Can Pres. Donald Be Imprisoned In NY Prison?

You can't even INDICT a sitting President.
There is no definite answer to that yet.

Of course their is it's in the Constitution, separation of powers, muellar can't even force Trump to testify it would have to go to the supreme Court ( remember Bill cliton was a civil trial)

Your opinion. Many legal scholars disagree. Most say yes, he can be indicated, but he can not be brought to trial while still in office..
When NY officials open the books on Trump's businesses and charity, they might find enough wrongdoings to convict Trump of crimes punishable by imprisonment. Can a former President or one convicted while in office be sent to a state prison? Would his Secret Service protection have to go to prison also?

And yet you still demonstrate how dumb and shallow you libtards are. I know when you think about it you get hard, so to answer the question yeah, I’m thinking he can go to jail in New York. These days anything is possible. And at that point what would trump have to lose? What would stop him from making all of the classified shit on the Boooosh and Clinton clan public? Maybe declassifying all of the classified parts of Mewlers past and present cases? You said your self that Trump is unstable. What would stop him from making life suck with his own and his phone for the token negro and his family? On top of that, you assume he is just sitting there tweeting? That you even ask the question demonstrates that you are on the couch watching TV way to much.
I did not call Trump unstable. You did.

Na, you have plenty. You also need to remember that all these folks who you are touching your self over are involved in a New York state case. Do you not think trump knows which skeletons they do and don’t have? You don’t think Trump and his people wargamed this out? You are so ignorant and so dependent on people telling you what to think that you don’t see this as nothing more then Mewler shaking a tree in hopes of shaking something loose.
When NY officials open the books on Trump's businesses and charity, they might find enough wrongdoings to convict Trump of crimes punishable by imprisonment. Can a former President or one convicted while in office be sent to a state prison? Would his Secret Service protection have to go to prison also?
No, but that would be hilarious.
Which question are you saying no to?
He won't go to the prison. Though I admit I would like to be wrong here.
When NY officials open the books on Trump's businesses and charity, they might find enough wrongdoings to convict Trump of crimes punishable by imprisonment. Can a former President or one convicted while in office be sent to a state prison? Would his Secret Service protection have to go to prison also?
Sing Sing has nice views of the river
"Businesses and charity"? That's a far cry from Russian collusion ain't it? Barry Hussein's wife was disbarred from practicing law and the media never gave it much attention. Barry shared responsibility with a former domestic terrorist for the administration of a lucrative endowment fund that was supposed to go towards improving education in the Chicago area. How did that work out? I bet if Media Matters investigators researched that era in Hussein's life they might come up with a nugget but dang it, Media Matters only works against republicans. Clinton supporters bragged that the statute of limitations for rape had expired so it should be noted that 6 years is the limitation for prosecution in NY for technical crimes like fraud. If posting photo shopped cartoons keeps the crazy left off the streets and keeps them from committing arson and assault then it's almost as good as TDS clinics.
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