he promised to guarantee 'right-of-return' for Arabs, granting them Israeli citizenship, AND reclaiming their former property.

This is massive.

Now read what happened:

From the end of 2006 until the end of 2008 I think I met with Abu Mazen more often than any Israeli leader has ever met any Arab leader. I met him more than 35 times. They were intense, serious negotiations.

On the 16th of September, 2008, I presented him (Abbas) with a comprehensive plan.

He (Abbas) promised me the next day his adviser would come. But the next day Saeb Erekat rang my adviser and said we forgot we are going to Amman today, let's make it next week. I never saw him again.​

This is the exact same thing that happened at the 2000 Camp David accords. Israel laid out statehood, with territory, and Yasser Arafat, turned it down.

The Arabs do not want a peace deal. Not a final peace deal. They want to scream about peace, throw stones about peace, go to the UN about peace, demand the world's attention about peace.... but they do not want peace.

The moment that they sign a deal, and create a Palestinian State, they know that any attack on Israel will turn world opinion away from them, and all their help will dry up.

So, they'll scream, they'll preach, they will cry on TV, and weep for the cameras, and they'll do whatever they can to drum up support for them with a back drop of "oh we just want our own state, and peace!".... in reality they'll never sign a peace deal ever. They will drag this out until the end of time, and string along as many fools as they can, to support their genocidal cause to kill the Jews.
Whatever some men of good will in Israel have tried to do, the brutal blockade and occupation of the Palestinian Territories has undone.
And do you know when and WHY this "brutal" blockade and occupation began?
One way to solve the Jewish problem with Palestinians is not to heed the ignorant codswallop of a Palestinian Mufti but between men and women of reason and compassion to recognize the rights of the Palestinian people now under Israeli blockade and occupation to have their own state and live in peace as well as their claims on the land of their birth and that of their fathers.

Thank You for pointing out that it's a Jewish problem with Palestinians, not a political one. This is more accurate regarding the history of Palestine.

One cannot disregard the words of the Palestinian Mufti and his son heading the same position today and dictating much of the Palestinian agenda.
The Jewish problem with Palestinians causes brutal suffering for the Palestinian people. You are right that it is not political. It is more a problem of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. As long as the Israelis oppress the Palestinians and stop them having their own state as the international community recommends, they nullify their own sovereignty.

Of course it's always the Israeli's fault.
Even the fact that Palestinians have a "Jewish problem" You hear Yourself?

Meanwhile Palestinians have no unified representation, they're divided between tribes and hamula's (clusters of families), with the division being very apparent locally,culturally and politically.
If they don't get along soon there won't be any 2 state solution, but city states- Emirates. And Israel has nothing to do with it- it's their choice.
Please the problem the Israelis have is with the Palestinian people, their nearest neighbors. It is a problem and an intractable one at that. It concerns the international community too.

I am unfamiliar with the dynamics of Palestinian society as you describe it. Your description might be very accurate and I am bound to agree that a Palestinian demand for state recognition when they cannot agree among themselves about their government with Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Their government of unity was short lived. Nevertheless, the PLO is their recognized representative body. Honestly, if they do have their own state and they do mess up then they will have only themselves to blame.

Really, all these years, Israel could and should have been more accommodating and supportive. When a state of Palestine has the support of Israel, it will be hard to overcome the bitterness built up over the decades.

How could they have possibly been more accommodating? The government of Israel, has tried many times to not only be accommodating, but agree to Palestine statehood, and given them land and territory.

The last attempt was 2006 to 2008.

EHUD Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel's prime minister he made war - twice - in Lebanon in 2006, and in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. He's also tried to make peace, offering the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, the most extensive concessions any Israeli leader has ever brought to the table in the search for a settlement.

Ehud Olmert attempted to give massive concessions in order to find a peace deal, that would create a Palestinian state, that would divide Jerusalem, give nearly all the West Bank, and more than all of Gaza, and even ..... get this... he promised to guarantee 'right-of-return' for Arabs, granting them Israeli citizenship, AND reclaiming their former property.

This is massive.

Now read what happened:

From the end of 2006 until the end of 2008 I think I met with Abu Mazen more often than any Israeli leader has ever met any Arab leader. I met him more than 35 times. They were intense, serious negotiations.

On the 16th of September, 2008, I presented him (Abbas) with a comprehensive plan.

He (Abbas) promised me the next day his adviser would come. But the next day Saeb Erekat rang my adviser and said we forgot we are going to Amman today, let's make it next week. I never saw him again.​

This is the exact same thing that happened at the 2000 Camp David accords. Israel laid out statehood, with territory, and Yasser Arafat, turned it down.

The Arabs do not want a peace deal. Not a final peace deal. They want to scream about peace, throw stones about peace, go to the UN about peace, demand the world's attention about peace.... but they do not want peace.

The moment that they sign a deal, and create a Palestinian State, they know that any attack on Israel will turn world opinion away from them, and all their help will dry up.

So, they'll scream, they'll preach, they will cry on TV, and weep for the cameras, and they'll do whatever they can to drum up support for them with a back drop of "oh we just want our own state, and peace!".... in reality they'll never sign a peace deal ever. They will drag this out until the end of time, and string along as many fools as they can, to support their genocidal cause to kill the Jews.

"They will drag this out until the end of time, and string along as many fools as they can, to support their genocidal cause to kill the Jews."

