Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Concern Troll JoeB is demonstrating his lack of intelligence and emotional security.

There is no hope for either him or koshergrl.
Concern Troll JoeB is demonstrating his lack of intelligence and emotional security.

There is no hope for either him or koshergrl.

Jake, sweetie, you really need to figure out what you are for...

Let's try this.

What is your position on how the GOP resolves it's abortion problem... I've set down a very sensible one. I reiterated it earlier in the thread, but you can read a more complete version- here.

Let's see you take a crack at it.
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

I don't know why abortion is an issue these days anyway. There are a helluva lot more things to worry about right now, such as the budget deficit, the national debt, jobs, infrastructure etc.

To me, it's a non-issue any time. I would like to see a politician, Republican or Democrat, get in front of a microphone and ask "Does the issue of abortion really matter?" and see where the debate goes. In fact, i'd like to see a politician (again, Repub or Dem) do one better and say "I don't care about the issue of abortion, period!" and see which way the wind blows.

Oh yeah, declaring that he or she doesn't give a shit about human life (like some here) would be a real winning move.
I identified your problem. You have trouble with self-inspection, I understand that. Thi sis your problem to own, not mine, Concern Troll.
Joe Concern Troll has lost it. :lol:

So, that's a no, you aren't going to actually stick your neck out and express an opinion, you are just going to troll all day.

The only thing you've identified is your need to deflect when someone confronts you on a key point.

Maybe you need Wonder Woman's Magic Bracelets!

Your confusing government with your faith, which you are free to express in your life. Does your faith call you to impose it on others?

Having principles and sticking to them is NOT 'imposing one's faith on others.'
Your confusing government with your faith, which you are free to express in your life. Does your faith call you to impose it on others?

Having principles and sticking to them is NOT 'imposing one's faith on others.'

NObody is asking you to have an abortion... as you don't have a uterus or anyone willing to have sex with you.

Your principles should only apply to you. Period.

Now, if you want to say, less abortions would be a good thing, how do we change policies so people choose the alternatives, I'm totally down for that.

But outlawing it doesn't work.
Actually, when it comes to human rights offenses we are obligated to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Otherwise, nobody would concern themselves with anyone's murder or crimes against anyone except themselves. Anarchy.
Your confusing government with your faith, which you are free to express in your life. Does your faith call you to impose it on others?

Having principles and sticking to them is NOT 'imposing one's faith on others.'

NObody is asking you to have an abortion...
Your principles should only apply to you. Period.

I'm not at all surprised that you don't understand what principles are. And I've told you that the "you don't have a uterus!" talking point is a ridiculously failed argument, moron.
Actually, when it comes to human rights offenses we are obligated to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Otherwise, nobody would concern themselves with anyone's murder or crimes against anyone except themselves. Anarchy.

As a pure practical matter, it's a lot easier to protect a full grown human being that everyone agrees has human rights than a kidney-bean sized fetus where there is disagreement.

As I've said. I would like to see there be less abortion. I think a lot of women- and I've known some of them- have had abortions for frivilous reasons.

I just don't think outlawing it is the way to get there. Just like Prohibition didn't reduce the amount of alcohol being consumed.

I'm not at all surprised that you don't understand what principles are. And I've told you that the "you don't have a uterus!" talking point is a ridiculously failed argument, moron.

I understand your principles very well.

you have serious issues with women.

Because please don't tell me it's because you are all concerned about fetuses...

Wasn't this the same Gallup that insisted that Romney was leading by 7% when he lost by 4%?

That same poll shows that only 20% think that abortion should be illegal in all circumstances, while 52% think it should be legal in SOME circumstances.

As a pure practical matter, opinion polls are meaningless.

Probably 80% support the stupidity that is the war on drugs or the prostitution laws, but the fact is, enough people disregard them to render them meaningless.

A law can only function if there is agreement that it should be a law.

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