Can Reps modify abortion stance?

The obvious answer is to agree that secularists should have abortion on demand, but maintain and reinforce Christian principles that Christians should have babies.

This is one of the reasons that islam is growing in Europe, they do not limit their families and have twice as many children, if not more, than the secularists of the nations that host them. It's also the reason why hispanics are such a fast growing population here. They have more babies.

It's a simple resolution. Allow the secularists to kill themselves off.

That would work fine, if all the Christian kids remained Christian.

Case in point. Me.

Grew up Catholic. Went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. Whole boat. Baptism, Communion, Confirmation...

And I was an atheist ten minutes after we put my mother into the ground.

Incidently, the Muslim Population of Europe is less than 5%, and that's skewed by places like Kosovo and Albania that have large leftover Ottoman Populations.
Your right, the media can't wait to ask us about abortion, and then Reps look like a deer in the headlights. So we talk about it, trying not to anger the hard right that don't want abortion of any kind. Abortion is not going to be made illegal in the US so we need to close that door and move on. Guy was nice enough to provide this link on the GOP platform, Renewing American Values - GOP

No mention of abortion. Reps need to be out in front of this issue, we should be grabbing reporters saying hey I want to talk to you about reproductive rights. If we keep trying to avoid it, then we just suck. If we don't win elections and hold office, we don't have a say about this or anything else, the economy, education, and so on. We don't need to embrace abortion wholeheartedly, but if we want to limit abortions what's our plan? Do Reps want to help a pregnant woman with her decision, will they respect it?

See, you just did it again.

The far right is NOT against abortion of any kind. That's a lie, and you're repeating it. Even the far right is okay with abortion for medical reasons...when the mother's life is in danger.

So you say, I don't see anything in writing so I am free to make up things just like you.:cool:

That would make you a progressive, which I rather suspect you are anyway. It's the old "when did you stop beating your wife" conundrum. The Republican platform doesn't specifically outline when abortion should be legal, just affirms the sanctity of life (which would of course include the mother) so you take that as "no abortion ever for any reason".

Makes perfect sense if you're a schizophrenic.
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So? Is that the Republican platform?


Shall I dig up crazy bullshit that is spouted by leftists and pretend that it is the stance of the Dem Party?
ProLife Arizona: Life of the Mother Exception Information

"Today we often hear people say, "I'm against abortion unless in cases of rape, incest or situations that threaten the life of the mother." The Catholic position is much simpler; "We are always against abortion." Every abortion is murder since it constitutes the unjust killing of an innocent life. Thus, it can never be justified under any circumstance. The question might arise, "Isn't it better to save one life as opposed to allowing two people to die?" One thing we must always remember is that no physician can predict what will happen with 100% accuracy. We will never be able to eliminate all risks associated with pregnancy. What we should not do, however, is lower risks associated with pregnancy by aborting children."
So? Is that the Republican platform?


Shall I dig up crazy bullshit that is spouted by leftists and pretend that it is the stance of the Dem Party?

I never said it was the party platform.

You said, "even the far right is ok with abortion for medical reasons"

That's not true. Plently of far right people think abortion should be totally illegal, no exceptions.
Note, I'm not suggesting that there are people who would rather see the mother and fetus die than to allow her to live and the fetus dies. However there are people who think, that if a mothers life is at risk she should be denied an abortion.
"“Mr. President, I just need to restate, we have quoted physician after physician, obstetrician after obstetrician, pro-life, pro-choice, people who have performed abortions—this is not Rick Santorum or James Inhofe or Mike DeWine or Bob Smith—these are physicians, obstetricians, who are saying that this procedure is never, never, never medically necessary to save the health or life of the mother. Never. Never.” -Rick Santorum
So? Is that the Republican platform?


Shall I dig up crazy bullshit that is spouted by leftists and pretend that it is the stance of the Dem Party?

I haven't dug up anything, are you against putting a comprehensive plan in writing about abortion, reproductive rights, birth control, and child support. Either it's important to you or it's not. This is a gaping hole in the platform, I could make up stuff all day long because Reps don't even mention it. So I guess Reps are not intelligent enough to do more then say we didn't say we're against it. The Dems and the media owe us a BIG, thank you Reps. Love your plan, see you next election.
"“Mr. President, I just need to restate, we have quoted physician after physician, obstetrician after obstetrician, pro-life, pro-choice, people who have performed abortions—this is not Rick Santorum or James Inhofe or Mike DeWine or Bob Smith—these are physicians, obstetricians, who are saying that this procedure is never, never, never medically necessary to save the health or life of the mother. Never. Never.” -Rick Santorum

So when is it medically necessary to save the health or life of the mother?

After it has died? In which case, it isn't an abortion....

When IS an abortion medically necessary?
"“Mr. President, I just need to restate, we have quoted physician after physician, obstetrician after obstetrician, pro-life, pro-choice, people who have performed abortions—this is not Rick Santorum or James Inhofe or Mike DeWine or Bob Smith—these are physicians, obstetricians, who are saying that this procedure is never, never, never medically necessary to save the health or life of the mother. Never. Never.” -Rick Santorum

So when is it medically necessary to save the health or life of the mother?

After it has died? In which case, it isn't an abortion....

When IS an abortion medically necessary?

Are you asking me? :confused:

I've posted half a dozen links to people including doctors, nuns, and politicans, arguing no abortions with no exceptions, including the life of the mother.
See, you just did it again.

The far right is NOT against abortion of any kind. That's a lie, and you're repeating it. Even the far right is okay with abortion for medical reasons...when the mother's life is in danger.

So you say, I don't see anything in writing so I am free to make up things just like you.:cool:

That would make you a progressive, which I rather suspect you are anyway. It's the old "when did you stop beating your wife" conundrum. The Republican platform doesn't specifically outline when abortion should be legal, just affirms the sanctity of life (which would of course include the mother) so you take that as "no abortion ever for any reason".

Makes perfect sense if you're a schizophrenic.

Wow big words, while I am impressed with your vocabulary, your comprehension, and reasoning are suspect. My thought process has been consistent. It seems to me you have a limited grasp of the subject, and are parroting what you have been told by others. At some point you will be capable of critical thinking on the subject, which encompasses more then abortion. I am glad however you care enough to express a point of view.
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

My position on abortion will not change...

Success has nothing to do with it...

Your position may not change but the laws and the country are changing everyday. I am talking about having some input on that change or continuing to lose elections and becoming irrelevant. We need a comprehensive, well reasoned position on abortion that Americans will support. Success has everything to do with what will happen.

What kind of success is it if you sacrifice life for votes, your no better than your foe...

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