The more excitable of the Arab-Moslem fascists decided to spell out their intentions so there would be no ambiguity as to their intentions.

From the Hamas charter:

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory)."

Is anyone still unclear as to the intentions of the Arab-Moslem colonists?
Thank You for pointing out that it's a Jewish problem with Palestinians, not a political one. This is more accurate regarding the history of Palestine.

One cannot disregard the words of the Palestinian Mufti and his son heading the same position today and dictating much of the Palestinian agenda.
The Jewish problem with Palestinians causes brutal suffering for the Palestinian people. You are right that it is not political. It is more a problem of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. As long as the Israelis oppress the Palestinians and stop them having their own state as the international community recommends, they nullify their own sovereignty.

Of course it's always the Israeli's fault.
Even the fact that Palestinians have a "Jewish problem" You hear Yourself?

Meanwhile Palestinians have no unified representation, they're divided between tribes and hamula's (clusters of families), with the division being very apparent locally,culturally and politically.
If they don't get along soon there won't be any 2 state solution, but city states- Emirates. And Israel has nothing to do with it- it's their choice.
Please the problem the Israelis have is with the Palestinian people, their nearest neighbors. It is a problem and an intractable one at that. It concerns the international community too.

I am unfamiliar with the dynamics of Palestinian society as you describe it. Your description might be very accurate and I am bound to agree that a Palestinian demand for state recognition when they cannot agree among themselves about their government with Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Their government of unity was short lived. Nevertheless, the PLO is their recognized representative body. Honestly, if they do have their own state and they do mess up then they will have only themselves to blame.

Really, all these years, Israel could and should have been more accommodating and supportive. When a state of Palestine has the support of Israel, it will be hard to overcome the bitterness built up over the decades.

How could they have possibly been more accommodating? The government of Israel, has tried many times to not only be accommodating, but agree to Palestine statehood, and given them land and territory.

The last attempt was 2006 to 2008.

EHUD Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel's prime minister he made war - twice - in Lebanon in 2006, and in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. He's also tried to make peace, offering the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, the most extensive concessions any Israeli leader has ever brought to the table in the search for a settlement.

Ehud Olmert attempted to give massive concessions in order to find a peace deal, that would create a Palestinian state, that would divide Jerusalem, give nearly all the West Bank, and more than all of Gaza, and even ..... get this... he promised to guarantee 'right-of-return' for Arabs, granting them Israeli citizenship, AND reclaiming their former property.

This is massive.

Now read what happened:

From the end of 2006 until the end of 2008 I think I met with Abu Mazen more often than any Israeli leader has ever met any Arab leader. I met him more than 35 times. They were intense, serious negotiations.

On the 16th of September, 2008, I presented him (Abbas) with a comprehensive plan.

He (Abbas) promised me the next day his adviser would come. But the next day Saeb Erekat rang my adviser and said we forgot we are going to Amman today, let's make it next week. I never saw him again.​

This is the exact same thing that happened at the 2000 Camp David accords. Israel laid out statehood, with territory, and Yasser Arafat, turned it down.

The Arabs do not want a peace deal. Not a final peace deal. They want to scream about peace, throw stones about peace, go to the UN about peace, demand the world's attention about peace.... but they do not want peace.

The moment that they sign a deal, and create a Palestinian State, they know that any attack on Israel will turn world opinion away from them, and all their help will dry up.

So, they'll scream, they'll preach, they will cry on TV, and weep for the cameras, and they'll do whatever they can to drum up support for them with a back drop of "oh we just want our own state, and peace!".... in reality they'll never sign a peace deal ever. They will drag this out until the end of time, and string along as many fools as they can, to support their genocidal cause to kill the Jews.
Whatever some men of good will in Israel have tried to do, the brutal blockade and occupation of the Palestinian Territories has undone.
What do you think would happen if the blockade was lifted, there were no fences and the border was open?
Thank You for pointing out that it's a Jewish problem with Palestinians, not a political one. This is more accurate regarding the history of Palestine.

One cannot disregard the words of the Palestinian Mufti and his son heading the same position today and dictating much of the Palestinian agenda.
The Jewish problem with Palestinians causes brutal suffering for the Palestinian people. You are right that it is not political. It is more a problem of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. As long as the Israelis oppress the Palestinians and stop them having their own state as the international community recommends, they nullify their own sovereignty.

Of course it's always the Israeli's fault.
Even the fact that Palestinians have a "Jewish problem" You hear Yourself?

Meanwhile Palestinians have no unified representation, they're divided between tribes and hamula's (clusters of families), with the division being very apparent locally,culturally and politically.
If they don't get along soon there won't be any 2 state solution, but city states- Emirates. And Israel has nothing to do with it- it's their choice.
Please the problem the Israelis have is with the Palestinian people, their nearest neighbors. It is a problem and an intractable one at that. It concerns the international community too.

I am unfamiliar with the dynamics of Palestinian society as you describe it. Your description might be very accurate and I am bound to agree that a Palestinian demand for state recognition when they cannot agree among themselves about their government with Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Their government of unity was short lived. Nevertheless, the PLO is their recognized representative body. Honestly, if they do have their own state and they do mess up then they will have only themselves to blame.

Really, all these years, Israel could and should have been more accommodating and supportive. When a state of Palestine has the support of Israel, it will be hard to overcome the bitterness built up over the decades.

How could they have possibly been more accommodating? The government of Israel, has tried many times to not only be accommodating, but agree to Palestine statehood, and given them land and territory.

The last attempt was 2006 to 2008.

EHUD Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel's prime minister he made war - twice - in Lebanon in 2006, and in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. He's also tried to make peace, offering the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, the most extensive concessions any Israeli leader has ever brought to the table in the search for a settlement.

Ehud Olmert attempted to give massive concessions in order to find a peace deal, that would create a Palestinian state, that would divide Jerusalem, give nearly all the West Bank, and more than all of Gaza, and even ..... get this... he promised to guarantee 'right-of-return' for Arabs, granting them Israeli citizenship, AND reclaiming their former property.

This is massive.

Now read what happened:

From the end of 2006 until the end of 2008 I think I met with Abu Mazen more often than any Israeli leader has ever met any Arab leader. I met him more than 35 times. They were intense, serious negotiations.

On the 16th of September, 2008, I presented him (Abbas) with a comprehensive plan.

He (Abbas) promised me the next day his adviser would come. But the next day Saeb Erekat rang my adviser and said we forgot we are going to Amman today, let's make it next week. I never saw him again.​

This is the exact same thing that happened at the 2000 Camp David accords. Israel laid out statehood, with territory, and Yasser Arafat, turned it down.

The Arabs do not want a peace deal. Not a final peace deal. They want to scream about peace, throw stones about peace, go to the UN about peace, demand the world's attention about peace.... but they do not want peace.

The moment that they sign a deal, and create a Palestinian State, they know that any attack on Israel will turn world opinion away from them, and all their help will dry up.

So, they'll scream, they'll preach, they will cry on TV, and weep for the cameras, and they'll do whatever they can to drum up support for them with a back drop of "oh we just want our own state, and peace!".... in reality they'll never sign a peace deal ever. They will drag this out until the end of time, and string along as many fools as they can, to support their genocidal cause to kill the Jews.
Whatever some men of good will in Israel have tried to do, the brutal blockade and occupation of the Palestinian Territories has undone.

Brutal blockade and occupation™

Brutal use of slogans and clichés.
The Jewish problem with Palestinians causes brutal suffering for the Palestinian people. You are right that it is not political. It is more a problem of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. As long as the Israelis oppress the Palestinians and stop them having their own state as the international community recommends, they nullify their own sovereignty.

Of course it's always the Israeli's fault.
Even the fact that Palestinians have a "Jewish problem" You hear Yourself?

Meanwhile Palestinians have no unified representation, they're divided between tribes and hamula's (clusters of families), with the division being very apparent locally,culturally and politically.
If they don't get along soon there won't be any 2 state solution, but city states- Emirates. And Israel has nothing to do with it- it's their choice.
Please the problem the Israelis have is with the Palestinian people, their nearest neighbors. It is a problem and an intractable one at that. It concerns the international community too.

I am unfamiliar with the dynamics of Palestinian society as you describe it. Your description might be very accurate and I am bound to agree that a Palestinian demand for state recognition when they cannot agree among themselves about their government with Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Their government of unity was short lived. Nevertheless, the PLO is their recognized representative body. Honestly, if they do have their own state and they do mess up then they will have only themselves to blame.

Really, all these years, Israel could and should have been more accommodating and supportive. When a state of Palestine has the support of Israel, it will be hard to overcome the bitterness built up over the decades.

How could they have possibly been more accommodating? The government of Israel, has tried many times to not only be accommodating, but agree to Palestine statehood, and given them land and territory.

The last attempt was 2006 to 2008.

EHUD Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel's prime minister he made war - twice - in Lebanon in 2006, and in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. He's also tried to make peace, offering the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, the most extensive concessions any Israeli leader has ever brought to the table in the search for a settlement.

Ehud Olmert attempted to give massive concessions in order to find a peace deal, that would create a Palestinian state, that would divide Jerusalem, give nearly all the West Bank, and more than all of Gaza, and even ..... get this... he promised to guarantee 'right-of-return' for Arabs, granting them Israeli citizenship, AND reclaiming their former property.

This is massive.

Now read what happened:

From the end of 2006 until the end of 2008 I think I met with Abu Mazen more often than any Israeli leader has ever met any Arab leader. I met him more than 35 times. They were intense, serious negotiations.

On the 16th of September, 2008, I presented him (Abbas) with a comprehensive plan.

He (Abbas) promised me the next day his adviser would come. But the next day Saeb Erekat rang my adviser and said we forgot we are going to Amman today, let's make it next week. I never saw him again.​

This is the exact same thing that happened at the 2000 Camp David accords. Israel laid out statehood, with territory, and Yasser Arafat, turned it down.

The Arabs do not want a peace deal. Not a final peace deal. They want to scream about peace, throw stones about peace, go to the UN about peace, demand the world's attention about peace.... but they do not want peace.

The moment that they sign a deal, and create a Palestinian State, they know that any attack on Israel will turn world opinion away from them, and all their help will dry up.

So, they'll scream, they'll preach, they will cry on TV, and weep for the cameras, and they'll do whatever they can to drum up support for them with a back drop of "oh we just want our own state, and peace!".... in reality they'll never sign a peace deal ever. They will drag this out until the end of time, and string along as many fools as they can, to support their genocidal cause to kill the Jews.
Whatever some men of good will in Israel have tried to do, the brutal blockade and occupation of the Palestinian Territories has undone.
What do you think would happen if the blockade was lifted, there were no fences and the border was open?

Israel would have no choice but to abandon its policy of agreements to a Hudna allowing a time-out for the Islamic terrorists to rearm with the cash supplied by their UN sponsored welfare fraud.
The Jewish problem with Palestinians causes brutal suffering for the Palestinian people. You are right that it is not political. It is more a problem of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. As long as the Israelis oppress the Palestinians and stop them having their own state as the international community recommends, they nullify their own sovereignty.

Of course it's always the Israeli's fault.
Even the fact that Palestinians have a "Jewish problem" You hear Yourself?

Meanwhile Palestinians have no unified representation, they're divided between tribes and hamula's (clusters of families), with the division being very apparent locally,culturally and politically.
If they don't get along soon there won't be any 2 state solution, but city states- Emirates. And Israel has nothing to do with it- it's their choice.
Please the problem the Israelis have is with the Palestinian people, their nearest neighbors. It is a problem and an intractable one at that. It concerns the international community too.

I am unfamiliar with the dynamics of Palestinian society as you describe it. Your description might be very accurate and I am bound to agree that a Palestinian demand for state recognition when they cannot agree among themselves about their government with Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Their government of unity was short lived. Nevertheless, the PLO is their recognized representative body. Honestly, if they do have their own state and they do mess up then they will have only themselves to blame.

Really, all these years, Israel could and should have been more accommodating and supportive. When a state of Palestine has the support of Israel, it will be hard to overcome the bitterness built up over the decades.

How could they have possibly been more accommodating? The government of Israel, has tried many times to not only be accommodating, but agree to Palestine statehood, and given them land and territory.

The last attempt was 2006 to 2008.

EHUD Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel's prime minister he made war - twice - in Lebanon in 2006, and in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. He's also tried to make peace, offering the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, the most extensive concessions any Israeli leader has ever brought to the table in the search for a settlement.

Ehud Olmert attempted to give massive concessions in order to find a peace deal, that would create a Palestinian state, that would divide Jerusalem, give nearly all the West Bank, and more than all of Gaza, and even ..... get this... he promised to guarantee 'right-of-return' for Arabs, granting them Israeli citizenship, AND reclaiming their former property.

This is massive.

Now read what happened:

From the end of 2006 until the end of 2008 I think I met with Abu Mazen more often than any Israeli leader has ever met any Arab leader. I met him more than 35 times. They were intense, serious negotiations.

On the 16th of September, 2008, I presented him (Abbas) with a comprehensive plan.

He (Abbas) promised me the next day his adviser would come. But the next day Saeb Erekat rang my adviser and said we forgot we are going to Amman today, let's make it next week. I never saw him again.​

This is the exact same thing that happened at the 2000 Camp David accords. Israel laid out statehood, with territory, and Yasser Arafat, turned it down.

The Arabs do not want a peace deal. Not a final peace deal. They want to scream about peace, throw stones about peace, go to the UN about peace, demand the world's attention about peace.... but they do not want peace.

The moment that they sign a deal, and create a Palestinian State, they know that any attack on Israel will turn world opinion away from them, and all their help will dry up.

So, they'll scream, they'll preach, they will cry on TV, and weep for the cameras, and they'll do whatever they can to drum up support for them with a back drop of "oh we just want our own state, and peace!".... in reality they'll never sign a peace deal ever. They will drag this out until the end of time, and string along as many fools as they can, to support their genocidal cause to kill the Jews.
Whatever some men of good will in Israel have tried to do, the brutal blockade and occupation of the Palestinian Territories has undone.
And do you know when and WHY this "brutal" blockade and occupation began?
Of course it's always the Israeli's fault.
Even the fact that Palestinians have a "Jewish problem" You hear Yourself?

Meanwhile Palestinians have no unified representation, they're divided between tribes and hamula's (clusters of families), with the division being very apparent locally,culturally and politically.
If they don't get along soon there won't be any 2 state solution, but city states- Emirates. And Israel has nothing to do with it- it's their choice.
Please the problem the Israelis have is with the Palestinian people, their nearest neighbors. It is a problem and an intractable one at that. It concerns the international community too.

I am unfamiliar with the dynamics of Palestinian society as you describe it. Your description might be very accurate and I am bound to agree that a Palestinian demand for state recognition when they cannot agree among themselves about their government with Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Their government of unity was short lived. Nevertheless, the PLO is their recognized representative body. Honestly, if they do have their own state and they do mess up then they will have only themselves to blame.

Really, all these years, Israel could and should have been more accommodating and supportive. When a state of Palestine has the support of Israel, it will be hard to overcome the bitterness built up over the decades.

How could they have possibly been more accommodating? The government of Israel, has tried many times to not only be accommodating, but agree to Palestine statehood, and given them land and territory.

The last attempt was 2006 to 2008.

EHUD Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel's prime minister he made war - twice - in Lebanon in 2006, and in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. He's also tried to make peace, offering the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, the most extensive concessions any Israeli leader has ever brought to the table in the search for a settlement.

Ehud Olmert attempted to give massive concessions in order to find a peace deal, that would create a Palestinian state, that would divide Jerusalem, give nearly all the West Bank, and more than all of Gaza, and even ..... get this... he promised to guarantee 'right-of-return' for Arabs, granting them Israeli citizenship, AND reclaiming their former property.

This is massive.

Now read what happened:

From the end of 2006 until the end of 2008 I think I met with Abu Mazen more often than any Israeli leader has ever met any Arab leader. I met him more than 35 times. They were intense, serious negotiations.

On the 16th of September, 2008, I presented him (Abbas) with a comprehensive plan.

He (Abbas) promised me the next day his adviser would come. But the next day Saeb Erekat rang my adviser and said we forgot we are going to Amman today, let's make it next week. I never saw him again.​

This is the exact same thing that happened at the 2000 Camp David accords. Israel laid out statehood, with territory, and Yasser Arafat, turned it down.

The Arabs do not want a peace deal. Not a final peace deal. They want to scream about peace, throw stones about peace, go to the UN about peace, demand the world's attention about peace.... but they do not want peace.

The moment that they sign a deal, and create a Palestinian State, they know that any attack on Israel will turn world opinion away from them, and all their help will dry up.

So, they'll scream, they'll preach, they will cry on TV, and weep for the cameras, and they'll do whatever they can to drum up support for them with a back drop of "oh we just want our own state, and peace!".... in reality they'll never sign a peace deal ever. They will drag this out until the end of time, and string along as many fools as they can, to support their genocidal cause to kill the Jews.
Whatever some men of good will in Israel have tried to do, the brutal blockade and occupation of the Palestinian Territories has undone.
And do you know when and WHY this "brutal" blockade and occupation began?

Close. Not long after the first war of hoped-for genocide waged by Arab-Moslem invaders. They've been losers ever since.
A peasant who's kids were born on a land belonging to a Shekih in Lebanon or a Turk does not become automatically the owner.
The Palestinian Mufti himself recognized the sales of the lands and the Hamas leadership itself recognizes that Palestinians are from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere.

From 1:46...

There were thousands of Palestinian Jews before Zionism who were expelled from Hebron, Gaza, Nablus and Acre numerous times.

How should we settle this dillema?

No there were not, that's just a bunch of Zionist propaganda. There were no Jews at all in Palestine until the Muslim conquest in 638 AD, and the Jews that accompanied the Muslims as invaders were not from Palestine. The Jews from Spain that came after 1492 were also not from Palestine. And of course, the European Zionists were not from Palestine and were Europeans (genetically) that practiced Judaism with little to no ancestral ties to the area.

The Palestinians (who were practiced Christianity and Islam by the time the European Zionists initiated their invasion) are the only indigenous people of the area having remained there throughout the past 3,000 years under a succession of ruling regimes, converting to the religion of the rulers, as required or convenient.

Let's stick to the facts rather than to Zionist fantasies.

Montelatici we already saw how You make up Your "facts".
And how they hold no water in light of real documents.

On the one hand You say Palestinians are the only descendents of Jews, then You Jews weren't at all in Palestine.
Make up Your mind, decide once where do You want to delete Jews from history and stick with it at least a day ok?

You have a problem with reading comprehension. Changing religion does not change ancestry. No one wants to delete Jews from history. European Jews are European Jews, just as European Christians are Christians. Neither European Jews nor European Christians (both religions that have origins in or have a tie to Palestine) have the right to evict and replace the native people of a territory because they happen to practice a particular religion.

The Jews have been there since Moses. When did the Palestinians and Arabs get there?

Before the Israelites reached the Promised Land, they wandered for 40 years in the Sinai desert. Right before they crossed into it, they complained about the lack of water. G-d told Moses to speak to a certain rock and water would come forth from it. However, instead of speaking to the rock, Moses struck it. The water came out, but G-d was angry that Moses disobeyed Him. So Moses never made it into the Promised Land. He died in what is now known as Jordan. It was Joshua who brought them into the Land, so your post was somewhat inaccurate. The Jews have been in Israel since Joshua.

Splitting hairs.... They have been there since the time of Moses.
Thank You for pointing out that it's a Jewish problem with Palestinians, not a political one. This is more accurate regarding the history of Palestine.

One cannot disregard the words of the Palestinian Mufti and his son heading the same position today and dictating much of the Palestinian agenda.
The Jewish problem with Palestinians causes brutal suffering for the Palestinian people. You are right that it is not political. It is more a problem of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. As long as the Israelis oppress the Palestinians and stop them having their own state as the international community recommends, they nullify their own sovereignty.

Of course it's always the Israeli's fault.
Even the fact that Palestinians have a "Jewish problem" You hear Yourself?

Meanwhile Palestinians have no unified representation, they're divided between tribes and hamula's (clusters of families), with the division being very apparent locally,culturally and politically.
If they don't get along soon there won't be any 2 state solution, but city states- Emirates. And Israel has nothing to do with it- it's their choice.
Please the problem the Israelis have is with the Palestinian people, their nearest neighbors. It is a problem and an intractable one at that. It concerns the international community too.

I am unfamiliar with the dynamics of Palestinian society as you describe it. Your description might be very accurate and I am bound to agree that a Palestinian demand for state recognition when they cannot agree among themselves about their government with Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Their government of unity was short lived. Nevertheless, the PLO is their recognized representative body. Honestly, if they do have their own state and they do mess up then they will have only themselves to blame.

Really, all these years, Israel could and should have been more accommodating and supportive. When a state of Palestine has the support of Israel, it will be hard to overcome the bitterness built up over the decades.

How could they have possibly been more accommodating? The government of Israel, has tried many times to not only be accommodating, but agree to Palestine statehood, and given them land and territory.

The last attempt was 2006 to 2008.

EHUD Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel's prime minister he made war - twice - in Lebanon in 2006, and in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. He's also tried to make peace, offering the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, the most extensive concessions any Israeli leader has ever brought to the table in the search for a settlement.

Ehud Olmert attempted to give massive concessions in order to find a peace deal, that would create a Palestinian state, that would divide Jerusalem, give nearly all the West Bank, and more than all of Gaza, and even ..... get this... he promised to guarantee 'right-of-return' for Arabs, granting them Israeli citizenship, AND reclaiming their former property.

This is massive.

Now read what happened:

From the end of 2006 until the end of 2008 I think I met with Abu Mazen more often than any Israeli leader has ever met any Arab leader. I met him more than 35 times. They were intense, serious negotiations.

On the 16th of September, 2008, I presented him (Abbas) with a comprehensive plan.

He (Abbas) promised me the next day his adviser would come. But the next day Saeb Erekat rang my adviser and said we forgot we are going to Amman today, let's make it next week. I never saw him again.​

This is the exact same thing that happened at the 2000 Camp David accords. Israel laid out statehood, with territory, and Yasser Arafat, turned it down.

The Arabs do not want a peace deal. Not a final peace deal. They want to scream about peace, throw stones about peace, go to the UN about peace, demand the world's attention about peace.... but they do not want peace.

The moment that they sign a deal, and create a Palestinian State, they know that any attack on Israel will turn world opinion away from them, and all their help will dry up.

So, they'll scream, they'll preach, they will cry on TV, and weep for the cameras, and they'll do whatever they can to drum up support for them with a back drop of "oh we just want our own state, and peace!".... in reality they'll never sign a peace deal ever. They will drag this out until the end of time, and string along as many fools as they can, to support their genocidal cause to kill the Jews.
Whatever some men of good will in Israel have tried to do, the brutal blockade and occupation of the Palestinian Territories has undone.

Then they should have accepted the multiple peace deals, because that would have ended the blockade.

Stop giving excuses. That's childish. No more excuses, thanks.
Of course it's always the Israeli's fault.
Even the fact that Palestinians have a "Jewish problem" You hear Yourself?

Meanwhile Palestinians have no unified representation, they're divided between tribes and hamula's (clusters of families), with the division being very apparent locally,culturally and politically.
If they don't get along soon there won't be any 2 state solution, but city states- Emirates. And Israel has nothing to do with it- it's their choice.
Please the problem the Israelis have is with the Palestinian people, their nearest neighbors. It is a problem and an intractable one at that. It concerns the international community too.

I am unfamiliar with the dynamics of Palestinian society as you describe it. Your description might be very accurate and I am bound to agree that a Palestinian demand for state recognition when they cannot agree among themselves about their government with Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Their government of unity was short lived. Nevertheless, the PLO is their recognized representative body. Honestly, if they do have their own state and they do mess up then they will have only themselves to blame.

Really, all these years, Israel could and should have been more accommodating and supportive. When a state of Palestine has the support of Israel, it will be hard to overcome the bitterness built up over the decades.

How could they have possibly been more accommodating? The government of Israel, has tried many times to not only be accommodating, but agree to Palestine statehood, and given them land and territory.

The last attempt was 2006 to 2008.

EHUD Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel's prime minister he made war - twice - in Lebanon in 2006, and in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. He's also tried to make peace, offering the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, the most extensive concessions any Israeli leader has ever brought to the table in the search for a settlement.

Ehud Olmert attempted to give massive concessions in order to find a peace deal, that would create a Palestinian state, that would divide Jerusalem, give nearly all the West Bank, and more than all of Gaza, and even ..... get this... he promised to guarantee 'right-of-return' for Arabs, granting them Israeli citizenship, AND reclaiming their former property.

This is massive.

Now read what happened:

From the end of 2006 until the end of 2008 I think I met with Abu Mazen more often than any Israeli leader has ever met any Arab leader. I met him more than 35 times. They were intense, serious negotiations.

On the 16th of September, 2008, I presented him (Abbas) with a comprehensive plan.

He (Abbas) promised me the next day his adviser would come. But the next day Saeb Erekat rang my adviser and said we forgot we are going to Amman today, let's make it next week. I never saw him again.​

This is the exact same thing that happened at the 2000 Camp David accords. Israel laid out statehood, with territory, and Yasser Arafat, turned it down.

The Arabs do not want a peace deal. Not a final peace deal. They want to scream about peace, throw stones about peace, go to the UN about peace, demand the world's attention about peace.... but they do not want peace.

The moment that they sign a deal, and create a Palestinian State, they know that any attack on Israel will turn world opinion away from them, and all their help will dry up.

So, they'll scream, they'll preach, they will cry on TV, and weep for the cameras, and they'll do whatever they can to drum up support for them with a back drop of "oh we just want our own state, and peace!".... in reality they'll never sign a peace deal ever. They will drag this out until the end of time, and string along as many fools as they can, to support their genocidal cause to kill the Jews.
Whatever some men of good will in Israel have tried to do, the brutal blockade and occupation of the Palestinian Territories has undone.
And do you know when and WHY this "brutal" blockade and occupation began?
No there were not, that's just a bunch of Zionist propaganda. There were no Jews at all in Palestine until the Muslim conquest in 638 AD, and the Jews that accompanied the Muslims as invaders were not from Palestine. The Jews from Spain that came after 1492 were also not from Palestine. And of course, the European Zionists were not from Palestine and were Europeans (genetically) that practiced Judaism with little to no ancestral ties to the area.

The Palestinians (who were practiced Christianity and Islam by the time the European Zionists initiated their invasion) are the only indigenous people of the area having remained there throughout the past 3,000 years under a succession of ruling regimes, converting to the religion of the rulers, as required or convenient.

Let's stick to the facts rather than to Zionist fantasies.

Montelatici we already saw how You make up Your "facts".
And how they hold no water in light of real documents.

On the one hand You say Palestinians are the only descendents of Jews, then You Jews weren't at all in Palestine.
Make up Your mind, decide once where do You want to delete Jews from history and stick with it at least a day ok?

You have a problem with reading comprehension. Changing religion does not change ancestry. No one wants to delete Jews from history. European Jews are European Jews, just as European Christians are Christians. Neither European Jews nor European Christians (both religions that have origins in or have a tie to Palestine) have the right to evict and replace the native people of a territory because they happen to practice a particular religion.
The Jews have been there since Moses. When did the Palestinians and Arabs get there?

Before the Israelites reached the Promised Land, they wandered for 40 years in the Sinai desert. Right before they crossed into it, they complained about the lack of water. G-d told Moses to speak to a certain rock and water would come forth from it. However, instead of speaking to the rock, Moses struck it. The water came out, but G-d was angry that Moses disobeyed Him. So Moses never made it into the Promised Land. He died in what is now known as Jordan. It was Joshua who brought them into the Land, so your post was somewhat inaccurate. The Jews have been in Israel since Joshua.

Splitting hairs.... They have been there since the time of Moses.
The Jewish problem with Palestinians causes brutal suffering for the Palestinian people. You are right that it is not political. It is more a problem of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. As long as the Israelis oppress the Palestinians and stop them having their own state as the international community recommends, they nullify their own sovereignty.

Of course it's always the Israeli's fault.
Even the fact that Palestinians have a "Jewish problem" You hear Yourself?

Meanwhile Palestinians have no unified representation, they're divided between tribes and hamula's (clusters of families), with the division being very apparent locally,culturally and politically.
If they don't get along soon there won't be any 2 state solution, but city states- Emirates. And Israel has nothing to do with it- it's their choice.
Please the problem the Israelis have is with the Palestinian people, their nearest neighbors. It is a problem and an intractable one at that. It concerns the international community too.

I am unfamiliar with the dynamics of Palestinian society as you describe it. Your description might be very accurate and I am bound to agree that a Palestinian demand for state recognition when they cannot agree among themselves about their government with Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Their government of unity was short lived. Nevertheless, the PLO is their recognized representative body. Honestly, if they do have their own state and they do mess up then they will have only themselves to blame.

Really, all these years, Israel could and should have been more accommodating and supportive. When a state of Palestine has the support of Israel, it will be hard to overcome the bitterness built up over the decades.

How could they have possibly been more accommodating? The government of Israel, has tried many times to not only be accommodating, but agree to Palestine statehood, and given them land and territory.

The last attempt was 2006 to 2008.

EHUD Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel's prime minister he made war - twice - in Lebanon in 2006, and in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. He's also tried to make peace, offering the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, the most extensive concessions any Israeli leader has ever brought to the table in the search for a settlement.

Ehud Olmert attempted to give massive concessions in order to find a peace deal, that would create a Palestinian state, that would divide Jerusalem, give nearly all the West Bank, and more than all of Gaza, and even ..... get this... he promised to guarantee 'right-of-return' for Arabs, granting them Israeli citizenship, AND reclaiming their former property.

This is massive.

Now read what happened:

From the end of 2006 until the end of 2008 I think I met with Abu Mazen more often than any Israeli leader has ever met any Arab leader. I met him more than 35 times. They were intense, serious negotiations.

On the 16th of September, 2008, I presented him (Abbas) with a comprehensive plan.

He (Abbas) promised me the next day his adviser would come. But the next day Saeb Erekat rang my adviser and said we forgot we are going to Amman today, let's make it next week. I never saw him again.​

This is the exact same thing that happened at the 2000 Camp David accords. Israel laid out statehood, with territory, and Yasser Arafat, turned it down.

The Arabs do not want a peace deal. Not a final peace deal. They want to scream about peace, throw stones about peace, go to the UN about peace, demand the world's attention about peace.... but they do not want peace.

The moment that they sign a deal, and create a Palestinian State, they know that any attack on Israel will turn world opinion away from them, and all their help will dry up.

So, they'll scream, they'll preach, they will cry on TV, and weep for the cameras, and they'll do whatever they can to drum up support for them with a back drop of "oh we just want our own state, and peace!".... in reality they'll never sign a peace deal ever. They will drag this out until the end of time, and string along as many fools as they can, to support their genocidal cause to kill the Jews.
Whatever some men of good will in Israel have tried to do, the brutal blockade and occupation of the Palestinian Territories has undone.

Then they should have accepted the multiple peace deals, because that would have ended the blockade.

Stop giving excuses. That's childish. No more excuses, thanks.
Israelis and Palestinians both need to look forward now, not back.
No there were not, that's just a bunch of Zionist propaganda. There were no Jews at all in Palestine until the Muslim conquest in 638 AD, and the Jews that accompanied the Muslims as invaders were not from Palestine. The Jews from Spain that came after 1492 were also not from Palestine. And of course, the European Zionists were not from Palestine and were Europeans (genetically) that practiced Judaism with little to no ancestral ties to the area.

The Palestinians (who were practiced Christianity and Islam by the time the European Zionists initiated their invasion) are the only indigenous people of the area having remained there throughout the past 3,000 years under a succession of ruling regimes, converting to the religion of the rulers, as required or convenient.

Let's stick to the facts rather than to Zionist fantasies.

Montelatici we already saw how You make up Your "facts".
And how they hold no water in light of real documents.

On the one hand You say Palestinians are the only descendents of Jews, then You Jews weren't at all in Palestine.
Make up Your mind, decide once where do You want to delete Jews from history and stick with it at least a day ok?

You have a problem with reading comprehension. Changing religion does not change ancestry. No one wants to delete Jews from history. European Jews are European Jews, just as European Christians are Christians. Neither European Jews nor European Christians (both religions that have origins in or have a tie to Palestine) have the right to evict and replace the native people of a territory because they happen to practice a particular religion.
The Jews have been there since Moses. When did the Palestinians and Arabs get there?

Before the Israelites reached the Promised Land, they wandered for 40 years in the Sinai desert. Right before they crossed into it, they complained about the lack of water. G-d told Moses to speak to a certain rock and water would come forth from it. However, instead of speaking to the rock, Moses struck it. The water came out, but G-d was angry that Moses disobeyed Him. So Moses never made it into the Promised Land. He died in what is now known as Jordan. It was Joshua who brought them into the Land, so your post was somewhat inaccurate. The Jews have been in Israel since Joshua.

Splitting hairs.... They have been there since the time of Moses.
The Jewish problem with Palestinians causes brutal suffering for the Palestinian people. You are right that it is not political. It is more a problem of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. As long as the Israelis oppress the Palestinians and stop them having their own state as the international community recommends, they nullify their own sovereignty.

Of course it's always the Israeli's fault.
Even the fact that Palestinians have a "Jewish problem" You hear Yourself?

Meanwhile Palestinians have no unified representation, they're divided between tribes and hamula's (clusters of families), with the division being very apparent locally,culturally and politically.
If they don't get along soon there won't be any 2 state solution, but city states- Emirates. And Israel has nothing to do with it- it's their choice.
Please the problem the Israelis have is with the Palestinian people, their nearest neighbors. It is a problem and an intractable one at that. It concerns the international community too.

I am unfamiliar with the dynamics of Palestinian society as you describe it. Your description might be very accurate and I am bound to agree that a Palestinian demand for state recognition when they cannot agree among themselves about their government with Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Their government of unity was short lived. Nevertheless, the PLO is their recognized representative body. Honestly, if they do have their own state and they do mess up then they will have only themselves to blame.

Really, all these years, Israel could and should have been more accommodating and supportive. When a state of Palestine has the support of Israel, it will be hard to overcome the bitterness built up over the decades.

How could they have possibly been more accommodating? The government of Israel, has tried many times to not only be accommodating, but agree to Palestine statehood, and given them land and territory.

The last attempt was 2006 to 2008.

EHUD Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel's prime minister he made war - twice - in Lebanon in 2006, and in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. He's also tried to make peace, offering the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, the most extensive concessions any Israeli leader has ever brought to the table in the search for a settlement.

Ehud Olmert attempted to give massive concessions in order to find a peace deal, that would create a Palestinian state, that would divide Jerusalem, give nearly all the West Bank, and more than all of Gaza, and even ..... get this... he promised to guarantee 'right-of-return' for Arabs, granting them Israeli citizenship, AND reclaiming their former property.

This is massive.

Now read what happened:

From the end of 2006 until the end of 2008 I think I met with Abu Mazen more often than any Israeli leader has ever met any Arab leader. I met him more than 35 times. They were intense, serious negotiations.

On the 16th of September, 2008, I presented him (Abbas) with a comprehensive plan.

He (Abbas) promised me the next day his adviser would come. But the next day Saeb Erekat rang my adviser and said we forgot we are going to Amman today, let's make it next week. I never saw him again.​

This is the exact same thing that happened at the 2000 Camp David accords. Israel laid out statehood, with territory, and Yasser Arafat, turned it down.

The Arabs do not want a peace deal. Not a final peace deal. They want to scream about peace, throw stones about peace, go to the UN about peace, demand the world's attention about peace.... but they do not want peace.

The moment that they sign a deal, and create a Palestinian State, they know that any attack on Israel will turn world opinion away from them, and all their help will dry up.

So, they'll scream, they'll preach, they will cry on TV, and weep for the cameras, and they'll do whatever they can to drum up support for them with a back drop of "oh we just want our own state, and peace!".... in reality they'll never sign a peace deal ever. They will drag this out until the end of time, and string along as many fools as they can, to support their genocidal cause to kill the Jews.
Whatever some men of good will in Israel have tried to do, the brutal blockade and occupation of the Palestinian Territories has undone.

Then they should have accepted the multiple peace deals, because that would have ended the blockade.

Stop giving excuses. That's childish. No more excuses, thanks.
Remember when the blockade was to be lifted when schilit (SP?) was released.

That lie came and went.

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